11 111: I P rl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 I I ll llliH 1 V W ' IV mVmW ' AW VW.BT' IWWAW ''SSSV IBBV T W Ami! Crockett VOL.88. NO 52 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY DECEMBER 29, Iff. UJK bUKJU YOU AKK mC4HT: TM KN W) AHKAD.-D Advice to the Aged. PRAYER MEETING AMID RUIN. RENAMING BATTLESHIPS. Tii lirlngs infirmities, such as sfug- h bowels, weak Ktancys ana suss anU TORPID LIVER. it'sPills Bible School Students Kneel Wreckage And Give Thanks. In 'NATIONAL FLAG. TO STROLL TO FLORIDA. hn c n speiiHc effect on these organs, f! Tiulatlne the bowels, causing tbetn , jriorr.f their natural functions aa uuth and .UTiiSiG VIGOR j the kidneys, bladder and LIVER, -r - h -.nted to old and young. Two doors from Bank o. j fra k .tL F8 Arty and Counsellor at Law, Prict es in State and Feder.1 Courts of c 3o New York and Texas to be Given Latest style Dreadnoughts. A prayer meeting of thanks, held New York anad Texas are names to by the 150 students of (the Bible be given to the mew 27.000 ton battle-Teach--. 6" Training School, at 541 sbips tb,at kre to be the flnst ships Lexington a.-nue, among the splin- b American navy to be aimed itftrxatii -j- , AM.nii a i . "With 1 4Itw.H mu -THi. armArlwl V " ..--"j. n - I i , iWIBiiipiijii Jl-mfff mm " -- - m m O mm - j . r broken, furniture, yesterday morning, cruser New York will have its name Art-m y arrd Counsellor C y-ns 9nU at L ME Of THE MEF 'OPt I .laoie st-creta -i 0 JENKINS, Physician a id Surgeon, o N. C. 'Pnone No. f3.io,ved their ruun-nw aTv fmm cna-ged to Man.tMO.tan to prevent a death or aTisueo injury in their nice- datPfcation of names. The old battle story building less then half a block "IP Texas, now obsolete, will also ti'om a poini directly opposite the be re amM. la giving designation to power house. our battleships as they were built Thirty Of t'ae students were seated government selected first the iin the ain-'og-ioom facing on Losing- names of the most Important. States ton avenue when the explosion lifted wu considering that with the pro j the arocksry and glassware from the 83-686 that was, making in naval ar- ta ,les, huiied the tables and chairs oh-tectuje i jger and attU larger ship I agftoet each other and yH the; wooM be built. 1 st ideats, most of them yxmg women, - k has happened that the smaTex i to the fli-J. Screaming, they scram ettinB tks navy bear the names of bled, or t ieJ to scramble, to their ttt prtocipa. States, while the dread feet t rojga a heap of everything ane named afttr the pocket- that had pre.io.a.y contributed to ooro,a Stat. A renaming of uh making the room a pretty dining- lNew Y snoiwl be properly re pre room. Smashed on the tables and senti in oar naval nomeuctotnre. floor lay e ctions of a dozen stained Ner Evening Star. glass woidows. thtir broken Se ral Kinds Of Girls. A goJ irl to have Sal Vatioo. A diaa reule girl Annie Mostty. A fi;hk.ng giri ititrie Magi.; a Not thnieUan girt Heuie Rodexy A sweet girl Carrie Mel. A very pleasant girl Jennie Ftn salty. A si 3k girl Sal Vate. A' smooth girl Amelia Ration. A saedy gi;l Cora Ander. England's Union Jacks Made In Gar- What's many It wiM come aa a shock to the nat ional pride to hear that U made In Germany are being sold IB London. 'We nave had a good many iaj travelers Union jacks for on the pieces face tea sinking the diners ani hrnds. Miss E. C. Strong received more serio -s injuries than any of the othe s. Her face Jk-xi htnes wei badly cut, and the force with which she was hurled ag inst a uhair as she was thrown to the floor necssiated har removal to the hospital. As Miss Strong staggered out from aaJV said Mr. Owens Weils. manager of. the ancient Piegatt Bros. 4b Co.. Limited. BUhopaajate. "but therr staff ts i to ia.erjor for our customers. 'The Osrsssn flags are made printed oottoa.wkUe for our own ufacture only the beat double warg boaUng li used. Besades, the Tea- tana own t know sow to good end Jack They never get corre.t cross design and the are Uvaarwjy mule square of the trdliionj shape, via., the width half the haagth. Ge -mm Union Jacks are brought In to the countryand are eagerly bought by toe mil the cannot afford British make. The ColOfdss. however. which beja seeding in orders uly. Insist on baring British aactare. and nans set a fine a to th.- A New Soppl v Of Z kct Books, Pinm, Bill Books and Other Leather Goods Jt Received at Cook's lra Stare. the diani-g loom into the lobby she - 016 bt Slrto--Ella Oant WHITEHEAD, A cle r oase of girl K. Lwr Date. A geoaietricEl girl Khoda Dondron A musical girl Sarah Nade. A profound girl Met tin Physics. A star girl Met Oric. DON WILLIAMS cgeon Dent ist, vUrous Oxide D'l Oxygen Gas administered in the extraction of teeth. Tarboro was folowcd by Miss Elizabeth Car rutuers, who had? Kmr E. Smith, the teJephone operator, tell al of those on the upper foors that daag r was past. Then Miss Carnuthera opened the c 1" V A a. ra.i If. A I a 1 rlrvw th J4dTva- cniH i ' BMW vaw-s. VI UUC Uiiauius; i V .'111 OiiU 0"l . "God should be pressed for sparing us from death. I think k only proper that we call a prayer meeting." A heart v cheer was th answer to I a - -- i i ii iu. t- her appearand about 15 minutes later 1 ? . " " all the students gathered in the audi torium and conducted a meeting of ! praise. CIVIL ENGINEER JOHN J. WELLS Rocky Mount - - - N. C. Banks OakSurs Thing Now "I wil' never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills again writes Schingeck, 647 Elm SL Buffalo, N. Y. "They cured me of chronic con stipation when all others failed". Un Administrator's Notice. I equaled for biliousness. Jaundice, in Notice is hereby given that David digestion, headache, chills, malaria Lawrence, late of the County of Edge and debility. 25c. at W. H. Mac combe is dead, and that I, George nairm Lawrence of said County of Edge combe and State of North Carolina, have du y and legally qualified as ad min at rata r on the estate of said Davil Lawrence, All creditors of estate will present their claims to me on or before November 24th, 1911, or else this notice will be plead in har of recovery. Notice is also hereby giv a to those who are indebted to -.id estate to settle with me a once for their said indebtedness. This the 2lth day of November ,1910 GEORGE LAWRENCE, Adm'r A musvular girl Chile Sthenius. A lively girl Annie MaUon. An uncertain girl Eva N' scent. A sa girl Ella G. A great big girt MILte Tery. The beat girl of all Your own. Sals Of A Valuable Tract Of Land By virtue of authority contained in a carta n deed of trust executed tome by J. J. Spain and Ruth Worseley, on the 21st day of Jan. 1907 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Edeecombe County to Bookl3l p. 429, to secure the pay ment of certain bonds beantog even date therewith, and therein fully de scribed ani default having been made in the payment of same, and the stip ulatioas set out in said deed of trust not haviag been complied wkfa, and demand having been made upon me bv teh owner of said bonds. 1 shall exDose to public sale to the highest bilder for Cash on Monday December 19th. at 12 o'clock, m., at One Lesson of the Election. Through all she political cross-cur rents, one clear tendency, one strong desire of the people, can everywhere be made out. It Is the strengthening movement to tone up government generally, to make it better tat pur pose, cleaner in personnel, and more efficient in method. If any party or any leader is looking for the real mandate of the State or congression al elections of 1910, It may be found la this. There has been much talk of the determination of the citizens to pronounce for or against certain policies, and to approve or condemn one personality or another. All this is in the realm of certainty. What cannot be questioned, however, is the manliest intent of the voters tot rebuke degradation of the public ser vice, and to sustain all who are work Lng to make o.fice holding signify aonesty and capacity. The verdict of the highest court of appeal on e'ection day may have brought dis souragment to one party and hope to another, joy or depression to candidates, but it yielded only good beer to those who have all along contended that the people will always rise to intelligent leadership, and that their deepest wish is to. pluck Who's Mrs. Ho .-ton? Salisbury. Dec. 23 Aetna woman giving her name aa Mrs. C. V. Wilson, of Colombia, s. C. to being held by local officers under the tech nical oh se or shipping a hotel Mil. though oue 3S ta .en into custody while at a theatre on complaint that she had stolen two valuable diamond rings sstd 'be - Jew ry from the ban bag of Mrs W. M. Barton of Tarboro while nwiaiiiccs at the Salisbury depot of the Southern Railway Com pany. Mrs. Wilson was suspected imrnedkteiy after tie theft was dis covered an-." ch&aei to Coiemse, Davi county, a tjitojsgg of fifteen miles and back to Salisbury. She had been the guest at a leading hotel the past two days and spent most of her time at the passenger station. The stranger is well dressed and of good aappeexance.-Newe and Observer the court house door in Tarboro "tlwJ government from the hands of on a Lountv. tns roiiowiog ae- ecribed real estate, vizi the spoilsmonger and the trafficker. A certain tract of land lying antj Deing situated in Edgecombe County, No. 3 Township, and more particular ly described and defined as follows: Said tract of land beinic the same that adjoins the lands of W. O. How ard on the South, Blount Bros on the East, G. W. Howard on the North and the lands of Dr. R. J. Grimes on the West; said tract of land being wall known as the S. E. Howard home place, and being the identi ca! land inherited from the late PoJJy Moore by the said S. E. How an, and beaig all of said land ex r pi those portions conveyed to said 0. Howard by F. S. Royster, (m'r. See deed recorded In bk. 92 p. 335 of the Edgecombe County Pub lic Registry, and F. S. Royster ad W. T. Purvis, Mortagees, see deed recorded inbk. 89 p. 188 of ftaid Registry as aforesaid; the said tract o land hereby conveyed con- t'-iaing 225 acres, more or less, and being the identical tract of land con veyed to the late Thos. H. Mayo by deeds 0f record in bk. 105 pp. 300 & 305 and by him devised to Millie Mayo, his wife and afterwards by ier conveyed to J. J. Spain and Rutx Worseley Jointly. This the 14th. day of Novemebr, 19 10. R. G. ALLS BROOK. Trustee WANTED. TO BUY PINE AND oak wood in car tots. Highest mar ket price. Write Theo T. Thomas, Tarboro. N. C BUM try employed. an consistently har a wife. If I live I must SVta teg URTKLMNTt I - I I Start WHBKwt Cant. " w.i o - - . UIU - - - - . - - . . ' shnfua each will carry a is. alter lis eanhngkt MlW.MM-MI.l.M..d..i. RAIN STY ON T. fL'S TRAIL. HHI Hi Till i I awe la i" i t raaaUcs. Mtoto. M wSmto as was la toe Whsto- mmmmm ' 1 ksrda aad vaga, ass K weaM hawe east atoa fTSJItt I Jl i J --- U . mm. - hwsa 'tnuahlarTliwrSTl g.. TT Si SS S lata TllM. it tm OsK H ffjSQ, m aa- tifkii.l lrfaMnir Temple Tarboro, Building W.C. Minister's Plea te Die The Rev. Thomas McKlaaav of this Ckr baa UMdkl Ut tfe rWiiM un a of four St tea to crass ham the ass "ws of their etaebrto chair to vetoes bias am a Mvtag deush. Blind from childhood, he was educated to the Indlm School tor the BHai. He le nt" a win tour la the rhumb and far vaara ASA rtrrwM A presch. 11 rioaUy gaw op th pulpit and took to Hu totter sea to lows: RoewieJt s trs. ' 1 haws been hkad from atrth. 1 Hational Panh OP TARBORO broken down all I ran do la to food where there will he aa sad to aspiration, aad where I atowly mtardered. Surely, under Ctrcwtostancef. it to the dtsky of State to take my life to Use paa way poaatoto, aa I am will ing and anxious that tt "I have the misfortune to Hre ID a 'tot a State which wkl not even execute Its totters stock that I mnv be electroiucted la a Off Raisey's chaar In New York. Ohio. New Jer sey or West VtogtBtoV With a sigh, Mr. MeKlneey confess "Bcl cam ed today that the Governors has Beg- wouae at lac ted to answer his appeal (or a toar paasaa. of an electric chair. I Mr- Automobile and God Catarrh Canot Bs Cured. with Local Applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease Catarrh to a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure to taken internally, and acts dlreectly on blood and mucuoa surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curs is not a quack medicine. It was prssribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients Is what produces such wonderful suits in curing Catarrh. Send for tes timonials free. F. j. CHENEY ft CO. Props Toledo Sold by Druggists, pries 76c. Take Hal. 'a Family Pills for eon stipation. MARRIED. Wednesday night, Dec. home of C. H. Splvey the scene of quite Carolina Day in Speed School. Speed Public School celebrated North Carolina Day Friday, carrying out the programme outlined by the State Board of Education, under the direction of Prof. W. A. Bridgers. In addition to this 4he pupils of the primary department under the tute lage of Miss Helen Edmondson, ren dered a programme of exercises ap propriate to Christmas. The fall term of this school has been successful. Hauling Burning Cotton. Thursday Theodore Fountain had several bales of cotton carried to town to sell. Before reaching here the driver discovered three of his bales were well afire. They were thrown out into a ditch which unfortunately was dry. Dante Well Attended and Enjoyed A largely attended and fUM mors enjoyed dance was given by the Tarboro Orchestra Thursday evening Among those taking part were: Miss Eliza Pender Louis Benton. Miss Bessie Onskill Tbad Hussey. Miss Dicto Howell Robert Rawto. Miss Mary GlJiam Thomas Farrax Miss E lzabeth Howard Russell Ctorl Miss Alice Pender Mercer Oatee Miss Lizzie Baker Henry Bryan Miss Sue Baker Sam Clark Mis3 Banche Williams Culver Tay lor . Miss Petit Authur Deberry Miss Pierce Jack Oatee Mtos Isabel Clark Pierre Walker I Mtos Margie Davis Frank Powell Miss Janie Kerr Abe Arnheim Miss Mary Davis Jim Mai leu Mis Ferebee John Chtshire to dlaoharuge the Rales from farther ooaaidraaion of hto 21 the lotion. If. as Leggett pretty rnarrtage, when hto charming daugh ter, Mtos Maud was wedded to j. v To many, winter is s Bryan of Rocky Mount, Elder J. W. trouble. The frost b Johnson officiating. fingers, chapped beads aad lias, chll- Mtoa Leigh Splvey. sister of the blahaa. colds bride was maid of honor and P W- skto proves this But Robcraon of Rocky Mount best fly before Buck leva a AirlU convinces The bride was very prettily dressed Burns, Boils. Piles. Cats Sores in white taffeta silk trimmed with seme aad Sprains. Only Sec. at orysbaL The brlil nsmsail won a oretlv em- i b rendered white drags. The parlor aad dinning room were of err tssetfuliv decorated to ferns c and other evergreens; end a good okd fashioned supper was served to the at our disposal ail the few guest, after which the bridal of the soil party took a motor car for Rocky of partial Mount, where the bride and groom hand. One of Us baarde" the 10 '.i train to- Tamp turea, which has Fhv en route to Ha venae Cube eral. u for their liriiisigaunn. the old roof tree of all The bride to a teacher of Edge- sens and dasightea oa that day combe while the groom ta a native three and of Pittsburg, Pens, but baa been in thus the sunny south tor the past four hoopttahla tabto gj tea old years as the efficient signal rpk man of the A. C L We wish them a long through life himttfm RnnH Imiu """""" 1 VTlo. im ftrx.oliVl naakia- Notice to hereby given that appttca- " f ... tions WW be made to the General As- PlacW Clark-Rajato Howard selytaPaJract authorizing the " ? Clark-Wlltom Royeter Town of Tarboro to Issue bends to extend and Improve the water sewerage system of said town. Paul Jones Mayor. Tarboro N. C. Dec. 15 1910. lTrrC ILrl ES0111 Hardware Co Stags: Kenneth Burgynn, Msrwhall cough since. It to I ever saw or heard of a Btaton. Dick Bonn, bod Bsnaa, wy u bl, no 60c. 1 00 Trial bet our Jenkins, tiowaro Hussey, ueav ; rM Guaranteed by W. H. , nowsra, jr., air. wenvwmj, m vm- I ' I Cbaperones: Mra. George Howard.Mn Of all the monopoltotto the one John Pender. Mrs. Frank Hart, Mrs we most deea Is he who rnooopolixes F. G. Davis, Mrs. J. M. Baker conversation and prevents us from y sretbine in our word. Strange as it may seem, Its usu Figures may not die, hut they afty the good Mver who has a bad 1 On the vary first of won't convince a boy that summer liver. A use diary he vacation davs are loneer Chan winter Many a man has snot a dollar to But ti tsars the first ex days at school . trying u gave a atokak His watt gaaaas seal began to ebb a tone. tads Winter's Trouble af the aMgiV agadast stofaajOta I " Maooo of jn the Oonrt of Law and nkaariiij of C 1 I 1 i w umeptoitiv amui o ouiio -Jn maav wav, Tsagkggtvlng U on Lutoad u aagwar aad oaswar or do-1 II II It A II E II A A A T O winter are not yet at hand. We have ThW Nov. lth. lTtS. verted product I A. T. WaJUBTON and tbos fraumal ttoa are otoeagtnso I I a:ea .edandfttoiptety tgtd. I ? I Dorse toBBjfji piaa. I awa r a i a a a a a e s. a i rarmtr. of Cdgoet.se oa. Jf W. LO t IN J A M I IN OC OUfN . 1 i BBBa SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai BBSBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa BBBl 5r -,--.fe-'r: illlM i I0H1 : IWIKBSiS I os. Farr:-.-a t7 SAVED FROM AWFUL DEATH I vs fifty Pup U pairs ai How an appalUng calamity In hto by two noted bears Pries tea family was prevented ts told by A. each, pay now. Delivery D. McDonald, of Fayettvllle. N. a and 9th Order at R. F. D. No. t. -My sumption." he writes she was thin and pals, had no sppetlts aaggggg to grow wotetar and as all remedies railed till King's New her.

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