Carbarn unljtrntr Pubiiahid Every Thareday. daoacription Rates$1.00 per year a.eroC al c'oatcfflee as second claw matter Thmsdry, October 27, 1910. Cotton Ginned. The Census Bureau report shows that up to and including Oc. 17 there were 5,410,960 bales of cotton ginned. The (number ginned for the' same time last year was 5,530,967. Any size crop may be forecasted from these figures. On last year's percentage of the cotton ginned to this date we would nave a crop of 10,500,000, the year previous 1908 one of 10,000,000. The percentage of 1907 could mal a crop of 11,500,000. That of 1906 13, 800,000 bales. Compared with 1903 there would be a crop of 14,900,000 bales. Ths quants y of cotton- ginned de pends largely upon weather which this yeir as been favorable for both gathering and ginning; but against this hcs been the lateness of the season, this latter circumstance shoul be the indication of a crop some what larger than last year. 1 Well and Pertinently Said. Editor Southerner: some There is some apathy J and objection to some of the democratic nominees in the county; but I would ask such if they voted in the last election to help swell our rep resentation in the county conven tion or did they attend the town ship primaries in behalf of their favorite? If I have got half of my fav oritess I should support the tick cket in order to get the other half. We never get all we want and get nothing without working for it, and if we don't get our choice, keep in line to -work for it again I don't like to see a man disfranchise himself, for he who is not lor us is a- COMES INTO Hit OWN, Once Deipifted Cottanaeed GalnlAfl Rank Among Field Product. Not one man in 10,000 has any 1- deef at the great number of uses to which the once despised cow on sari la now being put Prom the clean seed are obtained 1 inters and meats and hulls, the hulls making the best end most fattening feed for for catttk that has yet been found. From the Unbere are gathered material for mat tresses, felt, wads, paper, rope and a grade of underwear and likewise cellulose out of which gun cotton is made The meats furnish oil and meat, the oil after refining being now universally used in the kitchens of this and other countries. Before refinement to the edible the oil is known under many names, such as salad oil, stearins, winter oil and white oil, olemarga rine being the product of stearlne The white' oil is the chief ingredi en: in compound lards. The original oil, also known as soap stock, has fat ty acids used in the manufacture of soaps, roofing tar, paints and glycer ine, and from this cornea the exulos ive nitroglycerine. The meal aside from its use as cat tle povender, is transformed lute bread, cake, crackers and even candy. Last of aU comes the doctors .who are saying, that this wonderful seed is a boon to the sick, since from its oils an emulsion is prepared thct hat been known to be of value in tuber culosis and other ailments. Deaf noes Cannot be Cured, by local ppUoatlona as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to curt deafness, and that is by constitution remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucom lining of the Eustachian Tube. Unit tube is inflamed when you have l rumbling sound or imperfect heantat and when it is entirely closed. Deaf ness La the result and unless the tafia matron can be taken out and thai tube 'Sctoied to its normal coadiiK-i bearing will be destroyed forever , gainst us, and to make a good crop I nine cases out of ten am caused bj all should do their part. I Catarrh, which is nothing but an ta JESSE BRAKE. I flamed condition of the muscous sur (aces University Notes. We will give One Hundred Douara Chanel Hill. Oct. 24. Wake Forest! for any case of Deafness (causae was easy for the university foot-ball I by catarrh) that cannot be cured bj elevne. Saturday being swamped 37-0.1 Hail's Catarrh Cure. Send for ciculart The back-field for Carolina was es-1 tree. F. J. Cheney $ Co. Toledo, O. pecially brilliant. Ruffin was the! Sold by druggists, 75c most consistent ground gainer and I Take Hall's Family Pills for Con- made several spectacular runs for I stapatlon. thirty yards or more. Coach Brides used twenty six men in the course of J the game, ending with an entire scufe A Novel Way To Raise Money "To raise a considerable amount of team and the ball on Wake Forest 10 1 money with very little trouble is to yard line. Wake Forest did not make I form a Story Chain, tor a winter say a first down. I Martha Condon in Worn ana ilomt A big, strong, whole-hearted mass I Companion for November. meeting with 500 students in atten-l "A group of ten women met at the dance was held in Oerrard Hall Man-1 home of one afternoon and one reads day sight for the purpose of letting J aloud a story, something worth lis the foot-ball team know, that in-ening to, lite The Toy Shop or the face of the defeat by Davison in I The Man Without a Country oi Charlotte last Saturday, it still re-1 any of the best short sories: then tained the confidence and loyalty of I tea is served and perhaps there la the student body. The speakers, a-la little music. Each person present mong whom were Dr. R oyster, and I pays an admlseon fee of twenty -five Xleverend Hague who had seen I cents. In turn each of the ten the game, seriously expressed con I guests give a similar tea at her home fidence in the ability of the team to land the same programme I followed develop a strong scoring stength yet: land each of these guests give a The opinion was given that the squad I tea; when this has been done three handicapped bv superior weight had I or four times, the "chain" come to not yet found itself. The game in I an end, but the treasury is filled. Creorgetown next Saturday will give the players a chance to demonstrate the reality of their ability to "come back.' Reverend John Little of Louis vilLe, Ky. gave an illustrated lecture, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday night on the condition of the negro in the South. He de scribed the poverty, disease fit rick HAPPY RESULTS. Have Made Many Tarboro Residents Enthusiastic No wonder scores of Tarboro citi zens grow enthusiastic. It is enough to make anyone happy, to find relief en negro slums of Atlanta and Louis-1 after years of suffering. Public atate- ville and at ributed to these condi-lments like the following are but lions the low status of morality that I truthful representations of the dally work done In Tarboro by Doan's Kid ney Pills. exists in the race. He made a strong plea for the physical, industrial and moral uplift of the negro race in the South. I Mrs. J- W. Wallace, 1130 Alher The Elisha Mitchell Scientific So-1 marie St., Tarboro, N. C, aaya: ciety met Wednesday night for the I "Doan's Kidney Pills benefited me purpose of electing officers. Professor &m therefore ple&aed ouacy was cnosen pTesiaent ana I Protestor Doss and Lull vice-..-. to rommend ttem- I rred con llect and sscretery and treasurer I sttuUy from dull, nagging backaches The ODj. . :t i !iis U'rt is d p. and distressing pains across my oarage scientific reach and tnl1011"- I was very restless at night record matte pertaining to the I Md rose In the morningfeenng tired natural lus ory of the state. The Jour-1 3JkA languid. I had but little strength nil fesued by the society Is in a I or energy and could hardly attend to measure the bulletin of the labora-my housework. If I stooped or at tories of the University. It is now to I to lift, sharp, darting pain is twenty sixth yecr.' It exchanges I caught me in my back. My kidney with over 300 scientific periodicals I were weak and caused me consider anl by this exchange more than I annoyance. I finally read a t thousand books and pamphlets I 00,11 Daan's Kidney Pills and procur have Jieen collected for th TTn4vr-1 ing a box at Cook's Drug Store. I FEAR 0 THE HOSIPTAL. It Unr?s:nablrtee Set Fart BY A Doctor, fat cities and lags town the hospi tal is soar generally recognised at least among odsoa aJ pa.-aoas. a a useful public knstllu ion, the natural place of resort In severe Illness or to. case an operation la to be par formed. It U understood that ear better than what could be given to Che patient at his own home. Tat beyond the radius of influence of one of these modern house of and cure, the old iMiraairntaej of the hospital UU remains- relic of the days when Umbo vera am putated without anesthetics w unsanitary surroundings. Moreover It is often felt that to be aeot to hospital in soma degree a dis grace. The causes of this feeling and for It war recently dis- br Dr. A. H. Tfeayer. to a paper before the Albany County (N. Y.) Medical Socte'y. We quote from a reprrlnt In the International Hspi tal Record of Detroit. Soya Dr. Thny Ui I Ths auction naturally arise 1 this fear a reasonable one or It come from the fact that natiant frra arv o! the arrall vil lages goes to a hospital K is the talk of the town. Should that patient die while to the capita! evry OSS IB the village knows about and talk about it mu:h more thin U)y wou'-d had ha dad la his own home. He died la th? hospital.' The question does not occur to then, did he under go an operation, or did ha die of torn; con 41 loo that bad alraidy pro greased s f-ir that bo operation could be performed? The fact to than I He was t ken to the hospital and iVel there, and I an not gofng there to die.' The s me thought hi many times expressed as follows: "They took him to the hospl-al and operated on him anl that killed htm. Of course. It M considered that the op era lm was the direct cause of deeh even In the case of an tsjoperabre cane in ami in wtt.h an exploratory done slthjut percep'lble effect an the rati n'-'s strength and It was the orig ml d aaaa that av caused the de -th "This is an argument against doing ever so alight an operation am hopeless esse. If the patient die Kher people bear of It and fear necessary operation, no matter bow dimple ft ney be or bow free from In the minds of the public all operctlous are serious aad moai patient are supposed to die who on lergo them. city people who ere fre- qoeotly about the hospital. Cher I much lea feir of an operation They 91 ci.; that regain their health as wall as hear of that died "Is the time ever coning when the public will know that K to seldom the operation of 1'self cm The cause of most cases of death to the net that the disease has been al lowed to progress to far before they will coos Ml to an operation, laid the operation not been delayed ha cause of needless fear until the pa tlent or his friends could see thai the patient would surely die antes operated upon, then operations could be performed with much better peels of toe patients regaining per feet health ' From an examination of the records of his own hoapKaJ. wLlch lleves welLy represents th Dr. Thayer find that th mortality rate following operation la tow not higher than five par cent. The fear of the hospital on this score It therefore not justified sad It should be remmberel that If all th hospi tal operation and been at the patient hones without tal facilities and hospital comfort the mortality would undoubtedly have been far greater. Literary Digest. aN r TT f T IQIA 9tV Ve I V nan? W f lv- I 7 I Vs i THE HUBoor Free Dig DaaJ wit! wat ajai mt cash tickets and gta 41 a sow as flit The If Xlr-w Irr k H ' 1 1 inlw urw - IP lUi I elnm and tejr are mik jaar 1PV o You Hill r buipitawd p. HO to how .taA th. Ml J ' Woman's Magazine? l for November can really X t X O - O help yon. Valoable to ' woman for tha kind of attention it btwtowi 1 11 on her chief latorwats. jftl The new Fashion oon- Wm rw saw fra arw af sigh if no n win UR-TRAD& with as we w.ll Wilh Tata The Hob Grocery Go P. a. Lrwta, Gil ARANCE SIllE s w f if n lie waH ldl tjn iw t W. UM i 4 SI1TG has beta a (Tsnrrco Boio, but we awtU hare ywt the) Inrctt Btatah wf plete. Batter, hgpflnT Hume-keepinK in aO da- rmrtmenta. Aod tt that appeal aad your thoughts pleasantly loufc after you you read. We cam only hist at the a tual aortb of the Ncvcn.ter Issue The II. .eat ten cent' soithcvrr in your bone. mm - - ,ir. ry Goods and Notions To ha to the U aril yea aa ttlieap an rAnyoin . S. Clark & Son P 8 rrry arc still hv h d PR 14 EN ans The brick mflfcons have completed the finM stow of our Mammoth Furniture Store l lu' earoeiltt r are tit work on ll fluor ine woiK iw proreKMin beyond our expectations. ! We must sell iur nresent stoeU. New ooiU will arrive for our Aew J tore. ow we till' ereverj Ihin ol a o eui. a iook is all we ask. Au bersof peoplefare faki g advaafaire at tbCKC ( at .d ice. Von emri i.Hni il i.. misa the in. 8?vei piece of f urniture in our present stujL'k must be sold, regard ess oi eosi, or easli. Watch Santa t: elty Library. Dr. W. C. Coker eiitor in chief of the journal ysart O. W. Hyman la this Democratic Speakings. J. L. Bridgers at Oonetoe 3 Col. p. m. Hon. Claude Kitchin at Rocky Mount Oct. 28 at 7: 30, p. m. Hon. Claude Kltchin and the eouaty candidates at Macclesfield I Piles Cured at Horn by New Abeorp- oegai uieir use. Tney removed my backache and regulated the passage of the kidney secretions. I now feel better In every way." For sal by all dealer. Price 60 cents. Foater-MUbum Co.. Buffalo New York, sole agents for th Unit ed States. Remember the ame Doan's an cake uo other. attend Saturday Oct. 29 at 2 p. m. All are cordially invited to these speakings. W. O. Howard. Ch'r Dem. Ex. Com I tion Method. If you suffer from bleeding, Itch big blind, or portruding Piles, send m your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will Dance at Old Sparta, I also send some of this home treat There will be given a dance at 1 ment, ' free for trial, with ref erencea Old Sparta on Friday, Nov. 4th, In I from your own locality, If requested Moorea' Hall. C. K. Edwards and 1 Immediate relief and permanent cure Herbert Mayo will be the managers. assured. Send no money, but tell oth Music by the Owens Band. I oTttr. Write today to Mrs. m. summers, box r, Notre Dame, Ind. Notice to School Committee. In any school district where Help the Dixie-Lees by voting for tsicher is needed the county will? the mtst DODutar vouns tadrr The pay for an advertisement for such in I the result of the voting wall be pub- ins Southerner. - lUshed dsarv. Polls ohbt tu h th Attention is also drawn to the provision of the law which requires a copy, a teacher's contract to be filed wiht th3 Superentondent before drug stores and only one cent a vote The best plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Lini- the salary for the first month can ment and bound on over the affected V- I J 1,3 i1-1- paa-ts Is aunerior to a nlaaiUr and costs only one tenth es much. For aa)e by all dealers. H ERE IS A REMEDY THAT WILL CURE ECZEMA. "Wi Prove It.' Why waste Umo sad money experi menting with' greaay salve sod lo tions, trying to drive th seaaaaa from underneath the akin when Cook's Drug Store guarantee Zemo. a clean liquid preparation for externa use to rid the akin of the germ life that causes the trouble? One appUcef-on wlU relieve the a often times one boftle Is auffldent to cur a minor esse of ecxema. In over 2.000 town and cities In America the leading druggist has ths agency for Zemo and he will tall you of the marvelous ours made by this clean simple remedy. Zemo Is ognlzed and the cleanest moat popu lar treatment for ecsema pimple druff and all other forma of skin or scalp affections whether on Infant or grown person. Will you try a bottle on- our reoommea taairsn ? Cooks Drug Store FOR 8TUNNI MEN Q STYLEg AND ' BOS wL KUPPEIVfltlvKR e aw px g art KtpPENhEl M W taU It ChrC w.iJ aaraflntasi,!, I lit ?t tmnm mi tatttj Bum jT ataaaaf tVle laa ataaja aaaa a taaael V S a ton. 1. 1 asa 1 1 ic O M. A. CURTIS 0 - - CABnlER ITS ALL fl a a ONE ! ,iw SelSi jf CaaaJwCawa nor smcmiJikMi Mm nnfl ' nl i Jnnl nnV VII. nV : ' our lor m I ilv' v ! all M, PAVKZ W. L &J; E, SIMMONV :TJ.ZT iMCH US GROW I w " frjSTjsssrjan'xs. BatakHaBW iaswaagaeaaaE rWI SPECIAL ATTENTION ! 2-2 TO IB mmum.. . I Bods Praisora Wafihatanda 1 mmmmmm aHapjBftnw) nwnftkW S . WE CKN FIT TRUSSFS rr I mo I sum i wum: : .:: m a ii a awl in Hi t hiiHf i ". rnw aanw m w I I T.a.jaasn . a.T.aa flfsfMtwpmit MffniiitfitfynfMf fn nwv UL'Uii V Uv' rU LT I'll I U A EQ18I oz iu Hindi a f 1 n f I 1 1 ft ii it 1 1 n r nmnr mm iaw M-tJ. fj J-n a U U 1 1 L U II l J L VIII afstanl nan mr -ntata sW twoMftni n n it r n n a wr iAnBnmni - n :f I' r14-J I I III i ease m I nnnnaaantT I 1 ll L U I XL U U L U U L IJ. "R W r. rm raji fcM ignaataanf. " MRl. tWl f n a. a rwr-srs. ... - e. I WL - - - 1 AUSTIN V1 af wnsr a aVf isanT arAK . (JR nA.H foo THE BANK OF TARBORO 'Th P'nm With The Sweat Tone" A FREE TRIP TO NORFOLK a Aviation Week. Next week is Aviation week in S Norfolk. Come aod tee the great Air oh'ps. To briog people to Norfolk, we mate tnis SPECIAL OFFER, good all aext week. TT t.!i ... ..... m v isit oar store ana select any new or second band Upright, or flayer nano at the regular manu facturer's price, aod we will credit yon with 3 oor fare from home to Norfolk and return, op to 100 miles each way, aod will deliver the piano, prepaid, to your home. Uoat miss tois. CHA8. M. 8TIEFF. L. C. Steele, Manager, 114 Granny 8t. Norfolk, Va Mention this paper. W. H. PITTMAN. Co. Supt. School. Official Piann, MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS Al CUI RATES UNDERTAKERS WILUA0 1 'l-Wltaf Oaaaa4wMlaaar i Wm WW Otamlj Oali aa faa.

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