Csrbartt otttaet Fi-iLatLdd Every Thursday. Buoscriptioa RatesSl.OO per year u freC. at ..'ostcfflce M second clas? matter Thursday, October 6, 1910. Mcrehead may be a good man but ahy did he take up with such a dirty dog as Maryann Butler, is a question that .decent republicans as well as all Democrats ask. The Democratic party iu this state enteis the campaign with do apologies to make except for two or three Superior court judgeships. But ba'd as these are and even de plorable, the republicans are offer ing no better. The best sewing machine is a good wile and we don't care wheth e1 she has the lock-stitch, felling and tucking patents attached to her so that she runs easy, works noiselessly and can make a shirt that will not lit her husband like a paper bag on a corkscrew. I A contemporary says that news paper subscriptions are infallible tests of a man's honesty. They will sooner or later discover the man. If he is dishonest he will cheat the printer some way; say he has a receipt somewhere, or, sent the money and it was lost in the mail, or ht will take the paper and not pay for it on' the ground he did not subscribe for it, or move away, leaving it come to office he left. Thousands of professed christians are dishonest in this particular at least, and the print er's book will tell fearful tales in the final judgment. In these days of degeueracv and hck of gillantry, every parent insist on knowing the whereabouts of daughters after eight o'clock at night. Too many girls there are who are permuted to roam the streets at their own free will at almost any time of night, ana who ultimately come to some bad end- We are cot a croakers, neith er do we believe in taking away the fredom, to a reasonable degree from tre girls and boys, but we do believe there would be fewer headaches, fewer broken homes and more purity and womanliness in the world did every parent keep the child oft the streets at un seemingly houis. Many an uuwise parent works hard and lives sparingly all his life for the purpose of giving his children a good start in the world as it is called. Startiog a young man out with money left by his relatives is like tying a bladder under the arm cf one who cau not swim. Ten to one he loses the bladder and goes to the bot torn. Teach him to svlm and he won't need the bladder. Give your child a good education. See that his mora s are pure, his mind cultivated and his whole nature subservient to the laws that govern man and you will give what will be of more value than the Indies. You have given him a start no misfortunes can deprive him of. The earlier you teach him to depend upon himself the better. FOOD FOR hEFLECTION. Many farrnei soaie way or oth er get it into their heads that town business men are I he hapi- est people on earth; g t rich by simply reaching out anl taking in all money they want. The farm, r gets to brooding over hi s h ml late, as it seems, and thinking that any one can ran a store because it seems so easy to measure a yard of cadco or weih out a pound of coffee, sells out the farm and go s t) town. It's no trouble to fiud a man that is willing and anxious to sell out ihe rtmaius of a s'ck sto k of groceries, or. thi-r. m laats of an empty shelved dry go jds store and when ihe farmer hist sees his name over the dor lie leans , back a gainst a lamp p -t with a pencil oyer ea-h ear an ! feels liige, and imagines tba! his fortune is m de. He buys a large stock of every com mercial man that ccmes along, sells moaiij on freoH to ii dividual who can't buy a nickel's worth of eoods anvw bete else in twn witlwu.fc th cash, and at the end of two jes " LZT-lS?! , -ioaa officail who colilKxks this tax fands his stock run down to a low ; ani found that the Qiflerence ebb, with i O thing to sho v for the in prices of artaclee purchases outetde farm he once owned but a book ot th- towxs ami w'b'u tt? towns full of worthless accounts, that iaevery ins.T.ntce exactly thhe a- would sell probably for a ceut and ?Wt of the dut-v' The Mm happens , , r , . . , In trade between nations a half a pound to the rag man tu uuiis. t , - , , . , . reason the sugar tjust the Broken up and completely demor tsn Mm Lhe mmo trusts and abzed he becomes a common day he h an cs er trust are attttag to coo laborer in his old age, without a hhnfc3 ''s s irs t- th- q.'.inpai!n ray of hope of ever being able to fun,ds of iJr:dmt T,ft sad republ- make another stait iu the world sufficient lo keep want and poreky r mL , from the door. The final resort of a great many . is to go away, where at least they will not be tor tured by every-day reminders of the great mitaKe of the'r life which wrought their ruin. . DEMOCRATIC SPEAKINGS The Democratic Candidates Edgecombe with other speakers of will address the voters ct; Leggett Saturday Oct. 8 at 2 p. m Piaetaps Salt. Oct. 15 at 2 p. m.' Conetoe Wed. Oct. 19 at 2 p. m All are cordially invited to come out and hear the issues of the day uvuea. C h &. n v. nr ' n t mm An Ml i a ayiiuimuiouw wiu us ma.Qe ater- v w- O. HowRrd. Ch'r Dra. Ex. Com. At Last a Score of Republicans, Forced Them selves into the Court Hon e. The Executive Commute of tariffs and trusts or the republi can party to say nothing of their mauaaer Marv Ann Butler did meet then called a ma s meeting for Sept. 30. Postmaster Bobbins of Rocky Mount was here. Post master Liles of Tarboro wa3 here, candidate for Judge Jas. K. Gaskill was consulted aid drawn with the mass meeting, those with the seventeen counted the day be fore made some twenty who were at the accouchment cf the great republican party of Edge combe. The meeting wa9 so immense, so unwieldly .that a committee of three had to be appointed to specially attend the party at this interesting periott ana tnese are the mice that are the result of these labors: For Sheriff. Cicero Denton. For Register of Deeds. B. B Unwell For Count Commissioners. W G. W. Leigh, Frank Denton, L. H. Edmonson, J. D. Fly and 0 C. Wallace. For Senator W. L. Stallings. For Member House of Repre sentatives. M. L Pittman and W. A. Thigpen. While the committee were out delivering the party, Andrew Jackson Wiiiiams, the orator of the party, made a talk. He praised everv officer of the county all of whom are Democrats, and candi dates for re election and made only one kick and that was that was that his township bad not received, the fsUO which it was entitled for schools according to a letter from Prof. R. M. Davis, when i he was county Superin teudent of Schools. As Mr Gaskill who was their Chairman of the Board of Edncation did not inform him the Southerner can only suggest that he look at the Tnaure.'o b)oks and also at the school appointment. lae meeting was late .aul can didate for Senator, Stallings in trying to put the accent on the a the mass "meeting called, pro nounced it mess meetiDg. lheaccuracv of this accentua- tiou will rot be disputed. A Clearcut Explanation of Why Prices Have Increased. Washington, Oct. 1. -When the Payne Aldriah bill was before the Senate, blond Senator Tom P. Gore of OilaiiCMna staked his reputation that it the measure was pressed ex treme h g!h priceB would follow. rne prophecy was fulfilled. Average prxjes rose more than 17 per cent froai June to Decemmber, 1909. lbe p.'ices of steel trua's common stork m re than doubl?d in six nvaotihs in 1909. It u the btetary of att protectionist e jjritris toat tama reTson. up ward means, aacre'sed prxjes. it ss nx gaoeraily real zel how isspadsy zh price of tariff protected axticUes rose first three, years following the Dingle law in 1897 to Jaunarv l 1900 the law tike cost of living advanced 31 par cent or at the rate of par cent i?. ye.r. More trusts were fprmed dui-iag this than during anr other sinilar repod. in our hUhar. l ie pnce of wice na-s rose from 1 36 a kg in August 1S98 to $3.53 ia Dacembor 1889100 per cent, in j 16 months. I l ae pnee of barb wire rose from $1.65 per 100 pounds in August 189' I o 14.13 la Docembtr 1SV' , -150 per cent in 2 years. 1 Tk.. I . - . 9 jar-e oc wanoow giacs rose in April 1901-175 per edit ist 4 ; ya-rs. I T.ie D'miey tatiff made thz trusts and th trasts put up the prices. But few, !f any trusts were formed dur- jt5 kb tnra years of to.3 com pan .- tlv?! v low dbUea of the Wi'.san bill. j Wh n the German government ta ,troiu:ed its tariff law of 1902 W- pi'-liihhed an explanation which con' taind the frank statmer.t that "in. ISht Bataa aree raised so Pct saa on sia.w...ticn of toe circumstances of tL 1 . -ue tJ.a. ten yearns will allow us to ' Udg ia proportion to the duties.' rYance Italy and some other Bu,'Pa.a ooantaisa a prt of the i on &ods entering the towns oanoaia.ea for congress nad; ZLZ S l contrHute fuflds f oaniocra. ac candidates. is that the Reason. party a la tha p-. tv of excessive protection. Tariff re- vision upwami means" in- creased prices and the tariff trusts K H fwr that fkar 'An . U..i 1 ' " l, Vll'U : a. I 1 1 I I 1 J r Y I I Tt i 11 T 1 peoplein new profits whatever sums they may invest iu the Republican campaign funds. After Election. The Republcoams promise to make contributions after the Novemmher public the source of their cammmm publr'c the source of their campaign contributions after the November Ikectioms. The report of the stand-pat Re pub ' Ifca-n member 0f the BaJUner lev eg- 0.1 a.. .. T4sa(Liing ommmixtee to to he publllc after the election, I Nothing farther ta to he said of eufosidy grab W until after the ejec- twin, . The ftoU peirl U tn b: app&ed W fate Oktooia I .-.J lan 1 into theererjr until (tar the November emotion . No Step 'a to t.e t: ; In the Dgar trust friar loads PbtUtptoe scan dai tM otter tbe November election. And tea' bo, not Ixut form the standpeflat o raj '.live lupjrtiacce the HMlRDCl Mo cury cazMumuistoa cha.irma.-i w 'i not mak? I La report recommeci -b - j a eeatnJ gorerrixetnt bank u-Jtl -ft; r he el-clioa. The Piano Wi!h The Sweet Tore" IS IT WORTH ONE CENT To secure full particulars abont a compUte line of piuuos, includ ing prices delivered to your home, and tdrmcf If so, jn.t a pw card to us will bring it. " e posith c'.y g ve you money, and ghv ou t-iiher advatages you cannot obtain elsewhere Just a post card is all it cost you. Do it today. CK A3. M. STILFF. L. C itee:e, Manager, 114 Gran by St. Noi.lolk, Va. Meuticu l his p iper. Officii Piano, laxestawn Cxpositijn. NOTICE OF SALE. By vi.ua of th pOer vested In me by that certain Deed of Truat ex ecuted J. L. Simmons end wife on the 4th day of May and racordod in the of .'ice of tie Uej&ter cf Deis for Edgecoaibe COtwljr la Look 149 at pige 3-J4 .1 w:il on Sa:uruay Octo bar 8. IDiO- At 12 o'clock M. offer for sale at the Courthouse door In Tar boro, N. C. at public auction to the hisheet bidder for cli that ceKaln tract, lot or parcel of land described In said D?ed of Trust as being !a the town of Rac'xy Mount Edgecombe County North Carolina adjoiolng the land of B .kor W'omach and others and more particularly de scribed as fol'iov.s. to wit: Eeglnning at a t ake la the South line of Ceorgt Street 160 fek south west of Mari gold Street, iu the afore mzll tow a thence running at rigbt angles to George St e t gal la a south easterly direction 121 feet 13 a canal; theuce In a north easterly direction and with the canal 55 feet to a stake; thence In a north westerly direction and parallel to the first line 12 4 feet to George Street, said Una striking G eorge Street at right angles; thenc In a south wester! t The direc-lou and. Jones. Secfy E3m Cr- IWY NWE COSTtY HAIR W lLa,a-a.t-. Hy the Antiquated and Mr say 'Toor on" Metbodf I. ill I The De Vilbiss Hair Tonic Spray thorough? m -lg. M - . . . appliesthe tonic direa t upon the scalp la a clean Rl Q A L 8 h U t and unitary fashion, without nuwio up the bair. I W 1 "M TT my ft a A s sasa IsasfsacBBBUf vwmm aou JioonomKai ror Ladles : 0 r The Vilbisa Hair ToAc Sp.ay vAtoail) ia ear I OIL W I nTITmi n DAnim nnnnni to I HUH: . : : LIU I- sasv - - " a ; aTVjajtm AUSIIQ OVU The Saara af QaaWy. B afl mm mUSLJmzjk CCfA mmS ' VLJ' 1M Mala Sareet. Tataara, X 0 fmm e mLwmmm mm mmmmm cw mmm I 1 kL" m l liousa ihIh liave tak gains offered. Th An y thing1 you buy plain figures and sold just as tively Closes Saturday Night, Oct W. S CLARK & SON TVTATXTcrr GOWANS King off Externals Is the Original in tie field of external rem edies for all forms of intlammation such as pneumonia, cronp and colds, iiotninji can approach Gowans. It stands supreme. HV flare beeo tlhng Gowmm JV rafton tor fotomnmim mmd Co kit ever una ft tWNI on I A market, mmd hare BMf Maw Of our most RJktmUKorr aeMre, CARtKSTEH UMOfL. Wholmmh mod Rrtmil DrrnggmU. Urvnr,lh, S. C, July V. 1W0. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT II THE HOVE All DraMlM. SI. 2 '... cowan acoiciL co. 0LMa. a. c wl h the south Una of Oaorga Street I 65 fast to torn bectaolac and beta tta B same tract of la ad conveyed to b4 J. L. Simmons by deed from F. B. . Parke.- and w fe. which deed u duly f recorded In the Regiator of Deads ta J ' Office of Edgecombe County ta Book 123 at MM 387. to which reference is scrlption of said premises. Thli the 5th. day of September. . R. S. Wells Trustee GHmea and BarnhUJ. AUys. w and to. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Iliviig qualified aa administrator of V. i. 11 am B. DeDrule late of Edge ombc county , notice la hereby glv- B w WUUB ",u,0 intestate to preaect them dalJ P" on or before Sept. 24. la 1,11 or tB1 not.ee will be plead w rmcij All Indebted M the mske Immediate se'letnent O. W. Wells, adm W ANT! i. WANTET. MEN TO WORK IN f uUn4a room boaoBag eioaklngs Stead j Work Rocky Mow Hot ssry Co. t-Jt. WANTED -FOUR MI LES AND A driver. F. P. PaUe;. THACHER8 WANTED W11ITK Diatrict No 1; Towaahla No. 10. Two teachers for No 10 township to duct two room school. W. M THE END IS HEAR A' Great Crash Sale at Zariii i . . .... m, I . . m. . M. . 1 i MONEY In the BANK. 'you will have it when you need it. - J XmAmi m4mtkb UOUA. w.v RotrJii d bora la Frank foun.'cr of the (in-et ltlhcblld earth-peddled from house to booae heo ki. tn.ui. v K.ODOBBV au! Inters', at lot arvat fortune. aarW A K E THE BANK .Ai-TTA. tas.uoo J. F ftta-kalfard. Piea., J T, h. V. Hart, faahlrr. H B- Ha fWtr Inch hoi.a for rant or o t.m ON'T havto't got YOUR FALL OUTFIT Why not fjsa) aa a Ulal! Wearcaev preparrd to mi taar want, with our o tnplcU Hat Of ES'. MEN'S & CHILDREN'S e. We alU Le only g ad to 'bow th uu Cite ua a call. 0 L I n advaDtaare e sandy of bargains aa anarffain. iiverv . . HERES AJJSEHER MONEY TALK. IF YOU PUT YOUR lo t, Gersaaay, la 17, boy Ha latea. nana this BANK OUR YOUR OF TARBORO acarxoa M(m" Hwaid V ganr, at Oaratar. Four prr cent a ill t DELftY! aaiftH the Big Store is Rapidly Its Close. advertised. w m -Lfl 1 K I m Li Xi DR. DONDEFi Mas Ever Known. 9 0 HEADACHES OUT w. l. bell oproneiKist Bt Bell' Jewelry Store mm i a l BEEF & PORK OoOrf SJTg Will acfai atU aar w eh lo call yam tlirsUus U Si h t Iksit a aaa farata y ana alaaty af aaaaf ite-aa la III aar aa all kaav aa ta) aaa a UM - aady ta arrta aaa wttk ow ii ton win trade wiihaa a raaaa as aa far yaar If va yaa aaat aVU gat . I Ml Taar t hampin Peanut lli Kia W Ciaaraataw the To Caive 1 .aar Elag a EtlgecMimbe Pwlia liurucc m liikaj Caiaa $ Wm "t'ljtl1. Varth ftnam S as yaaitavM ifrmt?" S akesaaf fdhsa Haah aiaayaaaa aTwad S 1 1 Sm. mST" 2 M. A. CURTIS of the wonderful Imr- are still to be ha aHirlP ii.ii..bn,i This Sale Posi 8, at 12 O'Clock I i t 4 te ) that OF rvar loo 4 i .b&t the it .a i Tie Hob Gic a. A. LrK I - . i an V mui Satislactian. WaB Harthvarr Ma in k I wssm a jftajsajajhAg

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