The Very Reverend Vincent Taylor. Abbot of the Catholic diocese of which Polk County is a part, will of ficiate at the 8:30 Sunday morning Mass at St. John’s Catholic Chutch. Mrs.S.T.Crapo and daughter, Miss Mary, left Friday for Washington and Detroit, Mr. Crapo joined them in Charlotte. '‘Old Time Knowledge” and “Find ing a Refuge” are Rev. D. M. Me- Geachy’s subjects Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p. m respectively at Tryon and Columbus. Little Miss Pauliue Shankle has re- I kurned home from a visit with relatives Win Landrum. Prof, and Mrs. M. E. Oaks and son, Bobbie from Buffalo, N. Y. are guests of Mrs. Oak’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Thorne of Lan drum. UPSTAIRS OVER POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE DR. J. E. DERBY DENTIST PHONE 281 TRYON. N.C. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Drink *Grade A MILK JOHNSTON’S DAIRY Phone 224-R4 tor Your Porto ICE Cream 40 c quart at Home Ice & Creamery 50 c delivered. PHONE 149 MAKE THINGS BRIGHTER WITH Paints —— ~i Arledge Hardware Co. Tryon, N. C. FOR INFORMATION OR SERVICE ON ANY Life Insurance CALL OR SEE Hoyt O. Prince PHONE 49 Landrum, S. C. i .... ■