Entered as second-class mail matter August 20, 1928, at the Post Office at Tryon, N. C., under the Act of Congress. March 3. 1879. lc t£lrc pailir bulletin lc TRYON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1929. No. 48 Vol. 2. A Marriage Miss Helen Lockhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lockhart was married Sunday afternoon at Hendersonville to Mr. Orion Orr of that city. The young couple will live in Tryon for the present. Near East Relict Campaign Was a Great Success Here A total of $726.80 was raised in Tyron for the Near Relief. $278 of this amount was raised through the Near East Sale. $548.80 was raised by subscrition. This amount will be increased by other donations. Mrs. John Orr is the general chairman. Dr. Clark’s Book “The Challenging Christ*’ Is Non) Oil The Press The unusual- a religious book that is so fascinating that it keeps you in terested all the way through is the way in which Dr. John Brittan Clark has written his book “The Challenging Christ” published by Fleming H. Revell Co., New York City, and now on sale at Missildine’s, Blue Ridge Weavers, and Mt. Industries. Challenging us to make greatest in our lives what was greatest in Christ's, the book takes up six questions and answers about Christ as follows: “What was Christ’s Greatest Deed? . . Thought? . . Word? . . . Hope? . . Grief? . . Victory?” Each of these chapters is written in beautiful, simple language and reveals the spiritual messages in words that visualize in the mind the soul of Christ. Like a detective story each chapter keeps you guessing for the answer. Like a newsy letter you feel that you are getting inside dope on a famous character. Each sentence each paragraph entertains and enlightens you all the way through and at the end leaves you with the feeling that you have been enriched with wholesome spiritual food. Thurs., ” 28th--4;30 p. m. Divine worship, Mr. Burnett preaching at Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mitchell who are in the Spanish Court, leave ' for their home at Pittsburgh Thursday i . . . . . . , P 1 aKT/VUe The Bulletin Prints ; This is their third season in Tryon. LOST on Hogback Mt. platinum stationery ; pin. Finder return to Bulletin office. j pgSpgg Reward.