J" i - BE SURE YOU ARE IUGHT ; THBNffOjAHRAD.-D Orockt TARBORO. N. C. THURSOAyTOKr27T9I0. Vol. 8S. no 43 tan Tii'sPil FOR TrRP UVTO, v torpid liver deranges the whole , t : n ind produces SJCKiDACHE, Wism, Sailow Skin and Pile. Thc-"isnobetterremedyfortlies common disease than DR. TUTT'S 1 1VER PILLS, asa trial wiH prove. Take No Substitute Contractor and Builder, tst-'wates cheerfully given and all work guaranteed. pl.one . . .... 203 L. FRA iK A HAWfion, Attorney At Law, Office Opposite postoffiee. Rocky Mount. N. C TOLD FOR A MEMORIAL OF HER Matthew 26:1-16 October 30 tekat the could." -Hart US. IN a previous study we considered the Great Teacher's triumphal en- tay is to Jerusalem on the ass, and the lesson from the Book and not at tempt to teach the Book. "The Peer Always Whfc Yef" Our Lord, in reply to the sn'uin I of J ads a, that the ointment should have been sold for a large sum for the benefit of the poor, answered. The poor have always with you. Whenso ever t will ye may do them good; but me ye have not always. Poverty Is ore to be a factor In the social order during the present time, because. In our fallen condition as a race, some are more brilliant of mind than others and selfishness Is the' general rale. Hence until the end of the reign of siu and death the poor will be here. there BUTLER AND BONO. a rfce Traitorous Boss la hisgsd I ry by What He Hae Dene. Mary Ana Batter's thick btoe t we havo tendered was image. ough Co make armor ptoto la ANOTHER CAMPAIGN CENSUS it THE UTILITY Pro Ptoato r ssseeast a s Save Time and tw..ria By Going To chat be clsl that he had aor has party la re DR. G. E. WEEKS, Dentist Office near Telegraph Office. A. w. MACNAIR. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Citizens Bank Building, Norfolk, : : j : : Virgin! , NATHAN WILLIAMS, TorisorUI Artist and Hirault Dec orator, Tarboro, N. C Two doors from Bank of Taboro. Israel as their King, in fulfillment of help any member of the race to higher the prophecy of aechariah 0:9-12. and better conditions, mentally, moral That was five days before the Paas- Jy. physically. By and by there wfti over. For several days Jesus taught be no poor, for. under the "tHi in the temple, going at night to the condition, lore will be the ruling prtn home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary at cSf Instead of selfishness Bethany. He knew what to expect that " v Have Net AHwaye This was true of the Master, a lit t while and he was gone tea tbcov ascended to the Father's right band The same principle prevails In respect to the Lord's followers styled. Ths members of bis Body." Whatever w Mary Ann may bo telling the troth to her to ms hour was come. He knew that even then the chief priests and elders of the people were considering his destruction j and hesitating only lest it should cause j tumult Their Indignation against the i Great Teacher was that he did not j teach as they taught and that bis teachings bad much more power with the masses than all their teachings" ; combined. Anger, envy, hatred, unlt- ed in branding him as an impostor and in sending him to his death, "for the good of the cause" The feast at Bethany referred to in this study may nave been on the night before our Lord's betrayal, two days before the feast of Passover. But the j. ROBT. PENDER Surveyor. Tarboro, N. C Pest Cff cs Box No. Fifty-Four. j FRAr.'K LILES, Att'y and Counsellor at Law, Practices in State and Federal Courts concensus of opinion seems to be that - - - - - , ... u occurrea on tne sabbath evening preceding the triumphal ride to Je rusalem. It matters not, however. There was such a feast. Jesus and ROBERTS TASTELE8B CHILL fiTwm Yppched win an TONIC alabaster flask of very precious per- The grt Fsver and Chill Remedy, fume. She poured it upon his head 33.347 Botties sold last year. and the entire room was sweet with Thtre is a reason. the odor. The woman was Mary, the It re!,evs chills, fevers, and clean- Sister of Lazarus and Martha. ses the blood. i Another account shows that the pro- For sale by all dealers. 9t26 made b7 disciples against this , 1 1 as a waste was instigated by Judas, MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU- the treasurer of the little company of n TUAL BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. Will take notice that 1 can be found at my office. This is the cheapest in aurance in the country and absolute ly reliable. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer DH. C. A. VHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. O. rr-r H to 1 and 9 t f DR. DON WILLIAMS :rrgeon Dent ist, Kitrous Oxide and Oxyfen Gas $ administered in the extraction of trtth. Tarboro the Lord's disciples. John remarked that he was a thief and carried the bag and Intimated that he was more Interested in the money than In the poor and that his mention of the poor was merely a subterfuge. But the Great Teacher rebuked his disciples. j saying, "Why trouble ye the woman; for she hath wrought a good work upon me; hi that she hath poured this ointment upon my body she did It to prepare me for burial. Truly I say unto you. Wheresoever this Gospel shall be preached in the whole world. there shall also this which this wom an hath done be told for a memorial of her" (Matthew xxvL 10-131. How considerate was the Great Teacher! How sympathetic! How appreciative of everything done for him! "She Hath Done What She Could" The Lord, in line with all the Scrip ture teachings and usages, declines to recognise woman as a teacher of re ligion in the Church amongst his fol lowers. No woman was given a place amongst the twelve Apostles nor even when the seventy evangelists were sent forth with the simple message, which any woman could have given, surely VALUABLE FARM FOR RENT. as glibly as sny man, or more so; even For the term of five years begin-1 on this mission he did not send worn- niag January 1st, 1911, that tract o en, nor even a representative of the land situate about three miles from aex. The man. in Scriptural usage, to Tarboro,on the Rocky Mount and Tar the figure of the Lord; tne woraatu tne x , .v- ,o, figure of the Church- It would be out "Ul uuwu 113 of harmony with the figure that the '"s Lrac 01 iana couuiLos ju.m. oo, . honld be the instructor and acres of which about two hundred are Lord the pupil. Consistently, there in cultivation, and is one of the fon, it would have been improper for best farms in Edgecombe county. It woman to have been commissioned to has on ' a. dwelling house of six represent the Lord. Hence, women as room; Hr f,r houses-amnle teachers in the Church have no author- , v . . . .v.j ity in the B'ble for the position. ve '.flit-nouses, barns, stables and sheds " . . .K ' ' .1 roni thnt the oprripnt besmiled Mother nj : . n: .1 l: J it-1. MM I i " out H Si ha-Tlng been falao tr eschew both mend and party . the on at abac bo to a tsar. That old saying. 0 a B ad same and you'd better kin BuOer cUj of the toot eartvln had Of oourae no dooant oal mik would haws done thto. oaoat oaon la tba eaapasy of am.f Thto Butler dad and for the moawy that was in U far him. to II ony stretch Of th tasocfaotloo to fafer at Sasw'ajaPT fciilliiVn "'asm its - T"" rr ni'i'" " asm- au Basra ohrMy ayde a to of torn loaa iu aat eost an am ctosanfyhWand to to t Mr THE DRUCCIST First, lie always wbat jmm want. but :j Of th.JW liabsfn a BJ ir- ts ntrr Hi4lkas mwa 7; oaaaoil. T: kfarti Masonir Temple Bailding ittrooro, - . N.C. the AIRSHIP'S FATAL HOUR Wellman Tells Of Moment Shifting Wind Destroyed Of Reaching EssSpS Whr Jesawy 4; N sylrsada fT, Ol J wasjts vTraaafa aw. aww isrw toad I. ftBwiBi t. Now York 1. Teal to asat sst lfeoo, Mr. Farmer can do for these members, the grea Head will consider ss though Bone unto himself. While, therefore. It will always be in order to do good unto all men as we have opportunity. R will always be In order atoo to do good "especially unto the houssbold of faith." The spirit of erlnihnoas In Judas tod on from one degree to a anther of cov etousness until he was willing to sal! his Master to his enemies Alas, what a terrible power for rvfl to selfishness How many are willing to barter the Truth for the sake of wortdy ease or prosperity! Such as have the spirit of Truth to a considerable extant beware of W tf followed to the Second Death. At t octoek am Sunday stoat our Here the to the on oar see Boat as la the it CIV ILENQINEER JOHN J. WELLS Rocky Mount - ft. C "rt. 32 he equlUbrator wi Aa the lower end rode the heavy aaas. which hi bean hfatoat ap by the attar braaoo tortosd shockingly on the lines which held tt bo the America. Under Oh the ahlp sot op a voOtaat id a the strain ai About $600.00 wUl be spent in iag the buildings on said pre- mi3es before January 1st, 1911 or as Ms thereafter as Is practicable. For terms and further particulars 3 either of the undersigned or a them at Rocky Mount. N. C. t 29, 1910. J. C. BrasweH, E. L. Daughtridge, for Planters Bank, Guardian. vi" e: impr; ai l cai: Air Eve and made of her s teacher of er- E ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. L. lloborson a dm Lnistrator of the of J. R. Satterth-wajte late of nbe county, having died and t rsigned having qualified as alio istrator de bonis non, notice is at; -. . givem to all that all claims a- th.e estate must now be pre sented to me as re mired bv law for S; cases made and provided and 1 failure to do go wijl be plead w ' of recovery. T . e indebted to the estate will as por same nor-ioe be heid to an 1 - - tte settlement. J- C. Little, adm. d. b. n. jAL IBAy SvmaWarOaVJBtrjom. lalPlljl ialaaBsnll The Popular Idea of Mariaoe. It to certain that the society man of to-day manias a woman who makes his home a restful place from I taon, which which he to seldom tempted to wan- threatened dor. Why should he? The soon test, be craft a brightest room In the house to his & wme . sanctum ; hare are his favorite book, I aboard the ahlp. pio ures he hkves, the latest magaxlne to 5, jam to ease the strata, a with leaves out and no end fo pipes, did evorythtog IBMBatB When the train whistles toto the ax tunes some would bacon depot, In which to thto fortunate man, bauated. ami one by 000 the a fire to started on the low hearth woaafl sleep far a time. Thay w to make the room cheerful, alt bough tbear bammooka ezpaotlog they the warmth to not needed. To u I awaaa to Oad IbmssilTss ta room he brings his fnomto ana rinaen but all ther IS ad here husband and wife sit when I aJoap, BBi they dot so alone. Ev erything that will hetp the I At an ttoaa. ho 11 was the wife to make a homo a means of of jaltarlnaj on their pa grace she reads, on her sable are j the worst mraii Ha thay were always to be found-books and mag- ond evaa 1 baaifiil Now T sines that talk of the higher life of the home. We mean good cooaaogi Th Brain to Vary when we say higher Ufa, a hither-1 Uch vooatloa makes a 4! to neglceted port of mtlgyin. This caii upOA the brain man formerly out every 01 unlssj I faculties and aq ail lies Ok Joa 11 dlatrtctai LC NOR CHIW CAN NaUTMtR Be Minaps to ArUs Have l.sara ed ta (Joa Taboos to Another way "I aa; aaatob ths aaary yon aaam tailfat of fh oaacaar ua aaa rBslawxt to aasa. -by to the arm 'hdr ..jsr ptosus Bl It mm a chew' or ass U he Cotton Sheeets, Peanut Baa, tailing and Ties and Duck. RorijoMi-R sjjB n Company 3lIG! DIG! int.: Ymw Champion Peanut Digger nay loward, atty. 0 i o i OLA DAIRY Pure Milk and Cream 'utrons will phone their low to phone No. 243a. 1 ror to her husband. We read that the evil spirits used a certain young wom an as a medium to announce the Apos tles. But we find no Divine sanction of woman ss s teacher to the Church, but that the young woman who acted under the spirit of dirtoatlon and st tempted to preach Christ and the Apos tles was rebuked by the Apostle Paul and the spirit of divination dispos- All this, however, does not indicate that either Jesus or the Apostles were either rude toward women or unappre cistive of their qualities of heart and CH.SHESTERSPH1S rtE afo h a women anu cs - - for this Mary and her sister Martha is particularly recorded, iet us rarely goes to the theater or opera, golf, so that as the or bail because ale home bos great- trades and apadalfttoa maJtijiy the er attraction and he to raalry now brain takes on now adaptive onalh- so sensible, well informed and a- tlea, thus gtvmg greater variety sad mounting to something that hto oad strength to ctvlltoatloa aa a frlendo are rejoiced that the soem- mass, says Ortoon 6 ingly incongruous marriage came "spceea Uagaaine. about. Wham the world was rat brain of mac was primitive. A Hint To Mothers. th demand upon tt was la If you wish to cultivate a gossiping aelf -protection and the aec meddling, censorious spirit in your food, which called only for hto Bevel children be sure when they come opmoat of Its lower, its aaiam home from church, a vtoet or any part As civilisation place to which you do not accom-1 over there was s call pany them to ply them with questions oad a concerning what everyooogr or, 1 to-dar in bow everybody looked, and what ever body said and did; and tf you find anything In all this to censure always do R In their bearing. Ton may rest assured if you pursue a course of thf kind, they wiU not return to yoj unladen with Intelligence; and. sutler than it should bo uninteresting they will by degrees learn to em- IliilBli in such a manner aa shall not tall to call earth remsatoj nod expressions of wonder from you. Ton L B J av of Tow .JTo Give Satisfaction. rUmTHSim is know bsB have hto THJ A .m Has craBtol md they woaM be raw cmJSSmm, wmm iTm u Edgecombe Hardar Co L 'NO jQ(Tg& BRAND Frost. The tsnnperature SundSy night was v 't('!vrI5ta for cmHas-TSn'S A down to 39 causing light frost In ex- r . . . i- n L,L3 in iced una Si 1. r...jA I ,..iui- w Anirur Httl dam- 1 taKB 0 r;":-Y t mrtal'.ic boxes, sealed wilh Bii The average time for a -kill- . i o vi iiTf . JT.' Wr I aae. J-' reg-rfM iw.safest, Aiwi bJiMc. frost here is about October 26 oOLD BY ALL DRUG6ISTS jThe Udfaatlons are now that Novem liSo, EVERtWHERE ttS jbor willbeherebaore akllUng frost a spirit Finn ef Baker. Thigpei style of a firm of fail tinners which will ho seen ton to the Lewis building The members of are. Dr aaawr. Dr. W. J. W. W. Green, of arty of thto place. The offleao to the Lewis to the bow Qccaptod by Orron will by tbia course OX cssrwerty-wnicn is eay WadBall and Co., are to be rated am in cjuaoreu ana woicn. u njnuy tor thorn at aa early reotod, may oe mans ut mw4 1 of en rich tog and enlarging laser nUnds-e vehicle of mischief which shaU serve only to narrow thorn. o-jrs for Pharmacists throughout the world have devoted their Uvea to Uo par fecting of Hoi lister's Rooky Tea. It contains the cbofao ical roo's and herbs known to medicine . Too or Tablets, 35 cents. Edgecombe rug Co. for The Help the WfhvLees by the moat popular young tody the result of the vohmg will Bo lishod dairy. Polls open at a drug stores and only one osnt a CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY. who valae toalr owi bos of Mother Or J s dsra for Children, tor t rwrsai ilea Tt ss nor Fall. Bold by ail Mo. DeaYt a X' pt say A trial pacta free to any saother a bo tWm S. QBailla. Lo Bop. M- T. a," said the T i9 s4 ttssioPBASA a ak. - - I snn to Taj. ISO praaato. to SPSaB. 1 am 1 oman aavaaf ooeaooB . taadaaa tor sssaastor aaJg.aii Bto, 100 r Zr.Ao 04 aassjsa) aaa ' aLL jamootoSB,aotos4tom B. ate ssaaa, M -Ut J. T. draj : a T M W. a. w. High-Class Services un Its Advantages liiMPanking & Trust Co. IBN