fie W jS1! Hh f7 L eBaw-snwaSSBBSw b jiittttetfrtee. BE SURE YOYJ ARK TUOHT ; THEN OO AHKAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 37 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY. SEP. EMBER 15. 1910. HSTAB1JSMF.D 1822 IiffsPnls After cm; in. persons or a sinwus ttaan willd-. rc great oenenc oy num oi tiw pi"- 11 y00 """ been iw;M'rt!G TOO MUCH, th,N ni promptly relieve the SICK HrDACHE . niit"'ri nusness which faltows, feature the a'"tH'tiie and remove gloomy feed IS. Cegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. The cento: a tew your . cret? The -I ki find s Puck. Hat-Tree And you are a . ? By George. Aside (torn .. k- in your face you hold . mighty well. What's the ee- i-aadfiateer'a Clock ' (serenely ) regular hours and always .tiling far my hands to do. ic lood. old-fashioned t at has savrU t;ie ' ule children for the ?ars. It is a raevtic!ne on. It has ncfcr wj ; i fail. If yocr sicl; get! a bottf- af FREY'S V'iIFUE A FIXE TOMHS FOR CHILDREN Do K vour it t.-Ae a substitute. If Uiistst docs cot keep ! tivetity-li-e cents in B. S. Itultimore, Md. s i-ottle will be mailed yon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Jame K. Lawrence late of Edgecombe county notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said estate to preser.' them duly proven on or be fore Aug. 11, 1911, or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the es tate must make immediate payment. THEO. LAWRENCE, Admr. G. M. T. FOUNTAIN & Son, Atty's. VALUABLE FARM FOR RENT. For the term of five years begin ning January 1st, 1911, that tract of land situate about three miles from Tarboro.on the Rocky Mount and Tar boro road, known as the King farm. This tract of land contains about 384 acres of which about two hundred are in cultivation, and is one of the best farms in Edgecombe county, It J has on it a dwelling house of six rooms, five frame tenant houses.ample out-houses, barns, stables and sheds and is abundantly supplied with good water. About $600.00 will be spent in improving the buildings on said pre mises before January 1st, 1911 or as soon thereafter as is practicable. For terms and further particulars address either of the undersigned or call on them at Rocky Mount, N. C. August 29, 1910. J. C. Bras well, E. L. Daughtrldge, for Planters Bank, Guardian. SEPTEMBER WEATHER. Many Uncertainties and Weather Telle the Story. What the month that a Roman em peror never coralled for his name will furnish the farmers this year la conjectural or speculative. The cottonweed is large and luxuria bat of the fruit there is devirging opi. u. mis eeucor dislikes to strike discordant note;' but he moat un less the killing frost is as late as the crop. The high, temperatures that have prevailed eo far this month may mean much or the reverse. Farmers must judge; we furnish them the fi gures for last year and the killing frost time, thanks to the ever acco modating disposition of our good rtea E. V. Zoelter who is as much aHve t civic pride and all that goes to make up a good cMlsen as any in the land. The highest temperature recorded for September 1909 was 87.5. This year -we have excelled that on more than one occasoin, last Sunday aa much as 2.5 and Tuesday 6.5. The mean for the month is 71.5; so we will watch our friend's daily weather report. Frost. Equally interesting and of much im portance is the frost period, which in -ne opinion or moat farmers run all tile way from 35 to 20 per cent of a crop, as it is early or late and late this year it must be; for the crop is admittedly two weeks late. ' Killinfl Frost Dates. , 1904 October 16; 1905 October 13 1906 October 11; 1907 October 15; 1908 November 1; 1909 October 14. The average date for these killing Croats is October 25. But mark the damage done de pends upon other weather conditions; such as were experienced in 1905. There were rain and freeze wKhou frost and these killed or rotted all the immature bolls. A killing frost with the weather dry stops all growth, and remaining dry the half grown bolls open. All such may be factors in the crop that we are now about to gather. It may as Col. ZoeUer suggests be in te resting- to note that the earliest killing frost was on Oct. 10. THE PHYSICIAN IN TURKEY. Make Changing Custom In Harem His Work Much Easier. The attitude of tin harem to cal practitioners has changed much of recent years. Twenty ox So years ago no Turkish woman would ever have submitted to a physical examination by a dootir. All he could have per suaded her to do would have been to show him her tongue through a rent in the yashmak, or let him touch her pulse from behind a heavy curtain and la the presence, of course of an largue-eyed eunuch or old female slave. Any attempt to apply a stethoscope to the chest would have been spured S3 an impertinent presumption of Western "barbarism ."No matfer how severe the illness, the medical man could not go beyond certain strict limits of Issamste usage and trad: ttoaal custom. Even in oases of im minent danger to life these scanty limits were never allowed to be over stepped, and the belief la the incan tattoos of a priest and the bouse rem edies of old, ignorant and supersti tious women held unlimited sway and was always greater than the faiti in the efficacy of medical skill and acdeace. This is now changing and changing rapidly. There are of course, eUl many exceptions where antiquated views and conceptions are fanatically adhered to and practiced .but these be come rarer with each advancing year Many Turkish women will now, when ill, voluntarily call on a medical prec- Don't Get Run Down. Weak and miserable. If you have Kidney or Bladder trouble. Dull bead pains, Dixziness, Nervousness, Pains in the back, and feel tired all orer, gat a package of Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN -LEAF, the pleasant hrsb cure. It never fails. We have so many testimonials from grateful peo ple who have used this wonderful rem edy. As a regulator it has no equal. Ask for Mother Graya AUSTRALI- AN-LEAp at Druggists or sent by mail for 50 eta. sample .Free. Ad dress, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. Old Folks Modern. Every one is yet voicing praise the Old Folks Concert on the of the 6th: but let no one imagine that those gracious and stately are back numbers. This fact is evl deuced in the class song given below In the write up of the performance we gave the same names of the per formers that appeared on the pro gramme. They were feUoi'ous noma de theatre, but here are they as we know them: Mrs. S. E. Speight: Mrs. P. 8. Sugg Miss Lucy Barlow; Mrs. Frank Hart Mrs. E. W. Raw la: Mrs. W. A. Hart Mrs. Frank Powell: Mra. Don Wil liams; Mrs. T. E. Lewis; Mrs. H. T. Bass; Mrs. L. L. Staton; Margaret MacNair and Mrs. Marietta Howard Our Little Tar River Town. Dear Tarboro; Dear Terboro; Heav en'sbleeaings attend her While we live we will cherish .pro tect and defend her. Though the scorner msy sneer a' and witlings defame her. Yet our hearts swell with gladness whenever we name her. Chorus. Hurrah: Hurrah: for Tarboro forever Hurrah: Hurrah our IK tie Tar River ""'j1 jEoeP sSASewwjw Jalwwe fwjrfwk "n'aCwlkavV TMI COLOMBO MAN T Wl TAJLPTLH Matthew 22i1S-f2( 4 re! randy nc directly and the Law, and bettered In a world. The I Higher Critics, future extoteoei edge them, but be perfect and hoty m the lack of sympathy, with BBS The Sadducees opposed J was a fraud. But even aa s fraud they te oppose him. only that they by a tfr aaUaa I of the It ! of th ai of the peace i ganpire towards the Jews leans, their smjeattlmi was f The triumphal entry of J tude, "Hossnna to the Son of Dertd." Biinds of the Pharisees Bat te the laddaceaa It d as te te voire their as Brora te tarn away the On people from the Great Teacher, ana. te late and. sought te sat words by putting the uaesMon. le It lawful te They reasoned that if Jeans would say. It Is set a Bttie difficulty te hsvteg him arrested as a leader at Pilate to pot him to death. They reasoned further th that it we lawful to give tribute to Caesar he would pa thy of the multitude, which cried -HoeaanaP arte haiit superatitiously. the Idea that they, as Gods tithes to any earthly Kmgrtom-that It would be under computetou. We a that thou art truer Not only so. bat they ansae! te Impress epos hies tante appreciaUon of him aa a Teacher that he would teach the light, the Truth, at any cost And so they said -Thou tssehsst the way sf Gad te troth r And further, tuny fortified thatr poattioa by saying. -We an act the person of men r These treacherous coespttmenta were hat sad sd to promptly answered. -Why tempt ye as. ye hypocrites r Why do yen sett your bass designs under guise of apes sing for the Truth T -Shew aw the tribute money." This was, tttstulty. the cm sue sate te which the tax was te te) paid They handed him a sVeeHes, the usual wage for the day Mho fat, surra. la 1 think X to sate te Turn. Save Time and Trouble By Going To COOK DRUGGIST First, lie always ha what you want. Masonic Tei Tarboro, Building N.C. of n wtfs. are God's" No wonder the him in his words I Oh the Next, the Sadducees. I asking one of their stock the asms woman and all ( wife In the resurrection? heaven or Purgatory or ete that are OAV LOT. S. O st two o YOUR NEW at niiiuii Tt Olhat Co4or Dss't LgtTnto FALL SUIT 11 for Note the late las i Msg Oat the th power at Oodr Ten do not U tho tee I? Lit fex. an Married. In this place Wednesday evening by F. H. Pender J.P. Miss Amanda Spain to Rev. J. J. Wilson. The bride is 45 and the groom 69 and blind; but very well preserved anc is a well to do farmer and business man of Wilson county. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as admindstrator of the estate of Ada Howerton late of YAz -combe county, (notice i hereby given to all persons holding claims against her estate to pre sent: them duly pro van on or before Aug. ll, 1911 or this notice wHi be Plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to toe estate must make Imm-ediate payment. W. G. CLARK, Admr. G. M. T. FOUNTAIN & SON, attorneys. ELQN COLLEGE (Co educational.) iMiL'htfullv situated in the hill country. Unsurpassed in Health fuiucss. Pare water. Modern in Wasting Money. Can any one tell why it is neces sary to have two men to run the street sprinkling water wagon? One fellow sits on the wagon while an other follow with a wrench to open the valves. Why cannot the driver do both the driving and the valve turn ing, i , new nc in ;raent. Steam heat Electric ts Bath. Seweiage. "With the advantages of city life and eof its disadvantages. An ideal Litution for the education of ung men and young women, .h 20 years of successful history Kind it. A high grade institu ion, whose graduates are admitted o the graduate departments of i the great universities without animation. Maintains also Mu ic, Art, Elocution, Business, and li.-paratory Departments. Four iirses leading to degrees. Special Normal Courses for Teachers, -;i roved and endorsed by Stste rintendent Joyner. Terms moderate, from $112 to $187 per Region of 10 months. For cats i ;- ie or other information address EMMETT L. MOFFITT, President, or W. A. HAEPEB, Dean, w Elon College, N. C. "It Looks Just Like New. This was the expression of tody when she called to get a brooch that she had left bere for a pin. The brooch was polished and re- finished. The new pin wOb properly fitted and as she said it was really new again sod the charge was only ten cents.! How many old piece of Jewelry have you got lying around that a few rnrxta would make as eood as new and put into service again? Collect some of this old jewelry and bring it down and get an esti mate on the cost of fully repairing. OUR WORK IS ABOVE COMPAR ISON, OUR SERVICE PROMPT AND REASONABLE. Yours for business, M. VON MILGROM. Ree. Optometrist & Jeweler, N Met to Savings Bank, Rocky Mount N. C. Just see our new graded school so grand and so stately, Education is our watch word and we've adopted at lately. Soon the hotel will be opened on thia we are all united, We will have a gay festive time, for everybody's Invited. Our streets are green with growing ptenta so large and so tall They will grow as luxuriantly till frost kails them thia Call,' When she graduates in hygiene wxn ' The Civic League" for a teacher She will rank so high weth the Health Board, no other town can reach her. This town is progressive and claims what te right. We hope to have street cara and ride day and night S3 three cheers for our Dixie Lees, they turned a mole hill to a moun tain. For they went to worklike bueybeee now behold the Wyet Divine power which, at that oot all the difficulties si Oaa. ch as would would "neither marry nor be the agate Thus the ducees fell fiat and tb Next, one of ins Doctors of On Law question of the relative Importance of On Dtvtee. Jesus tonaMsrsd the greet one of all The Great tan commandments tnto two. " to On Law (DawL OJBu and Thou ahslt love the Lord thy God with ail they heart, and with eU thy and with all thy mind." Tula la On Bret and grei And the second Is tike auto to "Thou shalt tore thy the Lawyer say to such a snaamartoation at On Law? He had antU The Great Tesctosr ssked Oe Phaitoaaa. "What Oteft ye at On Whose Son to her They saswerad. Two Boo sf Davte." then deth Darid ta spirit (prupantlcstty) Lord amid unto my Lord, Ml then an ay rhrst head on I thy footstool? If David Oen ealteO Mai Let Of course th could answer all of tifnlly clear we we to to be Oat the M of the lineage Of David, but that God s purposes of the asss) that he toy down hat see the dead to On plane of glory, aonsr and tosuwrteOy. Tar nd powers" We perceive Oat In the days of tea On Bon of David, but that ta his gtosnaraOaa he to Dartdn Last 1 will receive through I also the bJee-lQjr of Messiah in the flesh will then beeves the sea ef the earthly life la to be the mllfttiu price tor On weals w. Thus It to written, "Instead at thy fathers shall be thy stejait make princes (rulers) In all the earth." Pan. eVI ef tta s rve. sad an ta. taw ACL rooT KUPPENH CLOTHES 'Vac .annmauu ObT toau too win ttaW 4 Taw V rrtegeV, head till 1 make Otoe I SUMMONS SV PUSLiCATtOM Tm ZCLdlCX I Mm to tot Ma Seat" I - "- -- - - e& I , . .Ji Insure Your Slock JL'SLSrSJ: Tie Ctroli naUteSlttk lititl !. Cs Why net as On David tew at law Definition of Automobile. The word automobile has been de Hined aa follows. Automobile: A large Iron and rub ber contrivance for consorting gaso line into speed luxury excitement and obituaries. It consists of a hano some leather upholstered carriage body mounted on a giazard full of machinery a taf effing from various all- meats. K is the speediest and most stylish, form of transportation known. It can transport seven people to toe nouo waMon the bankruptcy court or the golden gate in any other known method A LONG SEARCH. Man Traces His Property from w Virginia to Tarboro. chant In West Virginia Savet months ago he I BETTER BIOE WALKS? Mayer Ordl to. c ami or !i- iawiaenwtassn,swiaan: - toaw uW aw aw kwkwkltK99fttkktW I . H. PENDEK Local of his one Amewn wltt man till be rrerhod there he learned that th. gon. Us i nam and some g gold B. Said of 'hie ptece WMw he arrived ham of Sntedjbnt the horse wl A uhareononr Hauling : :vpectfnlly asked. Neat rigs, 1 swift horses. For hire or sale. W.R. Whitehead Sheriff Dawson's Stables. Phone 92. Don't Break Down Severe strains on the vital organs, like strains on macahinery, cause i break downs You cant over tax sto mach, liver kidneys Dowels or nere without serons danger to yourself. If you are weak or run down, or un der strain of any kind. Electric Bitters the matchless, tonic medicine Mrs. J. E. Van de Sande, of KlrsOand. HI. writes; "That I did not break down, while emiurng a mow. strain for three months, is due whniiv tn Electric BRtera'Use them and enjoy health and strength faction -poslvely guarantied W. H. Macnalr's Satis- 50c. at A Card. The Daughters of the Confederacy wish to thank the public for their patronage at the concert and wish to announce that three rows of back scute were reserved for genera ao- mlnaton st 35 cents each. Mr Bentty experienced antoanwn wan employed by the Committee. The sales of r enal admission tickets alone amounted no 126.20. I' We hereby correct error, that all seats were sold as reserved seats and furthermore state that these an were sold aa advertised. We thank the ticket agents and ushers for their kindness. Respectfully. Chairman Concert Committee. only te OW Finally h nothing to plans he traced !! A T IS the law will he r to lift 06 sad I to a: You, Wlr Farmer 14. nt to av pasu la. A mean to said to have traded thai on weth soma nun te Hsltoax OuwaW Claim and delivery papers were a en out and will be heard Monday the Recorder's court. Urns mil fens gone to Halifax to find If fen nmn fete horse This Mesaood s side of the case On bt Leg. Jesse H. Powell of Washington, C. is visiting his mother, Mrs. A. Powell near BatUeboro. "Love ah Jove", cooed the eenti mental maiden. "I feel aa if I could live on nothing but love." "Do let me be your caterer," replied the ardent youth at few side." Boson Tuna insert pt It Saved Hto "All thought Td loan my MtV wrttns J. A Swansea, of Wasnrtowa. Wis. "Tsa vaara of acanma. Oat If doctors could not cure, fend aft tont Mat me up. law Salvs cured it. a fallible for Sklc Salt Rheum, Boils. Fever Sores Bams Scalds, Cute aad Files, xtc. nt W. H. Macnalr's. umO te L IJ Ajsst Par TgJ1 iiuaiieii W. L. to 8im mom jeer. Tt 000 ball 1 ,00ft. n'A HaWJIasj Uwi only 4 1.0T0 frost la W far TASTE LESS TOM ML CHILL la a Cotton Sheeets, Peanut Bags, lliitrtf iny: and Ties and Duck. RoberMUi-RiifHii t Ompany Sat MCHJHT AIRY. S ALL A WAY A BWVH. PROPRIETORS i