i-a M.shei Every rtarsday. Qgcription Rates$1.00peryear u.rrn! ai ostrfflce as secood clss matter HiJkMdAKftiH mi tkmu Mb I Mint Ml h4B A tUttOMI: In dUAiWf dtllUliMIAAAU 141. CAU.iS W.Wt Thmsday, August 25, 1910. A WISE VISIT. Booker T. Washington is in Europe, where most of his time will be spent in London and Berlin drawing comparsons between conditions in the lowest type of labor in those cities and those of the American negro. He also will devote some time to Southern Italy observing the agricultuial methods of that part of Europe that sends the greatest number of immigrants to the United States for labor of the lower grades. He is wise but he needs to see the agricultural districts to find that the whites here have been as liberal as the land owners in Eu rope. The greatest step that cau be made for morality among the negroes here and the peasants in Europe are more rooms to the houses that such must inhabit. The one and two room hut is a disgrace to the white race Ion, United Confederate veterans Durham, N. C , August ltf, 1010. General Orders fro. 12. Paragraph 1, The Major Gen eral commanding the North Carolina Divisiou of the UniU-d Confederate Veterans has the pleasure of announcing that the next annual reunion of this Divis ion will be held in the City of Norfolk, Virginia, on the 6th, 7th and 8th days of September, 1910, in accordance with a most press ing invitation from the Board of Trade and Business Men's Asso ciation of that city. Par. 2. A most interesting Ben Shelton Entertains the Astasia tion in Ed9tmb Stylt. TW Roanoke and Tar River Lire Stock Association hold a regular quar terly meeting Thursday at the borne or ltoPresldent B. F. Shelton of Edge combe County. There was a good at tendance of regular members and twenty-four new members were en rolled. President Shelton baa g splendid farm of 800 acres aod all Ms appointments are as nearly perfect as one can find on a farm In Eastern Qajollne. About a hundred iisiaona were present, including a number of visitors from Tarboro and Scotland Neck. Mr. SheLtoa welcomed the Assoc ia Thet Pact He Qmte Well. tlooto "Mapleton." the beautiful name programme is being prepared for of hla more beautiful home and farm. ffvinn inrlndini? site tr'DS od F. P. Shields, of Scotland Neck, I vvvi'ivwj - C3 m As the man wno e for the paper eat g ted with a pair of da be saw this ww getting wJS who won oa the right bead a weighing at least g caj bar. He hadn't alwaya that sort It was new o Msg. took a great deal of pride In his ring. Ob. bow kt sparkled wham light was Just right. Once or twice in twisting U around on bis with his thumb to a It would be most easily the woman c elf Tewfi of ru Ad M rigM It to lea I President Taft cannot say that he was not wai ned of what would happen if he accepted the counsel of those reactionary and standpat statesmen Cannon and Aldrich. "What the Republicans need is harmony, and they can't get it. What the Democrats need is cash, and tLey can't get enough to pay office expenses," while the Republic cans have trust mouey to burn. That Liberian loan appears to have encountered a kind of Afii can Monroe doctriue invented by the French. Must we shoulder "the white man's burden " in Africa as well as heie! Senator Crane, on whom Presi dent Taft now seems to lean, voted with Senator Aldrich with a constancy that proves that he belongs to the old reactionary gang. Ths insurgents wonld give greater heed to one that is less of a standpatter. to the lamous seasnore resorts near Norfolk, and every possible effort will be made by the public spirited citizens of Norfolk to make our reunion there the grand est and most enjoyable we have ever held. Free entertainment will be provided for all veterans who are unable to pay for their meals and lodging, but all who wish free eutertaiumeut must at once notify Mr. Joseph A. Hall, Secrrtary, at Norfolk, so that ample preparations may be made for their comfort. This is im portaiit and must not be overlot k ed or delayed. Commanders of camps are urged to attend to this without delay. Par. 3. The railroads will give reduced rates as usual, and the exac rate from any station cau be learned from the local ageut A delightful trip and treat is in store for all who attend this reunion and it is hoped that there will be a huge attendance of oor old "Tar Heels," all of whom will jeceive a most hearty and hospitable welcome from our Vir ginia neighbors. Let the cry uow be "On to Norfolk:" By order of Major-Genera! J. S. Carr. H. A. London, Adjutrnt-General and Chief of Staff. P. Shields, of Scotland Neck. o floisb teeing up tbe explained theobject of tbe Association I trjkig on. But be bad Dr. W. O. Chriaman, Stabs Veterlna - bringing tae Jewel to rianfrom the Agricultural Department at Raleigh, gave a delightful lecture oa live stock generally, and particu lar the draft horse for farm work. Adjournment was taken for shout two hours and the Association took Li -Me excursion to Mr. SbeKon's in red roods Many of Kh quaint owera. and Rait a on ihm ma? Standard Foots Onaoluno EngiQefJ JPlow0. Wagons. Farm Implc mem. JJ Hard Hand-Mad Brick Cement 4r ; U tbe J Edgecombe Hardware r CATCH MY PAL" UNION giving out 23rd inst. With the Colonel his "keynote" on the and the President sounding his slogan on Stptember 30th, the air will be charged with politics: and just fancy what the divided Eepnblicaus will do if the double keynotes should be out of tune They are going to tag lobbyists in Georgia and compet them to register. What a bunch of tags it would take to he out the Indian land, ship subsidy and l bbyists 1 1 AVashington! But there's no fearol Congress follow iug the lead ol Geogia. President Taft, having abandon ed his speech making tour, fin- it difficult to amuse himself with travelling. A trip to Pauama on a warship is projected witn an other waiship as a tender, some iniog on tne pian ot the journevs ol the crowned head of Europe Seuator Crane went only as far as Chicago on bn trip tj the Western states, altt.oagh Pr sident latt has askinl him to also in vestigate the Pacitie stare, lit beard tne news fioui Kansas and Iowa at Chicago and returneo home, presumably to tell the President that ih A Temperance Movement That is Sweeping Great Britain and Ireland "jig is up." I he Chicago Federal grand jury is after the meat-packer: au-1 has alrta iy indicted Taomas G. Lee of Armour & Co. for per- jur. i ne tress lepoit says "more mdietments are expected.' lhat j.ra d jury should have mercy tm beef consumer for tht nearer they get to those 4 highei np" the higaer the price of meat will be. It U uow discovered that a large oaten ol Rubber lrust stock is in the nam- of a clerk of Johu D ISoekfettcr. As Seuat r Aldricb is father in-law of young Pock Jeller this keeps the control of tht lrust in the family, and explains why tbe increase in the tariff on rubber go ds was s easily secured from the Trust ridden Pepuulican majority in Congress. Great Britain and Ireland are no being swept by a sirong Oeniperanc-i movemeat which is being directed b the Irish Protestant Total A bat men c Union, or as it is better known, th Catch My Pal Society. Its org in was singular. July 13, 1909, Rev. R. J. Patterson L.L. B., a Presbyterian clergyman 1: the city of Armagh, happened to pas. a lamp post around which stood six mr n, same of whom were recovering from the effects of a driaking bom th.3 day be.'cre. One of the men eug geated half iu Jest to Mr. PaUerson that h-i should try and induce hia con panicms to take the pledge. A conver sation io;ioed, and six men promise. to go o thj manse three days latei as the corfew rang, tike the pledge. Th.3 men carried out their undeitak ing, signed tine pledge and the union became an accomplished fact anc grew rapidly. From ULsi ct the organization spread to o her par's of Ireland, and now or. iKh.es are "to be found south, east and was. Then the channel wat crossed, aad several of the large la- dusitrxil centers in Scotland oime under fhe influence of the movement. branches being formed in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Paisley and 3-har towns. Th2 churches have taken a very liuiabli part in this organization and have worked tireless.! v in nmmn!nr the caus?. The woaderfal effect of the move ment has surprised even those who hoped most from it. In many cases hardened drunkards have become the bes pledge keepers and the anxiety ol th3 quondam inebriate to reform his oo:n companion has s'lrred the emo tion of the most phlegmatic onlooker. The result is that in every towr. there are at leust a score of members who, in the past, deemed hopeless slaves of drink, are now living as re spectable citizens. Moreover, trade has revived. Men are now paying thsir debts. Children axe being better fed and clothed aad a higher standard of living prevails amonar tne neooU pasture to view his cattle. He has a herd of about eighty Id a paaturre of ISO acre,. Most of them are tbe Hereford breed, and they are beau ties Indeed. Mr. Shetton began stock raising about five years ago with Clvt caws, and now has the finest nerd of cattle in aH this community. As the efficient president of the As sov ration. Mr. Shelton had prepared a most bountlfful dinner of Brunswick stew and barbecue. When dinner was ready on the long table under the new cow barn Just being erected. Mr. Shelton gave the invitation all great!) ealoved the splendid dinner. As a - veritable accompaniment tot he dinner there were choice water-melons la abundance and plenty of lemonade. At the afternoon session Dr. 8ta ton offered the following resolution. whic'.i was adopted: Resolve, That the thanks of this Association and of all the visitors present be tendered the offf idals. Pre sident B. F. SheKoo. of Edcecombe. and Secretary B. B. Everett, of Mar tin, for tbe splendid 'and hospitabl-eatertii.n.ei.- ; ;o;ded for this meet ing. Dr. L F. Koone, veterinarian front the State Department, at Raleigh, de livered an interesting and lntructiv lecture on "Hogs and Hog Raising, followed by Dr. Chrisman, who spoke especially on "Prevention of Ho Cholera." Mr. Eaton, of the State Deoaitment lectured on the "Dairy Cow," and gave interesting suggestions about the building of silos and the feed in of ensilage. It was a most enthusiastic meet in ind the association remained la ses sion until 5 o'clock. All went away charmed with Mr. Shelton's magnify cent home an J beautiful farm, aad the many Interesting suggestion giv en by the lecturers of the day. Tbe time and place for the next meeting was left with tbe president. E. E. HlUlard. She bad sharp, sUlsh fiaoe aad a speak right out on things. "1 see It.' she reanarknd In a rw- M wiluil tone. "It's very pretty aad attractive. Ton wear It wtU a fx air of abandon, too. I admire It a needing It After you've floiabed noy I lnc with it. I wish you head and show m aratfclna, with not quite such a Plain Denis done IM ye In tbe est rail of little shops la aaoat of which of He aby a SSpJYou, IWr. Farmer Jar MaCHami tmoo aaj u jsjsj ttat ww raa aaey yaaj mwir m MOTlC TO CatOiTO". lUrlsjs;! THE MORMON WIFE. IK of Her Hands Are Hard and Fane le Invsrlably twan to tka. daty f ll. 1M1 or la discussing the Mormons In where they b to splendid where thriving lUUe laid to their credit, writes: These Hon Or dry towns may O. C. T w a O M T FOfXTAlN O MS. Cotton SbeeetN9 Pi unit Hags, Bagging ami rl ies and Duc k mmTimmAbjmmimmr mm A ro roawisas ' awa Ko.M'rsoii-ltiiftiii C omp;ui "TW Wmmm sf mm." Wrat a imm Bmmt aerawt w You toon one wife each. Bat if eonee to know one of taom really we ll I no might find that mora ft wife bad boon sealed" ui TK tmr-' iKal (kMa SUM originally ibandoaid civilised Uftabl, " v. I vaK w nana rj ka l7t by Well Attended. The Inatjt.tes for farmers and their wives, held at the State Test Farm and Spaed this week were largely at tended by both sexes. ines? two meetings were by far mostaumerously attended of any ever held ia the county and the closest at tention was given the speakers who ware often plied with questions that ebowed an intelligent and interesting following of the subject under dis cussion. The Institutes for the two sexes art conducted separately but at the same time. The attention evidences an aroused and increasing interest in the method of a more soiantific agriculrture. The SoutHhernier will publish the wii ners of premiums for bread and bis cuit as soon as they are sent in. Departure of Trains. For Norfolk, Va. No. 90 at 9.23 A. M. No 48 at t.05 P. M. For Mymouth: No. 56 at 11.35 A. M. No. 64 at Z.li P. M. For Reeky Moutt: No. 65 at 10 A. M. No. 49 at 12.18 P. If Ne. 91 at 7.48 P. M. For Farmviile: 10.30 A. M. 4.50 P. M. In buying a cough medicine don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There ia no danger from It and relief Is sure to fol low. Especially recommended for coughs; colds and whooping cough. Sold by all druggists. Uss Allen's Foot-Ease. Ths antiseptic powder to be shak On into the shoe3. If you have tired. aching feet, try Allen's Foot-Ease It recta the feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Cures aching, swol Ine, hot, sweating feet, Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Always use it to Break In new shoes. Try it to day. Sold everywhere, 25 cents. Don't acept any substitute. For free trial Package, address Allen S. Olmsted I49 Roy, N. Y. There was an oppressive silence in the parlor. At last the desporate young lady broke out. ' George, she asked, "why don you propose?" "Somehow somehow, I can't bring myself to do it. Myrtle,'.' blurted the young man. "It's only a short sentence, George.' "It's a sentence for life." Judge. There is In England a relief map of Uganda, which contains 2,000 grea-: All for Love. O talk not to me of s nan in story; The days of our youth are the deys of our glory; And tbe myrtle and Ivy of seat two and twenty Are worth all your laurels, though ever so plenty. What are garlands and crowns to tbe brow that Is wrinkled? Tis but as a dead flower with May dew besprinkled: Then away with all such from the bead that U hoary What care I for the wreathe that cat only give glory? Oh Came if I e ex took delight In thy praises. Twas leas for the sake of -thy high sounding phrases, Than to see the bright eyes of the dear one discover She thought that I was not unworthy to love her. There chiefly ) sought thee, there on ly I found thee; Her glance was the beat of the rays thai' surround thee; When U sparkled o'er aught that was bright in my story, 1 anew u was Kve. and I fen It w.s glory. Lord Byron. gamy, a use laud one to imagine polygamy and not monotony" (to ana the small boy's dofloMlom of seat- r.mony 1 in tne nde wKb tae Col baa hsu Mormons. d peaking from I do no: beUt-.e It farming people to bare aoatorod each ueceon as thane without the help of farm wives at tbe ratio of oboe thme females to sack male. Tbs work leg day of tUo Momma wife la n long long day. beginning tefore dawn and nver ending until near awonignt tvr life is spanft. from cradle to gtove tweea cook- tow. crsde. chine ihi.i. .y yard bog pen orchard garden and lawadry iwosn. Our Aav loan woenne. falling other diversion, clamor tot tbe ballot; tbe Momat wjb'o ak for the privilege of foM Ing their tired beads for o brief lost, la almost every case they look to be . or H yotrs cider than their re spect'.vt kwsaaads. tbelr faces are Hi ed aad sad. Proselyting baa 00 sir bom In Mos ico, for no Mexican woman, whether of higs or low degree, would openly oire ber husband wSk oaatbet soman. Tbe converts are from too United States. Caaads. aad Europe There nro saaay Olsons. Pet ems os. sal Yoaaona among tbe disciples of Brtgham Young. In Mexico. bad to on. WAR ON CONgUMPTION be araly said that too REMOVAL MJ: Removal Sale Starts lv and Loom Until We Open. New Business Home to waleb nil rVI tog l-d m d the ob) of the otfsen of a eeoaay art of a ami Furniture, Rugs. Druggets, and p!ete House Funiinliiiigg. ONI- Oar at Orvtljr ror aVgf t4Hi W Ewerythino; Must be Sold, Aothinc Wil be Moved Into Our New Store. -war- Bo sure aad tak Chamberlain's Colic. Oaarrbosn Remedy wktb y starting oa your trio this or and oil male often canoe nod tacks of diarrhoea aad rt to to be proponed. Sold by all dr Mrs. Holt, of tat A sad M Mrs la'e sortojlj. ttvtT bird "For a spring ihlnaoi. aid Dnwaoo, "I must cot consider this a pretty tool Yes. Mr. Dswaos." replied li id lady, emtobly. "but yon mis nemter that we nave bad o p toogh p. lag." Harpers Weebly. re- tb. John R Over 3. 100 gardens nro cultivated! la coo e lion with Aastrtaa school the pupil receiving expert tuition In I hortlcu't ire. The Best Hour of Life. Is when yon do some great deed or discover some wonderful fact. This hour came to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky Mount, N. C. when be wan suffering intensely as he says, " from the worst cold I ever had. i then proved to my great satisfaction want a woo derful Cold and Cough cure Dr. King New Discovery la. For, after taking one bottle I was entirely cured. You can't nay anything too good of a med Loine like that" Its tbe surest and best remedy for diseased longs, Hem orrhages; LaGrlppe; Asthma; Hay Throat or Lung Trouble Trial bottle free. Guarantee Macnalr Drug Co. r eer an 50c, 11.00 by W. H. AN APPEAL. Every pupil of Mr. F. 8. Wilkin son (Old Frank) is earnestly re quested to send his name and ad dress to the editor of the Souther ner, who also had the good fortune to learn from him. Those pupils who read this will aiso oor.ge by sendkog the add of other pupils. Boys herein fail not. When the digestion is all right, the. action of the bowels regular, there is a natural craving and rel L;h for food. When this to lacking you may know that you need 0 dose of Chamberlain's Stomach nod Liver Tablets. They strengthen the dk- PhlUpn. tod s P tlno. mees ofTiooes wUl board of it directors. 1 1 . . 01 Tj Improve tbe fUvor o an apple I loooty P e sprinkle the fruit wktb Isoaonjoius I aorfni at wy of after P. baa been cut nn nod mat toao I JoloaU In tbe pU dish, and add an ounce orla JJ w Conwty bod mor . occordingto tbe else of U of fresh b it er cot la small bKs Mrs. HolllowoU Cot-.n aoryl and coton seed cake bavo bean verv soccesofnllv wand lo I ag Oito dJvtao tbe generation of gas to drive a 30 11'- a horse rower eaa enedae Is !i torn la U I r - w v w w nrepared 1 rtoi. Sit hundredweight of cake to sef flclent for nine end n half hours' ma la a bill If your Uver to of 'one axd you feel doll; const! pr. ted. take a done of berlala'.. Stomach and Uver TakCoto tonight before retiring aad yon will feel all right to tbe morning. Bold by all druggists. 'The Piano With The Sweat 'II Wart a Piano This Fall You're probably giving It ton thought now. There's 000 very important thing to remember 8TIEFF PIANOS are of the very highest grade; tbe most popular in tbe Booth, nod are SOLD DIRECT FROM MAKER fully guaranteed, by a hoaae with an eo viable recoid for more then 60 years. Too not only secure the Beat Instrument, but save money. CHAS. M. ST I EFT. L. O. Steele. g.J34ve organs: lmnrove th inn.J square fee; and the claim is made Ute and regulate the bowels. Bold by that it is the lairgest in the world. I all druggists. I 114 Ormoby St. Borlolh, Va. Mention this paper. talks and a unsit lag chr.stiaa ive n Thin Tne How d 00 ahe eesd It eras realty la and too charge was only M id bring It do ago oa taooa OUR WORK ON. our n of this va aad ge 1 of fafty IS A BOW COMPi Tours foe at. TON 3foa to TW Drat Opportoait) of a I U IlntUdwlar Iurw w tw Joy to tbe m n &J. E. SIMMONS We Fsratoh Towr Boos Aad Make II Bright. WATCH US 6R0W I w' tag it UM s e e p Cool! By Swinging in One of Our M HAMMOCKS Look at Our Cots Made of m elal ami vVood. Ak to See eratorsaml Matting Hugs. Cnr Relris- Don't let the Flies and Mos quitoes bother you when yon ean sleep tiuder one of our s Z' CANOPIES v. m. a g. OARL,l8L.E. E.?o -:op. loan N. a UNDERTAKERS'