South mm. BE SURE YOU ARE BIGHT ; THEN GO AHi A.O.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 34 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY, AUQUST 25, 1010. ESTABLISHED 1822 A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abounds. With Impure blood there can not be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be food blood. Tutt'sPills ft ? v if the torpid LIVER andi Its natural action. A healthy LIVER i blood. a. Pare blood means health. Health moans happiness. Take no Substitute. All Druggists. "THE SINS OF THE FATHER." P-cogatives Of Women. wmeu of the Wyandotte tribe liaus constituted four fifths of ,il council of the tribe but they j voice ia the military council reason they were so numerous civil council -was that most of tions of the tribe were in sands. They had charge of all s and took care of the chil- ut wore not deemed capable of g their lords with opinions in s of war, which were the man!; t-s of the tribe.Tacitus says ermans of ancient times consul ir women in all grave matters, Dixon Play to Open in Norf ilk, Va.. Just Five Years after "The Clans man." The same Southern city and the same theatre thatwere the birthplace of "The Clansman" in 1905 will start Thomas IUxon's new play, "The Sins of the Father' juat five years later to a day. The Academy of Music Nor folk, was the scene of "The Clans man's" inaugural. There on Septem ber 21, 22 next "The Sins of the Fate er" -will be seen for the ft rat time, and here a few weeks later. Theatrical folk associate good nick With the birthplace of famous plays. Manager George H. Brennan and Play wright Thos. Dixon are form believers ia the tildewater Virginia city. An&l offered them for there s another interesting resem blance between, record breaking suc cess of 1905 and the keenly awaited premier of 1910. "The Sirs of the Father" deals with a vital, throbbing race question also. The New work is. not a "Clansman" number two or a "Clansman" sequel ia any sense. K is entirely original and novel. Yet thegrip of the story de pends on taequestion of "a taint ia the blood." Newspapers have voiced popular indig nation on this subject, legislatures have passed stringent laws a ban has been out on the old mixed i did most of the work, ex-; relatior ships. Mr. Dixon is the first aung. uerman women own ; to s3e the tremendous emotional and UNUSUAL SHIPPING CONDITIONS. Overwhelming Congestion of Baled Cotton at New York, Steamship Lines Swamped, Other Ports Loose in Exports. The congestion of baled cotton at "New York following bull operation of the so-called Pattern pool has crest ed a condition in shipping circles there which on the surface would be indicative of the early re-oatnnlsnhmet of the county's trade balance were it not off-estby stagnation at otfcerporta. Owing to the abnormal quantity of the staple brought here for de livery by theshaste. steamship lines have been swamped with freight all through June and July and at at only now that the vessels engaged la trama-Atowratb freight can find ac commodation for the New York gained In exports of tan, however, was lost by few osne, Galveston, Savannah and er Southern ports, the ccteon porta for July core ring the country showing a d 1909 of 30,000,000 pounds. York however, exports of diss during July increased Of $5,000,000. What oot- OT-Oth- ex- entire over At New mere ban-asssmsBj ma roseheld goods and they were I from them because the G-er-a diid not concern themselves such things. It docs not pay to plant cheap v l inferior seed. Buy the Old Re-Landre'-hs's seed and you you've1 got the best. For sale aly at Macnair's Drug Store. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator the estate of James K. Lawrence He of Edgecombe county notice is y given to all persons hold g claims against said estate to resent them duly proven on or be Aug. 11, 1911, or this notice e plead in bar of recovery. Ail persons indebted to the es must make immediate payment. THEO. LAWRENCE, Admr. G M. T. FOUNTAIN & Son, Atty's. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrix C the estate of E. L. Roberson late i Edgecombe county notice is here given to all persons holding ms against my intestate to pre at '-hem duly proven on or be July 28th, 1911 or this notice I e ilead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted , to the estate . ist make immediate payment. J AN IE if. ROBERSON Admx. W. O. HOWARD, . V, M. T. FOUNTAIN, Attys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator f e estate of Ada Howerton late if Edgecombe county, notice is - reby given to all persons holding ms against her estate to pre ' - them duly proven on or before A ig. 11, 1911 or this notice will be :.i bar of recovery. All persons ted to the estate must make diate payment. W. G. CLARK, Admr. 0. M. T. FOUNTAIN & SON, dramatic possibilities of such a theme and to express them in a play. After opening in Norfolk on Sept ember 21 and 22, the new play will tx presented in the principal Southern cities. It will be mounted even more lavishly than Managor B re nan's pre vdous efforts and will be interpreted by actors who are specialists in the delineation of its charactic 'types. Farming in Japan. Those who despise the power of the Japanese people should correct their estimates by a study of the agricul tural prodigies of this most capable race. In warthe final victory rests with the commissary, and the last abjective of all military operations is the mznminri of the wheat fields or the race fields. Nations arestrong not in proportion to their natrral re sources, but in proportion to their ability to make much of what they have. -ow, japan does its farming in a way that is, from a military point of view, simply formidable. It supports a population of 51,000,000 on an area of arcfble land that could be contained in a circle with a radius of 75 miles considerably less Bate the distance from New York to Philadelphia. There are more farms than are called "worn out" in New England and the Middle Stj .Us than would equal the whole of the tillable surface of the Japanese islands. Our lands are "worn out' of course, merely because our scant skilland fickle patience are exhausted and not because they do not contain under their hidebound sods the mak ing for food of millions. The teeming 1'rttle farms of presertday Japan were cropped a thousand years before the Pilgrims landed on the Plymouth sands. New York American. NEW PROPOSITION: "unimiDgs & Little will five you cash coupon tickete with every cash j'nebase you make in their store, which will i. title you to chinaware tree. - Ask for coupons. licial prices on High tirade Coffees and Teas. CUMMTJTGfi & LITTLE. CHICHESTER SPILLS diamond BRAND LADIES I A5i your Wrt riit for CTCT-CHHS-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILL3 in Kr.D andOO. GtLO metallic boxes, se?led with Bluep Takb no ottieti. Rny of Tour V i'n.!t sad -- r... rnr.ruK9.TcKS v Home Coming Week. Thousands of North Carolinians havi migrated to all parts of the country. This State has played a great part in. the winning of the west and In the development of all sections. Nortt Carolina virility, pluck and ability have proved notable factors in many other States. People from the Old NortnState have set their mark every where but have never lost their love for their mother State, North Carottw Complete arrangements have been made for the great "Home-Coming Ju bUee and Reunion" for all persons born in North Carolina; this to be held at Raleagh during the fiftieth State Fair, October 1722. Mayor J. S. Wynne Is chairman and Fred A. Olds secretary of the conawit when has this matter in charge and they desire to obtain the names and addresses, as far as possible, of any people from this community who now reside in other States, in order that invitations may be sent them. In Memoriam. Charles Franklin Jenkins was the son of Nora O. and the late Samuel P. Jenkins. He was born March 12th. 1895, an-' died July lth, 1910. "The Lord giveth him and the Lord taketh him away, Blessed be the nam of the Lord." Weep not dear mneher for your child. Who has gone from us forrever. Awhile he ia laid ia the deeu cold ground. His soul is safe In Heaven. Oh God, how divine thy love," "ho manifold thy blessings." Wnen death comes to us in yoath, it gives as tne more years in Heaven. How I will dear little Franklin his brbht beaming face, his sweetentb man , was always beautiful to me. His walk in life was true, levin and christian like alwayaready to do what I rjght and good. How my basis goes out for you dear mother, foad sister and brother, how deeply I sympathize. A place la made vacant in your hapy home which never can be filled. I know it b hard, oh ao hard, to give up his bright tattle Ufa but I believe yourheart la too oonaecr ed to God, "who doeth all things well, to feel that Franklin ia not better off in his heaven of rest, than on earth where only trials and bitter temptations are ours. There we know he b aafe from all and has gimply paid the debt we all have topay, only a little while be fore, and is there to add one other tt your little group of loved ones, who ao anxiously wait to welcome "Moth er and wife" to complete their circle of love and add the greatest and grandest voice to their choir In sing icg praise to their King. A great consolation and comfort to you, dear mother, la to know al done for him that the very physician and nurse could do, not thing it ft undone every call for Ma was granted, and she was soon byhis side not to leave her dear child until he consented for her to go. The words from his west Una "I love my Mama" "I love my Mam hate togive my Mama up, was enough to Inflict a scar upon the heart which it seemaimpoasihle now to ever heal But may God. In his Almighty Wis dom and "goodness, be with the b strickeoed mother, fond sister and brother in the daily lonely hours of their bereavement and ahow to thorn that "their loss to His eternal gain.' and he needed dear sweet Franklin to complete his "group of Angela" ant is now wearing the beautiful golden wings he wished for In vns pseaw over his bed and viewing Heaven In all its glory to tell hto loved ones he meets them at the gate, how beau tiful it to, and how happy he will be to dwell together on the shores of E- ternity In everlasting peace and love forever. HRJJEL? KDTQ REJECTED Hettlis gi l-17 - Awajsot 2s. m Is Is m of Dmtdf Btoooei UUflbl essMta Is (te Mmom ia ( Htfketr LTHOIGH God foreknew and the . nation woo id reject J sea of mo terdi pranks a forataid that the Jewtah tieotuifl he propb-wLsT fumiwd TvLrTmS offerrd hi mar If to brae! as their lfiaslasli Kba fast the exact day upon which, ah Ike Lsssb bee selected tba antltyplral prtm' Tbrtr fsUsen i .;. Inted thne did not st an interfere with the Drrtss known and Illustrates this. Jest five days before his croe'.flxios. of God, he should have been been "passed ever" monjrst whom would bare to receive Jeeoe at the a arrangnient. for all of the Jews fewnd worthy to ha of the eptrtresl spiritual PrW were astoeted. altboogh the nation was rejected. The of tboae aplrtani. ant gyp leal Priests and Larrttes God sen been from smoekst the OerdHee ever stnebr Br end br au r Jennli the CaSaa rSt. will be flortfled on the egtrtt plane Then wf the great MesslssJc work for laraei. and tbmoch larael for all tba nations of the world. Thus in due time Israel's expsctatlons will ha raaJnaaal cab than they ever dreamed of. Abraham laear and aD the shall be made princes or rubra to all the earth. Israel Phatond to Dlvtno favor shall "obtain merry" of God shall become the r ha see I of God's favor for of grace. The Sabbath day prior to hto crucifixion was anestt be the Orrt at the boms of Laaama and Martha and Mary. Hto fa mo had - son of tbc miracle performed anon Laanma. A abase mom aiiam a as a on sabbath night after sundown. It was then that Mary OsS precious porrume which J of thb perfume has to fulfill tbr Scripture. Jrnua sent for tb aaa and Urn Unto colt to be The aas was probably a white one. for It to rvuid to bare been the custom of the kings of Israel to ride span white eases. The raatrUede whs had come to are J tana and Leanrsa whom be bad bronght from the toes, nlled with admiration, balled Jeans with sboota. as "The gen of Da rid" Tbe Great King! Tbe Messiah! Certain scribes and PharWe called ati - a to been prophesied onterbe Before. "Bbent, O deentbter of Jereanbaa' nabnld thy King cotneth onto thee. He la meek and ha tine asrrattas: lowtr aad aaV nng upon sn aaa. with Its colt tbe foal of an a headed tor Jerusalem, the m nrdtud peim nrancnea far toe ass to trvad upon, en aserka of honor to the creat Ktoar whom they Imperfectly. Indistinctly, recognised-not leallilaa the still srreoter glory and honor of bis aater rereannr In the end of thai Ana. when -wswrr shall bow and every tongas can fees to Mas.'' months ago on April 24th. we passed over tbe hlsbirk road frees Beth to Jerosabm. thinking tb whib of tbe great Incident of thb hasssn. Tbe road sweeps around tbe aide of the Meant of OVree on riainsalili grade until suddenly a tarn of the road sad the sharp doctinty of tb Vslbv of HJnnom (Gehenna) hrtnga It nasal am into foil view la a saoment Ttase sad again we walked over part of tbe rend end noted where the Master baited the uttle procession and wept over the City, sarin "O. J tbon that klliest the prepheta and etas sat them which ere sent t often would I bare gathered thy children together, even aa a her ehlckene under her wlnga for safety, and ye wesjM not! Behold, yonr b ase to left onto yon daeobtn For I any onto yon. Te shah nat see as henceforth, till that day when) ye shall say. lUcsard to be that comet h to tb name of tbe Lord." (Matt. 2337-atv) Oar heart went oat In sympathy for tb Jewish people. W recalled bass they have been nationally "left denotata" tor aeghlsiii n ururba. aad bars been persecnted. even, else, by those who bare mad the asms of Chraatt We apeclally rejoiced to think that "the time of Jacob's ever that tbe time when thev win enter Into tb with God will soon be at band. (for. 31 .11 use soon immanuei ia tne glory of his Kingdom SHU he revealed, and that all Bean anaii nenoM tbe glory of that TTIngdiiaa Than she Lead wfil net Israel tbe spirit of prayer and of suppOeattee end they shall leak a whom they pierced. (Tech. 12:ia) We tajesre MUbhH the! "tbat Ay they shall any. 3bsacd to b that iaiaSTa tssflaam-- -I taw Lard. to Israel must lo drawing to cloe BBSS whetv Jus t. ;.;-xl t.. ir?..--oj Israr. . Sgasmj one over which, a little toter. the army of Titos man bad to tbt Jerusalem, ana. am last wittirs. analry ai i iiasjilblswl the city, taking, according to records, ninety eon million, one hundred thousand, were aald to bar tb ground around tbe aty of Jemanbm the with erosnea. on wbich Jews history. Tbe Great Teacher's entry tnto He went directly to the Temple and aid seed from It tbe doreealbre who had no right within Ita hallowed fined the ptepbetj. The seal of thine tbe band, the base, the ttme were vexed wr displeased with tb mo Ukase's Bon of David They lebaked the "Out of the mouth of babes and rocklfnga Hag; Psalms & 2. k .. HOKI) RKAKD PII.L8, for twenty-fire rs .-(!. ir.iecl as Best, tafest, Alwaj-s Keuanie. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TESTED r T PREY'S ! VERMIFUGE i the same (food, old-faihl&ni !T!L-dicinc tiiat has aaved the i s of little children forth l ast 6o years. 1. is a medicine made to cur?. It has never I :i knowa t fail. If your tbild is sici get a bottf of FREY'S VERMIFUBE i HHE TOXIC FOR CHILDREN Misnamed Children. Russell Sage Montgomery Spent his coin In Pommery XotniagdM his assets yield, And be lies in potter's field. Adeiina Patti Maher Never sang a single bar; In, her Judgement you'd rejoice If you ever heard her voice . Waldo Emerson O 'Toole Never went to school. He was plainly marked by Fate For the champion welterweight. , The Widow. "In that beautiful place he has gone to prepare. For all who are washed aad forgiven And many dear children shall be with him there For such 1s the kingdom of Hearen. A Friend. I I) not take a substitute. If jour druggist does not keep il st-nd twenty-five ceata in ftani;,i to cfej J9. FZUM Itultimore, Bid. and a bottle will be mailed yon. Be sure and .take a bottle of .Chamberlain's Colic, unoiera auu nLirrAca Rftffuvlv wkh vou when starting on your trip this eummer. It cannot be obtained on board the trains or steamers. Changes of wat er and oLimate often cause sudden at tacks of diarrhoea and it ia beat to be prspared. Sold by aU druggists. SHAKE INTO YOUR 8HOE8 Allen's Foot-Ease, the antbeptic powd er. It cures painful, smarting. ner vous feet and blatantly takes the sting out of corns and bunlona. It tha greatest comfort discovery of the axe. Allen's Foot Base make tight or new shoes feel easy. It b a certain cure for aweatlng. callous. tired, aching feet. Always use It to Break In New shoes. Try it to day. Sold everywhere. By mall for 25 cents in stamps. Don't accept any substitutes. For FREE trial oackaxe, address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. Tha Hookworm If The facta being afc in inTi.'WSna 1 eho atatelhaes are eta rising. Three years ego we were perturbed over the statement that the disease existed in our bar- When the osnaal lmn of col lage etudent during the pent win terr showed that more then erne- third of 600 el infected with book such surprise was tb., dbeaao was to exist among the baas Mill chue of people. The surprise was sCJ er when bts examination of 1200 men constituting the aulsiara of the State were examined nasi M per need, of I hone rspreamst tern section of the) State percent, of those rapraaastlng the Bte tern secUon of the Slit are found hsieoted wath tbs blood If tbe abas of n o the aoldbra who are arms and the slnderds of coiseges are than so heavily Infected, wo may asst. orally expect to find the conditions much worse among tbe This b emphasised by Uon Jus- completed of the Orphan ia the Odd Follow Orphesaago at OOsisv boro Nmty seven children were ex ammed and fifty-two were Infected wkh hookworm disease, which Is SS per cent, of the total assail. More over, twenty of them were m footed with other kind of intestinal worms f be of these being infeoted with a kind of tapeworm .Doe not urestliea of thb head need attention of the PAVORAgLg OPl gMOOgLY. srrlvl I beg to pta ft bar , as atal peenagsi d Pis tor the ItVulTalrum Ueather These Sultry Aug. Days, You Want The Best Then Try Our Violet DutehToiletTaleum Exquisite, Deligbttul, Delieately Perfumed. Just The I'owder For Bab. Ask to See Our New Line of Perfumes, the Best That Money Can Buy. Keiiiemoer rrhe Plaee. R. EL l. COOK The Drucirisf. :T. Z Masonir Temple Building Tarboro, - - W.C. No t : Thb) aa b o resjejes bs. S: I kern 10 OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS: bam" we Certain Conditions We bt Onnry aay to Weill fertiii Wf gssBry and Bandy bad VrryT5irTr" jos. a guff. of UM Piilict liurim ail Inktai Cnpif in whbh mm AT' mvn. AT' You ( an Hntbfr Your WnnU Tb ssswTpsBi Ml V 'oyo oa t CM. A. CURTIS saaBBssTn sJ BaV "Brassie has an awful nerve." "What did he do?" "Waited in an umbrella store till th rain was over." Buliaio wprw. of the of a Meg They Tbs Bent Thing Sitriog - - - CABHIFR A A ten Break fen jBjrtBg, mmAA BwflU b.xl.T. wOt Ja Me Lot l oostry Haass Jam In. Krrab andv Jam Ktoe Kruiu All Tl Wg wish hp Tbnnk Ov for Their UbrrgJ Tbry are CBssylasi Owr rgvr y.ry Day. nmpg for your warts. Saw tag 4 CAN SAVE Th Bast Moor of Ufg. Becky the hoar earn to J. R. Pttt, of Mi and, n. c. when be wen hstaneab as he says. " fro wort coid I etec had. I then p'oi? to aay great aatbfseUon what n wos darfui Cold and Oengh care Or. King New Discovery b. For. after tiklag ens bottle 1 was enUrete ewed. Yon cant say anything too goad of a med Was Uke that.- I s the snrset mmi iiros rail Iftft -'. TIiDEQb Grocer? Co. Oset. Thiol . - . .T F. A. Lewkk 20,000 yards Duek 40.000 Peanut Bags t.4MM Cotton Sheets in which hook worn tfcon occurs b remarkabb nod Little Howard came in the other day, crying and rubbing several bumps caused by a aeries of "butts" administered by a pet sheep. "Well, Howard,'' said hb eytnpa tbetic auntas, "what did you do when the sheep knocked you down?" "I didn't do anything. I was gst iahg up all the time." The Delinea tor. , lCrlppa. roar an Throat or 60c. f 1.00. Trial bottle by W. M. Hay Base when tlyhsg wiogs op to its a so f eotioo has bean prodouod by many of the Sctentiote applying water or rt onntenrlnatsd wkh the worm larvae which eggs expelled from tbabodlao of latoe ted people. When thb unotem lasted water or 00B As applied to the akin, only n day or two b required tor a typical ground Sch to he oat op. Fbl thb ground itch la five or To improve the thai as of I Pie sprtakb the fruit warn bt sfter K baa been cat np and of fresh c- hj of the pt tolls em to am a i I 11A1U The rhafgng are from gsjg to four per erst, nerog ro.HC ihno foor, and will ot he over one for coot, a a leas log leaser a are oau osllj henr j. The Hsil Insureorej Op, has Clark Tm tisilntsji gut ygggg sssi IT in threw eosis bos gstro eat beam asade. For tog M ire the prrsaiam rbnrgT I W slsoty sssgsmda third perl 1 aW W .T .urpss gell m J. F. SHACKELFORD. Bgyasl Trs F. H. PKKDKR, Aagot. mlr io Ed dm