JL, m w' w" BE YOU ARK RIQHT;THEN GO AHKA.D.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO 49 Wills After eating, person of a blHoat habit will derive great benefit by taking on of there pill. If y have been DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove (loony feeW ines." " Elegantly sugar coated. Tekc Mo Substitute. KA '"H AN Top '.orl VILLIAMS, orial Artist and Hirsult Oec- or;.tor, Tarboro, N. C doors from Bank of Tatorc Two j FRANK ULES, Att'y and Counsellor at Law, Practices in State and Federa! Courts MEMBERS Of TMS PEOPLE'S Mt TUAL Bfc. -EFiT ASSCOI ATION. Will take no! ice that 1 oan be founO at my office. This Is the cheapest in lurance In the country and atso)utt at It reliable. V H PENDRH D JENKINS, Physician , i Snrgbat ro N C phone K OR VHITEHEAD, Snrgoen Dentist, TAJi 0 .i:7r y SO S 2 ii- ')H. DON WILLI V?IS prgeon Dent ist S vrou Oxide 'X an. Oxygen Gas : -v' ' administered io ilie fxtraetion of t -t!i. Tarboro wxxmmm CIVIL ENGINEER JOHN J. WELLS Rocky Mount - - - N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having tils day qualified as admin istrator with the will of the es tate of G-eorge R. Gammon, deceased, late of the County of Edgecombe; notice is hereby given all persons holding claim against said estate to present them to me properly verified for payment on or before the 3rd. dav of November 1911 or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. AU persens indebted to said tate will please make immediate pay ment to me or my attorneys. This 27 day of October 1910. C. L. FOUNTAIN, adm'r eta of Gerge R. Gammon Foaatain& Fountain attorneys. Rocky Mount, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE E. L. Robe-rson administrator of the estate of J. R. Satterthwaofte late oi Ei'e-mbe county, having died ano t'r: on.-ersined having qualified at a.J-istrator dd boms nan. notice is haneby given to all that all claims a gainst the estate mus- now be pre- ieatad to me as required by law fos such cases made and provided and that a failure to do so will be plea io bar of recovery. Those indebted to the estate w also as per same no'-ice be hald to z. itia:eiiate settlement. J. C. Little, adm. d. b. n. W. o. Howard, atty. Office Days. f ! I will be at my office in the coui hcri3 on Mondays and Saturdays of each week. ST. H. Piltman. county Sup. Educ tion. Administrator's Nctice. fr?ot1 e is hereby given that David Ln ence, late of the County of Edge ombe 13 d9ad. and that I, George Lawrence of s 4d County of Edge combe ani State of North Carolina hie du y and legally qualified as ad mia stnator on the estate of said David Lawreace, All creditors of estate will present their claims tome on or before November 24th, 1911, or else this mtice will be plead in bar of recovery. Notice is also hereby giv ea to thosa who are indebted to aid estate to settle with me a onc for their sxid indebtedness. This the 21th day of November,1910 GEORGE LAWRENCE, Adm'r NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Hiving qualified as administratoi of Wi.llam E. DeBrule late of Edge oiBbe county, notice is hereby giv '1 -o all persons holding claims a K-iiist my intestate to present them d ily proven on or before Sept. 24, 1511 or this notice will be plead in !ar of recovery. A1J iadebted to the estate mus d; ke immediate settlement. G. W. Wells, adm. C10KESTER SPILLS C-iAMOND BRAND --DIES r i1 f.rL Bnert for chi-ciibs nra's r.ZT " mkand riLIvS in Rho mA Take no OTnsa. - - , . y mr is mow beans rLsTSrwcnty-iye Ksrgardfd a Be.t,iiafeM, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 'T:mj ruiii.u.uuMB wno-ru r- - R1 uk Ur CniXUKS-TKH S :m p EVERYWHERE WORTH TESTED nrj THE PRINCE OF LIFE CRUCIFIED Matthew 27:33-60 Deoember 11 "He vat icoundr for Mr trantffn Hon, he ton bruited for our iniquities. - 2,0. s.1. r,HE trial of Jesus really took place shortly after his arrest but on account of the Law re- I quiring a death sentence to be passed in daylight a morning meeting of the " uyviuicu, waica, in a perfunctory manner, confirmed the high priest's decision of the night be fore, that Jesus had blasphemed the Creator when he claimed that be bad come Into the world in accord with the Creator's long-promised plan that he anouia redeem Israel and the world from the death sentence, that in God's due time he might establish the Mes sianic Kingdom for the blessing of Is rael and all the families of the earth. The matter was rushed through lest the gathered multitudes, who had shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of Da vid." when Jesus rode upon the ass five days before, should undertake again to proclaim him king. No exe cution could take place during the Passover week. And if Jesus were held a prisoner they knew not what might happen to him or to them. They had, therefore, but a few hours in which to carry out the plan which they believed would rid their country of a fate nefustnc fo sentence Je3vs vnustty gn ortpng Am fc go before Stevd ' Ar tn man w'iom they considered a deceiver and one likely to get them Into trou ble with the Government at Rome. The Sanhedrin had authority to Judge the people along the lines of their reli gion, but was prohibited from execut ing the death penalty. Hence It was necessary, after the condemnation of the Sanhedrin, to take the case before Pilate, the Roman Governor. Realiz ing that Pilate would not recognize blasphemy as a cause for death, the charge against Jesus, before Pilate, was a totally different one, namely. that Jesus was a seditlonist and raiser of disturbance; that he claimed to be a king and that his freedom was in imical to the interests of the Roman Empire. The foolishness and the hy pocrisy of such a charge were too transparent to need assertion. Pilate perceived that for envy they were de livering htm because be and his teach ings were having more Influence with the common people than could be exer cised by the chief priests and scribes. Pilate relieved himself of responsibili ty by declaring that since the home of Jesus was in Galilee, King Herod, the Governor of Galilee, should have the Jurisdiction of the case, which be waa glad to get rid of. Jeeus Before King Herod This was an unexpected difficulty. but Herod's palace was not far dis tant He was glad of the opportunity to see Jesus, of whose miracles he had heard much. As he looked at the Mas ter's noble features and beheld in him purity and gentle dignity, it must have seemed ridiculous ghat such a person should be arraigned as a seaitionisi and a man dangerous to the interests of the peace of the country. After a few taunting words and Jest. tv al ace guards took a hand with the one whom their master treated flippantly. They put upon him a purple robe an1 a crown of thorns and mocked at his onkingly appearance. Then Herod de clined to act in the case and sent the prisoner back to Pilate, perhaps feel ing that he had had a sufficiency of trouble? in connection with the behead ing of John the Baptist a year or so before. The matter was a Joke be tween Herod and Pilate dealing with the case of a man claimed to be so dangerous that he must die thus, when he manifestly was so pure and Inno cent that the weakest would be safe with him Pilate's Perplexity Increased Pilate was disappointed when Jesus was brought back to his court. The case was an unpleasant one to settle. The prisoner manifestly was innocent of any crime, yet his accusers were the most prominent men in the nation and city over which he had charge. THfcir good will must be preserved, if possible, and they were evidently bent on the murder of their Innocent cap ttre under the form of legality. What a pity it is that religion has been so often misrepresented by her votaries In every age of the world! A lesson which we all should learn is to search the motJv58 and intentions of our owi hearts, that we be not led into the Clainiimeee is the first saw of I 1 ; 1 p- -- Crew, sTasW Sterol ernpvd v fAt ooryeous I 1 ro&e, oKf be foJkdn mftfte Jews. J haalStii, inside as well as outside. LeilCeI1t Hollisiter's Rocky Mountain Tea be your laetrnal cleanser; then your oreans will be pure and clean, your health good, your ay stem right. Start : . 71 ry.Kp Dru Co lt tonight. Edgecombe urug co. rrv tiiKaiFP received daily. Him I r Fork aa-uaage received daily. Grocery Co. error of the wicked Into violating the rights of others and tb.ua fighting against God. Pilate heard the accusation, realised that there waa no truth In them, and then gave bis decision : I find no fault in Jesus, bat, seeing that such a com motion has been created, I consider it necessary In the Interests of peace to satisfy the unrighteous "nils ef me clamoring multitude. 1 will there fore have the prisoner whipped, al though I acknowledge he Is not de serving of punishment The whip ping will be in his own interest, as well as in the interests of the peace 01 tne city, for by satisfying the clam or of the multitude the life of Jesus wiu be spared. As political decisions go, this was a Very fair decree. Magis trates recognize that absolute Justice Is not always possible la dealing with imperfect conditions. But the rulers would not be satisfied with anything short of Jesus' death. The rabble was exhorted to suout. Crucify him! Crucify bin! It seeiued Impossible for Pilate to appreciate that such a frenzy could be arvuaed against so Innocent a person. 80 he inquired. What evil hath he done? But the answer waa. Crucify him: Alas, how human paaalon can ignore every principle of righteousness: To add to Pilate's perplexity, his wife now sent him word. Have, nothing to do with this Just person, for I have had a horrible dream which connects itself with him As a last resort Pilate caused Jesus to be brought to a prominent place where the multitude could all- see him and then he cried out to them. "Behold the Man!" See the character at tin man you are willing to crucify. Note that he has most kingly features, such as none of your race poasess nor oth ers. Would you crucify the very best sample of your race? Consider; be reasonable Behold the Man! It has for years been a custom with you that the Government at this season release a prisoner. So, then, consider that Jesus has been condemned and that your conception of Justice has been satisfied and that now I release him to you. But the multitude cried out so much the more. Crucify him! Release unto us Barabbas (a robber and dan gerous character). Thou Art Not Caesar's Friend The Jewish leaders were shrewd. They knew that treason to Rome was one of the most serious offenses and tn the fact that Jesus had spoken of himself as a king they had the lever wherewith to compel his crucifixion. They used it assuring Pilate that if be let the prisoner go they would report him to the Emperor. Pilate knew that he would have difficulty la explaining such a case and that the Roman Gov ernment would agree with the decision of Oslaphss that one man should die rather than have any commotion in their dominion. Thus compelled. Pi tote finally acceded and wrote the pa pers of execution, but before doing so he took a pitcher of water aad in the sight of the people washed his hands. aaylng. I am guiltless of the blood of this Just person." The execution proceeded. The sol diers already had two thieves to cru cify and merely added another cross and the prorwasWin started for Gol gotha, a hillside near where Use face ef the rock much resembles a skull Golgotha signifying la place of s klL it la Just to the north of the city, outside the wail New buUdlags and a wall recently erected hinder vis itors at the present time from getting tbe skull effect as formerly. The crime of each culprit was, by Law. inscribed ever hto bead. Above the Master's head was hto crime -"Jeans, King of the Jews." Satan and hto deluded dupes evident ry thought that they had finally dis posed of Jesus. The priests and elders mocked hto declaration that be was the Son of God and demanded that tf be were such, he should demonstrate it by leaving the ere They realised not the truth, that It was aecemary for him to die for man's sin, tn order that by and by, he might have right ful authority, In hto glorious Kingdom Mill M l J BSriOtD r JU4N' oW ssnnn 0f tie mmr b Ctty OSaW 'hc 0 16 ' fasrcef r-V oSAjj fcnc erf to restore aU mankind to full perfec- tlon and life under the terms of ths New Covenant of which he will be the Mediator. (Jar. 8110 At the sixth hour, noon, darkness settled down for uree nours ana men jesus died, crying, "My QoH. my God, why hast thou forsaken meT In order that he might fully experience the weight of Divine Justice which belonged te the sinner, it was necessary that the Father should hide himself from bias, as though he had been the sinner. This temporary separation from the Father was evidently the severest blow in all Our Una of of dolls to Just magnlfl- W. L. and J. E. Simmons Waanted immediately Hundred ladle, young or old with pimples. blackhaeda, nasty complexion to take Rooky Mountala Tea and ttoaiawrs iwxxj ouiam r and become charming, beautiful and sweat. 35 cents. EUsaoomhe Drue sweat. 35 cents. Edgecombe Drug Company. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY DECEMBER 8. 1910. A WEDDING TOMBSTONE i fey BCorfV By Clarice Iratie CM . So you beard tU Of M lsndy Barbour's "Tor the land's sa body knew about I I the ttre. Thto torovkUan c Hr though the den throated and htj lag tn it, thene were hflstosj of stlngsng November nlr at tft- .onsety fitting dflpr grandmother wooM not be to leave the home that tor 50 years aad whs ed some signs of decay- She sat ha tola 1 Thwrously by the firelight tor eathough she had all the era oonvuintssjriaa of heating end sng her big fm peace east an ruddv the song winter evenings 1 was xrw.vl.r arslMnnrirl of 16 then wh a great km of the i osmotic and 1 on a four weeks' visit at the homeatead. It seemed never to cur to grandma that having a ratoed tn a iMffsteaM part of the coun ts. th - of Ragaed Cor ner (where she lived) would a Vy be uateowo to me. She always expressed fresh surprise at my sg- n irano cm ttK SUDjeOEB few minutes an "You've seen the old stone hoe down on the bank of the river, shut In with Pines and wspaai It's nhth a hundred yean old. When t Kmv t w hMD built tenia aav When I waa a young married woman the Barbour cam to live there and they was proud. btgb-CeeJ tn' people that nobody could got c quaiated wbth. That's what take it so dretol bard w here I am. way ahead of my story You so Mr. Barbour emhesiU did something of that kind and to orison After he bad been there a vesr he i'o ard h mr itmaotf aod that ts the last uf bla so far sa storv gjow, "Then has wife aod latle boy Uniaw It ns up ba the atone b aod never went outside the hardiT wh hrft mod deal of I his mother had OM taught him herself as loaf she could and then he boagnt and sandtod by himself . Ho small boy. bat oaa of the scholars threw tt at him ah and Mortimer nearly after that his mother kep him at time And she waa such a proud wo man, was Mis' Barbour and lofty eavera to bar wars She wouldat tot nobody sympathise afaV which everybody wo atoll to, as mere . sol ttUe to.ng on to s place Hi I Corner. Mbf real selfish wRh he got herself dsalfked, baahlsa folks b- lag suaptctoas after the way ar buabaod turned oat. What 414 they Mv on? Oh. the boy farmed it. on obey do say be wrote what they csnl aataoal bb tory, though to say salad it was the uanatur' stuff I ere baaro of ail about beat! as aad beaa wub then tosnarad sarin to their hundred their 0 bs ks wbub knowe be must have got up aa went along. They vara dretfully aa np with each other, ba and mxher aod ahe beOswad ba said waa ao. oven atom tba bos and beetles. But aba was hto own bora mother, aad that explains w "When ahe died. Mmliinsi latod to went crasy. Ho planted her grave with vi'lata aad paaatea aadl at the head was a white marble moo umont be bad gone to tba esty tor nothing nearer would salt htm. But he didn't display no taste Nothing on K. my dear, but the old tody's atoeaa and the date she died aj angel, nor a cherub, or a I or a broken rosebud, nor a bit verse. And yet ha always seem sot store by bar. Then Mortimer, be Just ata 1 old house sa-n as rear, though w ha waa alone. I used to won- bow tt seemed to him tote at the swash of the riv or and the etg&n' of thorn pine trees. He wore hto hair long as wen tbe custom in them dsys and It was curly up at tba ends .like too picture of John Weaiav Rna he toad a I OS ' oroagb you and wm M "" t ouna out bmA 7OQT Aod he never set loot Into the arreting bouse, nohow. "Mow ho was the loot man to the t4Ub rd eTW 1 "" But ur 1WQ " there, when the little mltttner. Mo I tonda MoADtoOsr caoaa mto the place, he wsa struck. That nothing strange all too town waa bat mind you tne. truck too. No. thought a. Everybody warned and told her about hto father In' himself tn prison and bow his mother was oad that waa est queer as Dick s ' wouldn't come to no goad. She sto- taned with her eyes big and cool sad t attle not paten or ran on ner cheeks like a datb nf paint bat oho never said a word. Thai waa saw 1 andy McAllister all over .nevor to saw fit Ftost we an oat tn i Fi-IHi: n tya the T I. SB I a tree tor hlai Mas as toe COoJd uuste part la a corner svjsaaat He wont up to K. and M i Unto Bswhoar' eat on tt the date she to e-ejotn' to die don t aeetore K, says L bat 1 ws si to to aad mat l ao are coalf bat cud of "As anaa aa I ktovn u Mis o j realms am SB toward dark we June. We'd a bit of o with as aad tots Jt K kd then we 00 bow acalrt yoa or tb Or to out! ba a Ob. wa on at to tot her live "The toy 1 I would you Mto If to. They ejsj Joy a brbto r ty ea ea -lUlt 11 baa rd ' 1 to MO bow - -1 abed bona too proud hist about It. aad so bet two toe poor child wa al oat, She eased mo to go frntd to bjd saw aay oof oa to exptoto So ea it bla. they tt uo oat S np that fi5 gVgJeS "r M On -I wfJ' in aaautty JJtc at He ttTJS, To SW.L ivaV at at the too) 110 1 toot, and T 11 "n" !l 5 ;, w I CRAMTMAM j. r. Mm. i. ! Mary boat Dor. M ltlt. the Oi actio rest at - l m. aad It ttto. A New Supply Of Pocket Books, Purges, Book Leather G Received Dru M.iMMiir Temple Tarboro, - 4 wevn. oaraa High-Class Services as Its Advantages APS' ( A. Banking & L R. & J. P. SUGG M ACHINISTM We Repair Machinery All Kind. OfTARSOKO im eaacs oy;; Ullsl 111 llsaTllI OCB AATTJPYJt to of III nit, rtofotm Wpoait H. H. TaYLoR, J. III WORLDS BEST If wa awt av I i Hi two tanst ill In. ii Cniiif $ S OSS aataaafrlSiy WUmTSmlS1 '"' i i mm itm I M.1 C U RT 1 8 BSTABLHHBD 1821 mmd Other at Cook's More. Building If. Co bf lo ll TOUB Us The Next Job. aa4aH pays frag B. 11 r. sv. 11 - - CASHIER