The Bulletin is still beinq traded for farm products. Entered as second-class mail matter August 20, at the Post Office at Tryon, N. C. under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879 %\Jtailir Bulletin TRYONj N.C. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1931. Vol. 4 Interesting P. T. A. Party Tryon P. T. A. met last night at the school house. Following a brief business session, representatives of all the grades imper sonated characters in books as an observance of book week. A delightful musical program was rendered with Mr. V.H. Tanner on the violin Mrs. H. V. Tanner at the piano and Miss Byrd Austel, voice soloist. A spelling bee followed until both sides tried to spell Dicotyledones. Delicious refreshments were served in the cafeteria. Mrs. Jewett Dead News has reached Tryon of the death this morning of Mrs. Gertrude Jewett in Asheville. Mrs. Jewett was a frequent guest here and spent last winter at Melrose Lodge. Her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Jewett were with her at the time in the Manor. Interment at Detroit. J.N.Jackson Heads Kiwanis J. S. Massenburg gave an interesting autobiography of his life today at Kiwanis. The following officers were elected for ensuing year: Rcesi detlf, J. N. Jackson, Vice-Presidents, John Artz and Geo. Cathey, Secre tary Seth M. Vining, Treasurer and District Trustee. G J. Lynch. pieec tors: Ralph Jackson, R. L. McNeely, W. H. Stearns, R. H» Beady, J. hoc Lavendar, C. P. Rogers, Dr. John Brittan Clark. Rep. W. A , Black, for four years pastor of the Erskine Memorial Church of Tryon, and his 'wife recently celebrated their Golden Wedding at Sioux Falls , 5. £>. where they now reside. The tea advertised in the Bulletin for the Ml. Industries was a success last Saturday. Another will be hdd Wednesday afternoon. TENNIS FINALS: Maxed doubles Wednesday after noon; S. Rimers and t Rogers vs. C. Burtenshau) and T. Wilcox, Est. 1-31-28