Entered as second-class mail matter August 20. at the Post Office at Tryon. N. C. under the Act of Congress. March 3, 1879. ic tfrtye tJtrjMm pail# Bulletin lc Vol. 3. TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1930. No. 46 Charleston Singers Tonight At Strand Theater. “Befo de War” singing will feature the con cert which is 6 iven for the benefit of St. Luke Hospital. 1 Interesting Kiwanis Meeting . Held today at Landrum Imperial hotel in charge of W.B. Weigel who gave an interesting talk on Hawaii. Tryon song written by Dr. John Brittan Clark, dedicated to the Kiwanis dub, was sung first time. It is reproduced on page 2of the Bulletin. Announcement was made by Dr. Clark of the founding of the Jack Thornton Underprivileged Child Fund, which started with a gift of $5 froth Jack Thornton, a young man who died a few days ago. He wanted to help somebody and he gave his birthday money to help feed the hungry little children who attend Polk County or Landrum schools. Dr Clark told about it in Erskine church Sunday week and the congregation responded with nearly $230 more to add to it. In addition to this amount the Kiwanis club has already a fund of S3O which started from a gift of Mj. J.N. Jackson, Supt. P.S. White has already bought some school books for a few children unable to buy them. These books are to be returned at the end of the year for use to some other similar chil dren. Anyone desiring to contribute to this fund may dp so by get ting in touch with Chmn. J.S. Massenburg or Secretary Sptfa At. Vin ing. jr f Wofford College Glee Club and Orchestra will give a concert at the Parish House Wednesdag evening at 8 P.M. « RESERVATIONS FOR TRYON’S Fifth Annual Horse & Hound Show ON SALE AT THE MOUNTAIN INPUSTRIES NO RESERVATIONS HELD WITHOUT REMITTANCE 11111 11 - ■ ll - ■" "