WMZ. BE SURE YOXJ ARK RTOFTT; TH W AHKAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 38 So Tired It may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an in active LIVER. - With a welt conducted LIVER one can do mountains of tabor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept in healthful action by, and only by Tiitfflls TAKE NO SUBSTiTMc TARBORO, N. THURSDA BMBlik 22 1910. eSTABlJSHEO IS 2 HIS WIPE AN AMERICAN. IN PRISON 36 YEARS. nam Joseph Chamberlain Paid To J Hia Truest Counsellor. Pomeoy Has Never Seen Modern Invention. the exception PaaaaAbJ -et the best of a man, s-?e his worst side. if you . successful of what he is man does not going to do to i sting of defeat is felt long ike sweetness of victory disap- MAKE ICE CREAM FROM WATER . a small quantity of condensed milk, if fresh milk cannot be had. I int jondensed milk costs ... .06c. noogh colu vaur to make one lart .00 i 13c. package JELL-O ICE CKDAJl Powder 13c. Total , . . .19c Mix all together thoroughly and freeze. Don't heat or cook it ; don't add anything el6e. This makes two quarts of delicious ice c ream in 10 minutes at very small cost. UNO YOU KNOW IT'S rVKK. Fife iinJs: Chocolate, Vanilla, Straw terry, Ltn on and Unflavored. 1 packages 25c. at all grocers. Illustrated Recipe Book Free. The Geresee Pure Food Co.r Le Roy, It Y. taaHHUBdHH promptly obtained in ail countries OK NO FTE. TRADE-MAMS And OpyriKhts 1 egisAirpd. i .h.ricn. aooei or ruwo, i or rnt hi PORT on patentability. Patent practice ex- 1ANK REFERENCES. Pen. 2 cents in rtamw for inraiTmNe book DTl HOW TO OSTAIH and SELL PATENTS, Which ones will pay. How to get a partner. fhi'.ent law ana oioer Tiaaoie uu vrrom uos,L0n ujone.) Bob ton September Jeans H 10711.7 ana wuery devotion of Pomeroy, the most noted prssonsr en Mrs. Joseph Chamber Ian I, wife of one the yesterday entered upon of the greatest figures in English, po- his thirty-fifth year m solitary con Wticai circles of today, is the talk of fiaement in Ctailintowii State Prteoo iwo canKiaenrt. Before her marriage to in, aji these tins Bntesh statesman she was Miss of mother and Mary EndkotJt, of Salem daughter of together wh em the late Hon. Wifflam C. Bodicott from, .tete oftioiaia, unoer rresKient Cleveland, was seen no one. Secretary of war. Pomeroy entered prison as a boy Same years age 'Joe" Chamberlain of 16. He was convicted of flendtoh wae suddenly taken sick, and during lv butchering Ave year old Horace his illness, which even his most inti- Miltok in South Boston in 8176 sod .mate friends feared was his last, his be wmft generally believed to be guilty w He was ever by his side. She seldon of other An crimes. He In now Jef the sick room, and although there a man of 60, Ate health failing hia were nurses, she insisted on oaring frame emactejted and the sight of ror mm nerseu. She was to him oue era almost gone, but his urtad is wmw .Mrs. utaaatone was t Englands great premier in his last sickness. And now that Chamberlain is bet ter, much better it is said she has even a harder task to perform for toe old war horse is longing to Jump -.nto harness once more, and it is her work to keep bom quiet until he is really fit. In the great campaigns which her husband has fought and won she has been his best friend "and adviser and during the crisis attending the wind up of the Boer war she was hia greatest help. "In aill the storm and turmoil and stress of the troublesome times from waich we are now emerging," Cham berlain sacd in speech at Birming ham on the eve of his departure for South Africa, "I have had at least one source of solace from my wife. When under the double burden of the great responsibility that had fallen 63 me, and the venomous attack and lying misrepresentation of our pro fessional enemies, my courage seemed MOM OtATM. A m tost aoe It fUCB SHALL MOT as "If eat Ms te As So T. PAUL, was a practical teat Mag down to a Today'a Study Is on of entreaties. It la 1001 sard te feo from the broad road of selAfeaaaa SJ the footsteps of Jesee, and Uterefc who are not saints, many who are aUnyteasons'Tf Ate" Ooa to be the Lord' The Christian as wtu sat to walk the nam wl'M J. to Ood. to the way. te use Dr M sr it still active and continually for soma means by which he may se cure his release. Pomeroy has never seen 'a tele phone. He has never ridden on nor seen a trolly oar or elevated train During hia incarceration electric lights have become necessities, sub ways and tunnels have been built, au tomobiles become common every -day affairs. Pomeroy la not allowed to enter the workshops. The other occupants of murderers' row detest and fear him and he has no intercourse with them. His exercise is taken in the yard while the other convicts are in the workshops and the rest of his time is spent tn noting sleeping and reading. urges taw to walk tn the he tn accord with their nww desires of the Desk Why? ordsro of Interests as between the deal res of fee Ci i at il law The two are st warfare, the o may be a truce for s time, but that will Interests as New Creatures are not do tha things that ye wenldf" As New the footsteps of your Master, perfectly, bat A this! Ton can only bobble after Ma at vary and become bis followers, we wtO be no toofl the flesh, but will be Judged as New Ciaatniss, narfsct la to righteousness wo ere esseM sf. ouaV Te fan an Sana, yon Bat tf we take fete a. Ma. m st Ji a M. No as at la r M. roe Plymouth No g at UM A. No tt at MS P a Par Bsii j Meant: Ma. SS at IS A. st. No te st it.lt P. M Ma SI at T.4S P. M. MJS A. M. Jt P. SL Save Time and Trouble By Going To COOK THE DRUC6IST First. He always what you want. aa to What WOUM and deriaree feat MMTI D. SWIFT PATENT LAWYERS, .303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. jrnaaucen &C0, like failing her wise counsel, her un broken ojjtimiam sustained me. "She .has fortified me by her cour- aga and cheered me by her sympathy I have found in her my best and tru est counsellor." This is the tribute of Joseph Chamberlain to his wife, a Xew England girl. And she is an American through and through. "Yea are not a bit like an Ameri can, Queen Victoria once said to hei And she responded "ThteJe the very worst compliment Hhout depleting the snply Ths Inevitable. From reports of the engineer from actual experience driven are not furnishing ths town with sufficient water. While the cost Is al most thrice as great as it would be were the supply equal "to the capacity of the pumps. Another factor such water as we now have while thoroughly whole som when it stands produces a fermenta tion that te repeUant to the user. Were tha vegetable matter not in the water there would be plaint about the Again were the pumps able to ob tain a maximum supply, all dead ends could be flushed daily If FREY'S VERMIFUGE te i'te ?f rood, old-fashioned medicine tiiat has saved the lives of little children for the pest 6o yea rs. It i medicine made to eur.. It ,a never been kaowj 1 tail. If vocx child u si si a bottf. of FREY'S VERBhIFUUE A FINE TOXIC FOR CHILDREN Tjo not take a sibstitnte. If vour druggist doe not keep t send twenry-C-e cents in fttjnpi to 3. Ital(aipre, !Od, s -. ". a bottle will be mailed yon. hat ydUf could possibly pay me. THE EARTH CAVING IN. Another "sink on Alachua Lake, Just across from the chain of "sinks' south of the city, developed some time during Wednesday night, and aa a re sult the trains over the Atlantic Coast Line were annulled after the Leesburg Jacksonville train which reached here Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. The first report that reached the city was brought by Conductor Fred erick, who was advised of the trouble by Section Foreman Thigpen, who made the discovery early In the morn ing on his way to the south end of his section,. When Mr. Thdgpen first discovered ths new sink it was not more than ea or fifteen feet in diameer but it spread very rapidly during the morn ing hours, and by the arrival of the Laesburg passenger train A bad A has bee am ooted and almost a greed to connect up the dead ends. Sty gceng to too river. A to aA probable that such an expense wtU be unnecessary, a saving of ansae SS.SSS. Aaaan tf by going to the river wa ter can be obtained in abundance at a third or fourth of the present cost the town will reap greater prof So and the DubsVc can have water at less rates than are now charged. For Industrial porposes river water because of its softness to far prefer able to our underground water which excellent for drinking purposes te not dassrahie for making steam and with out obemicato not altogether ra for laundry work. In order that none ndght make a desires of the flesh, ths Apostle rentes fast or openly discernible. Dim Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, etrt pea. that they which practise sorb tAtejp el God" These are works sf the falleo Arab ai All of Ood's people are to mist them, if they would net teat Ste favor. They bare the seeds of aD those Inlualtusa things to) than- Sean, teratied by aorteV tty; but their sated, festr wTOe, bare been c banged, roe reeled, luiaed aroanA to rlgbteooenree to the dotes at the wtU of Gad. As New Creature they avast not practise the fleshly things, ate ihey wffl sot grow to the traits and gtaoas of ths holy Spirit and win not be flt fur the Skull The Apostle does not here say that If anyone were awnrtekwa to) s faatt sad test his temper, for Instance, and got late strife, that into woo Id bar Ma for ever from the Kingdom He might. Indeed, ttesngb tsars sad prayers and Drrlne forgiveness, come bark Into barman wAu Ood aad sstisaqsi atlj te come s valued soidter of the Cross and tote w g the Lasso. Ant Sf any contrary to the so which ot forward. Let as sots the slip with a penitent recovery, aad a wilful aiirfteteg of s wroeg tot how many CAftoftona have the ivManti te thirtesi that taoy wis the fTtegtiisi of Ood unless they make a free start sad reverse tl TSMl Si tegT If fen Apestte sat an fete n In f the tad show an the which batons te fee Oardea of the Lord, fruits of fee ApAA ahouM more and moot to oped to perfectten te oar hearts, ana, as far as cover aad choke out the tmperfertteae of ear Seek The are aD ths fruits of the RpUit o 9Iaonir Temple Tar I Mini. . ItuiMinf; H.C. fllf .-...Y O 1 1 c NEW c V. FALL SUIT Yoa Tear Olhsit Color and Stylo Mull ft Tte rye IS IS as oa Jety U wtu afresh sad woald amlsy at fee b. Aaa per fee Ooa are these nova, joy. te ei! of of U ate wMS the rreed that they wUI See Spirit ofOoT wfaich baTgtetSMi Id ns'sad mlSMiLmUpSi But II can perfect as only ST wo are tod by tt aad wnA te ton ways we will not be St far a ptere te the of the OArtotten to vantty. It leads to aeere treat than te a Ay ssiiinl tf on a eater. It wfll mean thai teachable. And only . A. G aasn mi aonf safes t was saa I isfes aw eteaon iSjUli te SWAM R P H. No 4. A M. Tap Aw Tarharo a es -OS or SALS OA AAV CLOTHES MGSI NOBBIESI Tarboro's Natal Year. The Merchants Protective" Ass cannot be too much praised lor want ing to observe Tarboro's 150th year VALUABLE FARM FOR RENT. For the term of five years begin ning January 1st, 1911, that tract oi -and situate about three miles, fron. Tarboro.on the Rocky Mount and Tar boro road, known as the King farm. Tbig tract of land contains about 384 res of which about two hundred art in cultivation, and is one of the Uest farms in Edgecombe county.- P is on it a dwelling house of six x)ms,five frame tenant houses,ample at -bouses, barns, stables and sheds with a home coming week. The South grown to about forty feet, one large erner has wanx1 this but ban not chunk of earth following after anoth- ur9nA , ,enn that did not oc- er in rapid succession and the ground cracking for a 'space of several feet around the entire hole. At about noon the place presented a rather late nest ing scene, for at this time the grealt loads of earth were rolling in at intervals and with them the water would boil and sizzle as though it was hot iron being struck tn place. The great pool also resem bled 'the waves of the seas for during the day it was in motion, sometimes Airs Watt. Or nearly no. Thad Tkeash ha horse waste cavort lag fen goad osteins n Ana Pepsi Onto w try feat a well caved la and ot Mr. Horns one of b a to d a ft wa lata and Mr Threat to an ad that tK made teas swell." Tan edteor n I town I Tarbo i prtbab'y not Us leSfe anniversary. A fron (be Rea l M tie. was before the evening ask rg far an aa o ttd Insure Tour Stock P. M. as itloa frnm In this Ann year of ad Is abundantly supplied wh good being greater htan at others, and uP to last night the earth was sua row ing Reports from 'the place Mat night were to the effect that the hole bad covered a distance of. 125 feat running north and south, while from the east to west bank the distance is fully 100 feet. This sink developed some 200 yard this side of the one that occurred there a few years ago when a local frihif trLin. with man? cars feil to the bottom ofthe place, but fortunate ly (there was no waiter in this. oV, and it was easily filled in and Is used today the same as the old roadbed. u,o hw lwn the waiter in this Uiok save vv ar nw place is cannot be estimated wirt-K 4T,v Wvrree of accuracy for dur g the forenoon a large tree that was fully thirty or more feet tall was ia the mdddie of the place and in the after noon it bad disappeared as though nothing but a bottomless hole was ttoer to receive anything that came its way. There are a number of old sinks in the vicinity but the new one to larger than any of the othere.-toirneavllle i Sun. water. About $600.00-will be spent in :n proving the buildings on said pre mises before January 1st, 1911 or at -ioon thereafter as Is practicable. For terms and further particulars address either of the undersigned or flail on them at Rocky Mount, N. C. August 29, 1910. J. C. Braswell, E. L. Daugntridge, for Planters Bank, Guardian. ELON COLLEGE (Co-educational. ) IMightfully situated in the hill country. Unsurpassed in Health -fulness. Pare water. Modern in equipment. Steam heat. Electric lights. Baths. Seweiage. With all the advantages of city life and none of its disadvantages. An ideal institution for the education of young men and young women, with 20 years of successful history I riolnnd it. A high grade institu tion, whose graduates are admitted to the graduate departments of ill the great universities without examination. Mautains also Mu 4c, Art, Elocution, Business, and Preparatory Departments. Four courses leading to degrees. Special Normal Oourse3 for Teachers, approved and endorsed by State Superintendent Joyner. Terms moderate, from $112 to f 187 per session of 10 moiths. For cats loiie or other ioiormation address EMMETT L. MOFFITT, President, or W. A. HARPER, Dean. w Elon College, N. 0. cur to our well housed merchaiata an hotel. Now if we wiS all open our houses that ho el hiatus wH be n matter of no moment; bat If we do not where are we? The Hotel Fnrrnr people are po cedmg with all fee celerity consist ent w!th good bargaining But tbey growing n com crop of St, 177.SJM) do not expect to have that hostelry I acres la tan eight Soothers open before Thanksgiving Day. if so of Virginia the Carol lama They wiO im toil no pretense wu ex eaWppt which to nn tec ream of tertor effects; but on the Inside fee 1.5S5S00 acres over fen urea instil1 hotel win be modern and up to date, to that cereal te feat territory in testead of an occasional home com- ifa. inz week to note sonte anniversnry. This te aa infra si As ntojn and A ZZJTZZflZ? ItZTc1: Z TL rts Csrsllss LlTf surk Istsal Is. Cs AS aMBAASSB st s hat fee auks fee Oa ia seas !T ion an tec, folltel ta AAj JJjJ I AS eMWSSjAsAaj Mesaers Merohanto let fair. Eh? aa have an to Of Moving Pictures. Fred Braswell, in a few days wm open day and night in Cooks old drug store, moving pictures. The pictures will be up to date and Mr. Braswell hm ixiintfl date in his display. He tfjui "' "-a- ' - The Republican has received, with the rnmnMmms of F 0. Davte a case of. -North Camlton pane grown end shipped by the Eton Orovo Peach Farm Tarboro that Stete. Something like -twenty who got in on the case will s that these were WttHe bit the finest flavored poaches they aver ste. Not only was fee flavor Al; the and else were there also. The came by express and the frsSt i as fine condition whoa ft OatosvMle an when picked from trees, a vary few slightly poaches worn found at fen bottom tiers. Mr. Davte writes that down tn hte country they have bad pesetas te Dleotv since Mar IS OnteevlUs Re w- W " . pnbAenn. Thee peaches were grown oa Cat farm of our whose soutod friend T Perry Jenkins. Of course they kepi Porrv to that kind of s man for he ke.ips good things oa tap. Incidentally it may be that he sold some of the peaches a New York at lll nr bushel. If Wolverine with La PoUofe throw in and Q arse culture ahull ally an M to 1M F. H.PENDER Loosl Ai la the of living est boss tf the psuntol to tafee by fee id force ft to pat -IMIP. Tou, Mr. Farmer. Use Aliea-s ft t7 tn be or an SUMMONS SY PAH AS aa, mV aa tan osS wASte sigh M. C. fee yteM of which qnaatfty of SSS Tha of fen yteld aa Mr. Bam tetten would an teemsfeto tf above eballenso Prom w Post, K to Lr Ray. N Y. tor fans tmi ei will not follow the old rule of chang ing once, twice or even three times in as a premium and the standard Re drugg a's. a week, but every day. Each day the publican of OsinsvlUS as endorser j outfit will be new. So will the pte- better than fete tot Am cornel Avoid fee green Chamberlain-! Colic. Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy la today tan known medicine la saa far relief cure of bowel comptalats. it griping, diarrhoea. ahoald be taken at ural looseness of .Ue bowels A to to 8. C. aad eqoally valuable for children and, an! feat aa wan If ). ...... d.li K v all Cotton Nkeceta, Peanut Bas, BnaVirJiiu: and Tics and lurk S?S'i:laAbcrani Rsmtn Coasnany i. c a MOV NT AIRV. NOsTTrl CAROUIU turns. come down and lva Perry a OALLAWAY aOWYN. PROPRIETORS

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