gn Sottlkt nor. orffiit B SURE YOU AJE.K RIGHT ; TH EN GO AHUAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 32 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY, AUOUST II, 1910. ONE WORD that word U it refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills aad MEANS HEALTH. Are you consul Troubled with Sick headache? Virtifo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms sad many others iadicate inaction of the LIVER. Tutt'sPills Take No Substitute. RANK HERESY. QUEEN OF FORAGE CROP8. A Most, Timely Suggestion as to Marl. Why Buy Lime When We Dig It At Home. Can and that read- The Idea of Suggesting That Our Peo ple Guard Against the Dog. O i' Mtor Southerner : As the "dog days" are now caus u more or less tineas Loess to many 'if us I feel that a special cornnmrji Ltkxn, regnrdiEg rabies will be s eral times as efffeotive a.s a fav i-erpolated paragraphs on the sub t ::i my next contribution on Soar dir. 'via. wMen and Norway have not had i ise of hydrophobia for more that half a century. Dr. Henry R. Slack, in the Journal Record of Medicine published at Atlanta, te'-Js us -why these countries are free rfom th dr ad disease oan be prevented by proper precaution. He says: "Muzzle a;: d gs and establish a six months' ir.tme. This is no: a theory biff fa t :hat lias been demonstrated In gland; Denmark, Sweden and Nor- qu The piper, prepared by Dr. Slack states that the increase in rabies is appalling and his opinion based upon statistcs, is passimii. "ic for. the fu'ure UXLESS measures are adoptee far the prevention of its spread. Earopeun countries have been suc cessful in their method of hand ling the situation and American com munities should study the experiences of others with profit. When a sorrowful event occurs the family bewails "If they only knew. The people of Tarboro ought to know that their PATRON SAINTS, (with apologies to the Editor must we guarded against, especially during August and September. Remember A single human life is worth more thin ail the dogs put together. GASTON LICHTENSTEIN, rapon Springs, Va. Aug. 2 1910. " MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A OsrtunBelie f tor JKev erlahaaaa. Constipation, Hea.aa.eho, Stomach Troubles, Tee thins D;oriler-, worms ib 24 noon. At all and Deatrov Tber Break an Co'ae rcuta. Soda. Rev. N.T. PEOPLE'S MU Tra-U M.-.rk. Don't accept Saaipis mailed FRKK. . anytufastituiS. A. S. OUWSTEP. L MEMBERS OF THE TUAL BENEFIT A8SCOIAT1QN. Will take notice that 1 can be found at my office. This is the cheapest in surance in the country and absolute ly reliable. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power and author ity contained in a certain deed of trust executed :by The Consolidated Ice Company to Ahe undersign ed, which deed of trust is duly re corded in Book 146, page 143 of the Edgecombe Public Registry, default having been made in the payment or the notes therein secured, at the riuet of the holder of the mad ' s, I will on Thursday August nth 1910 at 12 M. at the court house jr in Tarboro, N. C. sell at public auction to the highest bidder a er tain lot of land situated in Tar- bo-o, N. C. beginning on Hendrick's Street at the northeast corner of tha Missionary Baptist Church lot, thence westerly with the fence which encloses said church lot 140 feet corner; thence in a northerly direction at right angles a straight iine 100 feet, corner; thence terry 110 feet to Hendrick's Street, thence with said street to the beginning, it being the identical lot of land which was conveyed, to the Consolidated Ice Co. by the -Howard Trust Com. by deed dated Ian. lgt, 1909 and duly recorded in Book 140, page 279 of the eaid Registry. Terms of sale cash. This July 11th, 1910. G. A. HOLDERNESS, Trustee FRET'S VERMIFUGE U the same good, old-faih'.aaed medicine that has saved the lire of little children for the past 6u years. It i s a medicine made to cur?. It lias nerer beeu kuorn t t fail. If yotjr child ta sick get a bottl. of FREY'S VERMIFUaC A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Oo not take a substitute. If your druggist doe" not keep it. send twenty -five cents in ftampi to Editor Southerner: I am enclosing a well written authentic article upon Alfalfa ' I am sure will be interesting lag to many of your subscribers; so Pease publish. I am sure that many Of our lands will do as weil or better than, the N. J. lands. Induce some en terprising party to rig up a marl dig ging outfit; it can be done without much expense and I am sure it is the most economical for many of our farmers to secure their lime. The carbonate of iime spoken of in (he article is what marl supplies; and K am be dug cheaply by machinery. L. L. STATON. tie 10 acre field that was seed ed with alfalfa after cats and noes on August 24 last made a remaifc- ibie growth during early fall, win tered exceptionally well and started growth very early in sorine. The early spring rains seemed to come u?t at the right time to insur? steady growth; despite the unfavorable con- ttions that usually cause a crop hct is heavy to lodge, the field stood up remarkably well, and the irst cutting was made on Decoration Day. Thcs crop was carefully cured by ha persistent use of the tedder) and side detivry rake and after it had been well sweated and entSn-ty dried In the cock, it was weighed and mow ed away ; the total yield being 30 toot and 850 pounds of weU cured hay from the 10 acres; or an average of more than 3 tons of delicious hay to tha acre. Considering the fact -h-rt a ton of alfalfa hay is equiva lent in feeding value from a protein standpoint alone to a ton of bran; the value of this one cutting can be easily calculated as worth $75 an acre. This is not all. The second crop hes made an extraordinary growth. due to the favorable season condition and we are cuting now the second crop which bids fair to field more than two "tons an acre of the very choicest hay. The two year old field of five acres that yielded a total of 4 Qos of cured hay last year and it will beremembered that the sea son was a very dry one, produced 2.7 tons an acre for the first cutting. and is eq tally aas good as the 10 acre field at the present writing. The ive year ojd field is excellent con dition, and the second crop is even better than the first one, which produced over 14 tons an acre of green forage for the dairy herd. - That this great crop, alfalfa is queen of the forage world nas oeen evidenced at this station and (he re markable demonstration this year has exeeded the expectations of ail concerned. Further evidence of Ms superiority as soil improver as well as yieJder of prime feed is shown by the season's ctod of com and oats and peas where they have been giowi on soil following alfalfa. The corn is more thrifty of far better color. grows almost twice as f at as that near by on fields fertilized in the same way; not haing produced a legume crop during the past few years. Success wrth alfalfa at the college farm as based largely up on the following oractioes: First, the selection of a field that is naturally well drained and that has evidenc ed productivity by producing an aver lge crop of corn. In other words nat uraUy well drained fields that hive ?rom a successful crop of corn can safely be seeded for alfalfa, provid ing that the land is well limed by ap plying 1 1-2 tons of burned im stone or double the amount of ground Limitfln: Second the supplying of an abundance of mineral fertiliser; rather than barn yard manure, the mixture applied at the time of ad- ing and the field top dressed with the same amount after the first crop each year; being ISO pounds of groan bone, 200 pounds of acid phosphate and 50 pounds of muriate of potass; Third, use of oats and peas ae the crop preceding alflafa the same be ing drilled as early as is possible in. the. soring using equal parts by measure of Te-cleaned oats and Michi gan growm Canada Field peas to the extent of three bushels an acre; JTrtiiTirh the harvesting of this oats and pea crop either as green forage during the latter past of June or the into hav during the first week in July and then immedi ately plowing this ground and sum mer rouowmg h uuv,' weeds drurlng the hot wether and at the same time conserve enough moisture by means of the dust mulol to germinate the 30 pounds of airai fa seed that are sown as near Au gust 15 ae te possible after the ground a a a 1 has been thorougniy prepared "u the surface rolled until it is no from clods so as to enable an even dtatriinlttoa of seed over the entire area. Fifteen pounds of seed should be broad cashed each way with a wheel barrow seeder after which the ground ds gome over with a spiked tooth harrow and later firmed with a roller. Previous- to thetfane of seeding pre ferably on-a cloudy day or late t'te Evening from tnree to rrre aim a.a luMuwia of screened inoculating soil taken fiom the field that harro'v. Of course only the very best Kansas or Utah grown seed ahonJd be used and under no ciroumstancsw should thai valuable seed be distrib uted on eoU that is known to be weedy or that is sour from the lack of lime or not prepared in the very be' possible manner. Prompt germi nation of alt seed is nececaary for good stand and the success or fail ure or this queenly crop depends up on whether the ground Is thor oughly covered with ptaarts capable of sending out 'strong, rigorous abooas from the crown and thus oheckang Ska growth of troublesome weeds or grasses that will in tans crowd out the tender plants. The importance of the time ef seeding cannot be too highly empha sized. Prof. Voornees has remarked "that the proper time to sow alfalfa, in this section 1b on August IS at 9 o'clock m the morning " The use of oats sod peas ae a crop preceding alfalfa is especially desirable, much ae k insures the farmer sure crop of either excellent forage or palatable hay, and the experience at the farm here proves that the af fect of the peas being a legume on the soil is especially favorable for afcter growth of the alfalfa plants. It is evident from the yield already harvested that we will harvest the equialeat ofllOO tons of cured bay from the 17 acres of alftlla now established at the college farm which is more than an average of 6 tons of $25 hay an acre. This should be an Impetus to every live stork fanner and every dairyman should attempt to establish at least a small area on hie his farm. Records show that this crop hag been auccesfuIVy grown In every couu'y In New Jersey and that it is largely a question of thor- oogh preparation of the soil: the use of an abundance of lime; liberal ap plication of mineral fertiliser; careful inoculation wth soil and even distrl butioa of high grade soed of good ger mi net km under the conditions pres ent at the time of seeding. With our present crop of alfalfa it win make k possible for us to maintain the herd of dairy cattle numbering over 50 largely by uSe of ensWage and alfalfa hav, supplemented by oat and pea bay and a very assail amount of purchased concentrates. TBI YTXIXaULD." fand a. G Dodging One, Collides With Another. Ernest Bur-well, the 12 year old son of Mr. G. E. Bur well of 304 E. Liberty street was run over today about 2 o'clock at the corner of Tryon and West Fourth streets by a horse sod buggy being driven by Mr J. H. Bianton. The boy was on Ids bicycle gomg south. Mr. Bianton was driving west com tag from EaM Four'-h. The boy was dodging anoth vehicle and did not see Mr. Bian ton. The tatter saw the boy but sup posed he would pass on his wsy. The boy hatted to get out of the way of to vehicle on which he bad hta eye. k was at that moment that the collision too place. The boy and the bike were struck by the horse and went down in a heap. Those who r the collision rushed to the ecent and extricated the boy from hie penl ioue position. Beyond an injury ao hie r9ht knee and many broken ribs to the bicycle, no damage was done. The l Ue fellow lumped up to the Hospital Supply and Drue Cos store where his knee was examined. He was all right after recovering from hto fright. Sergeant Pitts was within CO fee of where the coil la ion occurred and was the first to assist the boy. Mrf Btaaton went on down Fourth street after seeing that the boy was not hurt. Charlotte Observer. Ernest BurweU is the grandson of Jas. H. Bell of (hie place. Q BurweU has only recently left here to make Charlotte hie headquarters ye also nrro Matthew aTM-ls. -Aaa H. fssf are rf afcell far lest; sad las lest aaaU to fir - Mm. B RATE culture was use of tar mala tsflaeiilai ef tba dase at ifes Teacher. The stony an lanes a extensively seed as vrneyarda On sartlcBlar Interval tua revival of this of the beginning of reeUtntioa of that Bety Lead -Acta 1 tft-zi. The grapevine was boo.. red of the Msster. la that be aaad It la a to arm bo) He himself and the Church, aattng. "I am the Vkaa ye branch:" "My Father la the bosbaadpna "Heraaa ta Bay Fata It that It may betas forth more Xruiir "Srery Tuaaih la aaetaet fruit ha taksth sway.1 L " Oar present Study, the Parable ef the Laborer-, la la fan area foregoing, but showa the n-mer from a different alsadaiMai It each one of the Lord s roamx-rated Church, each beir of the M dom shortly to be wrtsbttebed la pthlhaad to be a eo-la borer with and Master and with the Heavenly Falber la the vineyard wc tet vine, looking oat for the Injurious peats, kerptag the aotl la go Meaning every way in taw proflactloa sf "maeh fraar aad of tea aj Evidently many Cbrtatlsa psopW Ao ant aparedate ta iiilinaji of la bore re tn the Cburrb of Ckrtat "bntkllag oa another ap ta the ana faith" until we all coast to the full suture of 8t. Paul appreciated thla privilege arret ly. Bed servants of the New CoveoaaL So the beset- -h men, R ye reeoaeilad to Ood f2 Cattetfelaaa BJOl) aegllgent ef bis opportunities to aerva other who maalfaat a I bumble heart and a teachable spirit show hU own lack of ana - . . m a. - .. - roaa miiga. ue tuu innwaiea fast a aaa not encn to a God nor to a knowledge of the Truth respect tag the TMvtas ftaa the ftrrtpturea declare that a deep knowledge ef God. ale Word and Ma par pose, la attained only aa a gift of Ood. seaaawed nary apoa thane who are as a humble, faithful, sealoua attitude ef aalad-To nan It fat nkes as snaw tan mysteries of the Kingdom of Ood." The thing pertaining ta Gear Klngdnta, la Its fat are operation Inward the wona ror a tnoaaand years, win be openly Baaalfaaltd to era abortly. But now It ta approprtata and la the Dtrtae arUl. that sbouM be known only to the ("burrh. the iiiassiiai 1. the or Uod. Likewlae there are Important truth pertaining tn the Kir..- the Church, which la being prepared 0 be the Bride of Cbrkn aad Mi a a a .a at . . a, -a .ai . oeirs id tn ivinguom. sod the thine are llkrwlee lateaded to tlvety aecret-tn b clearly and fail under aloud aaJy by aaeh aa I covenant with the Lord by naerttk. (Tasuan .'-'" "TW saint I With them that reverence Mm. sad h win a hew tkB ak rTaalrna :H. AH soch In roa yo.paby with the IMvla anxton to aerve the Lord, the Truth aad the brethren. Aad anrb frees rUae to time will be apecUlly aeat into th Vtaeyard, sad wtrt b apertaRy aaad ef ia wmi i or ine aanuuance or nta pn-ipa BJ vStvaaa way The word -penny" bar la frees ta Greek fnirlai. a rasa sf a boat IT centa value But th value of moaey ha- an raaagaf ba incwat yearn that to day a laborer a wag ta rroportioa to ether thtags woald be rianavhratfaj an The SVnsrte was the Roman atandard of that ttaaa, aa th Mm la the Hatha standard, the mark the German standard, the frmm the Pvesjta atandard. th shUltnc th Rngtlah atandard and the dollar th Amertrao ataadard It to worthy of note that ta oa of the toe old Eaxilaa rathadtaki tha faaaate atosw that ttm excellent rhtaal work, aaaarlat ta anrthuag of today, teat -a pansy a day and a bag of meal for each k borer " The par hto ef ear toasna to rvt aatly Intended to teach that Ood will give ell thai ae has agrand to all who At th eleae of the day. we'raad. tho lord. We can net bump una that any who would be coaalnS tsarthj ef a in the Klagaofa would anai mur afataat th Olrer of aD G It to be expected at th etoe of th aarveat day aad the axnncted there atoo Th "prony" or rewsna woald than f the toy. Ii ltaatop. boasts gad prl vihaaea ef Ood a pnaa at lbs eloae of this aga Then who narainr that they ds at receive a etonry of honor and dkttortSon aad of Dtrtae proving tbamai ivea a ant far the fata re aiiki of the Church la glory. Thto woald aaeai to potat a aiatos to than af wno save bee long ta tn Truth anc that If they murmur aaatoat th tt will mean that they war laboring far th reward aiwaQ aad Ml as tha privUngn af betng to barer wtth Cbttot aad with the rather it would imp'y that they and failed to rater Into th aaartt of th waaatorfa! prtrflagea granted then of serving th Lord, th Truth aad tha 1 1 iltoaa The right aplrlt. the proper totereat ta th Father work aad to tha brethren ekaxild prompt all to rajolr with every new laborer and to be gtod that sal such should receive of th Lords fevers, hi ruga aad rollghteaunant as faato. aa freely, aa themaelvaa Surely any who lava ant thto aptrtt have aa the aplrlt of Christ on thto abject. The general liaaoa ta that Ord to to feat, a dealings that all those who appnactot matter fr In the til ran Ing which overflow apoa others A fateto Lord's generoafty was on raeae af Hamtotog to the Jews ago they were Oafeaded that tha Oe to lb Oaadlaa. KaaUarty today aom fact that the Word of Ood a hows that, wharves Divine aaa to th Church, -to elect,- the eerrants aad baatla aalane ef the Oesaw4 Age, 7t th Urn to near at hand whan "Gad wttl pear eat hta apartt open all flesh." aad whan ail tha fa mi lie of the earth absB be bknsad . AU who ba th prtvtlag ef bearing the tabor and bant af lb day to law Lord s earvic rnuat be gtod of the art i nana, to order to be werthy af part tatos- raspona to tne i w csii ror taoorere easy apectaJ btaaatags of grace and Truth aad thto aaay aarr as a ta the Vineyard work. anttel tie W. A WitJUAMS. Maiionir Temple Buildin&r ate feate baa aim tsar tot m east S T Tarboro, A GOOD APPEARANCE B ALMOST AM I II II H sal imr DUCTtOV TO I m - sicifif. Tear. I bate PtoMfad Aits aM mj fte.aareh iinnv KNICMT. I E3. Baltlmoret Kd. a cA a botUe will ba tnailed yon. Resolutions of Respect. Whereas k has pleased Almighty God ta his Divine Proldence to call from labor to rest one of our es teemed and beloved members. Therefore, be It resolved: 1st. That in the death of Bdward L. Roberson, this Association loses one of It moat valuable and use ful members. We shall ever flan) hie genial presence and wtae counsel st our meetings: our hearts are filled with grief at his untimely death. 2nd. That thta Association ex tends to his bereaved faaaary our sincere condolence to thto aad hour of berjivemen. 3rd. That a page in our minute hook be set aside and these reao iutions inoorporatad therein as a to ken of our respect and esteem. th. That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the family of our Wystt Camp. Edward Eplnkns Kntgbe, eon of John Knight aad sUrtoa Aaa Ctom weU Knight hto wife, was bora oa Nov. the lath. A. D. l:s ta Kdg" combe county. N C He wan the oa- eat of aeven ohsldren Wtosa ba between the Stotes cam oa. hi listed aa a private ta tb Guards being tb ascot mar Rooky llei. Hta N. C. to a esteemed friend and puoncntlon made in the Tarbsr Soutberaer. R. B. PiTTERS R. E. L, COOK W. L. SIMMONS Oommttee Tarboro MetchanbV A elation. ha Stagger Skeptics. That s dean, nice fragrant pound like Bucklen e Arnica wttl instantly rekere a bad cat; scald; wound or skeptics. But great c baa a wonderful boater of the Camp March aumtag character aad aUifty 2nd Corporal of the Corapaey which aaa rnmmandail by Caa. T. W. Bat tto. After being taaa ataaa aad drilled tor a abort tan tb uoaaaaay waa ordered to Onryaburg, N. C. and la a abort whke toaraatoar was mtmtorsd aatonra aad dvskansted as Oompaay 1 in said Reglmeot fe Aprfl tha Kn Imaat was ordered to Torktown, Va. aad rimatoaj Uara aatU Fab awry. 1SS2 and was than ordered to Klaa the following Aaafl aad baa ordered back o Yorktowa Va. and am the 28th of April ware engage' m thek ftoat babte at Dam No. 1. Tbear the Oomnaav waa In a abort t organ laed aad be waa atoato l lauaaaaut of (he CXnapnay D. FoxhaU ejected Captain, tha latent being of lr Ite wm mm mi CO of a hta Uttfe of I ' pan Me am pro ka of alfalfa acre and the soft b w.u. fnlw. oi lama akin sucessfully grown a vigorous uiwra, oo-a. . Phould be applied to an erupuooe; aa aa-o cu-. immediately worked tato apiains and corns. Try it. 25c at W. mean of a npiked tooth H. Mecranlr Drug Oo. I. of State to to tb Army Th In tha One from Wttttonaahurg to HOI; tonne the Ragtaieni feed the Army kk Marytaad. lAaflL ftaat af We a ill by BAIL Tb charge are frees aaa) a ra ttoaa tear, soi wM n. I ba svwr oa rwr cwart, sat By atoawy . i STABUSttBD I4U2 Wew Crop Turnip Sertl Mist KeceTed at COOK DRUG STOR K - N.Ce It pays to buy the beat, try Cook's seed this time T to I taanrajr.if ZANDER. 5s5eto a r ARNHEIMS Summer Reduction Sale T1MUED la Until Aug. loth. W. M. A R N H E I M m "' fanrfnaar nun. in 1 1

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