Entered os second-class mail mactei August 20, 1928, «t the Post Office at Tryon, N. C.. under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879.' ic %\}t fluUetitt lc TRYON, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1930. Vol. 3. Carnival tonight Parish House. A masquerade dance.- Refresh -Qmcnts. Booths selling "wares. A great time. Lots of fun. Bring your girl. Admission 50c. Froetures Skull in Fall f Mrs. Early Middleton of Saluda fell from a wagon this morn ing as it ran against the curb. Her head hit the and fractured her skull. Condition serious. Her son was driving the wagon. She is a sister of Mr. James A. Pace. Rare Treat At Library Wednesday Mrs. Parkhurst will give piano numbers at Lanier club meeting Wed nesday at 3:30. Introductions and descriptions by Mrs. Peattie. Visitors especially invited. Man Drops Dead #Mr. Wofford Hutchinson, age 63, Landrum farmer drop ped dead yesterday afternoon about 4:30 while walking railroad track going home. Deceased was tenant on Mr. J. L. Brown’s place. Survived by wife and several children White at Lynn Church Rev. Chas. Trammel announces that Prof. P.S. White will conduct prayer service Thursday night at the Lynn Baptist church. tEtye bulletin prints ffottotyeatos No. 28