Entered as secpnd-class mail matter August 20, at the Post Office at Tryon, N.C. under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. i tllfc tErjimt pulktin Vol. 4 TRYON, N.C. SATURDAY, APRIL 25 1931. ——— ; y At The Churches PRESBYTERIAN: 11 a.m. at Trgon. Rev. McGeachtj preaching. Subject: 6< The End of the Wag.” at Co lumbus at 8 p.m. • y FIRST BAPTIST: «What Christ Jesns Did for Me” ) is the sermon subject, 11 a.m. Sundag school 10 a.m. 'and B.Y.P.U. 7:30 p.m. CONGREGATIONAL: 11 A.M. Dr./. B. Clark preaching. No N ew Citi| Candidates Filing time for city and school officers closed last night with the follorw ing names to go on the ballot May sth: For Mayor: E. E. Missildine; Commissioners , vote for three only: C.W.Badenger, T.W. Ballew, R. S. Jackson, Fred E. Swann, Geo. A. Cathey. For School Board, no op position: Nelson Jackson, Jr., fames Lankford, D.S Blois. For Cemetery Commission'. Mrs. F.K.McFarland, Mrs. A.A.Merrtck, TS.Ford. Miss Bomar, Art Vice-President Miss Bomar, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Bomar, was elected vice-president of the Southeastern Art Association which closed yesterday ft* in Spartanburg. A' luncheon was given at the Baptist church in honor of Miss Bomar for her efforts in making the convention an outstanding ■ f ' success. Alan Rogers sang two solos at the chief meeting. The beautiful gardens of Spartanburg were thrown open to the visitors and tea. was served at Converse college. Among those attending from Tryon were Mrs. J.B.Hester, Mrs. Helen M .> Bates, Mrs. N. B. Jackson, Dr. and Mrs. Bomar, Miss Alva Jackson. Special Service at Methodist Special revival services for young people will be held Sunday night at the Methodist church where Rev. H. F. Duncan is conducting the ser vices. Special seats reserved for the young people. The B.Y.P.U. will attend m a body after their meeting. Members of the High School chorus are invited to form the choir. Mr. Duncan has done special work at Young Peoples Conferences. ./ Est. 1-31-28