IXPlMMINTiNQ NIAHLY OVI PARMeftS RAISIN eNN. Fuauhad Irary Ibanday. as Baoacription Kates $1.00 per year u .S at .'ostcAlce - wodo d matter Thmsdry, Aoguatll, 1910. Our county commissioners must still keep their eyes open on the solvent credit column in the tax ikte. Solvent credits and money about June 1st can do more flying in the air than all other aviators combined. Having been forced to a back seat in Nebraska Mr. Bryan we tmlv hone for the good of the party will hold his seat. Laying no claim to prescience the Southerner asserts tbat such tern nerauce talks as Rev. B. E. Brown' in our Saturday Sermon will fur ther temperance more than all the drastic law thai professional re form can frame. NO LAGGARD DEMOCRATS. The campaign for Congress which is iust now beius futered upon is the most important from a partisan standpoint since the memorable struggle of 1896. It is the first time since then that the Democrats start in with an even chance with their Republi can opponents. There must b-j no laggard Demo crats this year. Every speaker of prominence will be expected to take the stump in the interest of the Democratic Congressional candidates. The main issues are plain, and there is no difference of opinion about essentials such as onr ReDnblUan friends are plagued with. It is pleasant to note that such an eminent Democrat as Governor Austin L. Crothers of Maryland has lately declared that when the speaking camp-tig i opens, he will "take off his coat" and nse his best efforts for the Democratic candidates in close Congressional districts. Those who know the stiicking style of Governor Clothers and his power as a political speaker will uot be sur orised to hear that already there is a great demand for his service to uphold the banner of Demo cracy. ANOTHER SMASH-UP. The Unhitched Team the Danger. Again lllus- Yesterday, a mule hatched to one horsa wagon from the County Home here for supplies became friguuened at a bicycle and ran, a- way. fcs first encounter was with Mr. Savage's buggy. Three wheels were broken and one leg of the horse cut. The nest was with a fire hydrant at the market bouse, where a pair of wheels were torn from the wagon. Then diagonally a cross Main street as if going direct into the second door of the Rober son-Ruffin Co.'s store, the mule ran between ah iron hitching post a telephone pate. This knocked wagon into pieces and released mule. If the police would arrest the Mayor would punish those and the the and who leave teams standing unhitched me street, the practice wnich is so common here would be abandoned an. life and property would te safer. Where the Weather is . Hot. Bahrien, on the Persian Gulf Is said to be one of the hottest pkrxee or earth. For six consecutive weeks there the thermometer was known to stay above 100 m the shade. It varies the monotony however by oc cas.oaai ciunt)s to 125 degrees or so. There 13 no rainfali and no wells ex i9i tor' attempts to reacn water even at a dspth of 500 feet have failed Chicago News. Short Tall Corn. There has been broo.Rht to the ssowtneraser on.ee from the farm of C. II. Spivey a stalk of com 16 feet high with two good ears upon at. In front of the Coui't House Is another eta'k of same length grown at the County Home with two partially de veloped ears. These of course show vigorous growth; but the best fruiting is mot on such tail stalks. Even If such made as much corn it is still objectionable from a fodder putting standpoint. Land that will grow such vigorous stalk should be made to grow less stalk and more corn and this can be accomplisb.de by seed selection. The writer knows of a fanner who after procuring a reputable variety selected tor his seed cona from the top ear. The result was that he did not improve the yield, just the re verse,, but he lengthened the stalk each yeaV He then obtained another variety and began selecting seed from the iower ear. Result: a stalk only up to the average height and a larger yield. Wiii proper seed selection Mr. Spivey should be able on the land that he grew the giant stalk that we have to make 15 or 16 barrels of corn to .the acre. Dysentery is a dangerous disease I but can be cured. Chamberlain's Col- ic Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy has oeen successfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to fail., It Is equally valuable for children end adults and when seduced with water and sweet oned, 4t la pleasant to take. Sold by a druggists. Airship Moving From th Clm Toys and Being tot to Work. Moot great inventions hove begun toys,. It wo so with the phono graph, the telephone, wireless teaeg raphy. The first is now put to xazxij useful purposes aside frm enter tainingthe second has become in dispensable to mankind and wireless transmission while still o toy tor boys is a tremendous fact for men. The steamboat; the railway itself.. the electric telegraph were 4n the beginning little more than toys; sod in the gyroscope which is the com mon spinning top, we have a toy thousands of years old fop which uses aire at last being found. The airship 4s being set to work as promptly as could reasonably be expected. In, England, aeroplane pas sengere are carried for a price but onlv for "fun". Bleriot who first flew across the Bnguah channel is now a French army lieutenant,, de livering by aeroplane such dispatches as In war a general might sot In trust to telegraphy. In Germany the first, passenger airship began trips recently from Frledrichshafen to Stutt gart; Mannheim; Cologne and Dus aaldorf. A ship that can manage 11.000 pounds of passengers; baggage and supplies and that Is provided with a dining room is hardly a toy. Fares are still high, but they wiH soon com down. The dirigible balloon tost pub lic esteem by the wreck of the big Zeppelin II lit a storm at Limburg: but she was lost through the stupid r'y of German military men and refusal to listen to civilian air pi lots. The Friedrlcbahafeo passenger airship is backed bv a big steamship company not a visionary corporation. STUDY IN TAXES. Comparison With 1909 Show Discrep ancies. Township No. 2. The number of acres of land listed in 1909 was 24.051: this year. 24- 194 respectively. Part of the increase In land is made tip from town lots presumably. and while the number increased from 29 to 34, the value fell from 824, 666 to 815,065. Then umber of cattle Increased from 290 to 316; bogs decreased from 1,575 to 1,520. Last year there were 185 horses; last June 178. With mules there was an increase from 305 to 336. Farm implements showed a small increase. an household and kitchen furniture it appears that the people have more attractive surroundings, valu ing same at 17,928 against 7,487 last year. Solvent credits showed the great est increases from $35,823 to $45, 202. The aggregate for all roperty it 1903 was 83,231.81; this year $353. 443 an increase of nearly $30,000, about 9 per cent. Township No. 3. With 32,738 acres of land asd 907 less than tost year there is s valuation of $199,243 against 171. 223. Town lots, growing Speed, In creased from 12 to 37 and in value from $5,934 to $9,360. Cattle increased in number fnom 418 to 559; mules from 262 to 287 Horses decreased 2 and hogs 72. In household and kitchen furniture use re was an increase of $390. Solvent credits jumped from $2,225 to $103,855. The grand total are 1909, $286,506; 1910 $380,286 a gain of nearly 30 per cent. RESOLUTIONS. Adopted by State Board of Health Relating to Sewerage Disposal. RESOLVED: THAT the Commit tee Is disposed to permit the icstal ation of the most economical sys tem of sewage purification that witt e effective and Insure the protection of the public health. i mat uie Committee is not satis fied that the simple treatment by lypochlordte off lime will be a suf -enr treatment to meet the demands 3t the puUic health or that such treatment supplemented by eotttfng tank would be sufficient. iriAi m tne interest of securing t ML . J mos economical and effective iyatem the Committee will withhold its decision in this matter for the present until tne town of Taitoro hail bave had an opportunity to sub- Tift A ..IJ fcfcA- . u nuu iommiutee a report up an the problem by some sanitary en gineer of such expert knowledge as to justify the Committee In accepting his judgment. THAT the judgment off such exper aiust be based upon careful investiga tion of the matter in ail its details. THAT the Committee suggests as suitable experts the names of Mr. George C. Whipple .Mr. Allen Hasen, or -Mr. Earl B. Phetae THAT the Committee further sag gee that the report of .this expert be submitted to them not later Matt Sept. 15th, 1910. Of the thres engineers 'recommend ed by the Board. Mr Phelps approves tha hypochlorite of lime treatment. It may also be worth mentioning that the other two commended by the Board were recommended toy Mr. Ludlow who has recently become t sanitary expert of gigantic propor tion, i , Attention Farmers Now is the time to prepare for the Fall crops; Rye; Wheat; Outs; Rape; Turnips; Ruta-Baga; Mustard Kale and Spinach. Remember that we buy these seed in large quan tities therefore can save you monev We are headquarters for all fan. and garden seed, Let us book your order for Clov- ol wuue me prices are low they are advancing daily. as Your patronage solicited, MACNAIR'S DRUG STORE. Arnhelm's Summer Reduction Sale, continued until Aug. I5tfi. Arao.g this Year i Far of the Past Two Years. that th- Products of th tooth ars Turning Thtir Attention Away From Exclusive Cotton Cultivation. Statistics evidence the fact that the effort which have been expended throughout the Sooth in recent years toward diverting farmers from devot ing ail or their time to the sultlva tion of cotton and more to the mis 4ng of corn and foods for homo con, sumptim ars yielding fruit. The cot toa'proiuclni country of the South Is this year -raising more com than at any other time and the corn is decidedly larger than It h been before. The increase la the corn of North Carolina over lfOt la shown by the figures giving this years acreace at 3.072.000 sgeinsst 2.838.000 for th8 r eceding year. The total corn acreage tor 110 Is given at 26.277 00 an urease of 1,535.000 over 1909 and 2.778.000 over 1908 for the States of Virginia. North Carolina; South Carolina; Georgia Keatu ky; Tennessee; Alabama; Mis issiDoi. The following figures on the acreasre taken from the last re- rw,, f th IWiUaH StaOsa Deoar" I ment of AgriuMur will bo of general Interest; Stafea Virginia North Cirollna South Carolina Georgia Kentucky 190 !! 2.898.000 2.218.000 4.400.000 3.5M.OOO 3.575.00 3.233.000 M10.000 Tenon? sve Misalsaippl Total 34.742.000 2t.2Tf.at The figures Indicate that oath State showed an Increase over ltot In 1909 an 1 an Increase over 1909 in 1910. The condition of this year's crop as r -ported by the department shows the Stat.c of the South ing th; cointry. Mississippi belcg first. Alabama second and Georgis third. Hopeful Sign. This g eat i ureses la the acreage devoted to corn is considered on of the m-iTt hopeful signs In th Sooth today, in a letter to the dt rectors of the boohern Railway Com pany. President Fin ley called part leu lar attention to these figures said: "The increase in the acreage of corn, accompanied as It is toy a quite general adoption of Improved caUur al methods Is one of the most couraging fea'urea of Southern agrl cultural progress. It Is one of the ic suits of a general movement through out the South In the direction of divers If lei agriculture-a oori which we are endeavoring to en courage and assist as far as we can properly do so." Greater Prosperity. As the farmers of the Sooth in their yield of corn, they wlli save enormous sums which they hate been spending In th West for food products and will consequently theat selves realize more from cotton sad o her market cro;a Economic autbu Hies agree to. declaring th Amerlcr corn crio the basis of the conn try's property since In such a lar measure the pronation of oth crops as well as the pork supply de pends upon It and a greater yield o com la the Son h consequently m in a greater share of prosperity for this section. HAPPY RESULTS. Have Mads Many Tarboro Resident! Enthusiastic. No wonder scores of Tarhoro clt ixens grow enthusiastic. K Is - e no ugh to make anyone happy to find relief after years of suffering. Pal lie sta'emnets like the following art hot truth 'al representations of tfc daily work done In Tarboro by Kidney Pills. Mrs. J. W. Wallace. 1130 St.. Tarhoro, N. C. says. TJoaaV Kidney Pills benefitted me groat!; and I am therefore pleased to roc ommend them. I suffered constant!. from dull nagging backachs ant1 distressing pains across my loin. I was very restless at night and a roe In the morning feeling tired an. languid. I had bat Httte strength o energy sol could hardly attend u my housework. If I stooped or at tempted to lift, sharp darting paint caught me in my back. My kidneys were weak and causd me able annoyance. I finally read abou' Daan's Kidney Pills and procuring c box at Cook's Drug Store. I began their use. They removed my bsckich' and reguia'ed th passnges of the kidney secretions. I now feel better h every way." For sale by all dealers, prtos f- osnto. Foster-MUbum Co. &urfsl Nw York, sot sgsnts for th Uar d State. Rm m b r the . a to -Dos o tax: no othsr. I Man and Mule Trailed. Thos. H. Hicks on the Blocker place Tuesday night found some one stealing his fodder. He gave chase and pushed the thief cioseiy that he dropped a bundle of fodder and got away. Mr. Hooka ei ior cogs, policeman Sorey want ojt with bis and Horace OorbeU t-nk one also, a long eared one that Is said belongs to the town. Air. Sorey bad his tethered and they did not run so weH; hot Mr. Cor hett freed his and after smeilrsc the bundle dropped, started off on a trail which was followed till a negro man was reached when the v dog reared up on him and then on a mule which he had. me man admitted that he been to the Blocker farm and driven that mule; but denied the stealing. Dunbar haUer, the best mads, al ways fresh at Hub QrOcsry Co. Mors to the Indian Thai Jordan to the Christian Tan Oonges river MM to foe I MMam than the Jordan la artati.b. it is cted on that river tint k has world. If a Hindoo prays wiU la 10 males of the hot wilt hair that float off on I of s in and this is an fa where the rlsor floss of the toe of the nod Vsshn op la the llimntoj to what at last in the Bay There are hundred of psaoa the Oangea which hoiy. Two hundred annnaUy vlatt h mouth of the 1 thousands bade la ft at from the eooroe to che at being years on the way- many are comtog to the holy pise as bv nlsroad and Itramc to write F. O that city, la think of a oamn meeting n m mto come to rest their bo while saving their souls It 4s la the Ocatn Grove or I of Hindustan Th town re than MO.ttO people and 1 rich visit it from ratoa a with htves of hose tool Id lags noil the throe mis nod they have lag down under the water far the stream which ar fitted with bother washing away LIVE A Treat The Stock wtu bo th and that to Bat our friend so dpolsts there tell, urge and oat tie It will be a toast not osty to a km to the rs'ns It may io this d hnt (he host could talk ly and fosstogty la live has some of the ftanst la ty. Last Monday ho wth on of his ahosn and ha able to cons to he ts getting along fianly and wlH ho able to ottac as he si 1 as agile hosnstality the isth. NO REPUTATION SO LOUO. Empsror William Easily the "Half -uuam II of Gtomaoy to the IsojfL of the appaa Sages to hfr aaunt bat no repu Mom sounds an land h in the oar of tic world H a eatty fin la lists mat to dt London pngonoL "Hiding his wbie foot at the right hand of King carrying th baton and wnartta the scarlet tunic of a BrtUsb Bold marshal), his imperial fig. or easily enmpsitoi every mjm aony rrxn tbat of the Ktog Ills wa that on tog of the an Ho 1 first down from his hn on n hand to th Queen Mother or to bin at the tor all ho r tbu day. It was a good dcy's woth AuEiiG rmaa frteadnhlp. On for vao r si loaded praises of the Kaiser iymp.;iy oad tort Th nsrw or ta most manly aanaireh K Ba or fr'l almost ntaatfcaUy op a raodton. They will talk for his evident good wtlt" Leg.e t Visa Maggd Brake Do,m) scoot Sctardav I la! Sunday mJa the Uiatns Harper. J- C. Bry.-c of Rocky forme: of P.ttstorg. Pa .Mount. visitor to Lagfjatt Sunday. lag to have a aafeaacHbsr nar STOCK ASSOCIATION. p toned whan the what tnhsth ant In Store For All InUrtod. icaLs m mto, trt TT Assoc la' ton on Tharadav 11.1 It It erohahlv on to Masos will ho injur to I thorsty contain) ha a ktotnn ma advtee improvement tolj. ny. Wsitmnad to B. B. Mwotl srhlrt home: whf. stsotoh to Qoasn Msry sfgna of aoMettado passed from hhn too to the now Ktag nod to eldtr man was careful to keep Ms stood was the cectral fignr pending a tow days with the aiaanraf'' TW carbett. J. B, Harper aaday nasi vni;txeis. We are glad that Tom ts hto to ba out agnia af or tock of typhoid fewer. IMai Jessie Daws of Sharpnburg aa altos Eva Womble of Rockv i i wrS wa are speidlng a few dory Mtsaw Spl .ey. UUle VaU Is hack from to Kcnly where aha teea spjodkay The Mr of Lrf. to when a-.scovor nam wondartal fact, hour came to J. R. Pitt, of This Rocky Mount, N. C. whoa he lotonanly as ha says. ' waant cold I ever had. 1 then twioi mm ana nnaak ear n uinr-, New Dtooovnry to. For, aJtar tohton one bottle 1 wo entsmly cared. Ton v-u i say so ruling too good of a kdo una that" It ta .1. . II Ha ' roer so Throat or )mag Troohtol 60c. 1100 Ttj k.Hu Z. I by W. H. Macnalr Dm do Turnip seed frees th arton Tur ani nips at Macnalr Drag Store. he k. ,-,. fro stolrretj mast be tor th aAo to on If Until thorn wW ho en jell vary a P. O. on fro to he loft I This Is one of on Cantos nam mg ihikear. This Jaty 2Uh. Itttx J r. UUK, Atty Notle M feeiahy Ignoi Mttasj f ta iis. kiii chlHroa o. Mrs. Ana L. d o red wlB at th ia Ta horn M. c. a t. I M at ton o'clock o rer tor r.n or five ynaia htinai t th highest f laaa al u i frna Tartoro on th and Tn hnra red farm. Thli tact a ' aor ? oaaah ahont w h dBM . m. as aiwn ar ia eurtaiioa and a of I m-m wm n a aw rag soon of sis aoaa. five frame u shnds sad li ahonaaa'ly sa?4id to spent la I auj p.-emUw bator Jnssnry Ut i 11 or a son th :e tor sn to tnahle. jc -ri ii-tt nhos tld to tol wlU U rsq aired to eater ta to a wr: t -i anew to th aooai osa of li aa a fir U. fsich u: to' aw of rtos Wdh Tito Thrr are mant oi l st)l 8TI BIT 8QUA UK PI ANQ8 BUU io aetvi and hi.hl by I heir owner. Of MithC tbt V are old f I'ut . LaractorneU ! th . uw-'aivr a. m heo J01 from tn for'orj. awret toon, and iap..nire artrun oiiriF PlANOi never grow old. Btyloa ini ids oul of lbs tains it) oath. BTIBFr PfANOB are sold diirct from th to you, on enay tenon if yon nigh Call, or writ for Price La. chaa m. frtsvr. L. GL Btotlll. Ma nana I 71 whl ol 11 as is j Aagnst Si coaanctodlty to.: mmmm I11!- sowTfomaisr Fnaas tannttnr wtth all 'IWBmstJ CMmUMHTy ttmaty on the land nf ManwTc! that the nl o'r infant Itoan toe ton of og JBry is 111 thai"1 Un, - Korfoik, Vfc "sw uiss paper. PROPOSITI!)!: Canatnjm a LiitJe rill giva yen e tickeaa with purchase yam aaake their atom, wile. la U1 entitle ) oo to free. Aak for r rtmnoaa aJi 5? Special prices tirade NEW CTJ to rVot nay nf Mooswhor of nanh PPL C. O L Wl . AT Can 4T tub arra fee Oman any is Mi m FVniSt All Tl We omh to Thank Onr r Their LiKrrai la Omn Inrges :s ! U Uifct jrnnr aorta. Irgjrcd moor. ih-iHcb Grocery Ci. P. A Uahv rtnprlruw. REMOTAE, HALE Removal Sale Starts Jw and Laata Until We Open. dh Oar New Business Home July trppaail oar Furniture, Ruga, Drugaeta, and Con., plete House Furnishings. w aftOfwtly I . vlhinic Must be Sold, Nothing Will be Moved Into tnr h Store. Mow to TW Bent Opmart .i(y rattator Vara What t to W. La We Yonr Bon Ami X'akn u nrhi. l e e an By sw HAMMOCKS I 9 s 9 i Ask to See Inr Refrig erators and Jlfattingr na. a Don't let the File and HI en qui I ot- bolher you when you can sleep under one of our CANOPIES 1 I. S. q. OARLISLK,.. UNDERTAKERS Hard Bnd md And Edgecombe You, Mr Cotton Mit'cetN, Pviiniu Hairs, snaw dr Ba-i?iiifir and 'I ies and Duck as-fes! 1 fmftiOT anarr ((p iji RobenroifKufllii Comiiati? Tvmm. tat ta Z 1ft. W. WU an VMtaof g, uar 4 a Ufa rhatolt thw K or ItofmmtoA Tamr U JJ J. E. SIMMONS WATCH IIS GROW p Cool ! inking In One of Our l-ook at Our CoU Maale Metal aud Wood. its. Briok. muxu Hard Hart- at Oat JJ- rarn'tajia to a WJ T ' 3 of n a 'J.