Entered as second-dass mail matter August 20, at the Post Office at Tryon, N. C, under the Act of Congtess. March 3, 1879. Ic tElje %r\saxi P«i% Putldin lc Vol. 3. TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1930. Starts Census Wednesday Appointment of more than 220 census enumerators to have charge of taking the census for the fifth district of North Carolina, was announced Saturday by Supervisor O. L. Fitzgerald, of Asheville. It is estimated that it will re quire four weeks to complete the census in the more isolated sections of the country. The enumerators appointed for Polk county are as follows: Dewitt Helton, Mill Spring; Joe N. Walker, Mill Spring; Hugh M. ) Thompson, Saluda; Mrs. Leila M. Norman, Tryon; John T. Gilbert, Co lumbus; William A. Greene, Fingerville, S. C.; and Mrs. Lela M. Wom ack, Mill Spring.- Funeral For Mrs. Grady Funeral services for Mrs. Earl Grady were held this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Episcopal church with the Rev. C. P. Burnett officiating. Burial at Tryon cemetery. Mrs. Grady died Sunday morning about 2 o’clock following several months iHnessJpu:- viving are her husband, Dr. Earl Grady and two Mr. Keith Grady and Miss Elizabeth Grady. The debased befjfe her marri age was Miss Lilly Wilcox, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. L N. Wil cox pioneer citizens of Tryon. One brother, Mr. Frank S. Wilcox of Try on also survives. Mrs. Grady was a leader in everything for the welfare of this community, and was a Helping Hand to many a stranger in need. She was active in church work, Lanier dub, Woman’s Hospital Board, and other dvic organizations. The pallbearers were Messrs. E.E. Missil . dine, Prentice Luckey, A.J.Jervey, M.CPaJmer, J.Foster Searles, F.P.Bacon fEdw. Frost, G.H Holmes, Julian Calhoun, GW.Ballenger, J.B.Hester, sr., R.O Andrews, JNJ. Jackson, D.S.BJois, CP.Rogers, Geo.A. Cathey, A. A. Merrick, W.H.Stearns, B.S.Sharp. Gymkahana Judges Named Mr. Carter Brown has generously invited all horseback riders to attend a Southern barbecue at Hannon Field Tuesday at Ip. m. This indudes all visitors who can get horses. A Gymkahana program starts at 2:13, to whyh the public is invited to witness. The barbecue guests will take part in the Gymkahana which consists of these races: Egg and Spoon, Can, Wheelbarrow, Romeo and Juliet, Cap and Sweater. Mile Dash, Musical Chairs, Judges are Messrs. Multord,. Lester, Scheidenhelm. Starters, Mr. Ben Mosser, Mr. Pierce Ward. Master of Fidd, Mr. Sam Abernathy. REMEMBER: There are no charges. The barbecue for the horse riders and the Gymkahana for public • No. 51