ite fetor awpt uttllieeticr. -awsssiawwa . SSS as Seata SaaapMp m XZ " m ejaewaesaswes eesasi asaaaaw eaa-aaaeBaaBi bbm mh BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHttAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 31 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY. AUOUS1 18. 1910. -T EST A BUS MED IS 22 M'sPills gtlmulate the TORPID LIVER. strengthen tnc airesOVC organs, regulate the bowels, and are ss equaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts are widely recognized, as they scss peculiar prouwi ihi Ba the system from that pots cantly sugar coma. Take No Substitute. ' Water, ask the orchestra to play eomotliing different." Any particular selection, air?" 'Suxe'hing slower. I can't chew my food properly In waits time." Washington Herald. STOCKHOLM (By Gaatan Lichtenttein.) PAST I. "A delightful impression is made upon the eta-anger who, on a bright June day enters the picturesque aad charming city of Stockholm." Thus rote the Franco-American DuChaU -u. aad having entered, toe Swedish capital under the sane conditions, I can unhesitating1' corroborate his tea Um'ray. it was on the morning of Jane 18th. the month during which the city la seen to its heat ad van - toge. that I arrived at the Railway I by the ravages of time, enable tour lets to distinguish beta nun the mall aeval and the modem. A city of about three hundred and I tatty thousand inhahVanra ought ord V namy to offer both attractions aad distractions to outsiders. atrtchhnim however presented to me an xtreo dlnary opportunity. It Is richly endow ed with treasures of mertsal achieve ment, eo any nothing of the celiac tlons of art and science. Ctrtsias spend the hour of recreeWon during the summer In outdoor where they can listen to band carta. The corah lnation of D MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT A8SCOIATION. Will take notice that 1 can be found tt my office. This is the cheapest In surance in the country and absolute ly reliable. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer TRUSTEE'S 8ALE. By virtue of the power and author ity contained in a certain deed of trust executed by The Consolidated Ice Company to toe undersign ed, which deed of trust is duly re corded in Book 146, page 143 of the Edgecombe PubHc Registry, default having been made in the payment of the notes therein secured, at the request of the holder of the said notes, I will on Thursday August 11th 1910 at 12 M. at the court house door in Tarboro, N. C. sell at public auction to the highest bidder a cer tain lot of land situated In Tar boro. X. C. beginning on Head rick's Street at the northeast corner of the Missionary Baptist Church lot, thence westerly with the fence which encloses said church lot 140 feat corner; thence In a northerly direction ait right angles a straight line 100 feet, corner; thence eas terly 140 feet to He nd rick's Street, thence with said street to the beginning, it being the identical lot of land which wee conveyed to the Consolidated Ice On, by the Howard Trust Com. by deed dated Jan. 1st, 1909 and duly recorded in Book 140. page 279 of the said Registry. Terms of sale cash. This July 11th, 1910. Q. A. HOLDERXESS, Trustee meat lor the "Inner man' conveys to the stranger an idea, which Is that the people enjoy life. Along the amy between the Grand Opens House and the Royal Palace a torere nark attracts crowds every evening on account of the variety of entertainment, noted above. Steps lead down from the level of the road way to the multitude of tables, the number of which attest the popularity of the place. Situated In a corner of the 1 stand, so to speak K is de lightfully located at the water's edge. Let us walk up the steps to the street. As we reach the surface, our eyes wander to the odher aids, when a abort distance away, stands the haadsnme new Parliament baud log- The Riksdag (Parliament ) has two AT THE HUB. AT THE HDP. You Can Satisfy Your Wants. You Can Get a Never Fail Oil Can at the hub Free. Lightning Ice Cream Freezers Sold at the hub. They are The Best. Ice Cream Can be Made the Quickest in These Freezers. The Best Thing in Town is our Slicing Maehine. You Can Get Breakfast Strips, Smoked Beef and Bacon Sliced on Short Nvtf.ce, in any Quantity, It is Much Better Than the Kind Ton Get in Jars and For Less Money? Nice Lot Country Hams Just In. Fresh Candy Just Received. Nice Fruits All The Time. We wish to Thank Our Customers for Their Liberal Patronage for Station and walked oat upon the sun- anona, good music aad bathed esplanade between the depot aad Vaaa Gstan (Street.) Directly a cms the way stood the large Con tinental Hotel but my. destination was further up the street. A short walk brought me to the Belfnage, more suited to my simple habits. Although a polite reception followed my entrance, conversation halted until the arrival of a young lady connected with the establish ment, who listened to my wants and then gave the neceassary direc tions. I remember tolling the pretty interpreter that I wanted oatmeal for breakfast. Americans, unaequalnt ed with the European custom o being served with only bread, but ter and coffee for the morning meal will not realise that their heavy breakfast of meat, perhaps accompa nied by hot cakes with a fruit and cereal' prelude is a subject of merri ment to many natives of the Old Country. Before passing from the topic of food, I shall add one item of interest called to mind. which serves me a double purpose: first to demonstrate the progress ivenees of American manufacturers and secondly to show that the Swedes are ac quainted with oatmeal (porridge, so the Swedish maid termed it) While oq my peregrinations through the streets of Mai mo, I came upon a shop In whose window were display ed several small packages of the wide ly advertised American article, Quak er Oats. Among the conveniences of the Hotel Bel rage was a lift. This par ticulsr elevator, to use our equivalent for the Bnglish term was in charge of a costumed youngster,. pro portionately sized to the diminutive car. At the approach of the attend ant who was to direct me to my room and myself, the little fellow stepped forth therefrom and after making a low bow, stood in a spectful manner, with his right con- attain the k ansa. ta a n. a the it to show He tuissJisd tf they were WSSSBg tx and If they were iilfgssj a he of ail e as to th of the Offset Teacher He e privilege would be theftn of lour dooms out use inequality or rep- kowt at assents watch reaentaUon necessitated a things rejoice with these apostle to Formerly the nobles, the clergymen, sssmsiina of the Master! AM the burghers and toe peasants form- with the Master la Ms ed separate fnmHlss aad sack assaataa of J a ass sad body worked fnr It wr IntumU "w--eu aaawwews to IB UaRL Th nLa.n mm rumSAranm. vn mrmrntt e 1 1 i wo utyvr www noiaay the lights of the peasants. Now in tends rather to put Its hosier St daudantage. A candidate for the pot in Riksdag, If be be of the oobilety hwddsot the Lord keens the tact in th hank round and I humility We are to teas aaka fnr votm h W a S I or mt m 4,... ..t aooors sad seek sstt-ssaHsttsa. , I in Illustration tkn tors in America are acustomed to do M mQCh as did ba lsdwed. Consequently the Swedish assembly to , ,, sjhsam, a th msal of lawmakers Is very democratic and far the many, for the werU. to he the successful candidates represent varied list of nrrnpafkaaa. Ctose by Riddarbosm Charon the servant Two bttad men, Issrulag that he Westmir-ten AhhT rrf RaariM lKh that they beiaad hta as tbs which edifice I shall refer la a suc ceeding chapter) stands she Rlddarhu set which word means Haass of Knights. Under the old order the legislative body, chosen from the en." (Lake e :1ft.) aristocratic families of the ktas He who linl Talcum These Sultry Aug. Hay. on Want The Bent Then Try Our Violet DntehToiletTaleum Exquisite, DeligbtMul, Delicately Perfumed. Just The Powder For Babv. Ask to See Our u l.i.., Perfumes, the Best Money Bay. tinner The Place. It. E. Is. COOK The DruetrUl. Matonie Temple Building Tariboro, - - N.C. A GOOD APPEARANCE VsL DCCTIOJI TO n. th. Mi Tss are get the daffl- con. The Hub Grocery Go. P. A. Lewis, Proprietor. L E. FOUNTAIN Agent For The Celebra ted and Much Used EI mm holding his cap upon cue lert sdow- to xaA to mast here but today der until his eiders entered building Is one of the sights of vator. Thin display of poltteoess may Stockholm on account of a past glo ry and the interesting articles that it contains. In the Chamber of. No bias where meetings were held down to 1866, the walls are literally cover ed with the Coats of Arms of the more or less exclusive families of the realm. Some of the Scottish names borne by the shields may cense surprise to the majority of tourists but the stadent will recall the Scottish knights who fought under Gusts v ns Adotphae, during the Thirty Team War and who afterwards set tled in Scandinavia. I spent quite a while examining a chair whose mount Inge cannot fail to attract the atten tion of every stranger with any ar trstic sense. At this point it will be weU to tot ay readers avow that the crUssns of Stockholm are ss apt to be ignorant of the potato of Interest to their own town as the tobabttsnts of American cities. I dare say that the average urban resident Is un able on the spur of the moment to furnish satisfactory Irrfownatlon con earning the history of his or hsr own community. How often have we heard ens of our acquaintances re mark remark. T have 11 red here all my Hfe and have never bees to such and such a place." There are Richmcnders who know of the exist ence of the Confederate seem odd to my readers but tf ft oe borne in mind that Swedish children ire taught good- manners at an early age. the sight to not so strange. After being assigned to my room a verv ssttafactory smsjtment 1 depos ited my impediments and then went down stairs. With my guide book to ficandinavto opened at the page where I could keep constantly before mv eves a plan of toe city I step ped out upon the street and, ihig- mr bearings proceeded to J rand Ct ra Hoiise with little juity. The pJsce is closed in , weather but the big building vinues tc bung in revenue from the fact that some small shops or of fices have been put ta a portion, un. and Greet Teacher If U a not te bBsd, a ta to ear sower to ash Bwt wtoeh ths natmraJ ere bath of Jasna, 0 Cor. Safe tat os ftost 4kaSw mm&P' Jl ZANDER Thpv Qro r-ac; rinr TtndinMui tn I used otherwise. The Tourist Bureau, Grow Larger Every Day. Please convenience to sttangers who call 155 for your warts. See the 4 atj a valuable fund of tatorma u . . tinn from oblirinK gentlemen, is s luvovci. cated in one of the ocuces just nv id, and wishing to learn something f importance in so far ss the suc cess of my Journey was concerned, 1 naturally went to the fountain head of knowiedge before beginning say sight seeing. Travellers frequently take up ten much thus in tourist agencies and do not seem to realise the tax they impose upon the patience of the officials. As soon as the opnor protaMy hare fall auk Ma m and el-1 am Ms trail. 11 wva hta ed by the At fUSS ta a ran why Harness of all grades aud at prices to meet all competitors. Hauling and draying. Phone 128. PROPOSITION: Cnmmings & Little will give you cash coupon tickets with every cash purchase you make in their store, which will entitle you to chinaware free. Ask for coupons. ' Special prices on High Grade Coffees and Teas. CUMMING8 & LITTLE. at Brenshyr Day Ctast be la tardty presented itself, I sd dressed a thej take the time to vtolt It question to one of toe busy Swedes. When enthusiastic travelers in their Bavinc consideration both for bim hmtnbies about the capita, of Virginia tried to Induce the Gove un 4 for others whose Questions were tweM &k the Crotsbls to den to come on board his ship perhaps more ursyant than mine, I go" persons s few superficial ques Sten Store retosed. Caitotton offer abbreviated my end of the ensuing xa they receWe en wers that are ed to mast the Swedes cm toad. V conversation. A young lady occupying sjsjssawSSSdsf startling. Onstorus Vass. a ! anna of toe Gov Boat behind a email tabto, near the ,hn rttT dwel- mor OT awsass wars s eharseed some Ger- , wi f-n. k-j .n sred to him. These were to ne sept n. of to .;- a Mssw awHaS B0 Lssaav l. esSt I H k bbj ' - a aesStt a aLsssal Haww pB a as las J Jwm 2 LsTuatotor JaVaf , B m I aaVwaww aaawavtaaaaBBaaa as as tasssssaatftfK street entrance. man money iot me mw - preached for information navian currency. I aotuai point of Interest, how much My mind bad been disturbed on ac-l more likely is he to show tor wabbles mentally on being ap until he ai ssv to to or If of FREY'S VERMIFUGE ti the tame good, old-f ash toned mrdiciue that ha the lives of little children for th. past 6o years. It is a medietas made to care. It Uas sever been known t i fail. If your child is sick get a bottla of FREYS VERMIFUGE f A FINE TONIC FOR GHILOREM Do not take a substitute. If your druggist does ant keep k, scad twenty -fir. ccaUs la Kampsto 3. ts S. 27XUHn Baltimore, Sd. and a bottle wUlbe aoaUSd yea, count of uriceTtoanty wneioer proceed to Trondhjem so as be there on the day of coronation to spend five days in Stockholm, i ttid have received assurance accommodations at a suitable figure, I would probably have shortened my toy to the Swedish capital. But Che persons to whom I applied for information could not help me. lnere- t SVa tore since at was mrwiaw w sometimes astounding on natsrssoe be tog made to an historical errant to life of the community. My experience cated by a multitude of elers. Two months ago I read aa Bag ash clergyman's account of a walk that he took through rural Sweden a loog the Goto canal. His tramp came to an sod si StockJtokn w here he remained for a while to order to chances and since my return )ur- rista the nastonc a pom or uas cw-y. y j. i, thrrtui Stockholm, i ha Aomvuched an inCelUxent tooaing os 11T UJU " I ' ' determined to remain and expend m; dividual sod aatasd bim scene qsaav snergy in a cencentrated suoy oi tioos, two of wnton l recsai une v mtMnolis: that is. its general reference to the CODEX AUREU8. io T,iKiir buUdinas end t la work to be mentioned again in I Joytog tnKaku&nta. tts proper place .J th lasses as to ths so cation of the him. Strangers nave no beauty of the capital city of Sweden, square where the They enter Stockholm, unprepared for saown as the ' Blood Beta 111 ta .tore. and are surprised perpetrated. Although the , . i-., nmercBB. Question referred to a A n Mul 1MTVI I V r I - rnnnM bv Birser Jarl (Barl), a me diaeval nobleman who butt a fortified set iement, the old town has far out grown Ms origanai limits and apreads today over the area of several is lands. Arcnitecturral differences alder: Mill HAIL by BAIL. Now tor another thread of V asm. ths gas rr of J a rears dtocov- crii which aroused fury to the successful effort of throw ing of the Danish yoke, the burgh er of Stockholm replied that he had never beard of K. Christian II. of Denmark, was the la i5ii. as was on ass father's call to arms Aa notod to aa'an a as V. ILlctal THE BANK OF TARBORO