rah am. BE SURE YOU ARK KTGHT; THEN OO AHEAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO 47 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY. SOVEAIBER 24 1910. Tott'sPills Whatever he wUhe. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, - the body, give keen appetite, develop aESH and soiiJ muscle. Etogaatry Nfir Take No Substitute. NATHAN WILLIAMS, Tonserlal Artist and HlrauJt Dec orator, Tarboro, N. C Tw0 doors from Bank of Ta-boro TTranK '-ILES, stt'y and Counsellor at Law, practices in State and Fed era Courts MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUA B5NF-FIT ASSCOIATION. WS1 take rotlce that i can be fountf t uiv office. This la the cheapest in sur&nce the country and absolutt- reliabie. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasn- D jENKINS, Physician and Surgeon, Ta-boro, N. C. 'Phone No. .il L'F.tt B Hun- Dentwt, N. ( H8. DON VILLI AilS reeon Dent in I S5SS administered in tin- t-xtra tion of t'tth Tarboro ess? CIVIL ENGINEER JOHN J. WELLS Rocky Mount - - - N. Q, WANTED TO BUY PINE AND osk wood in car lots. Highest mar ket price. Write The T. Thomas, Tarboig, X. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having this day qualified as admin htmor with the will of the es tate of George R. Gammon, deceased, late of the County of Edgecombe; notice is hereby given all persona holding claim against said estate to present them to me properly verified lor navment on or before the 3rd. day of November 1911 or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay meat to me or my attorneys. This 27 day of October 1910. C. L. FOUNTAIN, adm'r eta of Gerge R. Gammon Poannin& Fountain attorneys. Rocky Mount, K. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. E. L Roborson administrator of the mtat of J. R. Satterthwaiie late ol Edo'6:ombe county, having died and the unierslgned having qualified a adia- istrator da bonis nan, notice is hereby given to all that all claims a gaiagt estate must now be pre anted to me as required by Law foe each cases made and provided and that a failure to do so wlB be pteBjb ki bar of recovery. Those indebted to te estate w'-l also a3 per same noUce be held to ai LnmeiLite settlement. J. C. Little, adm. d. b- n. W. 0. Howard, atty. ARRAIGNED AS A BLASPHEMER Matthew 26:57-68 November 27 "Wko wtom to seat reviled, reviled not again." 1 Peter i ts 971 B cannot do better at the open ing of this study than quote the words of Mr. Chandler. He said: "Many remarkable trials hare characterised the Judicial history of mankind. The trial of Socrates, before the dicastery of Athens, charg ed with corrupting the Athenian youth, with blaspheming tfir-ffrymplc tods and seeking to destroy the consti tution of the Athenian Republic, is till a sublime and thrilling chapter In the history of a wonderful people. "The trial of Alfred Dreyfus is still fresh in the memories of men. The French Republic is stHl rent by con tending factions. His friends say that Dreyfus was a Prometheus who was chained to an ocean-girt rock while the vulture of exile preyed upon his heart His enemies still assert that he was a Judas who betrayed, not ! God nor Christ, but France and the i Fatherland. But these trials, one and all, were tame and commonplace com ' pared with the trial and crucifixion of the Galilean peasant, Jesus of Naza reth." In Defense of the Jews It is not for us to say that the Jews were wholly excusable in their course of Injuries toward Jesus In causing his crucifixion by the Romans. On the other hand, it is proper for us to con sider everything that could he thought of calculated to mitigate the severity of our judgment regarding the injus tices there practised. And it Is proper also that we should consider what, from their standpoint, would seem to be extenuating circumstances. This la everywhere recognized as Just treat ment. The attorney, defending a crim inal who has plead guilty to the charges against him, Is considered to do only his duty by his criminal client when he presents whatever in the cir cumstances of the case would tend to prove that the culprit had cause, or thought -that be had a reason for bis misdemeanor. Viewing the Jewish people of nearly nineteen centuries ago from this stand point we get a more reasonable view of the situation than is otherwise pos sible. We hearken first to St Peter's words respecting the transaction. He said, "I wot that through ignorance ve did it as did also your rulers." Had they known, they would not have kill ed the Prince of life (Acts in. 15-17). The Jews did not for one moment suppose that the great Messiah, fore told to be their Prophet. Priest and King like unto Moses, but greater like unto David and Solomon, but greater; like unto Melchisedek. but srreater would appear as "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Although those very words were writ ten of him by the Prophet, they were hidden from their eyes of understand fug by the glorious things related of him in other prophecies. They saw the glories. They saw not. under standing, the sufferings. To this day they interpret the sufferings of their nation as being those which will ulti matelv inure to their advantage. The prophetic descriptions are not concen trated, nor collected, but scattered. here a little and there a little.' so written that they could not be under stood at the time; nor were they un derstood even by the Lord's disciples until after his resurrection from the dead, when he explained them. and. subsequently, by the holy Spirit, en the whole earth. The Jews, who caused the crucl Bxton of Jeans, certainly did so In touch the same spirit which led Si f Paul then Saul of Tarsus to cause thm .tnnlni. C? a. L- . r. . """'uS vi ol oicpoen. am ssui waa forgiven, so Israel Is to be for gtven; as the Scriptures declare. -The Lord will pour upon them the spirit of prayer and supplication." and then they will see, with the eyes of their understanding, "him whom they pierced and they will all mourn for him (Zecharlah xu. 10). and their mourning win be turned Into Joy; for. HN the (Xxjrs HE WA3 fcEVlLED.HE EE?YLLED MOT AC?A1N m people. They to be a brilliant but harness fraud He bad committed no crime, but be was a disturber of the peace, and they felt fairy justified In taking Mi stfe. The Feast of Passover waa at head and would last a week and It weald be contrary to their Law that any es- shaa Id take place during that Besides, they feared the which Jesus aid daring the weak, when there would be from one to two millions ef people In and around Jerusalem from all over Palestine. They bad already determined that their action moot ha short, sharp and decisive. Thai waa decided before the arrest was ready and waittoej el tar to carry out their dorses sYsslgna. for the txd of nation, as they thought. The examination was merely a pre ens to get together sorb evl- aa at the morning Tribunal could be rushed through rapidly at a COAST LINK OFPICKRS AM all REELECTED in Mare, ess mil all of the end ofrtoara aad dtr The report of nisaipiwiilsj H. C ' aha yeav of HJtnjtAM, m Iiiii mmi ported ef snore than tl.jsa. Tsse Send of I asr cent payable Jan. is 191 i. to ssaxateeideca of record Dae. 17. 1910, thus keeping the stork on a A New Supply Of SrJ-T13 Pocket Books, Purses, fries ia to) s ell ha sadly For "If toy frill ii haste's u -akJasj I PS jepHARGED WITH BLASPHEMY. BECAUSE VVHE .said, jam the son of god With They had difficulty to tt ''rag a charge. For what bad Jesus ever done except acts of kindness sod the utter -' lag of words of wisdom and correction aad hope? Blasphemy waa a eertoua ' charge under the Jewish code. They : would charge htm with that aa being the easiest to prove. He had said, when near the Temple "Destroy this Temple, and 1 will rear tt up la three days." "But be spake of the temple of his Body." Bone of those who beard him understood him to speek of the literal temple. This they charged ; waa blasphemy, because It took years . to build the temple, and for Jesus to rebuild tt in three days would mean a claim on his part of Divine i power. But the charge did not seem sufficiently strong, even for those who had premeditated his murder They wanted something to glee a color of 1 Jusslce. st least, to their fiadloaa. to ; the chief priest thought to get Jeaaa to commit himself In their presence aad said, I adjure thee by the Ltvtag God ! to toll as whether thoa be the Christ. , the Boo of God. Jesus replied that I this was tree and that they would yet I see him la heavenly glory nod power ; at the right hand of Dtitoe favor. , This, the High Priest declared, sufficient proof of bUspbemy aw.- wessse D T. stead very attempt to cm was ran. At last I v 16am Da.weey. Ta. Bill Books and Other i tossPenBBSBBl rH5 i-eather Goods Just as Joseph forgave his brethren, so will this great antityplcal Joseph of the throne of earth freely forgive those who caused his crucifixion Politics and Selfishness as Religion The Jews are not so different from other people now, nor were they then. History indicates that some of their highest offices were held by lrrellgt on to ts for their political Influence; thus the chief-priests, st the first sdvent of our Lord, wss s Sadducee, who wholly disbelieved in the promises of God to Israel, Including a disbelief in the res urrection of the dead. Similarly today there are high-priests, both amongst Jews and Christians, who disbelieve. and vet hold hieh oaaltlons. Amongst Christians there are D. D.'s who are aosn. now ye nars neara ots tnaspne- unbellevers and many of the most no- tnafned practically the aaaae. cmo oohoTnglii sssasm? '"! mi il iT tanin7 l-8" !r 1""B . TeS of freight-earning rnweaaa, 16J6 per u U hy W. H. MasaaBfr. cant., tooa osrrted ae mile. 12.67 par nmHiis f lj L rl Received at Cook's Drug Store To tnve spod health. Mve toe happy, fallow the advice of the IMasonir Temple Tarboro, - Building W.C. Office Days. 1 will be at my office in the cour: boas; on Mondavs and SatuTdaye of each week. W. H. Pittman, county Sup. Educa noa. ifilpiPlific Wheat. The Most Prolific and Best oi Milling Wheats Yields reported from our custom ers from twenty-five to fifty-two bushels per sere. When grown side by side with other kinds this splen did beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same conditions as other standard wheats. W herever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Wrice for price and "Wood's Crop Spedai" which contains new and. valuable article, " How to grow big crops of wheat." What reply I" And the dl answered that he waa worthy ef death. The rabble In the Court, hear ing the commotion, felt at liberty ta abuse this prisoner, aa they hod does others. They showed their contempt of htm by spirting upon htm. They derided him by smiting him aad say tna. Prophesy, rati who saner thee. "He wss reviled, yet reviled Bat table rabbis amongst the Jews slso de clare themselves thorough unbelievers. We ere not claiming that such unbe lieving Christians and Jewish minis ters would lightly espouse end support an unjust procedure against sn Inno cent man. We do not know about this. It baa yet to be tasted, perhaps. We do know, however, that when faitn in a Divine Revelation and In a Divine supervision of human affairs to lost the natural effect la that the losers of the faith become more and more policy - men and consider policy the extreme of human wisdom, particularly in the guidance of affairs of Church and State. Taking history for it. tnat tne leao- (h. qii.. u uj b ... . T 1 " " era or juoauun sksssj J- , Tt Is not to mar and encunsber MORE SCHOOLHOUSE TALK 1 ad 47 weo Ing Where the Alderman Been Short Sighted. Flee where appears an advertise men for the old High School bontdlne; aad UftEFcTe THE SWriBPf in 1 T, W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. We are headquarters for Trrn, Seeds. Grass and Clover Seeds. Winter Vetches, Dwarf Essex Rape, Seed Wheat, Oats. Rye, Barley, etc inscriptive Fall Catalog mailed free. abled them still more fully to under stand that thus It was written in the prophets and thus it behooved the Son of Man to suffer before entering into bis glory before beginning the work of blessing Israel and the world. Yea, today many Christiana are as deeply confused on this matter as are the Jews. Many have rejected entirely the thought of Messiah's glorious King dom reign for the general, blessing and uplifting of Israel and all human ity. From their standpoint, If "the sufferings of Christ" were Intended to prepare the way and usher In his tnen tne program were Higher Critical unbelievers (Sad ducees). we can readily sea that their policy waa to curry favor witn tne Roman Emperor and to seen to noiu the common people . to subjection to themselves. To these, then, it must have seemed almost a calamity that a poor man. although of noble birth, of the family of David and the Tribe of Judah, should gather about him s handful of nondescript fishermen, tax gatherers, etc; that be should pro nounce sateaaBtt a king and declare the setting up of his Kingdom to be near. and that by the exercise of some su pernatural power for the heeling of their diseases be should attract the "common people" to his standard, but not the learned. We can weH Imagine their reasoning that. If this thing, the popularity of Jesus, continued to In crease, It would shortly reach the ears of the Roman Emperor and then all their claims for Imperial favors would be discounted and they would be rated aa a nation of rebels. -The riding of Jesus Into Jerusalem, just before the Passover, on sn ass. after the manner of the kings of Is rael and surrounded by s multitude shouting. "Hosanna to the Son of Da vid who cometh in the name of the Lord," capped the climax, so to speak, and convlnand these unbelieving Jews, politicians, occupying religious offices, that It would be far better that one Innocent man should die than that tbs whole nation should be turned Into tur moil and wrecked by the Romans In consequence.- How many American preachers, judges, officials, etc.. would In this enlightened day be inclined sim ilarly to decide such a matter! And to not this the policy which always pre vails In monarchies? Fancy such s commotion in the capital of Germany, Italy, France, Austria. Russia. Great Britain, the United States. Fancy that after such s parade, mimic though It might appear, the adored one should go to the temple and execute s long neglected law and, in thus exercising his religious rights, suppose that he should drive out the money-changers and merchants from the outer pre cincts of their chief religious Cathe dral t What would be done to such s person today? Do we not know that In the most civilized lands be would be arrested and imprisoned, and In the more savage lands he would be beat en or executed? When, therefore, wa view the situation from this standpoint we lose any spirit of antagonism which might have been ours; It turns to sym pathy -that a religious nation should eat Spsotolssta "Take a phyesc encel Q u.. B1 aVVflete Isae tssfclB BeaWi JOtsi bVOBJsBi fcsswsJB JeVssssfM Ph sWa akaBisBsM ssS jsskssee aKsssa ejng-sk hot . sick day to Holder's aonky sJ" " mpajsmj lUi t - , - -a j 1 The Flrat Thawsrapl ln. Bassaaam ttea Ore fixed assd offscaw day of tf Mf m Tra, "ikiitti saat aasssssaato assBBeBeo mtMH nsstoering order which she court to- - - tesa'ltoatoj"" " fc",'iB, . laPAJS aned oa October it, 1666. aapesat- Vmmm ia,. iWg t' , j, Oa6 eaea 2jgM rhiaashnm thto oniony oa Use toat maf tmtttQ gSersseaa Baa jdu6 v if"o mjp!- iitoa. 16. c at W. JjJJjJjj,6 'JjssssJi aad tea general atoaatee of the pane JjJJIJ' stoassTmsa ttetosmaa 6ttdtJf aa' Mesnortol waa filled Baaday to aaa .T.Ta".-M ssaato OllssssBsTJlVssxTessTsft aad hi- .miij, o okri ia-ii. fr ailtj far the bast W. a Ptoastoa. Common murh longer. The Sohoool Board have xJous to utilise this endeavor to purchape a site for It on soar oy property. a propen; I wmA n owners asked more for their proper I totx daUvwred aha ty than the Board felt Justified " i ware of a ton of water, sewerage particular motX eioqaessl dlctoo. y e isvuer oeoame a prune nifiwr The muatoal part of If the town would insure tea two I HmM aU needed Improvecnenta the site would oe purrnes a. inasvnsssury a major- dw. a km ky of the Alderman said they were I in she S or 10 wilkng to toataU thto. bat they nev I aMA tm here ha or took official action or would i J Lmpreasad tea public with hto sure uie tsoaru uat wsnor aaa wv pKy and m make one of OSSSgM would be furntohed. Not xur nished gratia, but that mains would be told so that trey could be tapped. Falling to take any action the Board then Informed the authorities that, they much desired to use this bu idlng for "inri,l training and do mestic science; that the Board oouki not obtain an eligible location aad toft It with the Aldermen to any whether they could have a lot la the north-east corner of the Com la . Lewto v, 8 S Gay perfunctory boa wishes to him SLn fc. I i there Ithe shn i lafartmi teem ste Wte HERE IS A REMEDY THAT WILL CURE ECZEMA Kinadom of glory. mnat have failed, or else his Kingdom of glory Is to be a heavenly one and allow itaelt to p lnt0 ,b hands of not, as they believe, in accoru witn pouticisns to such sn extent IRADt-MARKS llfld GoDTrlnhfS nvwttml. iLhkrtch- Model or 1'hoto. for reS SB . Ptntilltv. Pntt-iit practice es- ' waseass, '-j'i 2 (titj in stamps for lnrlacMe book fi .? T0 0BT'S and SELL eAVESVS, -f v ii pay, u"V l f a partner, rteut u jjjjj other ratoabSe lulermation. Mta3tes ss PATE T LAWYrRS, o venih &t., VYashinflion, D. C. the prayer taught by our Lord, "Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done on earth." The trouble is that they will not realise that where the sufferings of Christ, theHead. ended, the suffer ings of the "Body of Christ" began the sufferings of "the Church, which to his Body" filling up the measure of the afflictions of Christ, which are be hind (Colossians i, 24). As soon aa the "Church, the Body of Christ," have finished the bearing of the cross, after him, following in bis step to the end of the Journey, then the Kingdom glories will be ushered In. Israel's blindness will be turned swkf and the pleasing of the Lord will begin to fill Brought Before Csisphss It was very courageous on the part of St. Peter that after having smit ten off the eer of the High Priest's servant (tbongb the wound wss healed by Jesus), be followed bis Master Into the Court of that high-priest to see what would be done The arraign ment waa at night, although it waa contrary to Jewish Law to try a pris oner at night for any serious offense. But there was an excuse. Thto waa a special case; baste was necessary, be cause whatever would be done must be done quickly; the very next day the unbelieving officials perceived that It would thus appear that the town auhorsUea are the ones to b lssne for the threatened e nc -oar h moot on the Common. Panola and St. David Streets are both without water or sewerage and both are needed aad would prove rnume relive. Were mains told down these the undevlped property on the side above the Common would he built up end the taxes now de i:vcd woul be iTtciea.M-1 money fold. Aldermsn Should Ask. If the town will keep Its wate section, there would not only be aws9KSj exteadei beyond .the bnildin building but more users of the water for every building that would then go up would be supplied with these modem nece settles The praoeedp of this old buildtof will eventually be turned over to the School Board. The Academy True tees were perfectly willing to give this bsMsdlnc to the School, bat de- aired to protect the It to quite probable that If the aldermen will save that water and sewer mains will be laid a sfKafcle skte will ha pnnchaasd and everything aetledt to tea asftofac tion of all. But it Is upjiad square so to the Alderman. 4 he skin wkeal rdL. R & J. P.STTf4fw MACHINISTS L:'rX22We Repair .Machinery All Kind. to drive the One -We Why waste 3 en tang with tlona. trying from Cook's Drug i t isvn Uqull preparation tor one to rid the akin of aaa Ufa that nsna is the tine tot application wiU relieve the often times one hoUto to aufftossaf. to care a minor case of eesassa. In over 1.000 towoa end cf tos la America the toadang dl aggisl has the agency for Zemo and ha will tool you of Use aaarvetoaa cares aaaae by thto agntoad and the c lee a eat snoot papu le r treatment (Or ecsesna pteipln das draff and ell other farms of akta or scalp effect iocs whether am Infant or frown Person, will you try a Cook a zBLZ twlve Us The Next Job. ZL-Z-ZSSZ SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Ua Stress, situated to the etty of rifTMs Rocky atom, aear tea A. C. L. Fas- THE rartura 7 I have ChRy 7 la pairs ami trios Price hSB doners pay now. Delivery January 7 Lb R. Order at oaea. W. A Thsgpaa. N . C Stowing. Fills the body with vitality, mak.e the If health Is wealth aad money talks For so the proverb rune, A fortune you may plainly eee. In taking Rocky sfnnsileji Tea Bdga i WW . teor ; makes you feel like one ton agate, That's HoUtoter'a Rooky Moaa sste Tea. Take K joahlte addi Pouad Cakes. Hah Oroeary Co at W.U mmmmXmlLSi? Spend yoar amaery at ArasMtms WOltocs of hto Gay resided up to the a B. GRANTHAM i. P. Hl SN 6. ISIP NOTICE TO CREDITORS. OPTARBOR O Par G mm t Compounded . . da. an quarterly Pot Ct Compounded S e m i - A n numllw an Chicking Accouuta by t J i eesa. - . . I M m . . . . . Mm. Fraawes P. Howard tote of of aar Pands, aa well as Usatr syara sssastrs, nl I'st sasgeosahe Cowaty. - - - - - -j rr 1l Btelt bygleo. to all person. pmmam PsFrtea, WrisB, Of Pbobc Proven or M. H. Taylor, Cexshter. J. E. MofTifsstte, Atte t Cashier All m 1 1 "aaa we asaeaBasssl essP vsBBBsT I esa at a III A sa aa r HhrsarJIll l ID lit M II -Dellgli.t ollaliu, J. ROOT, rxhate. IOXtOXQ IsBossemL Mates ft MOTHER GRAYS SrVEtT POWDERS FOR CHILDREN. fully 16 srBl tto tliB V we ssven i got 'U rwt ts I ! The Hob Grocery Go. P. A. MNBIR TsrWees, K, C Offtoe Baa Me. rrfty gessr. A W. UACStAisV Hsvteeh, i i i TTVh-Btol FURS JOHN WHITIICO, AND HID1LS BBx ssTsTsTsTsl M BBBBBBBBBBBsfl jl.: