Entered u second-class mail mattei August 20, 1928, .1 the Pott Office at Tryou, N. C., under the Act of Congress, March 5, 1879. ic tElje pailg bulletin lc TRYON, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1930. Vol. 3. Rotarians And Guests Hear Mrs. Campbell at Luncheon Mrs. John C. Campbell of Brasstown, N. C. Folk School opened the eges of Rotarians and mang of their guests at luncheon todag when she told of the wonderful work being done at the Brasstown school where whole families are transformed mentallg and economicallg, and are offered education in books, manners , better home making, farming methods and every improvement in life worth while to make mountain people self-sustaining. George H. Bradleg Dead Mr. George Hampton Bradley, age 46, prominent Tryon groceryman, dropped dead from heartfaiiure this morning about 8 o’clock on the highway in front of his Valhalla home where \ he was waiting for Mr. R.O. Andrews to bring him to town in his car. When Mr. Andrews arrived accompanied by Mr. D. S. BloiS, the body of Mr. Bradley was lying face down in the road. Coronet* Earle Grady was summoned and attributed death to heartfaiiure. Funeral services Sunday 2 p.m. at the Columbus Presbyterian church. Mr. Bradley was born in Polk County and has been in the Groceiy business for many years. Once he was in the wholsale business in Spartanburg and was a salesman throughout this section. He came to Tryon for his health about two years ago and opened a grocery store. The deceased is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Annabel Cannon, daughter of Mr. W.A. Cannon of Lynn and seven children: Elizabeth 16, Billy 12, George 11, Ruth 8, Emily 3 and twins three months old David Dewit and Daniel McFarland. Three sisters and one brother also survive: Mrs. Carrie Wilkins and Boney Bradley of Spindale, Mrs. Collett Wil liams and Mrs. Oliver Hill of Rutherfordton.» % • tiElfe fStoUetin Prints fCettedfeafcs No. 31