Ctrbaro Soal fctrntr ?a3iihad Every Thursday, Baoscription Batestl.00 per year u ,?red al i"ostofflce U second dui matter Thursday, December 1, 1910. AltorTB. Parker wears a smile that won't come off. Ad ideal tariff is the noblest work of statesmanship. , Cannon is 111 won't look half as bad without patronage. Since we have lent China a large hunk of ready cash, we are much interested in her reform scheme. Since one comes to think serious ly over it, why not reverse the proposition and join Canada to Maine. The bray of the Democratic don key is as seet as the music that was made when "the morcing stars first sang together.'' Now, some of Mr. Cannon's for mer allies are insisting that Mr. Clark can have nothing bnt a dena tured Speakerihip. Science now boasts that it can remove the malaria germ from the mosquito. Would that it could re move the mosquitb.1 The Republicans did not worry about the high price of turkeys since perforce they had to eat crow for a Thanksgiving dish. CANAL BOOM TO NAVY Admiral Dewey Expects Congress to Continue Program. George Dewey, the Admiral of the navy, himself a Democrat, explained in the course of an interview tor the Herald today that he anticipates no change in the program tor the building of two battleships a year under a Democratic House of Repre sentatives. He holds that a battle ship fleeet in each ocean still will toe necessary after the opening of the Panama Canal, and that from 40 to 50 battleships is the ultimate standard of the American navy. "One cannott help becoming en thused over the splendid work done on the Panama Canal as it gradually is neartng completion.", said the Ad miral. " I was especially gratified to see the statement that he canal -will be opened in 1914, one year ahead of schedule time. "Aside from other advantages, the one great and immediate benefit of the Panama Canal will be itsmateriai strengthening of our navy, it will open to our ships the barred door separating the Atlantic from the Pa cific, and I hope myself to be present at the magnificent spectacle of seeing the first fleet of American battleships go through. "Why, I remember clear back in the eighties, talking to "Senator Ran dall Lee Gibson, of Louisiana, who declared himself in favor of an ap propriation of $50,000,000 tor the naivy. That would correspond to about $500,000,000 these days. "Senator,' I said, I am surprised to hear you advocate this, since you are a Democrat and the Democrats are said to be against building up a nawy.' "Nothing is further from the truth,' the Senator said. "The real Democratic party is not a party of aat regression.' i "Now continued Admiral Dewey, "tihesa are the kind of Democrats we will have in the Sixty-second Con gress. I feel sure they will not advo cate retrogression in the navy. "The value of the canal to the navy i9 so evident that it hardly needs comment. It sometimes is said that it doubles the fleet by making it ac cessible to the Atlantic and the Pa cific. I don't quite look at it that way, for I believe we ultimately should have a battleship fleet in both oceans with the canal making it pos sible speedily to reinforce one or the other. From 40 to 50 battleships in the ultimate standard of the Ameri can navy, I believe, not that we ex pact trouble, but because of the idea brought out by Representative Keifer of Ohio In 1907, which I endorse: "In time of peace prepare to maintain it.' "When persons asi me, as they sometimes do, a I am in favor of universal peace, I reply that I am, most heartily, and that I believe no stone should be left unturned to be prepared to maintain it. "To say how much the opening o the canal increases our naval strength would be difficult, but the aded proteoion it gives to the coun try doubtless very great, since in helping the navy it helps the forces oa land as well." Washington dis patch to New York Herald. Sale Of A Valuable Tract Of Land Qw TMffna sf oiithirltT AnnJnestl Ml a certain deed of trust executed torn ! by J. J. Spate and Ruth Worse ley, on the 21st day of Jan. 1907 and siy recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Edgecombe County to BooklSl p. 429, to secure the pay ment of certain bonds bearing even date therewith-, and therein fully de scribed and default having been made in the payment of same, and the stip ulatlons set out in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and demand having been made upon me by ten owner of said bonds, I shall expose to public axle to the highest bidder tor Cash on Monday Daoember 19th. at 12 o'clock, m., at the court house door in Tarboro Edge combe County, the following de scribed real estate, viz: A certain tract of land lying am) being situated in Edgecombe County, No. 3 Township, and more particular ly described and defined as follows: Said tract of land being the same that adjoins the lands of W. O. How ard on the South, Blount Bros on the East, G. W. Howard on the North and the lands of Dr. R. J. Grimes on the West; said tract of land being well known as the S. E. Howard home place, and being the identi cal land inherited from the late Polly Moore by the said S. E. How ard, and being ail of said kind ex cept those portions conveyed to said W. O. Howard by F. S. Royster, Com'r. See deed recorded in bk. 92 p. 385 of the Edgecombe County Pub lic Registry, and F. S. Royster and W. T. Purvis, ilortagees, see deed recorded inbk. 89 p. 188 of said Registry as aforesaid; the said tract of land hereby conveyed con taining 225 acres, more or less, and being the identical tract of9 land con veyed to the late Thoe. H. Mayo by deeds of record in bk. 105 pp. 300 & 305 and by him devised to MiUie Mayo, his wife and afterwards by her conveyed to J. J. Spain and Ruti Worseiey Jointly. This the 14th. day of Novemetor, 19 10. R. G. ALLS BROOK. Trustee. GET YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEYS CHICKENS CELERY AND CRANBERRIES AT "T)M Pianf- With The SwsSt Teas I AS TO T7IK CHBISTM A3 PBE8ENT Do ' u knw t'int can b y . BriKFr P'A O of the ni Irs . Aettvr rl to nur home, stid Ui wiy my pibi1 Don't tbink o. ai't alf.rd it i until j' n b.-ivc witt- ni for prices, an ' ih.n on aon'i think so, bnt v ill ' c i tfi.l'y raft prised. The time sloT, s writ todsy. The instiii in. at ri I a4s t e g''at eat pleasure a d sat ic;io i to the whole fa;; i' v. CHAS. M. STIZ-F. L & tec e, Xlnng-, 114 Gra- ' y St. Norfolk, Va. Mel lon ;ui. paper. FOUND me Mnt ompMs Lias of Pip Ssble w 11 faaenii , lUts. Shoes, Harlwi-f. Tinware, HessMSa. Onyna ad rd lO.'f, in fast .11 Yoar ant. OsTh? 8a to? T OtTai DRY QOODS iq ii mi? af Dty OewAa. CaaU.ttg Official Piarn, Jamestown Exposition. The managment of the First Na tional Bank was indirectly the cause of the people of Tarboro getting Four a or cent on, Certificates of De posits. Now under the live energetic and economical management have de cided to pay Five (5) Per Cent Com pounded Quarterly in their Savings Department. Many of our Stock holders are successful business men t:y their own efforts and are caapable oi looking out for the careful safe guarding of our funds, as well as their own affairs, and also make a first class security for the bank. nan u. PHONE THREE FOUR DO YOU ARAB HATS, SKO S, S. EXTS, UHDERWEAR or any! hi BjefS worn be meif I have a complete line of the above aud also ra nice a line of Tailor Ccthicg as yon will find. Fit and quality guaiauleed. Pries from $12.50 TO $40.00 made to messure and all wool ' Bring thing thin a vrt de ment and rath and ir will en title you to 10 per tint dia . conut on anything in the above line, before 1 c. 5. Only one ad to each tiader. W- T. Deaiw Pur9 For & -Store Our goods are the bi at brands ap proved by iospe-t'ra of the rov erumeut Healthy. Fresh dvp-nenls almost daily. Our Bread ai d V Am stand at the head in both making aud baking T il s-?wuffiti Co GOODS DELTVBRXP. Thonc 33. Temporary Heal Quickly DM you ever stop to think of the many ways io which a perfect oil heater is of value? H you want toalecp wUh your win dow open ia winter, you can get sufficient heat from an oil beater whMc you undress at night, and then turn it off. Apply a match in the morning, a hen you f out of bed, and you htve heat while you dress. Those who h.ve to eat an early breakfast before the stove la radiatiar, heat can get imm.-diate warm from an oil hearer, and then turn it off. The girl who practices on the pisno In a cold room In the morning can have warmth from an oil heater while she plays, snd then turn It off. Tha member of the family who baa to walk the floor on a cold win ter's eight with a restless baby can get icuipursry neajwitn an on beater, and ii on. then turn Xhe Perfection Apply a mstch and It Ii Im- la Invaluable ia its capacity of quickly riving heat. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedeed and can h rewickin. Finished In Japan or ZJSmXSJSSL made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental ' aur,b, wa Dmmkri Bwtrymktrt. If mot mi yours, writ, for ascrwex enr ar mt w mart it agtmcj qr far Standard Oil Company Died. Monday at his home near BatUebor ia this county, John Robert Vici, aged 61. A wife survives him. and Send us your order for Ratein pound Cakes. Hub Grocery Co. Special good things m Holiday Cains at W. b. and J. a. fttambns. FOUR M A M D S O M PRIZES Will Be Given Away DECEMBER TWENTIETH Now is the time to do your winter shopping We have a Full Line of Ladies' Suits, Men and Boy's Clothing, Regal Shoes, Simmons Sid Gloves and all olher merchandise that ia necessary for an np to date store Every SHOES In Shoes we safer CROSSE TT for i AMERICAN LADY for SECURITY .for aUMssss. nr Dry Goods IV part me consists of t tapirs such as Dress Goods, Percales, Homspun. Calico, Girrfihams, At Right Prices. asi-Bcto mbcr yea are cordially Invited to stake war store yoor IHftBHRSO - HI IFI "Rvfotbiog For The C LOT Ml NO SUITOR OVERCOAT Ask to see oar Shaw saiataai for six mooths It adasdy Try Us. waiaafo Ve Our Large Assorlment of RUGS AND ART SQUARES The Largest and PrHliest Line JEver Shown in Tarboro. H OKT PaiCESO.i Ol OF asasss Ssswaswa Ssw'''"'" Sana fwas aa asr w. ju saa roR M ma STUNRINC STYLES MEN yip BOYS KUPPCNrClvfR Table1 s Beds Buffetts Sideboards Toilet Sets i a Kockers and ( hildreo's Chairs P. & S. Q. CARLISLE baaitjwaaa KUPPCNhEIMER iyss.saasi.aaaa yaa an aaass- rtasi i M StaU is Cbcrc to ftuv SS litl aafo ay 30 DAYS Spend l our Silh W.M.ARNHEIM t a jci i n ia t ibsj. r i l l n. pt sas aoja aa 1h l a M M M mm mm - -- - - sajss fojOaSd"'' AiceoU for Scbulto Piaaoa Funeral Dirrctors. t I t Lsi Baltd' as sort a asJ av ML It I v wtaoaat ur yon make with ns entities yon to a chance at one of these handsome prises. We will gladly famish full information upon inquiring at store. W. BENJAMIN 6c SONS I Pbcae 105 The Store of Quality. 809 Main Street. Tarboro, N. 0. Stock of Holiday IS COMPLETE, 4 I) Are Showing the Host Complete Shown in This tity TOYS Kuh as rkaaimw SB ... Croats and Carla, Bears ildK I f ill. tt;. . ' '" a5, BSOOaiN, Sta doners, etc. SANTA GIUAUSij aj m m KH"r NOW W. L. J. E. SI M M 0 N$76 , yJMJr Uaa BsaaaiTws. Sa l4Wa U. m aawJ nuk at flutist as Aft St aaat rsiawaw Va V. tn4 Si awstaa UmH Am4 Tss Bae r tVval ti4 S'b aaa awafaai a vaUaM mm mm 5'''"" tlJSlaaassaaaasaaawas . ftSVfos. IX. 1 rr Lr!' ' iaaaaq sw, few OOH l FORGET TO GUESS W. M. ARNHEIM atar 00 FOR WsFaraiab Y.ur nassa Aad Make itBKbt. WATCH US GROW I w' " " I i Ta Cast a Lasjai. rsw 5? BII,"Mt 4 WurnK-'S- waning 52 flumrcra. (TWlsaaaaaiBajs.) jjssisssjjsis SOtiTHERI SUBSCRIPTIOI COiPllf mm PMOHE 42