Carhoro &Qnnter PadUftisd Every Thursday, Suoscription Rates$1.00 per year u rred at ostcfflce as second class matter Thuisdf.y, September 29, 1910. Harry Thaw is going to make an other fight to show how insane he is about being sane. Cnnirl is nankin? rm his arrows and coming back from the seashore wicn tne rest 01 tne vacationers. Thanksgiving turkeys are going to be much higher this year, but it is too early to worry about that If we could only live on advice like the abundant Roosevelt how it would help this high cost of liv ing business. ,lDown with the demagogue and up with the patriot77, shouts ex Vice President Fairbanks. Ts'n Long Charley a little rough on his laie cniei. Texas has passed a law prohibit ing a saloon within ten miles of a schoolhonse. It is thus that the cause of education is impeded in the grand old State. THE POLITICAL DR. COOK- The SpiiDgfield, Mass., Repnbli can priuts a.letter from Mrs. Bell amy Storer, written in France, Sept. G reviewing the controversy between the Storers and Mr. Roos evelt concerning the former resi dent's alleged authorization of the former ambassador to Austria Hnn gary to visit Pope Pius Xand ask him as a personal favor to the President of the Unired States to make Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul, a cardinal. Letters written by the arch bis h op in 1903 and 1904 hitherto an published, are quoted by Mrs. Sto rer to show that at repeated inter views in the White House between the archbishop and the President, Mr. Roosevelt ack no wled that le had commisioned Mr. Storer to act as His personal envoy at the ati rn r in K.-iKn 1 Af 4-1. - - - I can in behalf of the archbishop Mr. Roosevelt has hitherto pubil cly denied that Mr Storer was ever authorized to1 represent him in this manner and tfce Ireland let ters now published by Mis. Storer have the effect of making much sharper the isue of veracity be tween the Storers and the ex Pres ident. Mrs. Storer's letter to the Re publican also seeks to prove on the testimony of Archbishop Ire land that Presided Roosevelt promised to make Mr Storer Uni ted States Ambassodor either at Paris or London; and there is in eluded still another letter alleged to have been written by Mr. Roos evelt to Mr. Storer, just after the Presidential election i.i 1896, in which Mr. Roosevelt askedJdr. Storer to see President elect Mc Kinley and uige him to appoint Mr. Roosevelt assistant Secretary of the Navy. This last letter seems to confute a recent assertion that Mr. Roosevelt never sought a public office, except when he sought a Presidential nomination in 1904. Ex-Senator Chamiler kept a diary that proved Teddy to be a falsifier. The New York Legislative Committee indisputably proved that Teddy was telliug a falsehood and not Judge Paiker in 1904 Theodore Rpcevelt is liable to go down in history as the political Dr. Cook. A letter has been published written by this same big talker to hisouce secretary, and at that tin.e his political manaeer, Cortelyon, in which he stated that he wanted no money for campaign purposes from such corporations as the Standard 0 1 Co. Yet at that time the Standard Oil had con tributed 8100,000 to the republi can campaign fund and not one dollar of it has been returned. The Annanias class should have only one president and his name wc say with regret is Theo dore Roosevelt. WOMAN SLEPT FOR THIRTY-ONE YEARS Famous in the history of sleep is that of the trance which over came Leuora Romaldo, a woman of Villancienso, in Spain. She re turned home one day from a very long walk utterly exhausted. 8he lay down and slept all afternoon, all night and all next morning, and her husband thinking it about lime for her to waken made efforts 1o arouse her but in vain. "Leuora!" he cried. "Wake up! You have slept for 30 hours " But, like the Sleeping Beauty of Iairyland, nothing would wake her. Physicians were called in. They tried in every way to arouse her, : nd failed- The case was beyond their comprehension! But fiey werc sure of one thing to live she must have food, so they placed a tube iu her mouth and poured milk and other nourishments through it. That is how Lenora was kept alive throughout her long sleep. Days, weeks, months, years went by. Lenora slept on. Sometimes, Verhapa in weeks or months she would half louse herself, her eyes would open for a moment. She would nmtter a few words and then fall back into slumber, ' some times physicians would come from miles to see her and study her case Then they would shake their heads and go away wondering. It was very mysterious; science was com pletely baffled. Five years ago after sleeping 31 years, she awoke, she could not believe that the old man bending over her was her husband. She could not understand that she had been asleep so long and believed that she had slumbered only for the usual eight hours. This case is probably the most nnique on record. It stands in the annals of science as baffling and unanswerable and the woman her self, although awake now for five years, has never recovered from the awful change which gree ted her when she awoke. CHANCE FOR SOUTHERENER READERS. In order to test the Southerner's great circulation and its superior advertising value, we have made arrangements with R. E. L. Cook the popular druggist, to offer one of his best medicines at half price j to anyone who will cut out the following coupon and present it at his store: COUPON This coupon entitles the holder to" one 50c package of Dr. How ard's specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia at half price 25c we will refund the money to any dissatisfied customer TWENTY KVE CENTS Dr. Howard s specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia is not an unknown remedy. It has made many remarkable cures right here in Tarboro and so posi tive is Druggist R. E L. Cook of its great superiority in curing dyspepsi, constipation, sick bead and liver troubles that he will, in addition to selling it at halt price, refudd the money to anyone whom it does net cure. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Tlie music department of the Tar boro Public Schools will aa-aln be in charge of Mr. Daisy G. Smith and Mrs. Qattie '. Gl&natoce. Mrs. Glad atone has just returned from the New England Conservatory of Music. Bo . ... von, wnere sue spent we entire sum mer taking special lessons In PHldo and Theory; she also attended the American Institute of Modern Class Staging. Pupljs desiring to take music at the Publ:e Schools should see the teach ers at once, as only a limited number can be taught during school hours Ail pupils taking under above nam ed teachers will be allowed one half hourfree practice on the school piano a small charge will be made for add! tional use of the pianos. Respectfully, R. G. Klttrell, SupC of Schools. Departure of Trains. For Horfolk. Vs. 2to: No. 90 at 9.23 A. 31. No 48 at 2.05 P. M. For Plymouth: No. 5C at 11.36 A. M. No. 64 at 5 IS P. U. I For Rocky Mount: No. 65 at 10 A. it. No. 49 at ll.1t P. if No. 01 at 7.4S P. M. For Fan&Tllle: 10.30 A. M. 4.50 P. M. IP TOD Want a cook Want a clerk Want a partner Want a situation, Want a servant girl Want to sell a piano. Want to sell a carriage. Want to ell town property Want to sell you: groceries. Want to sell your dry goods, Want to sell your hardware. Want to sell your millinery goods. Want customers for any thing Advertise daily through this papec Advertising brings new customers. Advertising keeps the old ones. Advertising will insure success. Advertising- shows euergy. Advertising shows pluck. Advertising is -bis." Advertise or bust, Advertise long Advertise well. AT. VERT IS E At once. i 'I PANOLA DAIRY Pure Milk tad Cream Patrons will pbne their orders to phone No. 243a. I I ROBERT'S TASTELESS TONIC. CHILL The Brest Fever and Chill Remedy. 38,847 Bottles sold last year. There Is a reason. It relieves chills, fevers, anj clean ses the blood For sale by all 'dealers, t2S Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books am Hymnal and Other -Books at CLAYTON "S Largest and Best Selection Pott Cards Ever Shown in Tarboro D. L. WAGNER, Contractor and Builder, tit -nates oheerfuHy given and work guaranteed. an SALE OP REAL ESTATE, OsxlTimd: (VfolKi 2ifcr"l9l0, at one oYlock p. in . by v irtue ef two deeds in fnrst executed ry Or. Pinetops Oil & Guano Cdw to John u. r lowers, see reetlg recrdt! in the Bdfrccomi Land Regfstiy, Hook 131 n:mi MIS Hn..t in . ' pare 90, 1 tiill. In-fore the Post Office door in the town of Pinctopn EdgecomlK- Ckjemky tir-r salt , at public auciiuu for cash, th follow ing real . st it.-, a p ur 1 or land situated in thf town of Pinetopa, containing two and two thirds acres mote less, where is situated the buildings and axtaiea of sakl Company, beti'g the land convey ed by W. E. Phtllfp and wire and W. Jj. Reason aad wile, to the Pinetops Oil &'juaoo Co , to which aeeus leiert-uce, i made tor a more particular drS- riptton: adjoining lands of W. li Pitt. David Brvao and others. J no. L. Bridgets. i rutee Notice. This is lb not fy the public the 1 have sold all right and title aad in teres in tae Hub Hestu .ratst seat to the Bank of Tarboro, known as the Hub Caf-Vo Messers Percy Lewis aad O. U. Winberg whom I rmmead to the e ting pull c. All bills made af ter this drte will not be assumed or paid by me. Q. P. Harria. September lDth. 1410. NOTICE YO CREDITORS. Hav! 3 qulhT!fd rs adm'sH,'retor of wwua k DSrita fcu of bos- ombe comty, notice Is hwebr giv en to at persons hold tag claims s gatast my m-rat? to prose- t tesj duly proven on or brfore Sr. Z. 1911 or this uot'cc will be plxid 16 bar of rocove-v. All isd)HteJ to the fsfcTo n.oe" make inure !::.( re -n-ent. . C. W. We!K ados. JUST REC'fl Alt KINDS Fancy Imported San dm ;de from our partner, li. Bibruth direct from the o'd C untry Call and inspect out Hm of KI.M0NA8 made heie by Miss H. Nessil. our expert, GEO. NASSIF IMPORTER 23 Main'Ht. Next J. .aoder. 'Tha Pi With The Sweet Toot" THE CHILDREN'S' PARTY Many a child reus' party has really been a failure because tbeie was no one to play the piano, or any other instrument, mad the vouuk people aoouvirod of frames, aad waot to dance. Childreu love to visit home where there's a STIBFF PLAYER PI A No a "little dance can be had any time, because there' ai way a performer present a all members r the family can p!ay it You buy it from the maker, at hia price, with his guarantee, which means something. CH AS. M. STIEFF. L. C. Steele, Manager, lliTraoby St. Xorlolk, Va. Mention this paper. Official Piann. Jamestown Exposition. CHICHtSTER S PILLS f.'f . fJ-I-S. for lanttDn " 'fiaro u sot, Barest, Alwtya riU 4t SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS tL EVERYWHERE 7 1810 CROP OF OATMEAL BUCKWHEAT AND QRIT8 JUST RECEIVED PHONE PHONF THREE VOXTU.. GOODO DKLTVKB.KD. 'Agent For The Celeb ra ted and Much Used Harness of all grades "d at prices to meet all competitors. Hauling and draying. Phone 123. Livery Stablta FRANK A HAMPTON, Atteraey At Law, Orflee OpsosMa DIAMOND Jy4 BRAND p 34 0. ill! ffl. I. 60 TO L. E. FOUNTAIN IN emits NOTICE North Carolina, la SvMrfor Court j K 'gecombet ouoty, Before the OF k 11. K. Seltoq M P. Kdvatd and wife, Willis J. KdanJs. A. L- Manning, R. M. Savage, tfessry laiker, . a,, fl WMtrliead O Th'upen, J. V. Savat, H h rXmi.h un i .ir. - ... i v J ll.WT V,Lr.:i'''V KaltfKL std..' w ife I.urv 1 hnm. A 1 lV.-t. B. B. Howell, W.' H. Annrewa' J. .-I Kdward"., J, W. w t. t n -M . A Bavssp. Joe a . Joet kevre euwi -if- ' n j Olphelia Ssvae. Jik. L. Cherry. A. K. rvsar. Lrflliw H. M. Ssvasv. K Iewtft r.M. w Moore nj wire. Juiri F. V.r W. P. White. T. L. Hotisr K Simmons, O. W lMruhl. J. V. Wt, Mrs, A. Pterrv, J. A. Kitchen, R. H. Qy, a. P. Kitot eu, . Htstoo. O- W. H vso R. J. Madrv. John li c.. W. R. House. Plain tiflfc. Vrraus. L)r J A hitm n, I u vi CJ and wife, I Visors. Ma - - - - mmM mm . m . a a . urun uaWhiU . Albrrt Housr. JoslTI. Joyiwr. Paul Josser. Istam ' Juner, Kate Joynsr. Walter White tod wie, Hcitie Whitr; Rea Ed mo a Us said wife, Niaa Kd monds; Leon Joyaer, Paul t 'berry and wif. Jennie L 'harry j Mr Msiiah Kitchen, P. M. Hooae Mrs. Fsouie Perry, Mrs. Taos! Vsughao, Samuel Vaayhaa, fTmi Vsucbao, Prai.k augbsu, Pattle YauKhan, L. T. Yangkau. Korrstt Ysoghaa, Mabel Vaswhan. t K. TaU r, Mart Tmylor. Brwee Tnf lor. Carter Ta lor, the l-st three leiuif miooia over J 4 yrwrs of age; 1 Willie AJUbrook. Thiarstoo AIH I.iiwiL V.K A 1 1. 1 k. t tM'It f kiln bIF. Iliu. K. L. Savare. Jseacr Heesew I I an Taylor, E lYudUton and wife, Neida IV dleton. a ssi i, or ov-r 14 vcaua U tun-. U r Wh le, R. .1. Shlelda, Dr. R. If. JobiiMMi. Noab Uigpi, Mies Prau c a llmoudtt, Miaa Puaa EdsjaMda, creu ruim iaua, Turner Csrlilr, n. y. jujucj, 1. U JOyaer, Mrs. raiiie ne.ton, el,iie Brsmo. srife oi u. . unm. Mar bitehead, sieorL. K. Hbitehead; H i. WLiU-baad snd wife, Mary White head; Mis Mary K. Orsy, W. r. Hancock and wife, Mary Harcock Rcginal Gray. Robert tiray. FaunieCray. (i. 8. White aad mm, Ktu White; Alley Uoe, R. It WUiW, Rryant Carlile, Kameat Carlile, Inez CvtHe, the last two being minors; I. Norwood Rsvajre. J. K Wilkin sou and wife, Meta Wilkinson; lob obh, H. U St. ton. O. W. Jeffreys, J. L: Uohcood aad wife, NOTICE OF SALE. Bj rirtae of the sower me by test certain Dees of Trust s ecated J. L. Sim see as aa4 wife om lae 24th day of May aad recorded ba the office of the Register of Deeds ror Edfecombe County la Book 14 at Dire set I ni a.r.i- i. 1910 At It o'clock M. offer st tae Courtbosse dear h Tmr ooro. N. C. at publlt sactloa to bidder for ch that tract, tot or pares! of land desert to said Deed of Tntst as bsioc is Us town of Rocky Moo at Bdsecosabe County North. CaroLaa adjatotac ma iaod of UsJTsr Wosssb aadJ jJifts aad more oarticuisny cnord as follows, to wit l a staks 4a the Soetk Umm of street iff faet eootk west of MH a sm . aoia HLreet. In the afore esld towa lc nsaaaaa at ribt aacis so urre street and la a SOSSI dieeotloa U4 test, as s caoej la a aof-h easterly direotlos and with te trrssi feet to s staka. ta a Dorlk westerly drreeUoa use nrwc use IH feet to Oeonrs Street, essd Moe etrfkias uMorse Street at rlkt snsies; a soeth westerly iBasitlss) Hh tbs sovtk Ifse Of Oeoree rse to ike begkaalnc aad beu tk aame tract ef Usd conveyed to he J. L- Stmsaoss by deed from r. B. Parker aad wtfs. whtek deed is dsly recordd la the Register of Deeds tk Office' of Frtteeoeibe County u Do in at pigj 117. to which reference Is hrey for s store accurate mm. scipt o i of said . u. ot wast sat aer R 8. WelU Trsetse. Criro an, Barfi kill m.. m id. one of the Greatest f ns tver Known, 9 0 HttOACHES OUT 'f!0 70aibt. Xearly who hare ' -J tost few years will fsctioo. W L. BELL OprOMfTRlST Bl Scire jewelry Store. a'ctiivaina, For All Kinds of Insurafice Seel Orren Williams, Wett- dell A t o. Phone 1 1 . None But The Best. Mollis K HohROod; W. pr ,i . alssr Pi ppo . H oca. T P. PlDDM. W. aad siJfe, Oawrte tfewesJ IMuwiisafwt siA V, ssoodtyoo. MaUie. Mo-J, Mnwetl. Howard Ko' 'tsjr a..a -He, Aa iftBMiy; . HHSSS sUVSnBk; aVfBI ' Kalab, M far 14 I mm SaT. "set se loM asa tm,,r' r,or i i-cy es v....u I .11 i i mmmmm mm, and wilr, ffla Purvis. x w - Hi) wood, Heory Ctssrry sod ei !,u?y I brrr ile, AOi odMft. AU Cermet i 1st m9 e WBVBIH r B. Hay weod, Francia Harwood. m tw fast ever U )saa mt Sffa, Hsory Dtckro. an Infaot over 14 ) of ar. Theodore fo rpeogh 1 wifei Ltaat llMlfMflj; Fr Mi Irs aad wife. Lovim Ml Mrs. Mry R. Leaf J. Faaite ()ro1 i .... . a. s . 1 I?7 .T1 i n iwvfsp, rsrass wivre. star t. U.vda, uir lest two two besaf loteatji 11 wars f sw-; 1 1. A. Hlvs. Lena Rives, the last two infants under 14 yrars of Was. Bivcs. Xsncv Oavasss. s fatf tt . iSi a atzjrm 1 1 ill nil r 6tero sod wile, Faoate OraM) . yv. c harij . T. Ut vac 14 emrs ;herry. an Infant 14 of aar. J.ehu4 " " Kvasrs, WiUsaas l . mm braac HI 1 1 rars i i Cast over 14 vemrs o' iar;! Look as safest tssater 14 of asm Aaaue Rasa. Hi Turner Has". Mux Bsasss Howell, Austin Mavasx; Ue- ' nta. sad Iwtte. J. H Lead Jorsev Psal WiU aad wife. He Mtsuli ss4 wtfe. Patf Cherry aad wus Tlisie os AJtsarosfc. Mrs. tostraltor FKlia, L C Ue Mowetl. WUUaas KaH Thotaas aad wife. Miles R jas bsaasjsl L. Swts. Tsraer I MadBaas. Mrs raaals Parry, as U4SM wtu ushs aocice tkat sa sc Con af a setitdMfi ay rtrtas sf c 41 Rmhlac Laws af US Dae Ci Drataias Dtstret No On a i e mm east saae ci Ommm Oessk at wise of low Oat asaal seat u Use t sSafl Seek tkeaos staeadtag la ftetly sirectkic acreea saM LB. cats H . .a rue watte. flat lead across Dees Creek S to tie toot of tae alaa asas wsst sl of Deep Creek toeawe fe less tks edvs af the ts4sd 4s wasrsj s js ssrir street lea to shosjt three ssRes asses Mat s rmii.. ao4t ssoe ror'y dUreetJos. sen . ladss of Dose Creek to tb'ga s ad oa tbs east aass L?.Sr"r,J, I. A. mw mh hlilaad to b aad to construct seVct'or a potat la the cea're of ! Ssm, ewarter sf s ks mn said assoap as sfralght tslaa eottkt la Ftekim isk rioeat d -ptk aad wtdtk to waterwkkk fahs wttkta tke rak a of Deep Creek kt around aster lei i d-f-aiaa's will lacker ow tkst the are rea aired jhe dT the Clerk Csrt for toe OswrJ oa toe f day sf O kftree the be lisstod la tke sBBee ef the " L,--iS.trjiKJS: ff1 .08t' Us da, ! wssss takes aolee tksc toey tail to aawwer toe said eess- stoiat ..tit tbei f the ptsksttffs wffl assty as tfcs eos for toe restef I usiil ta tkw lutvei under my kaiwH ta- 1 1 mi 4.. Adkaet Iflk. A T WT r a r BONDERS pto Id ays that OF FVfRY Q 0 'of refraction, sev husdiwd! hundred nar,U Jf Lasses by ase la Ube teilyoeof their astts 7V Saw A Steel -Chairs EHtw.r Cblldfcn I F. Pi. ft t The brick yMammotli Furniture Store S ef 11 : eL!lc carPe,' re at work on I he floor. The urn L Is. -1L S r "w. . I'MI.AMII- im-xiiki our i-xpectafioits. We must seU our prrst iit "fllfk. NeW ITOtklU Mill !lerit ..... ef jam e rtew Wtore. r: bieteuf. HT"i'E Iiyrs ot PP,e ore taking advnnlagc ol ut prices. You ttu't aiTrl lo tae Sessrtor fill ft tat flllltl aTsjas..., A- m TZ!1 our uresent tr unta sjiaus W. L A We tasks. Twor Hoese A4 MakellRrtohl. 1 nt- FAIREST Of Bll Rutumn ffcrirteao. BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY iBT'ksaTotir ilh OPENING DAYS W. B SPECIAL ATTENTION C hiffonior mil S O CARLISLE Git masons have urst story ul t ai BIG CT " bfV kl-F Iow we offer cverlhiiu ai A look i. n uee.h MWfJ Plt?t OI IUrDllUrt' in siller muki ka 1,1 fwr sh. m J j WATCH US GROW lai DEI? TAKERS completed (he our CPWI I f ill ! Watch 0111 lor Da it bsgt-t a.. BBBtaW Ap aSSBI Ik. mmW i Amm sal ST aW Hi i mmA W. W - kdkr M tmr' Sr tSW W .BtVaHF flBswJ bbbWa ssrw F Mm s 1 . Wmm x rtr-ntm kMI MX M m m l. Roefcy Msun t, N. O. wmmmmmmmm- f 1 .mmm. ' aaawaa