o ttthccaa?. R?5 BE BXJBE YOU ARE RIGHT; THKN GO AHKAJP.-D Orockett VOL. 88. NO 48 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY DbCBJIBER 1. 1910 BflTaaw mm ' A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the "Blues" t seldom occasioned by actual exist ing external conditions, but In the Zrest majority of cases by a dis ordered LIVER THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of Wills They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. TAKE WO SUBSTITUTE. NATHAN WILLIAMS, Ton-MJi-ial Artist and Hlrsult Dec orator, Tarboro, N. C Tvvo doors from Bank of Ta-bor J. FRANK LILES, Att'y and Counsellor at Law, Practices in State and Federal Courts MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT ASSCO I AT iON. Will take notice that 1 can be foan' at my office. This Is the cheapest in iuranee in the country and absolute ty reliable. F. H. PENDER. Secretary and Treasure ;EFF D. JENKINS, Physician and Surgeon, Tarboro, N. C. 'Phone No. 16S UK 0. A.. WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TARBOBO, .N. O. trior nurs a to I and 2 to 5. DR. DON WILLIAMS -urgeon Dent ist, Nitrous Oxide Sgl and Oxypeh Gas the extraction of tf eth Tarboro CIVIL ENGINEER JOHN J. WELLS Rocky Mount - - - N. C NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having this day qualified ae admin istrator with the -will of the es tate of G-eorge R. Gammon, deceased, late of the County of Edgecombe; notice is hereby given all persons holding claim against said estate to present them to me properly verified for payment on or before the 3rd. dav of November 1911 or thds notice Trill be plead in bar of recovery. All persms indebted to said hue will please make immediate pay meat to me or my attorneys. This 27 day of October 1910. C L. FOUNTAIN, ato'r eta of Genre R. Gammon Fmt:.in& Fountain attorneys. Rocky Mount, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. E L. Robersan administrator of the estate of J. R. SatterthwaJjie late oi Edgecombe county, having died and the mlersigned having qualified at administrator- ds bonis non, notice is hereby g'.ven to all that all claim a gacaat -g estate must now be ssntad to me as required by law for each cases made and provided and thit a failure to do so will be ploac to bar of recovery. Those indebted to the estate also as per same noT-ice be hld to ar tame ii.it e settlement. J. C. Little, adm. d. b. n. W. 0. Howard, atty. Office Days. I will be at my office In the court housj on Mondavs and Saturdays of each week. W. H. Pittman, county Sup. Educa tion. Leap's Prolific Wheat The Most Prolific and Best of Milling Wheats Yields reported from our custom ers from twepty-five to. fifty-two bughels per acre. When grown side, by side with other kinds this splen did beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per sere on same land and under same conditions as other standard wheats. Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Wrice for price and "Wood's Crop Speajd which contains new and valuable article, "How to grow big crops of wheat." T W, WOOD & SONS. SeeoV-en. .. Richmond, Va. i e are headquarters for FsfTT1 Seeds. Graii and Clover Seeds. I Winter Vatche.. Dwarf Essex Rape, Wheat, Oats. Rye. Barley, etc Descriptive Fall Catalog mailed free. tnjE.H.B,c 1 wntrt.oa worst. Vis" "".f nd Coprnpht, rmrirtmnd. POT . "'h- "r Pti-to. Jor FREE MC- . 'M"'lity. Pntrnt p;m.-uoe n - . SANK REFERENCES. on How"r'V2J!tarn? ,or lnT1nW book W TO OBTAIN ml SELL PATENTS, Paid t' i " W1i' I aT' llnw to Ptnr, 0- oiher valuable iril.riuatioo. . SWIFT & CO. THE SOUTHERNER'S SATURDAY SERMON (By Rxv. Bertram EL Brown.) "As for me, I will behold thy fee in righteousness: shall be satisfied when, I awake with thy likeness." Psalm 17:15. The Psalmist says here that he will be satisfied when he wakes up in Story and sees God (ace to face. That la the same ae If he said that he would not be satisfied tl he did ae God In story. There ,1a no such thing as perfect satisfaction to be obtained by any wui in tnis worw. No man Is likely to dispute that assertion tor it is one of the most obvious truths of human life. It ie ax pressed equal ly In such doggerel verso as this "As a rule man's a fool; When its hot he wants It cool, fcen it's cool he wants It hot; Always wanting what is not. Never liking what he's got' as in the profound saying of St Augustine, "God made us for Him self, so our souls must be unquiet till we go back to Ham." That last sentence gives the rea son of man's perpetual dissat&sfac tion in this world. The fact is that we are out of piece here below. We belong elsewhere, and we can no more be satisfied here than a fish can be satisfied out of water or an eagle be satisfied an a cage. We are oeing made m Gods image forced to live In the midst of things uniike God;, we are Immortal crea tures livang in -a world of perishing matter;, we were made good, and we are obliged to live where we are stained and soiled with evil. We were made to possess Infinity, and no amount of finite things can ever satisfy our craving for possession. Give a man the United States, and he would sti 1 want Alaska for a sum mer garden; give him the earth, and he would still want the moon for an ice-box; give him all the uni verse and he would not be satisfied till he found God and His Heaven too. The rest of Heaven, the end of sorrow which God promisee to all who are saved by His mercy through Jeans Christ, is merely the soul get tin at ia an tnfinitA tnrrwi nrM to satisfy Us infinite, eternal long-1 iag. Now, there Is such a thing promls- ed Christian men ae peace here In I v . j j yviHsww i k. isf weary and heavy laden people who come te Him, and there Is no promise I ef His that He does not immediate-1 ly fulfill for all -who do their re - quired part. He does give rest to every true follower of His. and every Christian knows the meaning of that rest. But the Peace of God does not mean satisfaction not at all. A Christian has peace in his heart but complete satisfaction is as far off from him as from the sinner. ThMt 1m. hoan a armTViA nf hitfAr fjpssMSMSSSl to many yvuug v.un-1 tians. They were led to expect per fect happiness in the Lord, when they did not get it, feared that they were not truly redeemed an Christ at all. But they should not be dis couraged at not feeling satisfied, for that belongs to a Christian only in the life beyond the grave. A Christian has many dlssatiafac tions that the wicked man has sot He is never satisfied with what good he does, but wishes always that it wae purer and brighter than it la He Is never satisfied because be sees so many poor bretheren of bis dying in tnetr sins aax on irum uod. A sinner is not irouoiea any of these tnang at aii, so in certain sense a Chriatian. "I the satisfaction that a sinner has. This Christian WaatMiaouon now- ever, Is a divine, a blessed trouble. It is noble to be trouDiea oecauee you are not as good as you ougm to be It is biasseo to long arw for stronger faith it is CbristJake to be unhappy because of ans and sorrows of your -fellow man. Jesusl wept over Jerusalem, dying in sins, and no true follower of His can help grieving too as he looks on the poor wicked men who will not come to their Savior. But a Christian has peace be - cause his heart Is no longer at w - with God. He knows that he has sur ronriomH to Gorl and that God for- . i , ki. rv-o.r. gives Ills BUM, auu uaaiB u l""--" v. .. i i . . ntm rrA rr- v.Itt otiH HpaIi with him v t- mm) lovhw W.1T That certainty, that blessed assur - 1IL I 11.1 auu J - " - ance. is tne unnsuana paicc. Here la a difference between who has accepted Christ and one who goes on hi sit A Christian is dissatisfied with him self but sat sf led with hie Savior A sinner is saUsfied wRh him self but dissatisfied with God and the way God treats him. iu r-fui wtth oneself death .ad to he dissatisfied with God te misery. to be dissatisfied with oneself urges one to find a better way, and to K aatisflrd with the Savior is blessed peace and rest. j "I dare not choose my lot; : I would not If I might; Choos3 Thou for me, my God: So afaaU I watt upright. Take Thou my cup and it, With Joy or sditow fill, As best to Thee may seem; I Choose Thou my good sad in." SHAME OF EASY DIVORCE. Preacher Reversion To Of Ancient Heme. The Rev. Frederick Lynch an the Pilgrim Church, m arena 12 1st street, last evening spake the subject of "Divorce and Love." He said In prfrt: Every time the anarchists or some well known wrster advocates free lore ae the proper and permanent eoodl ditton of society, a terrible hue end cry erleea from all the decent people of the laud; yet. In the present tre mendouB growth of hte divorce habit is not the nation rushing toward about as fast as It could come by popular consent? Tor in the long run, where Is the veal difference between divorce being granted for the mere asking (as it si practices y today), and men Irving together without Where Is the difference be tween a marriage that may be en tered Into for only a year or so (as many marriages axe entered upon today and the French union libra ? Surely these thought s mutt come to every serious man today aa he watches the rapid Increase of divorce and the prefect esse with which It can be obtained. Ae he sees one man divorcing one woman after another as the whim seises him, he most often wonder if we are not reverting to oodUoD ancient Borne. Mee- cenua changes his wife nearly every year. Some men in New York will soon be doing that If the mad race goes on. "When he sees a woman marrying her fourth husband the others all living he wonders if some of our wo men will not soon be emulating the Rom c woman Martial speaks of. wb bad already' arrived at her tenth hus band perhaps even the woman St Jerome mentions who was married to her twenty-third husband, she her self being his twenty-first wife? Why not, if divorce can be had for mere asking and a six months vaca tion from marriage at Rome? And even this six months need not lotefere with the state of mar rsage, lor not igong ago a New Tors man I will not mention his name. although it was In all the asaea nts wire to get a osvorce rrom Um thj mit marry hie affinity ane went wet, aau on tne oay tne divorce was granted he married his trinity, but at that same Urn a pay csn with whom hie wife had be oone acquainted while in as tor divorce, divorced his wife to ""T ntx. asweys -lu his or ummm sngers. roey reel no snsme ana so ciety does not When go a great multi-millionaire divorced his good wKe. who had shared his poverty and helped him make his for tune, to marry aa actress, dad Now York ostracise him? No. They mingle in the best (God save the ViM. W-r mmA ttxmr .... friends In their I see nothing but free love tf the increase of the ratio of divorces to marriage goes oa In the next SO yean as It has in the last S). Divorce St present Is increasing two and a half times as feast as our population. One can aee the incredible Increase in 20 years when he remembers that 18S0 the percentage was only 38 per lOO.eoOO population whereas In 1900 it 73. Roll. Tfcp follow inx are on the honor miAooL x township No. It Ellsibeth Pierce. Roland Ray nor. Hu,M rrsJhoiin I.ik-t Cummins. BeI1amln Pirci Rufus Thomas, Isaac Calhoun, Mary Lee Worsley, nrak. Jeaeea Calhoun. Hul Sidney Thomas, Nettie worsley. Susie Barnes. Ethel I Thomas Irene Barnes and Beulah w &- . I w I Brake M j. r. wixsi Tn- managment of the First Ns- "I tional Bank was indirectly the cause I . . D(. . gstting Four Per Qaye on Certificates of De- Now undsr the live energetic I anrf poonomlcal maaacement have de- 1 cided to pay Five (5) Per Cent Com 1" I pounded Quarterly In their - Department. Many of our Stock hrlAra aro successful buslnesa men . . a i UJ meir uwu aivni mmi iw v' I . , i t . . .a. i I iH;t. rt rmr fnruft aa well SS tk-i. .fhln an1 mime mlii mm ut mjjm Ui-ii W W L. ' - - 1 a firt class security for the bank Atlantic Coast Inventors. Following patents Just issued to Attentlc Coast inventors. reported Dy D. Swift A Co., Patent Lawyers. 1 aad so te T. B Washington. D. C. who will furnish - copiet of any aatents for ten cents apiece to our readers. Va. Robert F. Hudson, Kit warns, good by aavylng abet the boy to M Prtieaiwerosng aeverusing ppmni i-ercy u. aewevu, rmmm. N. C. Wtllsam D. nynn. spray. Buckle; D. B. Richards. BeausUrt. Pootoon-ptpe for marine dredging: R. amity. Spray. Wtdtfork spring: S. C. John Colbert, ArUnatonjBhoe-, heel; William Hal sal. Chareeton. making appatatus. Miases LeMsy Dewey of Ooldaboro Mary Clyde HasseU of Wash lag ton are go sate af Mrs. James CORN GROWING BOY The Institutes For Boys, Women and Man, a Symposium of Timely Topics. habits and rasa. Those who saw the coca dSjgdsy lest spring when a etKute wae hld. war the superiority of the eon dteptay by our hoys. Bach boy did act have a type bat there was a n to types and i sallow. hy 3iE Floyd Turnage of IIS bushels oa one S3 bushels. J. N Vick, No 3 Ills is Si Robe V. Kalaht Tarboro. Prises were offered also shjs la Norn. 1. f. 1, a will be soon as it cat The boys taking p by Dr. th.T L they wees dniag looking too. as the will Sttle Oe ThsJr b. an Is ap So the toi tars of the the of arte tj MSB. i. C Brtdgers who dad so charmingly la Mm w. h Dr. W Rankin of Pabac Irs. HsTESBMl oa Brassl Mak Mrs. Hntt Use toUowod oa ' and Mea. Mcl The of all Mas. Mrs. lug presence and Ugbtfel in talk subjects and bar present them Dr. R .nkla Is mm He made calling the of s little talk to order end Sat introducing the d county Mr. Moore baii to be appreeiataj there To C. R. Hi .tti. Shis gentleman took the of I , . otawiso. sr. namjswwi bp how to increase the corn crop. Gray bearded farmers were I hte andteace. bat he sane a fens only understood by them bat prebendad by the boys. He is aa charge of the last ft nts boys la a way that pit He talked j their - . ln wtoB M or Worry te the Try Ice - to-nisht The prises at way at W If h r imrt by f Mr. SS. Mrs. M of Mrs Heat oa oa the SrsSjy it IS The a? a Byasj yteei of earn aa of It IMS. tee woa by I Of No ass of tie, ttt ant IS west for best yields by bey. la Mo. 1 and 4 la N la la No t riy la No S Jas. K O Paul of hi 113 41 SIT. tolswaae hit bat. i Of all the area, J. B. W. L J. L E3ri?2 Pocket Books, Purarg, syg S?S3lH2S Received ism: rSS55?i5 mBl T DIGI dig SXrijrS? hoonpiof Peaaut Dicker m c a a n. c, sa P M . MS1IMX i r a. SOd W3?i Banking ma A Heir 81,1 Bk Drug HaMMiie Temple Building To Give ZTZZJr Edgeconibe -L. R & J. P.8UGG AC 3 We Repair All 4 pucurr ""ErV? H-h-Claas Serrices 5s H. Ite ASvaat tats a. r.o. rifrat Rational Panlx Of M.H Taylor. CaihUf. Supply Of tuber at Cook Store. Satisfaction. haPOOMka. a ymm M Hardware t o IIINI8TS Machinery Kiiul. U The Next Job. ai & Trust Co TARIOIO a SMTii aia aiss tsssslsa sast rnsMBa sf rgTimT'i'i iiiiilj1 ! oj J I. V wiAu (.V.'la S.'. J Grocery Co. . .

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