I Vslt6. A MANUf YtlisOt Who Thi. Vear fert Beat itf the record SSaaaab peanut ytW in this section fm probably halt to Stephen O. Purvis; bat this year a HttOieription Bates! 1.00 peryeej g reporter heart of. On tour and a half acne he pick- mi a cr t -. w . rt t r inWJy, agvemoer , iv.iu. tlon over 91 bushels to the acre. in.- .rf. These he sold tor $1.10 per bushel iai . vuuicj uiu boodle! Pa Missed Erery Tktndaj. you get your J which measures in money $100. per And now for the stick together! Democrats to The farmer or cropper who beat this is invited to apeak out. Leggett Items. in V 1 1 M v . mS ... As lone as Taft likes Mary Ann v. . "uw't tain has returned to her borne ia Ashvttle. Ui-ven email was not as large as Mrs. Almon Fountain haa return You aij fcjodl Uy aaici $ at. tend a shadow party to be alra at Ha l Nor. the tweay fouitb. hundred add ten. For tki benefit of school No. 1. Girls are r:q jested te bring I F O ND! H they did. iri::i3as wauld Dr. Kins' New Ufa Pl.U tit trae remedy for wo 33 en. For hannhmg Mtl A . . 1 . , & uuu, okks j iju ga, oacaacoe or aadache, cki iprt o. dispelling colds. Impan i appeute and toeing' aha eyatem. the re an equaled. Can 7. aafe. sn e. itc UW. H. MacaalrV The Mot Corn piste Li a. a Hats, Shoes, Hardvaa. Ha ware. a Ml all Tear DRV GOODS DrpartaaMt at at OUR BTORaL iLOTIUNO IWo w if "The Piano With The Sweet Tone" 1 THE LAW OrSU"t 88 The ri h men of today are tht r 1 . , . . r L 1 wuuaavtu riorua iu:me here a xviucucu wticn iiwuia aa-eas w I ed fnom Crisp, after a few days stay a dollar tL.re every transaction jonties. by the bedside of her sister Mrs. ' the rmuli . mn-fnl -t ...K Ben Bastes. The U. S. Senate has its restau- Mr. Nunn of Rocky Mount la here Oor Dry consist of Dress Goods, Percales. Homspurt. Calico. Ginahams. At Riflbt Prices. rant, bnt the real thing it should erecting ads for oor a. -ay. a 11 a. tmi 1 nave ra a naicneu ana caii u nana. ik. T,TkM. We doubt if the few votes cast ie TT QnIr mJ lfA , - 1 &iaimiJLcric7UU V. X. otrj OJUU WUP. for James Pender wiU keep Judge r , Ap. Cook awake. Lv , . , -Z aunt Mrs. Ben Baalee of Criao 8un- The ReDublicans in this coautv 7- are to be congiatulated on obtain Oc'e Founteia who was batten ing no more votes. The less for a bad thing is the best. by a dog last week la getting along nicely we are also glad to bear the dog was not mad. As the Democrats go into power .JT IT is well to inonire "what is De ftom I vl8it to mnd" motner Mrs. G. R. Gammon of Wbfct it is well to inquire "what is De mocracyf On this answer hang harmony and probably Harmon and Wilson. Whcnexer traasitile thrv boucht from first bund-, direct from the maker saving the middle) man's profit. 8TIEFF A.D SHAW PI NOS are sold din rt from the maker, at the factory priea. abrrvvr y u buy, in any c ly. in a State, tar price is the nam. , fixe I by the maker, uud so' J t pm his ware rooms. Write for pijr Lial. char. at. en iff. L A Stce e, Manager, 114 Graoby St. X01 folk, Va Mention this paper. Official Pisns, Jisinttw Eipariftas. B. 6. Allsbrook eniovs the dis - - BJ tinction of au nnanimons vote for solicitor in Edgecoube. We are all solicitous and certain that he will "make good." Your Clothes on a Wei With a New Perfection Oil After seeing how the elections O.. a .a, . a, . nave gone in the other states, we naturally wonder why so mncb was said as campaign argument a gainst Mary Ann Butler. Outside or beyond the decisive Democratic victory all citizens have cause to rejoice that the coun try ;s now rid of two disturbances, Teddy Roosevelt and Billy Bryan. Bequiescant in pace. Pinetops Items. The farmers have Just about bar vested their crops in this seotton. Mm. C. W. Dunn and W. A. Harrel have opened up a large toy and fruit store for Christmas. Miss Willie Pitt of Davistown is pending the week in town with rel tadives. Mrs. H. StaiUngs and Mrs J L Dunsi spent Tuesday in Tarboro. Tbaoksgiving Hop wiU be given in the Pinetop Banking Oo.'s Hall Tfaursdeny oightt Nov. 24h. The public is cordially invited. The shipments of cotton seed and peanuts from this point is heavier -ar sa USes ft I ssbaaSuSssW 1 ws Baa aVVj LsV When clothes can't be borsg outside, ind must be dried la t room or cellar, the New Perfection Oil Hester qufckJv does the work of sun snd air. You can hang op the wet clothes, light your Perfec tion Oil Hester, open the damper top, sod the best rises sod quickly dries the clothes. . Do not pot off washing to wait a sunny day in order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing soy win not air from a RFECTIO ntv J 5N It fires fast ss and smokeless It has an heat se you desire. It is safe, odorteee Erevents the wick from bcin turaed high enough to smoke, and easv to remove and droo back, an the tick ran k- n. cleaned. Burner body or aaflerr cannot become wedsrd. he- ana can always be ea fiatne of a naar asnttaai to unscrewed for rewicklng. dewa. but ta sot in like a cork la a boeSe. sad Is attached la the IratUfbtaaderaam rirrVT IT . . 1. Aawaaw Standard Oil Company it has ever been no to the present time. ' Miss Alina and Miss Lucy Sngg spent some tome in Wilson nveek, SIMMONS GLOVES GET THE HABIT. Begin to save. Money is your Best Friend. The Savings Bank is paying 5 per cent Compounded Quarterly. Just think of it. Five per cent Com pounded Quarterly is better than six per cent on mortgages. Souls ta ken of $1.00 or larger, start the children to save. Sea Htf. H. H. Tarlcr !a Shoes WW Safer CR0S5CTT AMERICAN LADY . SECURITY lee sMM SUIT OR OVERCOAT Ask la for sis our its It la a TryVa toniPANr Iaaajr aafaj sWTtl fm aaahOBiaW , WR. Tm Wt3 II MI7 4 SaawrialflS 4Vav ttaVaal ewVaVLwa llwaiLswww S JJl I V T l K E I The brick masons have completed first store of our Mammoth Furniture Store FOR I Sljatai lo Chttfsi to StajfL aBSaaeSaaa - - - . 9 7. Zavadba ,s-3taa An. Stiajat I m hats aasaw mi Mki Emms; M A. CURTIS - - - CASHIER J H INC ITYLCI MEN AND y.p BOY A 1 mm saMSL KUPPl!NrCiMfR isaatrsw sss KUPPEINtlElER riie carpenters are at work on Ihe floor. The work i progreatiug beyond oar expectatioiis. We must sell our present r 1 tiRyame t itimmis iu iirmr lor our Sew Store. Now we off erever3 IhitiK oi a be rut. 4 look is all we ask. nm- liers of people aire taking advantage al Hie.se Mrt ;tr.cee Vou can't afford ! 1 at a e m sm m. . 5b miss iiu in. i.vt i v piece oi itirulture in our resfiit slock hum be sold, regard less oi cost, for cash. Watch our for Santa 'lau at i j t . ear W. L&J. .SIMMONS NO REASON FOR IT. Wh;n Tarboro CiUzens Show the Car tain Way Out. There can be no reason why any Tender of this will continue to suf fer the tortures of an aching back. the annoyance of urinary disorders. the dangers of diabets of any kidney ills when relief is so near at hand and the most positive proof given that they can be cured. Read what a Tarboro citizen says: x Mrs. B. Pktoaan, Walnut St.. Tar- ro, N. G. asya:"For some time! I bad not been feeling well and 1 thought thot my kidneys might be disordered, as ray back was very weak and the passages of tb. kid ney secretions were irregular. My husband got me a box of Dean's Kid ney Pills from Cook's Drug Store and since using them, my back baa become stronger and my kidneys are normal. I can say that I am feel ing much better in every way and therefore am willing to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills'. For sale by ail dealers. Pries St tents. Foster-Mliburn Co.. Buflalo New York, sola agents for the Unit- ad States. Remember the ame Doan i eka no other. Every lady appreciates a well fitting Glove. It pats the finishing touch to the most elaborate toilette. We have them in aU shades to match your tailoi suit or ev n ing dress. Every pair is guaranteed. Come in and try a pair. W. BENJAMIN & SOiXS I WORLDS If SI It f IT I Poxtexe aOellglv: UPoIIgIz. Best on earth. Does not injure the hands or roughen the akin Guaranteed to give quick service oa copper, brass, ioc, Un, poreeUio and glass. Clean and polish your drains, bssuns and raisin a moment Make your bath tab look new ao1 your sink a. if just installed. It will do tlia and we guarantee it. If not money cheer folly refunded. . ' We PuiaUh Vour B l I llTPU iiq conii And lake il Bright. iniUII UU UIUn D. tt Maght asai 76 i,a?.13? S3 Hi IMII wfosras fcnirrtaal, 24 wmiabtlR. (Sw TW Uswhsa asji alaats) S0TER1 SUBSCRIPT lOil COMPAIT rHONt 42. i t i , TAMOaVkalCL aBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBajl SBBBBW gaW Phone or send to us for your wants. If we haven't got what you want we'll get it. The Hob Grocery Co P. A. Levin, Proprietor 4 PER CENT. ON TTRE DEPOSIT l The managment of the First Ka- ttonal Bank was indirectly the cause of the people of Tarboro getting Four Per Cent on Certificates of De- posits. Now under the live energetic and economical management have de cided to-pay Piv. (5) Per Cent Com pounded Quarterly in their fiai Department. Many of our Stock- h alders are successful business men by their own efforts and are capable of looking out for the careful safe guarding of our funds, as well their own affairs, and also make a first class security for the bank. High-Class (Services Has Its Advantages OFFICERS: Geo. A. Holderness, . Pres. C. A. Johnson, : : Vice Pres. Ed. Pennington, : : Cashier. A. B. Cosby, : : : Teller. J. A. Misell, : A's't Teller. DIRECTORS: C. A. Johnson, N. J. Mayo, R. a Peters, M. Heilbroner, G. A. Holderness, W. G. Clark, O. W. Mayo, B. F. Eagles, W. L. Sim mons, John M. Sheirod, W. H. Powell. tor the email as well as the large depositor. ALL depositors! in this bank profit by the excellence of in T.I. . poucy or the tina- promote the best interests of its - - - a luoiuucn m every legitimate uhuiuct. We ahall.be glad to have YOUR uuaiUOT r personal account F. M. S S. Q. CARLISLE Beg to Announce a fltccord Breaking In trodiietory Pinna Kxbibit and Spec ial Sale to be Held mm V XK WEEK Oaftl.M BEGINNiIVCt MONDAY, NOV 14, 1910 IN TMtlR NEW UP TO OATC FURNITURE A Half Carload of as donor tlliaWtie, will ha !utmd,.W, Rale. A STORE f I mk R aVaJ laLaBr aVaawaS ? asBBheBBBaw ataaWaaawassav dmmmm. w aav LwaRawaw kaw mw mmrnT mmMmm w mrt mm. mmmW aaav HHflljCvX. wH s ( jkL W J aaaaam afcJ LaVaar BawaaaaaaaC AtLmmmm aaaWasaaSarVaaaasV aawBamaaaPHaanam a wwa aaaBsW' "SlaINawWaiWaBaw ' mt9' avML? 0aV nURS VRMSRt urn THE BANK OF TARBORO . uaaaa The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1911 Almanac. The Rev. lit R. Hicks Almanac for 1911, that guardian Angel in a hundred thousand homes, is now ready. Not many are now willing to be without It and the Rev. Irl R. Hicks Magazine, Word and Works. The two ere only One Dollar a year. Tb. Almanac It 35c prepaid. No home or office should fail to seed for them, to Word and Works Pub litUiig Company, at Louis, Mo Banking Trust Co, Under Hotel Fsrrar. MUSICALS 2 NKaMTS ONLY ia. 7 an hiria.. at. novo tnroogbout the BeetR. He wuS aWatsSsd by g JjJjRjJlJeSv, J.T BaeaaaR, ? Pan BIG! 1)11.! iae eery be int.! FREE TO ALL t hanipio TW O m P. V. & S. Q. CARLISLE T Give SatUlaclion. TaWTlVriaJ Dcsvlare, : t , E4geeon.b Hard