BE 8URE YOU ARE RIGFJT; THEN GO AHKAD.-D Crockett - VOL. 88. NO. 39 TARBORO, 'N. C. THURSDAY. SEPl EMBER 29 1910. Advice to the Aged. Ae brings umrmiaes, sack as sloe, cish bowels, weak kidneys stud Mad. dcr and TORPID LIVER. Tutt'sPiHs have a specific effect on theaeerzana, r stimulating the bowels, causing them ,-H. riorm unit naninu functions as in v outh and IMPARTING the kidneys, bladder and LIVER, ey are adapted to old and yonna. to They i D. JENKINS, Physician and Surgeon, Tarboro, N. C. Phofl No. 1W OR. G. E. WEEKS, Dentist office near Telegraph Office. V vV. MACNAIR. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Citizens Bank Building, Norfolk, : : ; ; Virgin! NATHAN WILLIAMS, Ton so rial Artist and Hirsult Dec orator, Tarboro, N. C. Two doora from Bank of Ta'boro. J. FRANK LILE8, Att'y and Counsellor at Law, Practicee In State and Federal Courts J. ROBT. PENDER Surveyor. Tarboro, N. C Post Of flee Box No. Fifty-Four. D. D. WAGNER, , Contractor and Builder. t -rites cheerfully given and work guaranteed. Phone 203 L. all MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. W1U take notice that 1 can be found at my office. This la the cheapest in surance in the country and absolute ly reliable. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer DR. C. A. WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. 0. ifiok hours to 1 and S to 5. DR. DON WILLIAMS Surgeon Dent ist, Nitrous Oxide andOxygeh Gas administered in the extraction of teeth. THREE GREAT PROPOSITWHS. The education of every boy sad girl toBsy, in oar humble judg ment, received from the public schools of our country, moat be based upon the three great propo sitious Humanity, with all its surroundings: Honesty, Industry. The feeling of humanitv that planted in the breast of the boy sad girl by the benifioent rays that come from the teacher, will live forever; it matters not in w hat walk in lire it may be; whether in the school room, counting house, ahop, farm or profession. The humanitarian Mass that are incul cated in their minds while attend ing school, remain forever. If these are baaed upon the thought that the feelings of a fellow man must be respected, that the ties cf kinship and fellowship are among the most beautiful and ennobling that can be planted in our hearts; if beyond all this, if the boy and girl are taught to look higher than the things of this world, then one of the foundation stones unou ar which education is baaed, is se cure and the state is safe. The common schools of our land must instil in the minds of every boy and girl the element of honesty honesty to himself; honesty to his neighbor; honesty to his country. To these must be added a com pensation to the teacher that will not make it worth while to use the teacher's place till something else turns up. There is not a teacher in the public schools who should not be paid and justly, three times that now doied out. rim Tarboro CIV IL ENGINEER JOHN J. WELLS Rocky Mount N. C. VALUABLE FARM FOR RENT. For the term of five years begin ning January let, 1911, that tract of land situate about three miles from Tarboro.on the Rocky Mount and Tax road, known as the King farm ThJa tract of land contain about 384 IN SUPREME COURT. These cases from this county were argued before the supreme court. Rogers, McCabe & Co. appellees vs. U. B. Cox appellant. F. S. Spruill for plaintiff. Dismissed for failure of appellant to print record Charles Edge appelant vs. At lan tic Coast Line Railway, appellee from Edgecombe. T- T. Thome. G. M. T. Fountain and Son for plaintiff, F. S. Spruill and J. L. Bndgers for defendant. Henry C. Bndgers appellant vs. W. W. Ormond appellte from Edgecombe John L. Bridgers for plaintiff, Y. T. Ormond for defen dant CHINESE PIGTAILS TO GO Before they were conquered by the Maochus the Chinese wore their hair in knots on the top of their heads. The long queue to which the Celestial millions have been accustomed for ages was forced upon them by their conque rors, and it stood in the first in stance for humiliation and sion. In course of time su tion grew up about the long braid. It became understood generally that the Chinese emigrant who out off his queue while abroad forfeited by hia act his ctanoe of returning to his own mod . Coosistopi with the) gram si news of advancing ideas in the Empire of the Sun is the item stating that the sacrifice of the queue ii now to be general in the Chinese Army and in officials circles. There has been already, oa the occasion of the Festival of the Full Moon, a cutting off of distinguished pigtails by Chinese merchants living in New York. The hair of oar yellow brethren is to be worn henceforth even as our own. Self respect and personal sanitary interest both should be promoted by the change. N. Y. World. FINED FOR KILLING SQUIRRELS. Frank and John Dancy colored. were fined a dollar each for killing acrea or wnicn. aDout two nuuureu r squirrels near lxigeeiu i ne sea BANKING BLACKLISTS. Addressing the national ation of supervisors of state banks the comptroller of currency said he had in his office a list of men who as officers -of national banks had proved incompetent and had been removed fron office and said that if any of them should make application to organise state banks, their names would be fur nish to the national system the names of the mem who had been driven out of the state banks be cause the men behind them had been found incompetent or die honeit, that there was not enongh business to make the proposed in stitutions profitable or that the ap plicanist were men without stand ding within their communities. This plan of reciprocity between national sad state departments if carried out in good faith, should work for the improvement of bank ing in general. Buffalo Express. sheep having n taith he onto hia disciples, trnly is THE SOUTHERNER'S SAITJROAY SERMON "Whan Jesus saw the melt tad, he was moved with oo on them. Lues use they The the Lata of the harr tat, that he will serd forth labur ers into his harvest-" Be. Matt. 9 : 30. These words of our Lard are true of the situation today to s extent perhaps teea ever bateau hi taaCamrca of Carta. The are too Brw to gather the or sowjsagruoo. Taasasweoeae smash good and -emetoot man to the ministry of any of the charges to fill all the pulpits already estsb lished, much leas to go oat sad found new chnrehea where they are Beaded. The tesreeas la the number of mintstsie has not kept paea with the increase In populs tion nor the lurnsssd desire of men to hear the Oospei of Christ The re never m mm m 1 1 m whn ik.n was greater need ia God's rasas for active, able, rnssemaSsil young men in the Christian Ministry There is so aeed far as to dm cuss here the several usee us to he given for this state of affairs, bat we will try to say something to remedy it. 1. No man aeed hone for eith IT KlirvM ne htnnlMn Ik K. , I istry unless he is truly called of God to that service, sad coase crates all his heart sod soel end mind and life to the single pnrpoa . CLA I AMJ I V M t r k i & i . I "'sew ssssxs- ! by t be Ail uses am that he fa da I c , ewes.- - TsStS imxj aii'uTJU. TajseaT hc )aff lWr pge can! mal A WJJ2 9Lm- mMCSZ iTveTte eaetTVlr iSBaaaw1 X apaat ftMheir own goad aad maa The peSieb priest Climbed ap Is of Aaeteriite. a high ehorch a TaafBrsl aa iMmklimd Aad 11 cried out from hex VN hers jft Thou. LocdT aad the Loartrephed, Dowuiai s aasoag my iioplif" nt .-- ' m 1 I I ning souls for God. If he ia only Pamte mhweet arc morh after money or fame or aa easy adapted te the growimx of grapes isc me. as H. C Save Tlsme mmd Trouble B C.oditgTm COOK THE DRUGGIST First. He always ha what you want, Masonic Temple Building larboro, - . sr. ere, YOUR g-A. . NEW rLL Ul Tern Temy A Jaat tf Tern THE FAMILY 8ALL0T. A bill was introduced in the Wbcohain legislature making it possible for the wife of a man to cast his ballot? if he is prevented by bussineas or by sickness from approaching the polls. The wife will srm herself with the document which proves her proxy powers 11 be admitted to the polling booth and will cast the family bal lot for those candidates agreed upon in the family council. It is a natural but a remarkable innovation. The truth if the matter is that the ballot in America is a family ballot even those voters who think they are rendering indepen dent judgment at the polls are in reality, if uncoueciously, voting as the family mind has determined, 8uch a performance will famil i arize women with political process es sad prepare them for their own enfranchisement. But it will also persuade them, it must be believed of the greater blessing of the family ballot and win them to work tor this, instead of for any further ex tension of the individual ballot as it now stands. St, Paul Dispatch. best ultiv ation, and is one of the farms in Edeecombe oounty. K hag oa. it a dwelling bouse at six rooms, five frame tenant boueee,aniple out-bouses, barns, stables and sheds aad is abundantly supplied with good water. About $600.00 wUl be spent in improving the buildings on said pre- n:l3ts before January 1st. 1911 or s wa thereafter as is practicable. For terms and further particulars -w either rf the undersigned or osll on. them at Rocky Mount, N. C August 29, 1910. J. C. BrasweH, E. L. Daugbtrtdge, for Planters Bank, Guardian. son for squirrel hunting does begin till October first. not ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE E. L. Robereon administrator of the 1 ti of J. R. SaUrthwae late of tidgecombe county, having died and th( iinderaigued having qaaMdfid as administrator de bonis non, notsoe is ae eby given to all that a claim a st the estate must mow be pre- sented to me as nequtaed toy lew for such cases made and provided and that a fadlume to dp so wUl be plead iii bar of recovery. Those indebted to toe estate wUl al so as per same notice be held to an immediate settlement. J. C. IAttle, adm. d. b. n. W. 0. Howard, atty. ELON COLLEGE (Co -educational. ) iKlightfully situated in the hill country. Unsurpassed in Health - ralness. Pure water. Modern in i uipment. Steam heat. Electric lights. Baths. 8e wet age. With all the advantages of city life and -tone of its disadvantages. An ideal institution for the education of ymng men and young women, vith 20 years of soocessful history t ihiud it. A high grade HiStltHl i , whose graduates are admitted the graduate departments of all the great universities without filiation. Maintains also Mo if-, Art. Elocution. Business , and ;'riparatory Departmeots. Four courses leading to degrees. Special Normal Courses for Teachers, approved and endorsed by State Superintendent Joyner. Terms mouerate, from $112 to $187 per 9S8ion of 10 months. For cam MEETING OF NORMAL ALUMNAt On Thursday evening the Edge combe Chapter of Alumnae As sociation of the State Normal Col lege held an enthusiastic meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to plan for the observation of "Founder's Day," Oct. 12th. A programme and social evening will be arranged, and all former stu dents of the Normal College will be expected to meet and give ho nor to the memory of the beloved father of higher education for women in North Carolina. Emily S. Austin, Sec. ' . time, he wilt fail mmerablv in hia profession, oo matter how great tnavlw hta rlnnnimM iMmlne a personal charm. And on the oth er hand, soy maa who is truly call ed of Cod to the ministry, and go- into it devoting all he baa to (' God's service, will have s saUtfar r- tory measure of success, aa ssattor , bow poorly equipped be mev tie m Kr eloquence or learning. So while" oo man need come into the Miahv try b dp ing for success or eosafort unlets be feels called of God. on ia I band no trulv rooserrat- ed man naval hewn out of th min. I Bad Is istry because be fear be has not MB) am fttcient learning or eloquence. 2. It reots with cbriatiaa saesh . atfsea I er verv often whether bovs wham " eahl God needs in this saerad ealllagl ''My hate their hearts turned ia ties to it. Kverv chrlsUsa mother tb ought to he glad and proud to fur 1 the aa nisb a minister to her church if by prayer and training sod teach log she can turn the baa Si of her aco ia that directtoa. Borne women hesitate to pot the matter besore their sons because they think that in the ministry tber will be "in ost tmmoaa siaorard Korops the Ph rrewatU) "s vsatt ia Caat aewtol while aa hH tnp vtatt the slitieBW urneJJrom a eat Haaan i VS WBaociag H oiHe large wi sis'sst avsmss Ml e SH a F. D. A St. a Novice or sals or asv eltmate a tetter and trj. above of the heat industry ia discuasiac ti roving le td Idaho he it travels ta felted State ihaallty of graaaa that be markets of tbe virtae of tkw siutodr rs prvtaee wrsd, higher sassiest thaa ta teuad ha a I. M. at SL C. wa. o a, tilt. t i a U af its ed to a life or artodiog povsrtv. That ia a very mmtekea idem. It that las Small t: is true that he must sbaafloa all swsaSMsfjroa a par wits ours hopes of tieoominc rich, bat oo the They hstW beau rami ag grapes ta other hand, if he is a cosaeersted hha aoM far as assay years maa, he need saver fcsrMliisilsg twsfSMBve reaaesa urn oars utterlv dastitnte. A maa has no to a SMB. If the psamls Sff ly oae susses out of maay thou the North saw t who art sands of becoming rich in the l.usi in this teffsstr, aess world. The vast majority tf "oca essw witu taeir men fail to accumulate aoftbinr. the quaJfte f t he but work hard aU their Urea, get be mueh better thaa any ta little, and dis Mor. Oelv aa ex ! Frsnoe oritel. cepsional few get rvea somfoiu ' 'Tha hteey grapes la atersms bly well off in the world. I should aril froesjl to it AO s peaad. Of KIPPHilB CLOTH em? ToT Wm STfW aMa hwte1 Ssaiu,Zilslir Your Sttrk GUILT IS ALWAYS PERSONAL. After eight years of ostensible activity on ths part of the govern ment against the beef trust ten of the principal officials of the pack ing companies in the combination have been made to bring home to the responsible individuals the charge of personal guilt. Not one of the corporations through which they set is icclnded in the Chicago indictments. It is a criminal pro ceeding, pure and simple, against so many men, not against mere corporate titles shielding personality .N. Jf. World. breed. 14000 to MSO0 sa sera. Wub r get. tbe pr&a that hare ehteiaed d.r Duoqi ing the last few jrwre oar beat their DELAYS OF THE LAW. "I understand that you called on tbe plaintiff. Is that sot" "Yes," replied the witness. "What did he say t" The attorney for the defense jumped to his feet and objected that the conversation could not be admitted in evidence. A half hour's argument followed, and the indges retired to their private loom to consider the point- An hour later they filed into the courtroom and announced that the logue or other information address question might be put. EMM.ETT L. MOFFITT, "Well, what did the plaintiff MAGAZINE CLUB Mrs. James Pender in her most cordial manner welcomed the members ot the Magazine Club at her hospitable boms on Park Are. Thursday, Sept, 22. The attend en ce was not as huge as usual. As the roll was called each member responded to her name with a News Item. Interesting Current Events by Miss Loulie Bridgers. and a well written paper on Famous Men in N. C, and Educated St her seat of Learning by Mrs. John W. Cotten were the features of the afternoon, her short sketch of the life of CoL Wm. Sounder, whose memory is dear to all North Carolinians was listened to with mueh interest and applauded. Mrs. Albert Pike, of Washing ton, D. C, and Mrs. W. u. Uots ten, of Augusts, Gs., were guests. Mrs. renuer's aeucious reiresn ment were served by Mies Pen nington. Mrs. J. R. Pender Invited the clnb to meet with her on Oct. Oth HAND CUT OFF. Oorham Crisp, 14 year old grand son of H. W. Gorhsm, one of the best citizens of Battleboro, which means that ho is one of the best; in the world, while feeding a ma venture to say that toe ar mi n inter of the Gospel is SS well supplied with the mumsHim of Lif aa ths average maa not ia ths ministry. Tost seed sot be sfrvid. Chrietiaa Mother, that Ood will let your son who gives bis lif to Him, suffer for hia daily God wiU see to it that he that, and as for the thirgs of life, and for money hoard ed up, if be is a christian, the Lack of these things will not rob htm of a momeot s peace, 3. Every mother ought to be hsppy to sea her sea enter s call ing where he is sure to be-safe from the numberless teaiptedBBS that surround the boy u every oth er calling aid threaten bis safety and honor. Io worldly business, the mother sends oat her sou like s lamb among wolves, where If he remains pnre and sober aad boo est it is in spite of the toadeaey of MB environment to maks him other aria In the mlniatrr Ka nub him in s haven of safety where I every oreumsteaes of Wa eaelron ment tends to keep htm purs sad honest and sober. A While you can serve Gad ia say bonest walk of Ufa. sad be s ia say lnaooast oc enrstion, the fullest aad highest service you can do for God is to give op all your time and devote all your energies to carrying Bis message tomeosoa loading to Him. If you start out to God at all, why stop short of tha wary highest service: If you feel after prayer aad earnest soak ing fcr God's will for yoa, that God wants yon in His ministry, man, do not i exist the duty of ing your very utmost to ear to God and your fellowmen. Gire op all for ti tm and do Him the highest Service! 5. There is no happier miring than that of a minister for ZZ ZJLlZSTLTtl T k p CsrellsaLhr Si set Usual . ( s ly the rd to but have BO mat Wot far our grs ! notlBjifte the prod oca, Is tbi 04000 to 000 so If Fo Ho PENDER toej area have in en ma pf from ore. 4g ,aTao0 are Oneeroo wblch adtpeat to gn low Is rate, ta I be d setts J is h the side hills first dam equality of w far i esm beat sit af i i wemA u J!i r ffl 6 r . e. sal la term or by Dipaty. I stl OmassatSte ta tXLum.'m tI Cotton Sbeeets, IVniitif Bago, Bafriiisr ansl Tie atsd Dtirk. A T. saw ssr.esa W A Las No . jRobetTNOii-Runln Comrpany ir . m rssai, so 7. Osy fliasta tteA star I a. Oat vvvvwwvvvvvvvvvvvv l-i PitMoi Imromt ill luihi tmw President, ! gavt chine cutting up or W. A. HABPEK, Dean, "He weren' at home, air," came right hand caugnt in corn had the his whose heart is in it. A pmpstual here Oeaesw saws 1X rrufey. Osss a o u. him, ailing his se, No U. A T AfOIB - - OAOHIKal Elon Colleflfe. Hi. thP .noeer. . Uism nam cufc uu ut w soul with I a r xas the wrist.