we mm$tmu mwihm. - i . BE 8URE YOU ARE RIGHf ; THJEK' QO AHKAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO 40 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY. OCUOBER 6 1910. HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insure his life to wise for his family. The man who Insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may Insure health by guard ing it. It is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests itself in innumerable ways TAKE w Tutt'sPills And save your health. BffTABLMHBD 912 GERM AN TOWN PENNSYLVANIA. I iaanry Irwin and seven! (By Gaston Lichtensteln.) I "eat. The hodtos When, George Washhaton fed the riUW3UlninJ t . . 1 II". f . . umw ohuiki tne redcoats nn a act u a. nine twicer 4th. 1777 a goodly number of M he erected the ok troops toadied from North! Qsrohna to peanerve for jneral Francis Nash who Mm the mor- of interment of oftb may have con- jEFF D. JENKINS, Physician and Surgeon, Tarboro, N. C 'Phone No. 1S6 DR. G. E. WEEKS, Dentist office nearTelegrsph Office. . W. MACNAIR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Citizens Bank Building, Norfolk, : : : : : Virgin! NATHAN WILLIAMS, ton serial Artist and Hirsuit Dec orator, Tarboro, N. C Two doors from Bank of Ta-bore. jTra'nk LILE3, Att'y and Counsellor at Law, nai7 wounded during the battle com- ra whoa memory mailed the Tarheel vegimentB. Th to whom American forces would have won a to obaWtoo. complete victory if two sections of FeeE that the Sate and Relic Bo tha army had not mistaken each oould supply me wh Informs other for the enemy. Notwithstanding tfcan nsaa, I proceeded to sank for the fact that the BrJUah regulars th" headquarters. While walking e were retreating and Oat a state of an Oaxsnentown Avenue towards demoroUasiUan -warn feat coming over Veron Park whlfther certain question the redcoats a grievous, mistake sjaaaj ee directed me, I was struck with th ed Continental success into defeat. snwalbwlisre of the residences and Do lose the fight would nave been w-ae UP eurpnkasd. therefore So read batter enough but the Commander sn Shaft this old Marn Road Cheat suffered addftaonal seduces for deaSnction of being the he lost one of faia bravest officer. An mot Qnalnt street In the U iftuaoaooa company anrounded Wash v mgton, on the ere, of the battle of Oar Aathmwjh the Stto and Bahe maatown. What memories are awak V "T"mtoa a btsjbiy cretxKabte mu- ened by the names of Greene Fuawkri railu to Vernon Park, not Nash Wayne Marsha Hamilton Pick Carmantown Branch of the Free ering end Lee: A few atom iat- th PubMc Lmrary of Ptaeadeaphis, there body of the aaatsnt North CUroiinnu, w5r pureona on the historic thor- rested in a cemtery nearby. puM outfrftele 00,7 ha is military honore were accorded the del aatotonce but they told oecsed and the funeral of Francis! tu 7 had newer heard of the N'aeh lived sasttoeVv n ti mmb la organization. Ttse custodaan of those present. received me psaaaantly Writers have oreeerved imnV Aetaita aouL guarded numerous ob- aanmected with the wounding and Jects of aajwirol interest pw,;. in Stats and Fed en! Courts end to the memory of other Revo luuoBwrry otiwers buried deaide ham, a monument standc today an the bury Ing grounds at Kulpsville. The in scription thereon has been copied by Dr. Naaman H. Keyser and iooorpor- ated, into the history of Gemaatow n Not only the names of the people hut the appearance of old makn thor oughfare suggest German settlement. The mere mention of feather beds gives Teutonic flavor to a i muslins PhdaadeVphUi has reached out and made a suburb of what was once a under death of the North Carolina Brtzaoier frche oondlOona. a lengthy General. Hta blood was said to have budm would doubtaaa. have soaked through two feather beds. SSlTT tam- SlQce w" DroflMlftl.T UH ha hkxtH TV .Mo TMm. "V me, 1 MMO IOT OOe smaasBwa ox tne orncWMjs of toe okety. Fortuoatetr, Dr Keyser was at home. Ur. Keyser's ancestara settled at Germantown during the eatay period of Ms history. Wateon refers to them m his Annate. Wtohini to par petuate the past Mfa of She y, Naaman U. Keyser has collected a large store of data. Mis book a standard work on the subject with which it deals. Having noticed in tne inscription, mentioned above in connection with Henry Irwin 1 the SHe and ReUc Society sty the EJdgecomhe officer aa Major. told the Doctor this was a He immediately confessed I feSow workers had dons oi Tthie very inscriptla of a gift. As a matter of i, R0ST. PENDER Surveyor. Tarboro, N. C Post Offioe Box No. Fifty-Four. ROBERT'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. The great Fever and Chill Remedy. 33347 Botties sold last year. There is a reason. It relieves chills, fevers, and clean ses the blood. For sals by all dealers. 9126 umvwg town ax mwes OBBtant. ine MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU- German and Dutch setftlero worked TUAL BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. indnstrtoussy in their days and some Will take notice that 1 can be found of them used to carry their wares to at my office. This Is the cheapest in Phsdelpbaa where they were pod -led B'lr&nrn in th a muntrv And ahsnlntii Ion he street ly reliable. DK C. A. Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. 0. Vsftoi hours y to 1 and 8 tn 5. J )R. DON WILLIAMS dcrgeon Dent ist, Nitron Oxide ami Oxygen Gas administered in the extraction of teeth. Tarboro CIVIL ENGINEER JOHN J. WELLS Rocky Mount - N- C VALUABLE FARM FOR RENT. For the term of five years begio- t.::g January 1st, 1911, that tract of land situate about three mQes from Tarboro.on the Rocky Mount and Tar boro road, known as the King farm. This tract of land contains about 384 a res of which about two hundred ar in cultivation, and is one of the best farms in Edgecombe county. V has on It a dwelling bouse of six rooms, five frame tenant housesample out houses, barns, stables and sheds aad is abundantly supplied wih good water. About $600.00 will be spent In improving the buildings on said pre ::.iries before January 1st, 1911 or as soon thereafter as la practicable. For terms and further particulars address either of the undersigned oi iil on them at Rocky Mount, N. C August 29, 1910. J. C. BrasweH, E. L. Daughtridge, for Planters Bank, Guardian. m -U'K 1 conceit jqj. dormant told me that the tp tt TJurrsmunj " cameterr was not ka eseutea (o tne s-eratarr tnd Truaimi on my way back to Rich mood I comjnumty hj a .certain Mr. Wolf iu onwM- to see wu il txut that the land was obtained by WHITEHEAD, assav ottered any tnang or direct mBiimm Thus we cannot I to Edgecombe County. It wU be re-1 everyQiing we lead. Wateon that Henry Irwin a mer-1 ma tlS(a. )saior h line (no or Tarooro was aasen aunng snauans) whence th tonal societr the battle in and about the village. pirobmbty extracted Shear toformatton Due to the ksndncas of Miss Florence jBduced our Ueutenant-Oolonal to Uhter, a resident of Germsntown who of Maor. Baing we rup- xnstructea me now to reeou my piteo w0h htemtare. Dr. Keyser tanattion easdry and quseiy, I ws I eoded me a copy of the guidebook t saved much time and neecvessj Qarineniowo. Thss recant puhaosUan worry. After arrrvel upon the ground I corrected Watson's error and I found snteUgent tooting people ig- USms that Dr. Keyner wMl noract of then- own nastorvcai treaa- tn-ws. accordtnair on Che " urea; however their tack of know ledge sb not exceptional. AM over tne I The North Carolina Saste Reoords world tourists Hod that reewents I compiled by the Hon. Wester Ckark know sees about the tame of their oootadne iettsrs written a short sHll communotaes then aCrangerB. after the battle of Germsntown. Here- It was easy for me to remember UDsal. tha name of the station where taken prisoner. I hare . - I was to get off the train. Not onry mens alio teat zua body was not re iki the word remind me of UpsaJa, covered. But uoleas there is positive tike uorvereity city a flew matae from proof to the oontnary we shousd take Stockhokn and the burial place of Watsons word end hold sacred the Gustavus Vena, but I am Inclined to UtUe plot of around spot which batoeve that a Swede s tesponsfble a mqmoria' o the brave North Car for Ks original appearance in Ger- ostuasns who rest a one grave as maotown. Across the State of New they fought side by aide in esse oeuee Jere3y without a stop sn express oar- May their memory newer he for ried me from Atlantic CKy to North gotten. Pharaidelpbja. Thence 1 transferred to an accomodation, which made the run to Upsal to a short time, Inokud- ing stops n the newer portion or the suburb. Modern German town is very attrac tive. The residents enjoy the advan tages of country lite wfc eta abun dance of 'trees and foliage. Many of the occupants who spend the day in the houses of be well to do stand m the midst of beautiful lawns and (he occupants, who spend the day an the 9m he I Save Time and Trouble By Going T to tks a THE RECKONING MOOR atemisw SS4i m Oateisj Ms Lor m4 wmtm la. W.U 4mm.. tmmm faSSfMl mrnmr fwm imtmmm.' I wM mmMm Ha f H Ue Lmr4.m I 'His study follows the see it the fact Advaot. th world la as He la ptoputtiOU to their la wail that we seep la difference between the narabia of tne and the para Me of lb taJanta Is sixty rJmaa aa valuable aa a DoaedL In the narabia of the poaad aarh ear-r ant got ooa pound, bet la m parable of the tsjanta tba nembara stran va in some raaperta al of OeTs have a pel' sentod by the pound. In soother re- opportooltlaa. and advmatagea vary, as to tba peasant stodr. tba pa rat hie la 'another parable of the a. The Oraat Teacher bisnaaW cpportnnlUaa To Of Ode parable waa la the dare of tba Sigh and at rentscsst shd forth la lh. Vm r nanw. ' ' I n fmealcatiQc a of his followers, as of O i sure beau mat Si ZmI K SZTmmmmmm ' ' bath theltaa SBta- AJ of UUs test fjagsst fjaagssf. vu rwaD wo taaaaaa aas ara waa -mm Maaaaaaa mmm-mmm STHE DRUCCIST First. He always ha. wbat you want. Mason ir Temple lluildins; N.C. i dae tsto the )ey sf MM te a .as wished - Re a.. lilt. e maud c. ZZ2 YOU R MErW FALL tsee a faMhfei Tea h sue u ta tba tow the tea. wsswpjaai wo Cocr A T. In tba earth, parbapa EA(CH INO- BIBUE CLM3 I war to iHCsaASs omc-s ta wbieh twfa sud SS Ti JfH baaa "wT s srabl eV Uaa M ef a tsit at is i T If M fraa oaa U as t. whlf rwJsasasc the rtss thai tbe days are sal H J&JfmSm i ww to attaTaUUha the meat a T M w. a. n w. J T OPPEIKIID CLOTHES TOO Taa sf totoa ton W. I 1-4 a tha Lord of tnla Gospel Age, A SOUTHERN PLAY. Why is "The Sine of the Father'1 Timely Just Now. the Father" at the opera house Oct ober 11 rUi sat s Southern play by a Southerner who knows his subject The playwright referred So is Mr Thomas Dixon, author of "The Leop ard's Spots' "The Clansmen The Traitor, Comrades'' and many other TAX NOTICE. In person or by Deputy, I will be at tv,A 1 .i..a. n tha rfa.teS .wmu - burban community :uimed for the Durpose of receiving "axes: Township No. 2. Conetoe, Saturday October 15 th. Township No. 3. Speed, Wednesday October 19th. Township No. 4. Lawrence, Friday lr 21st. Township No. 5 day October 26th. Township No. e.Whjjtaker, Saturday October 22nd. ' f? successful ulavs aad hot city of Phatedelphfta auvMet pon-1 fo che fact that The gested traffic can return on coe eve ning to the luxuries of fresh atr and freedom. Smoothly paved streets ettm inate the mud nuisance one is com pefled to put up wite so often in a st a ay eeat sf -him DUTCH LA UGH AT ROOSEVELT Stuck vs ton aatxfct. ssm aa pralssa : af. f jjH HLIsBsIbBs( SlaO mWomwmmwmmr)(m n Kal- dS toavyet he ealy a dream ka Mas I slsr w"w4 MsVflft SHssw1 et the' iflBssetoeds istpllj il by Dnu arwaa p3 oeaaeed. there. Owes -firs busasaeton of Pfaasasmi T. Zander L'.- I Itoaarc Tear Stock r.'rrtrr Tkt Carolina Lhr Slirk Hitial Cs R 0. At J SB M wre their aemae ssfsn payv. ... erst toted shows tba rf ammto esset, he l KStoer and Priaos !ssjy Ilka toss to mpoaa Sod dMra, hut a Mtwto up fhW wsaa he a FUaVT Baaaissaalt ssabsastaaaasTsaM UKXWLWSu mm. whe to. mJL at fZarua U l. I mm to the aj sj gbj ui Fa H. PENDER Sins of the Father" an expert, because right now leajed "Southern psaya" are being of fared by writers whose Ignorance of the South a abysmal. Men who know nothing of the social code, of . mt 1 V I - . . But we are now concerned v. son Gutter -resstioo of races, of toe the old settlement. The inhribitaots I pgycnoiogy of the whh)e map and of of lobe Colonial Period and Revotntion I tte African, dare to come forward any Era were stretched out for e arui present imaginary scenes em miftft end a half, chiefly on bott bod vine their absurd tdeaa about in sides of what 43 known as German- ter-racial conduct. Such efforts may town Avenue. Although attempts to fool eudienoes a thousand miles a- strajghten It have met with a certain wy actual scene of the race Leggett, Wednes- degree of success, toe tnorousnnwa problem, but they cannot I scan retains its sinuous appearance, people Of h city, Mr Some tohonk the street is crooked be- -The Sins of the cause K follows an old lnbpan tradl Q&adlies without stores the snb)eot but mv acquaintaooe with medieval 1 the Intermixture of races. It Township No. 7. Battle boro, Satur- BuTOWan ieods me to the con- mmHk to the mark, but it doss day October 22nd. I ahlioI1 that the settlers played a part ofend the proprieties and Township No. 8. Old Sparta, Tbufs I in "laying out" of the Road. above all a never strikes a tmtmm. lay October 27th. I Rt extent my first step upon this mawkish or feebly I UiiiMil note TttMia vr o My..iosflald. Sat- Kfww wwrmsihfaT wss taken aimost so say those who have urday October 22nd. , lopposdte to the cemetery to whdeh 10 pinetops,Saturday I Hemry Irwxi la buntofl. Having cr sed the street to read one swu i ...ww, th. nkrwm wall by the Harts Store P- JTmZmZ t that 1IC HQU Kvmm -"--'-v I - " the name of Edgecombe's martyr to the cause of ktoerty led ail the rest Prince You. Mr. Farmer AtphM the e.- New York World. Itoe THE WONDERFUL DIAZ. Mexico's Ruler in the September on la tha Dtx Pi tore Township No. October 29th. Township No.ll R. O Friday, October 28th. Township No. 12. Rocky Mount, Sa urday October 22nd. (Calhoun's J beakte the graveyard Office) I ! ! fife concord School House where to Township No. 13. Lancaster's Store lg53 the Junior Order of ttoitod A Tuftariav nntAhor isth morfnan AIechn4ce hi said to have Township No. H.Sharpsburg, Satur- been organised. Watson the awtoltot ill III a.. lf Pthibwieinhto three generejlons a pass that of Mr. Dlxonfa greatei ' WWBW "1' ' . . r. ' aw, t where' vtoue effort. "The C t tt Tqnann minii. i mri tumtoli ojjv v - - ' i vital Do not mks this of the evti of "mixed bloods preached as a sermon or an essay, but presented as a stage story with living to enact the ntomeaeoua parts. Bs atotleealy funny comedey aad heart breaking pathos are to the toisag. whtte the bar dramatic nsomenta stir toe aouia of playgoers to toe depths tt to predicted that the success of sur a isvw hi hiwiiii wtmm w j 4eox baa been tba ejas couaatounsjaj aad Imntsssfie flfure. He hep dedlj oated, or wtu dedicate many aswr hantniai and aaasaMato- He ha re-1 ceivsd all the visiting dMessuioas l person. There to no sign, of fcnpaif asant of visjor la his watt, to ap ch in the ftrm grip of his That he will torn throufl tonsil iwtototos all ha power Is the arm belief of mesa whet are close to Mm. That their beitof well In dill, all whs interests of Mexico at venUy hope. There LSSS rears before Dies survive him But there has a I totoa ft. His fsiMng oaa meats of his peep, hts i i ari . a, 1'isu I sf sjsJI WOULD WELCOME IT. Cotton Sheeetta Peanut Bap, liay: tfin and Ties and Duck. THe Wka Haws ton Pi auto to St a jM e as ha infleaar " fwssJvwi by toe ion of ike res,uh tflhCwl'wa AomiNirraATOR t a l tat of J OT;Cf a .re 55 Roberson-Rullin Com pan! J C. d. h. FRAJ4K A MAMSTOa, itotoruey At I Im $25 WgS$ lei sjftgcrhsssrSe elS) AJ. A? . Aawuvwf a I toT wr - r Vs smstoai , - rrm,, - asm i , . .-a