fie ftatiititttKqft Softmtc. BBk SaBWW BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GrO AHEA-D.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 35 TARBORO. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER t. 1910. .wilt dsn Sic: tt'sPills 3t the dyspeptic from many misery, and enable him to cat . t he w ishes. They prevent ;;fdaCHE, e the food to assimilate and nour- - fie body, give keen appetite. DEVELOP FLESH ,-rJ solid muscle. Elegantly coated. Take No Substitute Piano With The Sweet Tone" You Si Want a Piano This Fall You're probably giving it some thoutr'it now. There's one very important thing to remember STIEFF PIANOS arc of the very highest grade; the most popular in the South, and are SOLD DIRECT FROM MAKER WONDERS OF WORLD PROFIT IN HOGS. taiy, i-ranee. Great Britain and I Switzerland Are, Represented. Of the seven modern wonder works of the world, not one is in America. On of them, 400 yearn old, has its In s pi nation m religion St. Peter's, at Rome, the largest church ever built; the second, 100 years old, la the great est, triumphal arch ever erected, com memorating the victories of the great conqueror. Napoleon 1; the other Mve aire modern engineering works, it j8 typical of the changed ideal of the ages, that only one of the ancient won I iiar an teed, by a bouse with able recoid for moie than an oi 60 ye Yon not only secure the . Instrument, but save money. Best CHAS. M. STIEFF. L. C. Steele, Manager, 114 Gran by St. Norfolk, Va. Mention this paper. Official Piann, Jamestown Exposition. It does not pay to plant cheap and inferior seed. Buy the Old Re liable Landreths's seed and you know you've got the best. For sale only at Macnair's Drug Store. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James K. Lawrence late of Edgecombe county notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said estate to prison1'- them duly proven on or be fore Aug. 11, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Ail persons indebted to the estate- must make immediate payment. THBO. LAWRENCE, Admr. O. M. T. FOUNTAIN & Son, Atty's. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of E. L. Roberson late of ilgecombe countv notice is here by given to ail persons holding claims against my intestate to pre ae:.; -hem duly proven on or be fore Jurv 28th, 1911 or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. AH persons indebted to the estate must make immediate payment. J AN IE M. ROBERSON Admx. W. O. HOWARD, (i M. T. FOUNTAIN, Attys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Ada Howeitaa late of Edgecombe county, notice la hereby given to all persons holding claims against her estate to pre sent them duly proven onor before Ai g. ii, 1911 or this notice wili be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate must make i-niBH-diate payment. W. G. CLARK, Admr 0. M. T. FOUNTAIN & SON, Attorneys. These prices show what one can do when hestrWes to have tbe best The rule holds trueyfcx every pant of life, with bogs, sheep cows; com coaton. wtoh oar acta towards our fellows, on ly the tost wili be paid back ten-fold in Moral coin And in Moat Things rf We Of course a hog on the hoof worib, for eating purposes. K or SB cent, pound, nt least not jjncU Mr. Taft, and Mr. Roosevelt have the tariff raised again; hot for breeding bettor bogs some are worth thai and more. This is whs w. A. ThSgpen discov ered; or rather what he knew ) and went after it with has Duroc Jereey bogs. He has been raisinx them for some ders was utilitarian and only one of time as dhe Southerner's columns will the modern wonders is religious, five show and of the purest breed. being very distinctly utilitarian; yet Now Mr. Tbtgpen ht about to come noble ideals gave tfliem all birth. into his own. Of the utilitarian works the Sues Recently be has sold two sows for Canal easily comes first. It shortens 160.00 each and four gtttr or female the sen route from Northern Europe shoots for $50.00 each; or six for the Orient by 5,000 mites; between 1320.00. Fine price wasn Jt? He sold certain ports, more than half. The these in Raleigh and Greensboro canal was begun in 1859, estimated to cost $30,000,000 and to be finished In 1864. its actual cost was $80,000,000 and it was opened in 1869. Tbe ideal was realized, but none of the other eleven efficiency principles was thor oughly applied, most of them not at all; hence both the double time and trebled cost. The next great engineering work was also French, the Eiffel Tower, rising 1,000 feet into the air, at once the highest structure erected by man and the prototype of modern Ameri can steel construction, which, as a matter of course followed when pas senger elevators or lifts were made practical. The third great wonder is the Ftrth of Forth bridge; cantilevers, similar to three pairs of great Eiffel towers each pair joined at base, each half stneching out horizontally 900 feet without end support. This bridge is massive In design, because wind pres sure is more dangerous than train kmd. Tbe fourth modern wonder is the St. Gotfard tunnel, twelve males long, under the Alps. There was a Bren ner railroad route over the Austrian Alps, a Mount Genie tunnel under the French Alps, but Italy, Switzerland and Germany combined to divert the century-old trade between north and south to a shorter new route, the key to tbe situation being the long tunnel more than twice as long as any Amer ican railroad tunneL The seventh and test of tbe modern rwonders are twin-cousin ships, the Lusitania and the Mauritania, sub sidized and designed to restore to THE SOUTHERNER'S SAIUftOAY For the law of the apirtt af life to Chi let Jeeue hatf made sse free from the law of sin aad death. Re- I mane, VIII. Z. i wianT r-HU- poor vtotbna of the "saw of sat sfed death.- sue an at Faa this text. M 823 Via St. of the day or night, one may tee m PhKasM- w one L any nog tor tbte to be be g la an by the canton of tortog death. An thror bteda Bf of Thirteen Errors Of Life. Tbe thirteen errors of life have been enumerated as follows: To attempt to set up Oar own stand ard of right and wrong and expect everybody to conform to it. To try to measure tbe of others by our own enjoy i To expect uniformity of this world To look for judgment and ence in youth. To endeavor to mould ail ions alike. in expert- dlsposit Not to yield to unimportant trifles. Not to look for perfection to. oar own actions. To worry ourselves ana others a bout what cannot be remedied. Not to alleviate If we can all that needs alleviation. Nat to make allowances for the of others. aaton Chapel. hope held out by y alt bearing w with mind; stead post or the merely to bare for an hour or a But never a ai To consider anything toaaoasMa that we cannot oumetvea pel form. To believe only what our finite minds can grasp. To estimate people for aome out- aide quality, tor it to that with which makea Che man Great Britain the blue ribbon of the sea. Of these seven wonders, one be longs to Italy ; one jointly to Italy and Switzerland; three belong to France and two to Great Britain. An ideal definitely conceived in advance and tenaciously realized is manifested la each, and in most of them other ef ficiency principles are applied, in some only in embryonic vestiges, in others in advance form notably, in tbe two steamers, which, as to cost time of completion and performance, realized expectations. Engineering Magazine. (Where does the Taj-Mehal come In, the finest structure in the world, artistically and mechanically ? Ed.)' MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT A8SCOIATION. Win take notice that 1 can be found at my office. This Is the cheapest in surance in the country and absolute ly reliable. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer 'RAYED. A SHOAT RED WITH e list; black spot on right hip ter can have by paying charges. R. H. Parker. TV tuiu o m Greatest rain Remedy For Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back. Stiff Joint ar.dMucles, SoreThTOat.CoM. Semi n. Sprain. Cut. Bruise. Colic. Cramp. Tooth ache and all Nerve, Bone and Muscle Ache nnd Pain. The genuine has Noah's Ark on very package. 25c. . 50c. and 1 .00 by all deal rs in medicine everywhere. Sample bu mail fnt Ln lUowdy Co.. girjsa. Vs. "It Looks Just Like New. This wen the expression of a lady when she caHed to get a brooch that ahe had left here for a n pin. The brooch was polished and 1 finished. The new pin was properly ititaed and as she said it was really new again and the charge wsa only ten cents.! How many old piece of jewelry hare you got lying around that a f cento would make aa good as an and put into service again? Collect some of this old jewelry and bring it down and get an ei mate on the east of fuUy repairing OUR WORK IS ABOVE COM PAR Austin, Entertains. ISON, OUR SBRVICB PROMPT AND night Miss Mary Austin I REASONABLE. Tours for bus loess , M. .VON MILOROM. Rag. Optometrist A Jeweler. Next to Savings Bank. Rocky Mount N. C. Miss Thursday deliehCullv entertained at "Hearts' in honor of Miss Matilda Hancock, of New Bern, and Miss Helen Claxton, of Nashville, Teen Tbe home pi onset ed a scene of beauty. The hall and parlors had been arranged very-artis tically for the occasion. Tbe guests were met at the door sax ushered to theparlor where they were seated at tables. After indulging for a while in the unique and rnterestlng little game' "Hearts" It was decided that Miss Helen Claxton and Henry Keehln were winners of the prizes which were very gracefully presented by John A. Wed dell Jr. Henry Keehln in his usual attractive manner presented his "Heart" to Miss Han cock, guest of honor. Just before tbe hour of departure which came ail too soon, delicious f reshmenfts were serve. at faL WUi BSTABUSMEO 1422 Rstthl r'lsra.. H7- tamer These Soltry Aug. Days. mom Want The Rest Them Try Our Violet DutrhToiletTftlrom Exquisite, DeliirbtMil. Delicately JTerfumt l. Jut 1 be Ponder For Bab v. Ask to See Our Jf ew Line ermines, the Best Or for Myana of degree. Ooa-a 8 1 rsCtprrs Tarboro, w.c. raatty an their hot tha' wUl aatg tor. Men from It some gleam of bona ft and cry oat tor aaore Mat and True rarlattoa men are alwaye ready to lead teem en the 8av- . i or help any aaaa I ant cat C an . - . 10 OUR FRIENOS AND PATRONS: Cortmin Condition. by Ooa s heap. I ui COTTON MILL OlVIDENI UNKNOWN ANO CRAJTV Tha Out leek Wail I"f. af a Va Maj try a i 0. Tan decade vrobahly bean the in the history of J g this period (be country faattahry not an r that the eaaeus of 1AM a caastaltoaMon af HSr textile nxMls of Che eann i vaioatvon of M7.tte.- UlWaa Wf T 1 Dav laaarnhi) ' Vttawi Atoan (xaafatoB Mafjaam ajaM gan is a l r Tbe of tne feVISbUs Hsir n. i9io. ra 14 an in a prices to ft Pleasantly Entertained. Mrs. F. J. Lacey entertained test ev ening at the borne of Mr. and Mr. J. T. Vines in honor of her guest Mrs Nora S. Mulligan, of Witeon County Sunday School Convention. The Church members and Sunday School workers of Edgecombe Coun ty are earnestly requested to meet with the Sunday School OoaWiatlcin tc be held in Tarboro at tbe Missionary Baptist Church Wednesday Sept. 7, for tbe purpose of bettor ursanlaatteo to study improved methods la Bible School work. The School should claim tbe aftoafjpaa of all good man and wo fact there to a place for all to the school. Ton can be of help to the work. To that end may wa not en list more grown people In this canes. Let us organise, place a school SB every oommunJty to this county. J. R. racing n wwiwrSWi of htah cotton. October to aaMtog now II 11 cents a DOnad. But the of the mUte has ka aaa. Teg cotton in the North, as well aa to more whan ordinarily nbar of extra dividends by New England mUte In stocks, to say nothing a bo- ruler dhrirtends y. to one proof at h CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY. Mothers who value their ow . During the evening beautiful music comfort and the welfare of their FREY'S VERMIFUGE la the tame good, old-fashioned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 6o years. It is a medicine maile to cure. It lias never been known t fail. If your child is sick get a bottln of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TOXIC FOR CHILDREN I'D not take a substitute. If your druggist does not keep it. send twenty-five cents in ftamp. to nr. rdth S. was rendered, and many games parti cipated in. The main feature of the evening was the contest "private Collections of Works of Art. i prize, a beautiful picture, was won by Mrs . Lacey and tne oooDy oj air. Fred Knight. W. T. Vines who is just home from the west presented tbe prizes in a most unique manner. Delicious refreshments were served. The color scheme of ptnk and white, was carrried out effectively. The bouse was beautifully decorated with pot plants and flowers. Tbe evening was thoroughly enjoy- edby all, and at a late hour tne goes. children, should nsver he without a box of Mother Oray's Sweet Pow ders for Children, for use through out the season. They Break up Colds, Cure Constipation, Teething Disor ders, Headache aad Stomach Troub les, and Feverlahness. These Pow ders Nsver Fail. Sold by all drugs tores. 25c Don't accept any sub stitute. A trial package will be sent free to any mother who will address Hen S. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y. Attention Farmers. Now Is the time to prepare for the Fall crone : Rye: Wheat; Oats ed bv ekLand at tote hour tbe guee Rpe; Turnips; Ruto-Baga; Mustard At tv rrkarminsr oosceaf Kale and. SDinacn. nememoer arni. Viataix ixa.x7. sv we buy those seed in large quan Died. titles therefore can save you money At her home near bpeea or pray- w headauarters for an farm s is Friday, Mary Frances beloved wife . &rdea seed. of James Leggeit, age; 67. Let us book your order for Ciov er seed while the prices are low a tjnoi sai,,, nt Housenoid ana wot are Ba'w. O. Is. 1 The the NOTICE OF SALE Of OAY LOT to to wisely or ant. mill ksteresta In times of build larger to order to tor the next South has done it two years. by no means been wkhn toranmeots That tbe In at lease have not as yet evident from more rncen of i ir ami noted Mills at New of the tamottce. to of all la do la the its " araa by Sent. Ragr , nruanliir. of toe declared $350,000. a half year dividend of Tbe KUbum MlQs. am S73.000. For the first half j pany IX declared IS per Thread Company :ent. while Can Company, the current year to not doing badly and the outlook is now quite as good wa. o ism. at TARBORO SCHOOLS IS, at 1M tooTaao toaaav I Usa u MOUNT AI8Y. MORTM tost f S bM aaa IMstMtotlL Ilaltimore, d. and a bottle will be m ailed you. i w T. n J. B. Your petronsge soilcitod. MACNAIR'S DRUG STORE. O ALL A WAY OWYN, PROPRIETORS 31UUUUUB, J s.

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