mi -uammuir mm v . vy w v xaw r vbbbbbbbbbw bW -bbbW fasssv v Am. BE SURE YOU ARE F!1GHT; THKN VOL, 88; -0 44 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY, iO' ataiaa . .-La- TitStK J 1910. JUST ONE WORD that word I Tutts, it rf ers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with indigestion? Sick headache? Virtlgo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms aad many others Indicate Inaction of the LIVER. You Need Tutt'sPills Take No Substitute. A. W. MACNAIR. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Citizens Bank Building, Norfolk, : : : : : Virgin! KATHAN WILLIAMS, Tonsorlal Artist and Hirsult Dec orator, Tarboro, N. C Two doors from Bank of Tatoro. J FRANK LILES, Att'y snd Counsellor at Law, Practices in State and Federal Court J. R03T. PENDER Surveyor. Tarboro, N. C Post Office Box No. Fifty-Four. "R05ERT'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. The great Fever and Chill Remedy. 33,547 Botties sold latt year. There is a reason. It relieves chilis, fevers, and clean ses the blood. For sale by all dealers. 9126 MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. Will take notice that 1 can be found at my office. This Is the cheapest in surance in the country and absolute ly reliable. F. EL PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer DK J A. WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TABBOBO, N. O. sto Hour- h to l and 9 " 5 DR.DOX WILLIAMS jurgeon Dent ist, Nitrous Oxide and. Oxygen Gas administered in the extraction of teeth. Tarboro CIVILENGINEER JOHN J. WELLS Rocky Mount - - - ft. C. VALUABLE FARM FOR RENT. For the term of five years begin ning January 1st, 1911, that tract 6 land situate about three miles from Tarbaro.on the Rocky Mount and Tar boro road, known as the King farm. This tract of land contains about 384 acres of which about two hundred ar In cultivation, and is one of the best farms in Edgecombe county. It has on it a dwelling house of six rooms.five frame tenant bouses,ample 'Jut -houses, barns, staMes and sheds and is abundantly supplied wUh gooc wa er. About $600.00 will be spent in improving the buildings on said pre mises before January 1st, 1911 or as 3o:i thereafter as is practicable. For terms and further particulars ad iress either of the undersigned oi cal! on them at Rocky Mount, N. C Aug . at 29, 1910. J. C. Braswell, ' E. L.. Daughtridge, for Planters Bank, Guardian. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having this day qualified as admin istrator with the will of the es att of George R. Gammon, deceased, Lye of the County of Edgecombe; notice is hereby given all persons Sing claim against said estate to V' eni them to me properly verified for payment on or before the 3rd. day of November 1911 or thd3 notice be ;Iead in bar of recovery. Ail persons indebted to said es- will please make immediate pay- . to me or my attorneys. This - day of October 1910. C L. FOUNTAIN, adan'r eta of Gerge R. Gammon ' .? . .in& Fountain attorneys. Rocky Mount, N. C. Sale of Land. B7 virtue of the power vested in m - by that certain Deed of Trust of '". C.-.riisle and wife, et als. on the th. day of January 1908 and record ec ln tae office of the Register of Deeds fecombe' County, in Book 141 231, I will on the first day of - 'ember 19 et 12 o'clock M. offeT tcr sale at the Court House door in J!"o N. C. at public anictlon to highest bidder for cash, that cer ' tract lot or parcel of- land de- taj 1 in said Daed of Trust as 2 in Edgecombe County North f ini and being the idenitioal tract ' nd conveyed to S. M. Carlsle W. o. Waasreu and wife Calte n C. W. Bryan and wife Mamie n John Fulford and Emma Harre deed recorded in Book 130 Pag -; of the Public Registry of Edge " County being Share or Lot r" u herein containing 115 acres to deed for a further description of s dd land reference is hereby made T the 30th. day of September, 1910 W. Stamps Howard Trustee. BUTLER INFAMY He Is Interested lo Fraudulent HOW HE HOPES TO COLLECT THEM. TtJtn Settle and other republican upeaaers nave declared the talk about Mary Ann. Butler and the special tax bonds a bus; bear. Butler's Connection Proved. Read this advertisement which a- , m. uie now York Rvntiur Post April 1905. The Collection Of State Bonds Re pudiated In Whole Or in Part, The recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States en titled "South Dakota North baroJina wherein the former State secured a JWaSment against the tatter on ten bonds, par value $10,000, amounting with interest to $27,4000 )which has just been paid) has greatly enhan ced me value of all our repudiated Qj a owe aonos, because it has estab lished the law and the procedure by wnacn uiey can be enforced. mL xue undersigned committee in 1901 Pooled all of one issue of North Car olina bonds -and originated the ptoo hv vxrritj-tK tk W . m - j -1X3 tivve oW9cee6ur re " -" . uiis were Drougnt about and ob tained a settlement for the inddvid uai bond-holders at a little less than pax, of the entire holdings of these bonds. T-U 1 ... 1U committee is now ready to proceed with the collection of all other repudiated bonds of every class of each State. This committee ahs no connection with any other committee, and it knows that it alone is now in a posi tion to avail itself of the benefits of the above mentioned decision. Those who desire to enforce the collection of their bonds will deposit the same with the North American Trust Company, 195 Broadway New York oity, and receive receipts there for and a contract agreement un- der which the undersigned commitf ear-has will undertake to collect the same. W. N. COLER & CO. R. F. PETT1GREW. D. L. RUSSELL. MARION BUTLER. Depositary. North American Trust Co. Wheeler H. Peckham, Counsel. When this advertisement was pub lished Butler and his gang expected to give co Sooth Dakota or some other state some special tax bonds that the State of North Carolina might be sued and the validity of such bonds established. Bear in mind that a citizen cannot sue a state but a state can sue ar ot?ipr state. Butler's Latest. Bat stats after state refused to pull Baler's chestnut out of the fire so he devsied another scheme. Knowing the venality of the re publican party, he realized that it would be cheaper to purchase the re publicans of this State than to make presents to states as an in ducement to sue. Butler's Plan. All that money and lying could do was to be used to elect a republi can legislature. And that legislature was to recognize the validity of these special tax bonds and in struct the Satte Auditor to issue war rants for this payment. Of couise the auditor being a Democrat would do nothing of the Kind, claiming that the people bad repudiated htese bonds, they could not be paid unless by ' a vote of the people. Then Butler was to ask for a writ of mindamaus requiring the auditor to obey the mandate of the legisla ture of the state and expected to deny this writ and from this refusal Butler is to take an appeal to the United States Court, where the valid! ty of these bonds will be tested in ascertaining the duty of an officer who had refused to obey the legisto who had refused to obey the legisla tion authority which had ordered theJ payments of these bonds andhad de clared that the constitutional a mendment forbidding their payment was expo at face and impaired the obligations of a contract. Mary Ann Butlerr is as dirty a scoundrel as walks the earth but he is not a fool any more than his proto type, the Devil. One Little Fight. Monday morning brought no grist to the Recorders M1H and only one petty case to Squire Pender. Bessie Lloyd for assaulting another colored lady, Annie Jothneon. A penny and cost that was ail she had of "too much Johnson." Turn backward, O time in your flight; Make me a child again just for to night. T11 do R cried Time, Just let me be Until I fix some . Rocky Mountain Tea." Edgecombe Drug Co. "Setter put that hammock up a lit tle higher," said the woman. "No," replied the anm; "fce high enough. If I want to fall any fur tber I will get In an aeroplane." Yon- kera Ste-vtesman. FARMER'S IN8TITUTE. An Invitation to Our People to Meet the R equipments. mi "i winter us southerner to on courage boys on the farm and espec- uy in growing corn which provided the larger part of its boss and ho miny contention was able, thanks to the public spirit of many citizens to oxrer a prize of $100 for the largest yield on one acre cultivated by a boy wwoen 12 and 17. A sceond prize of 560 and a third of $40. The good people in a number rowneuups added prises tor boys in tneir townships so there isoffered $400 in prizes through the Southerner A Corn Institute. A soon as the Southerner had vaesaV prize WW announced It aehed the State Department of Ag riculture to have an institute here on Friday and Saturday following Thanksgiving day. The Department has met us more than half way as will be seen by the fallowing letter. -Mr. Frank Powell. Tarrboro, N. C. Dear Sir: Again referring to the institute to be held in Tarboro Nov. 25 and 2. wilt say I am expecting the follow- E-ng to go with me: franklin Sherman, Entomologist state uepc. Agriculture. Mr. C. K Hudson, State Demonstrator under Dr. s. A. Knapp, J. L. Bargees, Agron omlst, State Department of Agricul ture, I. O. Schauta. West Raleigh. N C. Mrs. W. N. Hutt. Mrs. Chs lie Kimmott in tnie connection will say It would add to the interest of the on eon if you would get your farmers to bring out small exhibits of their farm products and tastefully display them on these days. Tbis would create quite an interest la the meeting especially if some prises were offereeWor the best ten ears of corn, the beat stalk of cotton the beat bushel of peas, etc. Yours very truly, T. B. Parker. Our good friend J. F. Shackelford tendered one of him where the display of corn can be made. Tbis is about as far as the South erner can go. The looking after the People who will attend belongs to others. The Southerner will ask the Civic League to take care of the ladies at tending and the boys, and it knows these good women sufficiently to give Itself no further concern. But as to the others, the farmers at tending that is up to the local farm ers and our business men. The oc casion is such and the talent that will be here Is such that each and all should put the best foot ' 'ore most. The Southerner has no doubt that for the next year or the years com ing It can offer the same or larger prizes if desirable and at proposal to pre-empt the two days following Thanksgiving, for an Inst irate that' will be for the good of both farmer and his wife and also all of us. Just now it Is asking the people of Tarboro aad' this township to help make this institute for this year such s success that the future ones will be looked forward to with eagernesj and delight. Of one fact let all be assured; There will be two days of a Farm er a institute that will bs the e- qual of any held la the State The Southerner guarantees thJa and now invites Us friends to accentuate the hospitality and the amenities of the occasion. Our Duty To The Living. How often we ass the living Blighted and neglected, through a long bard life never cheered by one word of praise or one caress, and when they be still and at lent, no lon ger hearing or heeding, than the words caresses, and tears are not s inted, which during life would have been welcome, helping them over many rough places. People kiss the dead who never kiss the living. They hoyer .over open coffins with hysterical sobs, but fall to throw their armat about their loved onea who are fighting the etsrn battle of Ufa A word of cheer as the living, to a struggling soul to life is worth all the rosea of Chris tendom piled high on casket covers. The dead cannot smell the flowers but the living can. Scatter them broad-cast in their pathway, there fore and pick out the thorns be fore It is too late. When it Li too late how many unavailing regrets it would save us to anow wax wuue vney were wiui us we naq won tnem wen, ana aia not to let them know very dear they were to us. "I: isn't the thing you do dear; It's the thing you've left undone. Which a-ivM von a bit of heart ache At the setting of the sun. ine leaner worn lorgoiien. The letter you did not write. The flowers you might have dear, Are your haunting ghost tonight "The toot time you were you promised me you would drunk again." "This sint again, m yet.' Housoon Post. THE CO MM I SI ON ERS PLAN. he assarlsnns of a Kansas Tawa After Six Mentha Keokuk. la after six and a of 2 par cent of the e of six months of a deal a besnaass ay seel the eflly operating oa a casta baste and 1 to the six of last that year. The Brer's book wad that for the results aoaompUshed in the this year the oft pass last year $14,000 aa against flljMt this year. year aad the yaar before the city collected lass than $1M) la dog la collected $1M to that foad. The city owns 20 acres of grosad river from which U rents of r has not bees said la five rears Near the rente have all Seen naid to Mnji tor taw am the new rata the MTU!. It ass been the tnjm to -oarry the city the beginning of the to tax paying Uxee la August Oa aavmnt the city would pay S par srest. This year did ant borrow. Instead of paries to est they isbaagia to baianoe to the city which the city has realised Interest to the amount of $217 79 Uaxpts brat It? Jest the of plain business methods to paj aXMlrs eory cSy under the new rule gets the iwasHo Chat Ke- Uao they get good Koverasaeot svsry day tn the year. Tfaasaa Caty lav. A Little Friendly Advice. There are oeveral " doe's" which bat which alas, are frequently easre garded For taetance, doat eay to e friend ""How stoat yos are growing." No lady tikes to be told that aha M or has grown stoat. If It is fact ahei Is antfbtlaai aaaU well aware of it and anxious to heey-Qth-are from discovering R. Dost any How wall yob are lanaaag." U U bet tor to Doot tau a friend who has a par ooks tea years younger la In anything you have ever her wear. Doot tell her etcher ft la the most beoonstag you aav tan ash yos probably have ao such thought Two Ways of Two fanners ths AiV . oau rwiBswrr :. wi -.wo. i an oa going to the OMUtute I went two years age aad they aosd cuLJvate my asm . aad I rtd it and U dtdht crop,- -Oa 'he other hand, rephed1 No 1: 'I he vent been cultlea- you oa say farm rtdaw-furrov Meat wont make twenty baakeai to the acre fb!ls level cultured wul aasaf ataty - Farmer No. 1 was oas who Jaaaps at coaclaatoae regardless of pecuaar drrnwataaaaa that may or may not mete a first teat a ssmsse while Farmer No. 2 tstos oat a thing and 'soma to do tua the right way hilaigb. progressive farmer aad! to ens Coed Crops. the mitai matla wtch prevailed shea ue farm m believed was the critical time wttta their cottoa this year silt be aome good crop needs to this porto come to of more than they expected. mer just told the reporter of having Picked oat tan acres. At the third picking over S00 pounds to the acta. Thai dees not mesa that he was maav long as Urge a harvest at the two 1 previous pickings; not at all The eirst picking did not pan out lOt to the sera; but he is ex to make a bale to each acre. Bob Pitt in ths 8t. Lewis sec tion to probably going to bear off the honors. He has 25 scree froth watts a as already picked and packed 24 and expects 25 more. Now Bob Pkt'ts not ths only far- la the OOaaty. but who can touct him? it to s good old county we have. friends, and Its r-osfr: tK Let us besrr from aO aad let as ee from all at the Institute follow 1 lag Thanksgiving day. ctlzens are ptaetsoally asavttawaus in their aporoval of the new rale Aad Piated treasury and a ftoasJaw. to M sow TAXINQ f Mt KlTCMIN the Miriam K-ch-o. Aid thPayaw TmrXt Tea law achsd of h aa Tff The eove M ta riff taxed 4S Ths frying ejAn U Yao ea . t UaCtoaa ai pail also M twf aet" to jf""e sad reran are TmfH Vovidss that thaw war east aaehfhsaase at aer eet eo the ItoLe boast tsst soaj ths osssat The h tMk eew4 ts txrut-iased Par wot dad to addttlas ase-third The f if "ff1" txraVeaasi 2t " efaaBB tM" Aa aatttes)teiji u tartrfaaat ft w cest asB twenty -Are sfcenets tartfftaxefe Xeertotft. U tariff t axd UlvUh "eero dasThke thai r aw etohorsss) The h a 2ft ssvliaslly alto cai. wah areri WHtMMtR BACK ACM C t A Women 0ado All Her p.no Awe. "CTVwsa. life s Ifha hi. ' you of wars o'aets. dropsy .ad. Doia's Kidas Pills (ff proy ttme l Daaas ludaey Pinal its. I am Dkiat Kldaew POa to hiaey aftsnn. as I aw they Mvs a to rep by an dealers. Price H Ce, ftsttajo I far ths U as the touts vary tmiy. haadaa aad aStwaaaaat. toxed" eeg Aad the htlchto aproa ate ths JuatsT brktowbta oa toaaasxipneaee mi: or of the abwdt ti axnrfeaasi aa war taaa. Iiew liork World Oalse. headset-. nsBtas asdaarr 4 -ch httssye sii lbs sfealthr asasoarh Teswaso atfstsf a aastre aires- tltathia wonsmss ri 'aatas thrtti the saraU at say keek fhaiaeya SrW hardly Sato tS est around asfl U 1 otoosed at UTfa harp aasfl oassght ass throws say lotas I aft authored frees atttasalat wwk es t cat ag toatjfastod aasssaj oOd any otid? fturee Jersey Olge, itod M oas jw. c. m. r. O. ft Oct. 14. 110 Dee- ?dj N c t toieu with a eari i &1 Pfjtoday He wasgbes, a bet he tfttghad H ail aaght 1 I nuafli.. in off to. w :i I fhm prtactgal a fwlattam I eflke hH tJ . asrfe as ee. 1. C It Uc.W to tot SB her so Use as OP to New Yera It l at t tU to ad I a t ne M Ota as I isa eat to tet aa -"l aTaal-1 af 1 1 t am GOWANS King off Externals atease- ess Mssaat Acesfdad) ky the MadWrt sf Aatrrics ss ISO stsSSSal oaly rilrrmal fffSfasnaliae Iks! posidwly aad) mmUkJkf ( I K KS .11 fr.. ef I.. a or CssM at Pi CsltW. Ptewrttre. IwTTMIYl larffTBTM t a oat i n i tT sat o art sorict mtm c J S as est am a aB that til to do a wt be itt w o ve Time and Trouble B CeoinTo coo THE DRUCiSt First. Iffe always ha what yoa want Mtijonir Temple Buildini; eiarssaaraa, Buggies. lou are eompelled to travel, and somettiixi In a UugKy . This is the vehicle m wish rouu you wUh. r Open and Top BuWle. ,VC nve a complete line of all, with arch axles, if you prefer them. Our price are always the lowest. W, S, Clark Son FIT sin i im T. a iacvwssL """ A. T. Wttmtmtmm SOUTHERN SUBSCRIPTION CO. MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS Ai CUT RATES We Oupwcste At? OfTn IM fir HB U hm atea I. Ptrita Im ha UTS ae thto M. A. CURTIS afX . f. TRUSSES o e e I AUSTIN WILLI A Of SO a, Cast aej Tsav m tiiitai tmmi 11 ' " CASHIER 1 Blilld BO -r-sr "JPPjaWaassa CtSsastaTe vr 1 tAAm I nstttttl aj tKafeai-.j. - ' II iiiiiiiiiatl'w"ii'i mm i i