Entered as secoad-ciass mail matter August 20, at the Post Office at.Tryon, N. C. under the Act of Congress, March 3,1879 %\ }t tUrnim pailxr Bulletin TRYON, N.C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1931. Vol. 4 Red Cross Meetinq A meeting of those interested in the Bed Cross was held in office of Mr. Hester at 4 p.m. Tuesday* The Treasurer, Mr. Hester, reported cash on hand as $128.48. Mrs. Geo. A. Cathey reported fuse the committee on Civilian Relief that they had spent about S4O, had distributed a good deal of clothing and had furnished necessary household utensils for * family that had been burned out. Mr. Schilletter reported that for Dis aster Relief Committee for the farmers in the West we bad contributed $697 which was just $3 less than the-quota assigned us. It seemed to he the general opinion that the services of the Red Cross would be much needed this coming winter. The following officers and committee chair men were appointed: President W.A.Schilietter, Secretary M. I. Flentye, Treasurer J.B.Hester, Sr., Roll Call Chairman Mrs. Hume Fraser, Civil ian Relief Mrs. Geo. A. Cathey, Publicity S. T. Wood. Ballenyer Buys Man’s Store • The Man’s Store was sold to the Ballengter Co* this morning as the highest bidder lor $1,650.00. A good number of oat of town bidders were present. ; Ray Jackson at Ballenyer’s Rag Jackson has taken a position with the Ballenger Co. where he will he manager of the drg goods de partment. Mr. Jackson has many friends throughout the county who will be glad to know that he is to te* * main in Tryou. * World Series Philadelphia 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 o—6 8 Louis 0 0 „ 0 o—2 12 Est. 1-31#8