Entered as second-class mail matter August 20, at the Post Office at Tryon, N. C. under the Act of Congress. March 3, 1879. le %\\t jßctilg bulletin lc TRYON, N. G, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930. Vol. 3. Republicans Elect Delegates Tryon Township Republicans met last night at Lynn School auditorium and elected the following delegates to the Counry convention April 2: Delegates, Marvin Edwards, W.N. New man, J. L. Underwood, jr., W. W. Ballard, Louis Lehman, Fred E. Swann, N.B. Jackson; Alternates: Jno. Panther, Jno. J. Fisher, W. S. McCall, T. A. Rippy, Geo. Smith, Spurgeon Arledge, A.H. Williams. A. .N. Kunkle was re-elected township chairman. Geo. Smith was nomi nated for constable. Big Baptist Meeting To Be Held at Columbus Sundag The three Baptist churches of which Ret). Chas. B. Trammel is pastor will meet in union service Sundag morning at 11:30 at the Columbus Baptist church. Mill Spring and Lgnn are the other two churches joining the meeting. Great work has been done hg Mr. Trammel in this field and a large attendance is expected to swell the church in Columbus Sundag morning. “The Desert Song” at Strand A famous Warner Bros, production, will be shown tonight and Mon day at the Strand theatre. Strange customs of the desert . . . finest Ara bian horses, a chorus of 100, Vitaphone’s first opperatta, colorful, en chanting,, a succession of song sequences that stir with throbbing in tensity. Featuring John Boles, Caplotta King, Louise Fazenda, Myrna Loy, Johnny Arthur. > v. > ‘ •'>|!V l&tye prints |Ccttctlfeabs RESERVATIONS FOR TRYON’S Fifth Annual Horse & Hound Show ON SALE AT THE Mountain Industries NO RESERVATIONS HELD WITHOUT REMITTANCE No. 50