mxt BE 8URE YOXJ ARE RIGHT ; THBK GO AHKAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 31 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUS1 4. 1910. ytfsPills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK ;tEABACHE, Dy spepsia, Costiveness, Rhea mutism, Sallow Skin aad Piles. There is no better remedy for these nan DR. WITS common diseases than LIVER PILLS, as a trial rake No Substitute. MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT A8SCOIATION. Will take notice that 1 can be found at my office. This is the cheapest In surance in the country and ahaolufco ty reliable. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasure? TRUSTEE'S SALE. Hy virtue of the power and author9 ity contained in a cer&aAn deed of trust executed by The Consolidated Ice Company to bher "d&dersign ei, which deed of trust is duly re corded in Book 146, page 143 of the Edgecombe Public Registry, default having been made in the payment of the notes therein secured, at the request of the holder of the said m 1 will on Thursday August llih 1910 at 12 M. at the court house door in Tarboro, N. C. sell at public auction to the highest bidder a cer taia lot of land situated in Tar J)o o, X. C. beginning cm. Hendrick's Street at the northeast corner of ths Missionary Baptist Church lot, Jthence westerly with the fence which encloses said church lot 140 feet corner; thence in a northerly direction at right angles a straight line 100 feet, corner; thence eas terly 140 feet to Hendrick's Street, thence with said street to the besinning, it being the identical lot of land which was conveyed to the Consolidated Ice Co. by the Howard Trust Com. by deed dated Jan. 1st, 1909 and duly recorded an Book 140, page 279 of the said .Registry. Terans of sale cash. This July 11th, 1910. G. A. HOLDERNESS, Trustee CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To AU to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: W hereas, It appears to my satis faction by duly authenticated re cord of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stock holders deposited in my office, that the a vorporation of this State, INSTITUTES AND PREMIUMS. Chairman DeBerry Makes It While for the Ladies. Worth As has already been stated In these columns there will next month be held two Institutes for farmers and their wives one at the State test farm on 23rd and the other .at Speed oa 24th. There also has been published part of an interest ing programme that is being prepared Women's Institutes. In connection with the Farm er's institutes there will also be held at the same time and places inatJaates for women by Mrs. W. N. Hutt and Mrs. Sue V. Holiowell. The objects of these Institute are to bring together the women from the farm homes that they may be come better acquainted and talk ov er among themselves subjects tend ing to the betterment of conditions in rural homes such as better and more economical foods said better methods of preparing them, home sanitation; home fruit and vege table gardening; farm dairying; poul try raising; the beautifying of the home and home surroundings etc. Let the wives and daughters come out to these meetings in large num bers. To make these meetings still more attractive to the good women. the Deparment" of Agriculture under whose auspices these institutes are held has offered a premium of oae dollar for the best loaf of bread baked and exhibited by a girl or woman living on a farm. Another premium of one year's subscription to the Progressive Farm er for the best plate of biscuit; ten or more by any girl or wo man living on the farm. G. T. DeBerry, chairman of the county committee on Institutes au thorizes the Southerner to increase these premiums to five dollars each and to offer one dollar each to the second best of these. - The morning session will begin at 10 o'clock. Boys are especially invited t attend and learn about the Boy s Corn Growing Clubs. A. the Office Site Purchased. Jaa. R. Gaskill and Dr. C. Whitehead have purchased store lot back of the First National hank and will erect offices. The old wooden structure will be torn down and replaced with a brick, one. I Read Recruits. Anotber Illustration of the saving of the Recorder's court to the tax Edgecombe Publishing Company, 1?? was illustrated yesterday. Two wDOse I negroes Juua anu v-fln; xwm. w-e principal offfce is situated town of Tarboro, County of corn be State of North Caroline, (H C. Bourne being the agent therein aad in charge thereof, upon whom pro ess may be served,) has com plied with the requirements of Chap tcr 21 Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the i suing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore I p. Bryan Grimes Secre ary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said orDoraUon did on the 27 day of June 1910 file in my of fic duly executed and attested consent in writing to the disso- lu ion of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which aid consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. in Testimonv Whereof. I have herato set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 27th day of June, A. D. 1910. J. BRYAN GRIMES Secretary of State. I r o m thi.iv oOva wot Hrtotlr1 nvPT tfl ill f I ASMW Wicj & 0 otuvsvw m w- - this court by Squire Pender the aay o before. Judge Pender never adjourns the Reorder' 8 Court so he was pre pared to try these cases and save the county jail fees. He could have waited till the Monday following but did not; so the two are now on the roads for six months for teohni cally carry concealed weapons ; but as a matter of fact for this and va grancy and in short undesirable cit izenship. Attention Farmers, Now is the time to prepare for the Fall crops; Rye,- Wheat; Oats; Rape; Turnips; Rnto-Baga; Mustard. Kale and Snlnath. Remember that we buy these seed In large quan tides therefore can save you money. We are headquarters for ail and garden seed. Lot us book your order for Clov or ftfld while the orices are low as they are advancing daily. Your patronage solicited, MACNAIRS DRUG STORE. TAX STUDIES. Offer Many Suggestions to the ty Commissioners. The making out of the tax list has reached the point when ' the to tailing of townships has begun aad the Southerner takes advantage of it to compare with last year. In some respects the figures vary little; In others the margin Is so great as compared with last year that the county commissioners should get very busy and after the magnsn imous aad considerate treatment they gave delinquents last year should be Impelled to make example! of any and all who bow fail to show up as they should. Tarboro Township. The Southerner takes totals leaving the individual to the commissioner. According to the list Inst nail of 423 persons listing their polls as last year, there were only 418 as white gentlemen last yean The colored polls were 396 this June aad 369 last. But the land history is one that deserves serious consideration. Ac cording to the survey this township has over 25.000 acres and not over 1,000; If that much in town lots; yet only 19,484 acres were listed against 20.670 last year. What has become of that 1.000 acres? And ths other 4.000 acres? The value of town lots increased last year $795,000 to $998,000; aa increase of over $200,000. The value of town lots owned by colored people lncreaassd at the same time over 9 per cent $71,47$; last year $$7,750. The value of land In the township feU off from $400,490 to $196 032. Was this land given In as town lots? The increase in one and the de crease In the other suggests that. Yet the number of town lota la- creased from 855 to only 910. Solvent credits show aa Increase from $158,830 to 170.600 but no ac count Is taken of the solvent cred its Hated last year after the tax list had been made out. The total Increase for the township a iHt-ie over jw.uw. a Fuqi Did Not Knew Peels Was tJpBj Editor Southerner: To my own personal knowledge J. H. Peele baa ad Ubertum going htte er and thither in Edgecombe has not refrained from visiting Tarboro. No "outrageous conduct" can be changed ap against me, either la or out of Edgecombe nor did I have J. H. Peele enter my service with the knowledge that ha was liable to Sail into the hands of the law tor viola tion of any statute la the State a code of lawa. As landlord I made certain advances to Peels aa tenant; these ha uaajM to evade the payment of by rttng u counter claims without warrant that he was sustained by one or more of Edgeoome's J. P '(? Is to the discredit of a partisanship that renders possible such appointment. M. J. BATTTJB, Whitakers N. C, July 25, 191. Outplayed Us. The Staofeonburg baseball wiped the diamond Thursday the locals 8 to 3. The game ever was a good one most of I f you want Pure Flour for runs being made in three innings. our wheat when it is dry, MR. FARMER: team with how the erd it to me. 1 manufacture as pure white flour as any mill in America. Yours truly. JONATHAN HAVENS, Speeders Fined. Sheriff Dawson; Bllsha Cromwell and Fayette Fountain had nags out that they thought trot. Driving about town they Friday af ternoon when there was almost a ear cease from business turned Into Main street and the spirit of rivalry and sport got the better of th and down this thoroughfare they dashed. K is admitted that Mr. Foun tain's colt was beaten but solely on account of age, bis owner cJsMme. Aa Sheriff Dawson was forcing his new purchase to the front of Mr. Crom well he called out so it said. "My wheels look likeaotld blocks." The spectators enjoyed the spurt of speed but when they heard Mayor Jones In the morning had amerced thee $2.60 each there was more than one who urged them to put up the plea that nelher horse could exceed THE USES OF RAFFIA lr It la easy a law years since k wan employed chiefly to amfei Place of he llgbtter weaves af la galas aa all asons hoasehoid many kinds of The embroidery that is deae wtth raffias is a loai r it. oc easa la alaioaf nay Use are carried la stork by me stores that furnish lb aad when burlap; deals: huckaback or Baastai lines la ased aa the fouadatioa real ly gorgeous effects can be ealaea. There la no end to the articles that oaa be so ambroldessd Pllmw eat ers for porch or hammock; lamp shades (taw plain ease of tinea; stretched over a wire founds yap); fa ble and sideboard covers; with the anas eamroldared aad frtneed: aaaaa alaes aad book covers with the we ar's monogram la oae comer all are effective aad easy to work la raffia The designs should be as we have ia banbaric as possible. Large flower effects la red roses or yellow daffodils; wh'te water lilies with ffwaa leave) pa alternate design and ling dragons la reds aad yellows' Slid Al-M SSSaSi In Uk mmA ' af the are I k aeetfsA ttJfctad raffm nk into the weave sad after the twal u a. aaysjs eanajsi aWJsftaJ, ar - A llaea to pfay a part k Arrsag affls at of and a woven toj a cowrtaf for strong colors of raffia. 1 ... As to the color plea Itself: It at , best to stick to no wore than two . shades beyond that of the tasada- hoi ttoo material. Terra cetta oa arena ... up wen ana so ao ongss all erf th4r an b ack aad allow oa brown. Often . mt S t. - 4 fc ' A blank (the raffia being In the let- ,,,,,, 03 raeViaweiii " ter shade.' was vsry striking tadeed ai. 7 1 . ,, ' -- -w ' r or s" INrwl m aDOg nvlog n ed licen for Its qaslntnees aad oddity, pretty a fish set would be Wis green fish oe'Uasd la black white burlap; or a p red flowers aad their Oa light green deals. fine I-5 11 Pf8 "Hiy he bent, try STL -' r.;. - - ok's seem this t i me. sad la the Baffle will sot It vUl aotlt to rs-fna. Astf bs a la ami red and tbat the cutting and to any toblecovers etc aha to fit ker furniture, kkoe $ M aet I afi nils j Je 2?" 1 " tT kko ytyfcr' 1"" J Tkesu atu aaea la tbta -aws sf Tsr- tt aaffki keea; Vbaaa eeeri ui THE SOUTHLRHtK'S SAfUROAY SOVOfl gun to dnak. .bad at Met m (Hy lev. Bertram ft. Brown.) ,kla bed ay the "Wee unto k'as that giv-th km aera ia fSm k bey drink; that uttsth toy betUs lewr to to ti i m and wskaat htm aruuasa si alee." Hsbakkuk, S:1t. juobto soul aa This will net be a sermon upon weakness f 05 the purely legal question of the probl bltton of the sale of lleuor by law. i WM for that ta a a-atter which ceaceras tu". lh wisdom aad conscience of ts N u brokse heart Uvsu-uri d law -snforrr aS to aSOqtu bed PSaHS- la O IS a not yon man who through pare for money's sake know 1 ng ly wilfully doe anything to bring grace; poverty: ewlxanas and to any other snap and Building Activity There i considerable activity In 1 the building line. It is quite prooa-1 the sped Hmit. ble that by the end of the year ow.- gheriff Dawson, the reporter expenaea 'The Piano With The Sweet Tone" !N RUEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Mi 8r ftoft ir even more will be Washington, Jx . kj. I h,iiMin either in new ones or 1 VU r0 improving old ones Messrs. Simmons are the only nn retrnr stores. Mr. Howerneas oror.tinr a brick warehouse cost ing $2,000 or $2,500. The peanut fac tory will cost $6,000 or $8,000 remainder will be expended on .Meredith College School of eaces Qf which the handsome e has 40 Uptight and Grand U0Tj f0T the Episcopsl church BlUSFFflAJSiUe, one. ' - B Mr. Wade Brown, Dean, w. A. Hart M erecting a hano thev give the best satisfaction some residence for rent on Main St lie considers the otmoslte Henry Johnstons home otiw Harrv Smith and Durward Leggett WllUA'A I -e-modelmg. in fact almost told claraie that his horse m speed of 2.21 11. Mr Cromwell not claim this for bis gray but money to say that the Dawaon-mo bile cannot pass him. Mr. Fountain is sot saying much only "Give time." the resi nec- 1 Ths Knocker. re 1 ... , 1 i .A.mvu. m v 111 lwv, - most ar.lstic instrument in B1 ' llt buildlru? their homes. On the on It 1 m . m A WaT ' - I -bl-fn rsT T flO T.flW I L dU Ug AUV V iost 01 tne important music )olu 10 the South are equipped I ment houses have neen The editor who gave up his eest oTlKFF PIANU; a mdv on the train said he "wse a 1st of them will be furnished on crowded out xo make room for mor2 r !;uest. STIEFF PIANOS are sold direct from maker to yon, at the lowist factory prices; a saving of goodly sum. Write for Price List CHAS. M. STIEFF. L. C. Steele, Manager, 5 U firaouy St. Norfolk, Vs. Mention this paper. Official Piann, Jamestown Exposition, the ints resting matter." Judge. Chester See the radybug on drpsaer? Archie That's not a ladybug. Lady htwa never eo Into young gentle mena rooms. Chester But this is a iandladybug. uargoyie. u e Bald Til vat "Doctor my wife has lost her voice Now a w0nder? What can 1 do about ltr I Heap nst. She's knocking yet. "Try getting home late some Tankers Statesman night." Boston Transcript. She bed a little hammer. She used it with a will. She knocked at everybody They couldnt keep her still; She knocked about her neighbors If they wore friends or foes. She knocked about the table And knocked about her clothes She knocked at' hubby's smoking, About his snoring too; She knocked about his whistling. And so perhaps would yon; At last the Reaper claimed her; Her course oa earth waa rue, Her husband then considered Her knocking days were done. But hubby went one evening To see a spirit show, Where alawye laa the gloaming. Where always In the gloaming. He heard a spirit knocking; any di to bring the like evils apoa tnaoeeut aad children. Is guilty at abominable mean ess aad cruelty toe God or man. Nor would aay reeeoe- able man deny that to sell or give drink to certain weak aad wayward msn or In aay way to put tiaaatatlna to drink to their way will surely , aad certainly peak or into aim aaS I look back oa the last twenty years of my Ufa, there cornea to Ae tike the memory of a dioadial asfSt- mare certain pltttai onueeraed isopls In oae ear to me; ail due to evil of drink. Just twenty years ago aay soom mate at collate the friend I ever bad. a good within six monghe of his hoaorable graduation, was publicly from col toga with every of disgrace, for drnnheness. ft waa the. first thne he waa ewer drunk la his life bat not the last. Ho te m. If still alive a on the streets of New I took charge of my first church, at college trie ad of mine medicine to the place. My first al service waa held aver mad dead la his bed with of carbolic acid oa the bsside hhn. He ad apre s to actdeat or The town Marshall la the little town I lived ta. a good a meanbsr of sy eftapam mm three times through ths abdemaa by a drunken mas at fearful a when I first law; rose la his the partae eaarcwaa aiy Seek asm osd mas. tru brave Uls only e bops of has Mfe. I esse posiOoB astoi Panned by his wife; 41 it m STi" Tftribftro, I aw ap save ta a adhp are I da Wew Crop Turnip Heed mat lit re ved ftt COOK DRUG STORE Temple Baildina; V 1 . a B ALMOST AL IftTftO DOOIMI TO law Fuadas spy SS rewed 1 a j fttaoarcb them wa meat be content to leave it Bat there s a side to the Nguor question which dose come with is the ths Batumi obligation af every indi vidual out to barm his tattowmua but oa tha Mait-arv tA lln him an ha can. Whether you are a Cartstisa or i J 4U w 1 f aasajsy so get druae er dnak -Ha btos a A N D E It . BKE its for the BEST the TOUsV ritiKNi IP YOU SRXO THRU Hard Hsnd-Msdo Drtck Csmsnt It be Edgecoi be Hardware Co seea the like auat is tbptr d E. FOUNTAIN'S 11a. 4 rTJCUTT OS tbay lived MSI IUIK1 Hill Hlgh.CI. Service las Its AdyantapTcs way or aa-1 " the lmm ot raw er see ssaao I 1. Tkeae wbe ftw teruM avauear el - ' I ckoo, to-idows. - riPiiTiUAniiin rr w i fiint iBn SS.Sa- tt&zz sr. v UdllMIIB 06 1 1 Uol UU. - -'-

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