itnrt. annWXNI 71 B wit BE SURE YOXJ ARE RIGHT ; AHEAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 36 TARBORO. C. THURSDAY. SLP1 HflflBER 8. 1910. 1822 0 tfut THEN GO A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the "Blues' u e1dom occasioned by actual exist ing cstemal conditions, but in the peat majority of cases by a dis ordered LIVER. TH15 IS A FACT, which may be demonstra ted by try tag a coarse of TutfsPills riwy control and regulate the LIVER . They bring hope and bouyancy to the Bind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE . A HOGGISH THEIF. THE GREAT FLIGHT. Has a Record of Having Recently Stolen Seven Hogs. Chas. Sugg colored sent to the roads for was recently 30 days for Hamilton Talks About Plana for Win ning in Thousand-mile Trip. "When I start on aeroplane fli between New York and St Louie wkfc boating hia wife and also bound over I an eye to w limine The World and to court for stealing a hog Wttbln the last few weeks G. A. Holder mess on his Perks farm haslost two hogs; Lawrence Dew who lives a joining has lost 3; William Weaver, colored, also of that vicinity two. They as 'well as the police have been on the lookout fox these hogs. Three answering to the description of some that were loot were found in Prlncevllle In a pen owned by Lee iMigerton and his wife, Lou. Post-Dispatch $30,000 prise I want the trip over the aerial highway to be like that of a railroad express tain traveling on the' ground. Havre be no fuss. The hour and minute steading will be made known, the nal given and promptly the air line express will depart on Its journey of 1,000-mile to be completed within 100 hours as required la he rules." That Is the way Charles K. Hamil ton says he wants to make the stent TLaJTY AJLI CAT LIT) aTOf TTW aJJC CHOSTJ - iMss Bit tare not as the Ike Oreat all symbolical; Ws natahttoq ths worklTAre w not of God mbr V toso fan of these efOet Is the These were identified by the ow- for big prise. The daring aviator, tar ths ow ea nswMi a Another Hog Traced. The fifth of the seven hogs which Chcs. Sugg '-s supposed to have stol en has been traced. It was Sold by Su?g to George Jackson of PriMeville who sold to anouner cotorea Hammond, who barbecued it. This is from the description believed to have belonged to G. A. Holderness. nem Mr. Holderness, Dew and Weav er. . Tom Shavers colored heard of the stealing and reported that he had bought a hog from Sugg. This hog Dew has identified as his. Both Edgertoa and his wife have bound over to court - charged with, receiving goods knowing them to have been stolen. Your complexion as well as your temper is rendered miserable by a dis ordered liver. By taking Chamberlali Stomach and Liver Tablets you car improve both. Sold by all druggists. FRET'S VERMIFUGE is the anie pood, old-fashioned . medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 6t years. It is a medicine ma le t cur?. Jt lias never beeu knowu t i fail. If your child is s:c2 g;t a bottf of PREY'S VEhMFUSE A FINE TONIC FOB CHILDREN Do not tske a substitute. II your druggist dots not keep It. seatd tweuty-iie cent in fta.n.3 la E. z&s S- "Tr liy Baltimore, Md, and a bottle will be mailed won. It does not pay to plant cheap and inferior seed. Buy the Old Re liable Landreths's seed and you know vou've got the best. For sale only at Macnair's Drug Store. STRAYED. A SHOAT RED WITH white list; black spot on right haj. Owner can have by paying charges. R. H. Parker. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James K. Lawrence late of Edgecombe county notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them duly proven on or be fore Aug. 11, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. AH persons indebted to the es tate must make immediate payment. THEO. LAWRENCE, Admr, Q. M. T. FOUNTAIN & Son, Atty's NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified aa administratrix of the estate of E. L. Roberson late of Edgecombe county notice is here 7 given to all persons holding claims against my intestate to pre sent them duly proven on or be fore Juh- 28th. 1911 or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate oust make immediate payment. J AN IE M. ROBERSON Admx V. 0. HOWARD. 0 M. T. FOUNTAIN, Attys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator f the estate of Ada Howerton late of Edgecombe county, notice 1 hereby given to all persons holding claims against her estate to pre- HER VIEWS ON SUFFRAGE. Mrs. Belmont Doesn't Put Much stock in the Chivalry of Men. In the course of a recent interview, Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont ,who is now th guest of her daughter, the Duchess of Marlborough, in London said: "it is not true that the majority of women do not want suffrage. The enfeoff racist is an ignorant wo 3 man Aivat -?n noo in aaaaa afies' especially tne weacner man. About 20,000 women in New York State are supporting their hus bands and children or other relatives. Every woman does not get a hue band and a great many don't want to. Anyhow, until she marries a woman has to work. May she' Stay home' but there's nothing to do there. Women have to go out to the factories to do their work. "The suffrage movement in America commenced with the middle classes, but now we are attracting both -the working classes and the wealthy peo ple. Our methods are peaceful, be cause there is no need for militant tactics. In America women are passing higher education examinations than men at the colleges and schools, not because they have more ability but because they can remain longer at these institutions. Take this instance: In the coeducation schools in Chicago 33 per cent of the students are wo men, but 83 per cent of the prizes fellowships and scholarships go to women, That seems to me to be an argument for woman suffrage. j "The argument that 'votes for wOi men would destroy sex caivairy is an surd, because the so-called chivalry of men is all humbug and is usually put forward to misrepresent the true issue, Justice. In America you have only got to watch the way in which men push women aside in the cars to see how much the chivalry is worth. At the present time the wife does all the work for her husband aud get no money for it. She ought to get half of what the man earns. The wife ought to be the man's equal and not his servant. The reason why who several weeks ago flew New York to Philadelphia and return In Che same -day. la already as his plans to enter ne flight a spec ially constructed biplane is now near- ing completion, and in about ton days it will beready to fly. In bis new aeroplane Hamilton has embodied all the improvements needed for making j longdistance cross country flights. "The more I think about the great opportunity which has been given to aviators to prove that the aeroplane has come to stoy," aays Hamilton "the more I wonder if everybody lizes what will be the most important feature about the New York to S. Louis flight. "It won't be anything wonderful for an aeroplane to travel 1,000 miles and to do it In 100 hours. The real test will be to meet and overcome ail ob- For this reason I would not like to have exactly ideal conditions when I at tempt it, because I don want at said that It was an easy feat. At the same time I would not wish for the other extreme very had weather conditions The teat for the aeroplane is to prove that it does not have to stick to the ground and wait until we nave con quered the weather before we make inter-city flights. "People think there is a great deal more to this aviation work than there ready is. K has been ei ed; I don't see why. It ia scaring a great many men and probably keep ing others from becoming good avia tors. Mr. Hamilton explains why be be lieves that the flight between New York and St. Louis will bring about a new epoch In the history of the moat Stat the Utile doe." rk as the Cbereh, to ts Uw (be teal at tt la plight as at to be the Oreat Mediatorial rates. II is the Father la to tsato a epen Ms Mm Christ The parable of todaya 8 class from Jester day dew a to the who typified tt at the great sates l d by the Chorea, (be the can of into Bride L Abrabam'a holy Spirit. to ca the tbet the King sent forth the ran to U af Abraham, ai i ill fling to the tea m the time of the giving of the La w tney waited tor the assssessossnsnt to be was ready. Finally, wheat Jeans came. AH tain (a are new ready! Cocas to tb or Sfiheiged with the of their own es eves heat aoese of the aerraata. tb Sara, who in ease to beep them, and to draw which was their special prtvttoga ad burned op their Ctty." satianta. The weddtoa ss f bidden are net worthy. Oe ye therefore toto the highways and aa ye una Drag to tne marriage feast. Aa the city q.m tne nigh ways represented the world to and bat parttaVy Improved It that the naptlal sent to Meantime, they had tx pofllke and interest la Um to A. IX TO. Then the -We to go nautics by saying st will force aviators who are thinking about tering the 1,000 mile flight to put their thinking caps on and produce machines which will be equal to the test. "After that flight ten been record ed among the annals of greet avtattoa events" he com I m s. "I am sore that we will have some graalty improved aeroplanes in this ct-uerry." of the doc totter part of of the of the MONTH ON ROADS. Pertaalty for Carrying A hto! con-1 - A young negro man giving name as James Bonner Friday evening for carrying a c axled weapon. Recorder Pender after hearing the house- evidence inquired if he could nay a I win be sore to be the right and an by the sway to the great will they sat be sadly dto work has always been regarded as a degrading occupation is because ithas been tree labor." CHILDREN WHO ARE 8ICKLY. Mothers who value their own comfort and the welfare of their children, should never be without a box of Mother Gray's Sweet Pow ders for Children, for use through out the season. They Break up Colds, Cure Constipation, Teething Disor iers. Headache and Stomach Troub les, and Feverishnesa. These Pow ders Never Fail. Sold by all drugs stores, 25c. Don't accept any sub stitute. A trial package will be sent free to any mother who will address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. fine of $10.00. Tne man said be could not. He was then ateatejtebt to the roads for thirty days. He came up here on the Plymouth Shoofly. Tricks of Meters Clear Vision Blind Humanity. One of New York's moa the sent ' Aug, Plead iadet lmm e duly proven on or before 1911 or this notice will be jar of recovery. All persons to the estate must make 3 payment. W. G.- CLARK, Admr G M. T. FOUNTAIN & SON, Att j-rieTs "it Looks Just Like New. This was the expression of a lady when she called to get a brooch that she had left here for a new pin. ELON COLLEGE (Co -educational. ) iMiL'iitfuIlv sitnaterl in the hill country. Unsurpassed in Health fulness. Pure water. Modern in qaipment. Steam heat. Electric "Khte Hatha. Seweiage. With a" the advantages of city life and none of its disadvantages. An ideal institution for the education of young men and young' women, with 20 years of successful history behind it. A high grade institu tion, whose graduates are admitted the graduate departments of all the great universities without examination. Maintains also Mu "ci Ait. Elocution, Business, and preparatory Departments. Four parses leading to degrees. Special uim.ii (jonrses for Teachers, proved and endorsed by State Jtiperintendent Joyner. terms derate, from $112 to $187 pef tesion of 10 months. For cats Sue or other information address K.MMETT L. MOFFITT, President, r W. A. HARPER, Dean. Elon College, N. O. The brooch was polished and re finished. The new pin was properly fitted and as she said it was really new again and the charge was only ten cente.! How many old piece of jewelry have you got lying around that a few cents would make as good as new and put into service again? Collect some of this old Summer Weather 1889. Cotton In 1889 was noted for large weed and poor yield. The weather tor May, June July and August of that year may be In teresting. Col. Zoeller has been kind enough to give the Southerner the fol lowing summary: The highest temperature was 93.5 for May; 94 for June; 97 for July; 91 for August. I Tbe lowest was 40.7; 52 J; 59.2; 89. for these respective months with n mean of 69.2; 74.2; 79.9; 74.1. The normal mean temperature these months is 69.1; 7.0 78.7; 77.4. The rainfall for these months wee 8.30; 3.78; 10.50; 5.88; The normal precipitation is 4.88; a. . a a 7 It will be observed that July endbtrt they to need for the Asa) about their pe as cause for alar m who complain tbet Oar afl zrrZT Save Time and Trouble saV te a sn ny i.oins To My teat beg tor Or IH try to a COOK THE DRUGGIST 4 First, lie always has what you want. nil that I will fall ion re be. i-h SB M&Miiir Temple Tarhoro, - Building II. C. YOUR NEW It ITsnKtoje Tsj CUbat Color FALL and an tbe can " H T 7 notice or sal c or By vtrtna af n tore Lnertn, ntotoJtfT. m O.I a. 118. at ' U at lb from ore. In tne cHy s " . sett at f bsgbasi M log or ana ed in Oay lit kfimmm and en tbe see IPEIilQ CLOTHES you win A m ad . line Tne tb a. C U IT, Zander etonred. ton to a er returned. No from the of s bar August of that year were cooler than and destroy to a nide person, be blow to aU of yet with pride ton rv.a lira a aPernewi nr. 4. n. for m " ary tolas. Persons who hare "spells" who talk much about temperament, who fondly fancy that tney are iliftoieaat. may not require a course In a lunatic aeykim. toswrsThy awry and of 'be U. 1818 J. P. WHERE YOU "It all W HaajsjO te on ass vttnl the average and July was vary mocb I "TT TT . Uke ttralaa on wetter than osual for tbet month. L J - .TIL break dona Yoj can t W wwcaa wav ay i hhi - ... d gtoi I lwunes ser Stock Owners Btmxned Capped Bock Colds. Dinten Frrer. nil forsns of Tnroah. Coma, Natl Wm Tin. tte, is NOAH'S LIN We do not rlntai that ROAH o 20,000 yards Duck 40.000 Peanut Bas ,4MK Cotton Mieets. Be tag la 'A Gentiemsn From Misetestopl." the thousands of cotnmna of grimed with duet of of iat over tax ato-l LIN lift NT will rare on bowels er nerves' of Sparta; the beat M icer to rewraaaT '. U OSt only S SJaaSal yji me wuwiw . must be bumtobed. prajse accoraea oy bowiiwiw uw cleared. Travel is a one end or tne cvuirr j u w w jwira.mi in io sar to "A Gentleman from Mlaetoalppl.- Hog taM the attraction at the Opera House jvnpn I - -w. - Is more appreciated by ia one of clearing the v vlntoa clearer. I Banns, and tost.) i. by strange. of If you are wh or tjal otiala of any kind Mrs. J. t. Vat de I WL. wriies. -Tbot 1 d'd not ' age of - a trratsd wifh NOAH a LIS! ta the early stage, that a 81 avL LaaaraLstBa Clark Taa l 3owu waile esdefeg a nsnst T, strain fnr tore Mantes, ta for at toJ and bring U aown ana gw. on soon, none mwo ew - j trom problem ot today mate on the cost of fully repairing. ianaer Wm. A. Bradvt thanthe state mrtA , . .. jw,., OUR WORK IS ABOVE COM PAR-1 meat of the New Tork Evening MaU twlp n, lnmlnt, T10' B- MON. OUR SERVICE PROMPT ANDLw sreatiest American com k. , .v. J REASONABLE. edy since 'The Senator.' "A Gentle- ta M-.rnB.1 W' MCMlr" man from Mississippi" ran for tnto-1 gii other concerns to our Itotto world. I i . . a ill i sin iing sawyers wito Yours for business, M. VON MILGROM, Reg. Optometrist A Jeweler, Nest to Savings Bank, Rocky Mount N. C. ran for tba i teen months in New York, four month in Philadelphia, four months in Bon- ton and six months in Chicago. The special company and production will be seen here. '"Dont you think it foolish for a country nq richer than Brazil to buy a $14,500,000 battleship?" 'Tm not in a position to be critical. Pact is, I just bought an automobile myself." Philadelphia Ledger. "Do you believe we shall ever have universal peace?" 'Not unless women quit offering higher wages to their neighbors' cooks.' Chicago Record Herald. all other concerns ta Is the death, or worse tbe defer- j ttoa of oae we have tared? n to the 1 dimming of an of a hope. In our amntatnoua griefs. But drifting with as) wide stream of huBsaaity we ftod -Is tt to on Whv in thp world Is Fiend dsvot- tost thev are bat a saw tnaatos to lag so much time to flying those I on tbe stream ot eve taut. With model airships? Does be expect to cleared vision we see in the toe equal Hamilton ?" I close by us for a moment .then lost "No; Its a pet scheme of his. To- tbe crowd, same characters the pea' of tbe feet day he sent up his wife's dog and It of experience ta etching ta oar own. ' wtodow. by never returned, and tomorrow be Is And we see that pain to not a mere sued to a pi boing to send up his wife's parrot If individual sorrow, but an Inescapable itoa wQl en a strode wind to blowing." Newark parf of tbe vsethuman experience and that a has Star. lotowry rues niways go aa a a crag to be toe a without being awre proof posrrrvB n UaaaaeaaJ OeVtlbtss Hair lair ToSSc Sporv De ViTbton Hair t-vl best teeaeey ree IHtH nssnsg' ibh asTasTeVnae as LaaaavaH aOB a i i if I iaal T