v v. ' r k V Entered as second-class mail matter August 20. at the Post Office at Tryon. N. C. undei the Act of Congress. March 3.1679. « ic iTlie iErrimi paily Bulletin lc - TRYON, N.C.. THURSDAY, FEB. il 1931. Vol. 4. P.T.A. Meets Monday Miss Harriett'Parsons of New Hartford, Conn, will be the chief speaker at the Tryon P.T.A. Monday afternoon. Her sub ject will be “Interior Decorating for Schools & Homes.” Those Observing tea, Mrs. Seth M. Vining, Mrs. C!N. Sayre, Mrs. J. T. and Mrs. J.W. Taylor. V V . Trtjon, Green Creek Split . Trgon and Green Creek basketball teams split Tues night at Landrum . Trgon girls iron their game 41 to 5, but the lofcal bogs lost theirs to Green Creek bg a large margin. p Drama Fortnightly Tonight ' The second perfprmdnte of the Drama Fortnight .ly will be given tonight, presenting “Nothings \ But The Truth.” '•'[ # Bread Fire Cents . *-J * , The Bread advertised in today's A&P Ad should be 5 ceijts for a pound loaf instead of seven cents- The change in price arrived after the advertisement had been printed. The price is tor, Friday and Saturday. ' SSOQ Raised; Need S9OO Chairman W.A.Schilletter announces that $506 has been raised here jor Red Cross work in the drought stricken area * S9OO is pur quota. Contributions may b\ left atjMissildinefj. Pharmacy. ' The need is urgent. \ The Bulletin $1.50 a Year • ■■ $ - , v < •* '‘'-v'-. . , ,/r ... » •• a***- >«. ' t■. * t s > • . ; ■ i ■ - l. Est. 1-31-28