PttoUthtd Brery Thursday , Baosoription BateaSl.OO peryear a .fwd i toatcfflci M aecond claa matter Thursday, November 24, 1910. THANKSGIVING. Divide the two and make each word have a meaning and a sig nificance. Thanks for whatf Giving for whatf Don't you see that there is a little more than Frank Powell ask ing a number of his friends to come and eat with him a turkey and cranberry sauce, for the price of which he has stood off his grocer! But give thanks, blest in body because you have been blest, mind and estate, blest because you have partaken of Providence's bounty. Thanks for so much, Jaut foi whatf What have you Riven, trnod man and better woman, out of your abundance! Of course the day means the giv ing of thanks to God, and the in quiry naturally wells up in you, for whatf For what the Creator has vouchsafed to you or how much duiiog the year you have made some person happierf Ask yourself. If we may venture to use the words, "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Fath er," the Lor I having been good to you and you thank him, what in return? Just remember that "Every man's works shall be made mani fest," or St Paul did not know what he was writing about to the Corinthians. So, good friends, let your lights so shine that your giving may be such that not jou but others can give thanks to God for what you have done. THE LAW OF SUCCESS The rich men of todav are those who saved yesterday a dime here a dollar there every transaction the result of careful study. "W henever possible they bought from first hands, direct from the maker saving the middle man's prone 8TIEFF AND 8 HAW PIANOS are sold direct from the maker, at tne factory price, wherever you buy, in any city, in any State, the price is the same, fixed by the maker, and sold from his ware- rooms. Write lor Price List. CHA8. M. STIEFF. L. C. Steele. Manager. 114 Granby St. Norfolk, Va. Mention this paper. Thanksgiving Plums. Mafce others happy and be happy jmpav. Be thankful your blessings have been many. Hide your griefs and display your ensues. If you have but little, partake of It gratefully. Let the joy in your heart bubble up iiKe a spring. K ypu are abort of water dont guz zle beer. t As you feast on the fat of the land remember the giver. Manifest your sympathy by acts as well as words. as you ucue your palate do not do injustice to your stomach. As you have been prospered, share with the unfortunate. Through the fast passing day apeak kind -words whole you may. lc no act of Kindness be ever with drawn for the dear ones about yoo may soon be gone. Be good and do good wherever you mam, and especially display these traits at your borne. "The Piano With The Sweat Tost" Official Piann, Jamestown Exposition. Pure Food Store Our goods are the best brands ap proved bv inspectors of the tmv ernment Healthy. Fresh shipments almost daily. Our Bread and Cakes stand at the head in both making and baking. Lihs-Huffit Co. Phone 33. I m 0 Rteht r- : I In I 1 c-' a$aatv' L.- period ar.J czrJ.- :t. FOUND MM IIBII MMI? The Mot Complete Line of Dependable Mr nsie. onoea, Hardware. Tinware, Han U. S, in fart all Tour Wants Can be 8uiDlied w mr REGAL ShiC::, are ihc rrclcrt i!xx--s!nL n. .i iii i 0 tne wcru, ar.U we t- - the ezdu.t.'c as! ) them in this COSSai nky. Yea can tai. our word- h; U Regals civs alawci twice the service of rcfinary shoes. $4 W. BENJAMIN ISM 8c SONS FOR RENT.-FOR 1911. ONE BRIO stors In ftoberaoa villa N. C. . Good stand. Apply R. H. Hargrove, Rober aonville, N. C. FOR RENT. STORE 200 MAIN cornering on Granville Street now occupied by the Tarboro Supply Co. Possession Jasiuary 1st next. Mrs. R. L Farmr. HORSES UNO MULES Carload Just Received. Terms to Suits. L. E. FOUNTAIN The, Old As Well As New. It fa osiy just thet the town should extend its wter and sower mains io ta the newly annexed districts, but it should not be over looked that BJme of m.3 old2r sections of the town hive been neglected. W venture to assert positively that were p ivate individuals of average business Intelligence operating' these two necessities that there would have been constructed long ago mains along at le st St David and Panola Streets with lateral branches. The 'L'oyd Field" and Gold HM Broperftes are offered for residental propositions and those places would be rapidly boiit up if water and sewerage could be bad. In a short time the town would be amply rep-aid for its outlay. Tne 8 ime cagnment holds good for be west side, especially what has The Famous iSaJ& Gives Best Ltgkt at Any Price When you pay more thin the Rayo price for a lamp, you are paying for extra decorations that cannot add to the queliry of the light. You can't pay for a better light, because there is none. An oil light has the least effect on the human eye, and the Rayo Lamp is the best oil lamp made, though low in price Ytu can pay $5, $10, or $20 for some other lamp, and although you get a more costly lamp, you can't get a better light then the white, mellow, diffused, unflickeriujg light of the low priced Rayo. - 7 Has a Tcng, durable shs tie-hold sr. TbJa sea son a bur.- r aids to tie s-reojA and appearance. Made of 3. i brass, nlit-led, a-.d easily polished. Uace a Kayo U. cr, Always One ftaytiia. ,''fiTVi.rVarjl CVtMatr tc r.V 'ffrwta . jl ? , rta Standard Oil Company a.TOrporit DRY QGODS or Dry Goods Department oousists of staples such aa Dress Goods. Percales, Homspun. -Calico, Ginghams. At Right Prices. raster jj Feed Stuff at BOI orn htdkk Cloth. rr KRHON RUFFY SHOES In Shoes we offer CROSSE TT for AMERICAN LADY for , SECURITY for child reo. Thej 8etWy. We to a CLOT Ml NO t yoo or SUIT OR OVERCOAT Atk to for six see our mouths Shoe guaranteed It It a dsody. that will please and pn-e. Try Us, 9-Rem mber yoo are eordially iotrited to make oar store yosr tomdqeartsrs wkiis in nvsnfkinff Prt Ta- C" t i ' j i'k a ui a ur r aruif r F. M. fi S Q CARLISLE Beg to Announce a Record Breaking In trod 1 1 dory Piano Exhibit and Spec ial Sale to be Held ONE WEEK OnMf BttOINNiXCr jt M avtbtfe as kaaoe kis eyas asaaaaaeBsjaj tfaa anal case mo so ortiss ass? aaaaaSM . i mm be said kowssj aftaM ko aaaxMbnak mi. is. I eshs .a,t Too, tsa, msd rH akm f tesaao'samsso, Bo will tell trU yoo to aoTl atassl ky W. L Bail www uwy 1 ri yoa ta osoOty 4. At ScU'l Jewelry Store. j I uwiiiNC STYLES rOK MEN A'ND 9 I f IP I imaa.? p mm HY NOT YOU? MONDAY, NOV. 14, 1910 IN THEIR NEW UP TO DATE FURNITURE STORE A BaU QM.llL Ul "Li m frrdo Ptaaoa will bo exhibited sod sold by aa doling this V onderfal Introductory Halo. A aftrietiy ArUsUc Pisoo of IntPTostioosJ HepuUOoo. MUSICALS 2 NIGrtTS ON Ta. aJSgk ii i i mwmamamamsBms II IN fill fill I 30 Spend Your LY one Willi rasa f Yoor fu.L BOYS 1 o KUPPENrlElMFR - - - to vaggsw swisg 'uTi lt oesine for, few p, Ososskiaasl tryooa KUPPENMEIM Try ersry koowo Isat for ij the 1010.1 in Taetalao .r.Ku B Style is Cberc to Stay. amroldoolt by 1 Street Commencing November IB. 7.80 ta 8. SI p. m. Mr. Known mroognoat tne Hoatb. He will bo sbiliti asm v oy lbs very beat w.H FREE TO ALL SQUIRRELS HAVTBANKACCOUNIS EVER WATCHFUL. A LitMe Care Will 8ave Mary Jar boro Readers Future Trouble. Watch the kidney secretions. Sea tint Ui3y have an amber hue o health; The dlscbaraes not excessive or in fnaoent; q Contain no "brick-dust lake" eedi-Saent; LKJsm'e Kidney Pills will do this for you. They watch the kidneys and core them when they're sick. A. A. Tyson, 124 Lexington St.. JRocky Mount, N. C. says: "I feel it nay duty to recommend Doan's Kid ney Pills, as I found them to be a wakmtole remedy for kidney trouble. r yearn my kidneys were disor dered and too frequent passages of the secretions oMidged me to rise several times during the night, tuns breaking my proper rest. I also had peine across my loins and was both ered by a constant, dull backache. Having beard about Doan's Kidney Pills, I decided to try them and pro cured a box. I had taken them but a short time before I could notice their beneficial effect and thus en- CDuraged I continued their use un til I was cured." For sale by ail dealers. Pries 50 osnts. Vest er-MIIb urn Co.. Buffalo Kew York, sols agents for ths Unit OA States. Remember tke Saks wo A Winter may come to you sooner than yoo think. The prudent FquirreTstores away nots when hecsnget num. He has them when Winter comes. To have money you must save as vou make it, and put it in the bank where it will be safe. -MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. THE BANK OF TARBORO OAPITAI- 26,000 BUBPLDB 28,000 J. P. 8haelfbrd, -Pies., J. T. Howaid, V. Proa. a- i v tl Cuhlfl, W Hossey, Aset Cashier Safety lock boxes for rent. ssw-Fonr per cent will be paid on time deposits. 4 PER CENT. Oil TIME DEPOSITS. High-ft lass Service Ha Its Advantages FOR SALE. ONE YOKE OF LOO alag oxen Price fl25.00.One Short Horn Durham Bull 6 years old, entit led o rssietrauou, wslsnt 1W0 lbs. Fries sad sold to sasrsss la- tsrtessdlsc. Apply to Isaac pries. OFFICERS: Geo. A. Holderness, : . Pres. C. A. Johnson, : : Vice Pres. Ed. Pennington, : : Cashier. A. B. Cosby, : : : Teller. J. A. Mizell, : : As't Teller. DIRECTORS: C. A. Johnson, N. J. Mayo, R. B. Peters, M. Heilbroner, G. A. Holderness, W. G. Clark, C. W. Mayo, B. F. Eagles, W. L. Sim mons, John M. Sheirod, W. H. PowelL for the small aa well as the large ALL depositors fsl this bank profit by the excellence of its service. F. A. & S. Q. CARLISLE Territorial Dealers, ,, North Caiola. -"-J. Lswm bu.1,1 nr. v. J. a a L a VBBBBBBaBBSHaHsBBBBBBSasVil DAY W.M.ARNHFiM io Mskltir faeas as ta Qoootfy of MaVbas Is oaa oa tkmftmj mr Urn lisj OS !. I aia las 1st 4 a - 43 i Mt la Gold. S4 taw We Will i ool i nae mmiw Our. lock. bar. roeootiy kao. tiled .a otta mSVSmZ sdrmaisasUsoeariasr la tawsssaasv. parts. ly psreksosd direct fross aaaootsctorer. ortgriaoi stricsa. Vosr sti xhmm iZ eorv ZmZL tTln'Z' 11 tijnsiRM Stock Holiday Goods IS COM PLGTE, AND We Are Showing the illost Complete I. me of XMAS GOODS Ever Shown in This City liauerj etc. Books, T- l ... o policy oi the bank to promote tne oest interests of its customers in erery legitimate manner. We shaUbe glad to have YOUR business or personal account. Banking Trust Co. s? " e SANTA CIiAUS is H m mi UIGIIT NOW W. L.&J.E.SIMM0 OuUsa at ltc. Too fm it fx 11 lady tbr TW i e l a aa mm V. a Wool Bsaokeoj ldsissater ' 177 - Xa-ssaai ad 11 q arterTeodj Beor la Pi k aloo i Of Kir,- W.Ofcr. Haark PrtUcaas at 3 s atL ililtlUIIISItiffllll Keith's Va. at KM SbbbOB ChtiSalswa'B , t - - ii i . -r S OtSSSfOWll aaa aail 1 od sa Maass- al . v, , I UasVtaar Ia(sa i p. raw4 Mews tadrrMr lai aS,a. mmLt ana n. - at fl 00, ! 60 sad 1Q.00 I Uaeo Barl Aaafl T. ! mm asasseaorwTosl 'V? Bojs Osaarooterd. Clotbs ta r a 1 is Ksaobts Lrar. Blsk av. n S yll Ta. Mas DON T FORGET TO GUESS W. M. A R N H E . M Uiii ar t ti i s S aBaBBaaswsBBEwa I Ul f P" 1 Daihar aad c;. We Famish Yoor Borne Aad Moke itBgut. WATCH US BROW Wo Da at The dM ii Lkt. DO YOU WliB UTS, SBOf S, SHUTS, Bi: or aauktoff sksr oro bo sseof Tiiloi Clothing IM IlH ! A Car Load at Ytt as yoa wUl Pit MORS I .u $12.50 10 MOO t ssMsaak aad iimtm. tti yoo to 10 par soot das. ? afMtlaa ks tao WsO - Posat a korar t fail to sso what we e- DAWSON J IIISN TJnisrfeotel Farrar. Psools N. G. W. T. Deans Moat to tko Jsil - j . baas a . 1 1 asaaaaSaaasaaaaSST".