eeA VOL. 88. NO 46 A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abounds. With Impure blood there can not be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be food blood. Wills revivify thetorpld LIVER and lis natural actios. A healthy LIVER meat blood pare blood means health. Health moans happiness. Take no Substitute. All Draqpfcjfr. At HAN WILLIAMS, Torvonai Artist Hirault De orator, Tarnoro, N C. Two irs from Bank Ta-bo A FRANK ULES, At' y and Counsellor at Law, Practice in State and Fedora' C MEM! E S OF THE PEOPLE'S TUAL, BENEFIT ASSCOIATiC Will no-Ice that 1 can U- f at niv office. This is the chee-i" surar. m the country nmi i ij rei. - F II PEN Secretary aud Ts- ;EFF D. JENKINS, Physician and Suroeon, Tirboro. N. C. 'Phone No. ta UK AHii'fiHEAD, Surgeon Doutist, ARBORO N T)R.ION" WILLIAMS acgeou Dent ist, Nitron 0 x i d e and Oxygeh Gas admin istered in the extraction of teeth, Tarbore CI V1LENG1N EE JOHN J. WELLS Rocky Mount - - N acts NOTICE TO CREDITORS. " Having this day qualified aa admin btrawr with the will of the es tate of G&orge R. Gammon, deceased; late of the County of Edgecombe; notice is hereby given ail persons holding claim, against said estops to present them to me properly verified for payment on or before the 3rd. day or November 1911 or thds notice ill be plead in bar of recovery. Ail sons indebted to said es tate ill please make Immediate pay meat to me or my attorneys. This 27 day of October 1910. C. L. FOUNTAIN, adm'r eta of Gerge R. Gammon Foantain& Fountain attorneys. Rocky Mount, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. E. L. Roberson administrator of the estate the -j adml. he-al ga.1 sent? BBcfa thtt of J, R. Sa&terthwajte late of mbe county, having died and ; .-irsigned having qualified as istrator de bonis non, notice hi given to air that ail claims a ihe estate mus- now be pre to me as required by law for cases made and provided and failure to do so wiil be plead of recovery. e indebted to the estate a par same no4ce be hadd to an l-2te"settlement. laia: J. C. Little, adm. d. b. n. 0. Howard, atty. W. Office Days. . v t e tx my. office in the cour hoi. , n Mondays and Saturdaye of eacn week. .- ' v' H. Pittman, ceunty Sup. Educa Con. ' .. leap's Prolilie Wheat The Most Prolific anZ Best of MLffiag Wheats "Yields reported from our custonx ers from twenty-five to fifty-two bushels per acre. When frown aide by :de with other kinds this splen-d'-'i irardless. wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre con V all. , sow on same land and under same ttiona as other standard wheats, -erever grown U js superseding 'her kinds and ft should be : universally by wheat growers for price and, "Wood's Crop: which Contains new ana aiile article, " How to grow big of wheat." Sj val ero W, WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, -- Richmond. Va. "vv'e are headquarters for Farm Seedj, Grass and Clover Seeds, Winter Vetches, Dwarf Essex Rape. S-i Whet, Oats, Rye. Barley, etc De- ive Fall Catalog mailed free. ""aiiiul in aiJeuuBtrieaOa MOraS. "ftRKS and Catrriohri iwlstered. -"". M.)ci or PbotoT for FBC MS- patenUMllty. Patra practise ' in F!amp for inTalosMe teofc " TO OOTAIM and SELL PATENTS, I, Hut lo Kt a partner, una other valuable information. SWIFT & CO. MM PATENT LAWYERS, venih St., Washinoton. D. C THE DARK GETHSEMANE HOUR Matthew 26:36-40 November 20 "TU So ot Man u betrayed into Ike hand Of tinneri' r. S. HFTER the Master and his disci ples, as Jews, had celebrated the Passover Supper and after ha bad subsequently instituted the Me morial of his death with the bread and the cop, and attar Judas had gone out to betray him, Jeans and the remain ing eleven left the upper room in Jeru salem, crossetMbe city to the gate and thence crossed the Valley Reckon and BMBondMjthe sloping stfle of Mt. Olivet toward the Garden of Gethsem&na The word Gethsemnne signifies oil press. Tradition has it that this Gar den belonged to the family of which the Apostles John and James were members, and that for this reason the Lord and bis disciples were privileged to feel themselves at home there. St. Mark, the writer of one of the Gos pels, but not one of the Apostles, la credited with having been a member J of the same family. One of the ac- counts of the arrest of the Master tells j that amongst those who followed after J him was a young man wrapped with ' a sheet and who fled naked when some ; members of the band attempted to lay ' I I ,a - twa rr-x - noia ox mm. j. nat young man. tradi tion says, yean afterwards waa known i as ou soars. The Journey to Gethsemene This waa the most memorable night of the Master's experience. He knew perfectly the meaning of every feature of the Passover. He knew that he was the Lamb of God, an ti typically, whose death waa to be accomplished on the following day by crucifixion. Yet his thoughts were for his dear disciples. He must give them final words of en couragement and Instruction. And so he did. Three chapters of St John's pospel record the incidents of the In tervening time between the leaving of the upper room and the arriving at Gethsemane, the place of the oil-press. "And Judas also, who betrayed him. knew the place, for Jesus oft times re sorted thither with his disciples" (John Till, 2). In St John xiv the If aster told his disciples about the place ha would go to prepare for them, but that ha would send the Spirit of Truth to be their Comforter and it would show them things to come. In the fifteenth chapter he gave them the parable of the Vine and the Branches and, as sured them that no longer should they he servants, but friends, "Par all things that I have beard of my Father I have made known unto you." In the sixteenth chapter be explained to them that persecutions must be expected. If they would share his sufferings and be prepared to share bis glory, j A little while and they would not see him; then, again a little while .and they would see him. The entire pe riod of his absence, from the Divine standpoint as compared to eternity, would be but a little while. Then, by virtue of the resurrection "change." they would see him, because made like him. "In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." 'These- things I have given unto you that In me ye might have peace.' In the 17th chapter is recorded his wonderful FTBR 5WTOl.JESJSAKPin5PlSnTLB? IMSORrBDTo GSTHsenAK eaxrot J .- w 1 ffEScWBtrpifirrHERwrrH perea-UMBSi-i prayer to the Father on behalf of his followers not for the Apostles oniy. but for all those also who would be lieve on him through their word. - tn the Garden of Qsthssmane Thus discoursing they reached the Garden, or olive-yard, where the press for extracting the oil from the olives was located. Somewhere near the en trance eight of the disciples were" bid den to -remain watching walls Jesus, with the soecially beloted Peter. James and John, went a little further And then, realizing the Impossibility of even his dearest friends appreciat in ir hta anrrowfnl condition, he went still further alone to speak to the Fs tw ' Th dtacinles. perplexed, as tounded, by the things that they had heard from his Hps, did not compre hend the true situation. They evi dently thought that there must still" be something parabolic in nis utter ances. They would indeed watch with him, but they were weary and sank into slumber. The spirit waa willing. hnt thP flash was weak. Te oa tin a h a VQ Queried why the Master preferred to be alone in prayer so frequently, the answer Is "I have trodden the winepress sal aia anfl of the neoDle there was SUVUO f SSMW ST with me" Isaiah hriu. ). His disciples and followers loved him dearly. Still be was alone, be cause he alone had been begotten of the holv Spirit. His followers could not feel so blessed nor be spirit-begotten nn til after bis sacrifice had been fin- ished por until be would appear in the presence of God for them to appiy nis merit lmputedly to them, to permit them to loin with him secrtficlally lo th. Biiffpriura of this present time. BE SUltE YOXJ ARB RTGHT;THEN Up Hie A tn the glbrias-fo follow. 8t Peter, referring to the experience of oar Lord, declares that he offered up strong crying and tsars unto mm that was able to sere baa rrom death and was beard in respect to that which be feared. Why did Hid he death, i ear r uo net ill humanity ana some of them with great na some with bravado? Ah, there fa a vast difference between the iMHpoim ana ours as respects death We were born dying. We never knew . perrect lire. We have all that there Is no Y? HOT VOUCH wtth me oxe watch akp ntrjzsm arm waa different with him. His expert ences on the spirit plane-before com Ing Into the world were all tn asso elation with life, perfection of life, i 'In him waa Mfe" UDcootamlnated. because he waa holy, bennies, undo 5 Bled and separate from sinners; bis life came not from Adam- He knew that In his perfection he had a right to Ufa. If be would ttre tn perfect accordance wtth the Divine requirements. Jiut he knew also that by special Covenant wtth God. "a Covenant by sacrifice," he bad agreed to the surrender of all has earthly rights and to allow his Ufa to be taken from him. The Father had him a great reward of glory and Immortality through from the dead, but this was upon his absolute obedience hi every particular In word, la thought la deed. The question waa. Hsd be been absolutely loyal to God In every partic ular? If not death would mean to him an eternal extinction of being, not only the loss of heavenly glory promised as a reward, but the loss of everythlng. Oan we wonder that he did not an derstand? The hour seemed so dart. and he said, "My soul ts exceedlna He knew that he waa to He knew that death waa aacsav Bec hare, new. looasang up he- fore htm on the morrow waa a shame ful execution aa aMaapheaner, aa a criminal, as a vkdssfer of Trtrme law Could it be uissayfUst t anything. even sllghtiy. he hBsT takaav t himself the honor die to tpeWPatherf Could it be possible that In sny degree ha had held back, even in bis mind, from full obedience to the Father's will? Did this crucifixion aa a criminal pos sibly mean the loss of Dlrln favor? Was It necessary that he should die thus? Might not this cup of ignominy ? So he prayed In a great agony. And although the older Greek men scripts do not contain the statement that he sweat great drops of blood, medical science tatkvna that snrb an experience would rtft have been at all Impossible In a fxrvoen. strata sd. mental agony. But Jre nets the bean tiful simplicity of tg Statsnoent with which Ids prayer cettcluded-'Never my Father, not my will hat thy will, be ioaa " How childlike and beautiful the faith and trust, even s midst stresmosss agitation! St Fan! says that ha waa heard In the thing which he feared. How? God's answer cams by anaesJc hands. An angel appeared and minis tered to him ministered to bis nscss sity. "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to these who shall be heirs of salvation r (He brews i. 14.) We are not informed in what words this heavenly ministry was ex p r eased to the Master la . his lowliness and sorrow, but we OA know that It most have been with fall as surance of the Heavenly Pa that's fa vor and sympathy and lore He waa heard In respect to the things which he feared. He received the assurance that he was well -pleasing to the Fa ther:, that he bad bean faithful to 111 Covenant, and that be would have the issuii set Ion promised. Beheld the Lsash ef From that moment onward the Blas ter was the calmest of all who had any association with the great arena Of that night and the foliowtnswday Officers, servants, Sanbedrin, priests Herod and his men of war, Pilate ssk his soldiers, snd the shouting rabble- all were excited, all were dlstras Jesus only was calm This wss be cause be bad the Father's assurance that all was well between these. this blessed sssursnce gave the Mas ter courage, so bis followers since have found that " uoo oe ror us, wno can be against ear If we have the peace of God ruling in our hearts, tt Is beyond all human com Judas the Un8rstful The world Is full of sadly pointing characters In many things we all fall. Selfishness, perversity, pride, etc.. mark the hu man family most woefully. But withal can snyone find anything more reprehensible than the In grate who would betray his beat friend? The world Is of one opinion respect Ing such characters as that of Jades. And although be Is a noted ev ample be Is by no means an exception; there are many. Some of them live today But whoever can ate the mssnpsss of such a disposition wtth a rsaaonsbly rood focus will surely be saved frosa manifesting such a character. mean mignt oe nis aisposioou. xna man who could sell has Master for thir ty pieces of sliver Is Justly in with all humanity. Nor was It escape frpsn deal U j TTLTuZ IT? fg " " T J. t 1 1 I TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY. ' 3- -L. 1 Wa tar his that the that It belongs re an i. to f Alow (fau aadwas so be given ooiy te thase wa ante nest wmy Tear her in can BRING SAMPLES Farmers aa Well Aa The Boys hcaag m S ri . w to iaaj ip:os. For one The in Please try to have all by 10 30 o'eioch and aot hie, for the o'clock. at 11 to the the Damage To The cent the at 777. seal that put the the Jury mi-h Of the serve' to -be r- J. w acre which hi 1 Dr hi given Mrs O. Mlone sad Us Allen's F The antiseptic ponds to be 1 Into the shoes, if yeas have schlag feet, try Allan's the feat and stakes tea eanjr. Cures cii Ugh! she ins. hot ens and baUoae of all pnta vas rest and uaaafort. Always It to Break la new aaoea. Try. M to day. Sold story where fs swats. Dea any sobasttnte. tm fass trial si dreeei Allen B. Obtwtad U Ro. N. T. the who iBBsmiV UsV3 wTOT VkWl . They eat now st asss been tae eeaansa no that w. O day xsi the same aad dsd vllle. wensw a snanw asv a saw iisi ' sr w h" i'lt (IPUr.o HOVrnteR 17 1910. u se a7oa r get lisaheaj eaj 11 was It m. No It No No 14 ltt l.M aad WITT TiftB. uu w o It.' lea. 113, ttl. 1 A ujajij aWaaa a sh." il TtrsaBBp Wo 1 A A w T. B. r. c. H. No No H L 1X - I Qrooktt Btay. a a rm fH TwJse K rwfsto.- THIS Ctot asitv aat MbA Ib 1B1B 1B11 M Bet If Toe Want, 41 M&rusj oe sJwmIsjM: I f .ts'osj is at mm iv if b, Sm as? mkMSk t wai tafsri hew ytoto sjsjsjI thine? for a. c. to- C A W. Ufef by ITaJne; Tlbe Cele. briiti d U I I., SAFETY Irop in and latter Over With CO THE DRUGGIST rfiioiiir Temple Tarboro. Z "XlBsjd Tollp- i' Frmt W I Sill 1 Ml: . : : HBsj Biiisine. travel, and sonietim- ta buffy- Thia in the vehicle we wish to nmm ply you with. Open and Ton have a id alL " w exles, If litem. Our always the W, S, Clark & Son SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OP JFiritt Rational gatib OPTAIIORO TMREE Chic N R & J. P. SUGG 91 AC HINISTM We Repair All evTABusMtto tta iwittiiifT lour 1, K T T R RAZOR. TaJk The Bailditsf If. C. - - Te eonipelli'd to BfJfglea, eomplele with arch you prefer price rare lowest. THE Oent Cc Par Ct O aT1 ml- a ok I n g AoMttssti TfaeMaery KitML of Uu The Next Jah. the thirty pjscaa.UjeJ MMeeace4ibt la w - that tber miebt share with him alio 1 1 ib rfMssr" imm reabi - - - - aa

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