Entered as second-class mail matter August 20, at the Post Office at Tryon, N. C. i* undet the Act of Congress. March 3, 1879. 1 It ' lc %\\t tTrpoij Bntl.p ©it 1 1 din lc "T Vol. 3. TRYON, N.C., SATURDAY, JAN. 10 1931. » Est. 1-31-28 Padertewski at Spartanburg -Spartanburg is to be the Mecca for the mu sicians and music lovers of the Carolinas on the evening of January 30 th, when Pade rewski, the world’s greatest living pianist, is to give a concert in the ; Converse College Auditorium. • \ < . r-'- ;. ; / ■_ 1 Trgon, Columbus Split By Mattie Green J%.., Tryon Basketball teams"came back yestet- ;*1 from Gtamlin, after Playing Columbus down there vvith a fifty-fifty proposition. Tryon girls beat Columbus girls 20 - 5. Columbus, boys beat Tryon boys 13 - 2 Mr. Eargleof Columbus was referee for. the boys. Mr. Caldwell.of Tryon was ref eree for the girls. At The Churches ' - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH : “Present Values ip The Lord’s Supper” is the subject of the sermon, 11 A. M. B.Y.P.U. and Sunday School at* the usual hours. CHURCH: Holy Communion 8 A.M. Morning prayer and sermon 11 A.M. | ' CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH: Sermon 11 A.M. Dr v Clark preach tng.Subject, “There is away.”