BROADCLOTH ShirtS SANFORIZED, guaranteed not to shrink. All colors. Collar attached. Sizes 14 to 17. Full cut. fe QSr -= THIS IS THE FIRST TIME A SANFORIZED SHIRT HAS BEEN OFFERED AT TFIIS PRICE. WHITE DUCK TROUSERS . H -°o White Duck TROUSERS, Sanforized # striped, Light TROUSERS, aniorized # s'|.so | The BALLENGER Co. Dr. Keller Comments laffcif column we will publish foe a Sew weeks a ddr mwaifnr by Dr. Lewis H. Keller, a summer resident of Tryoo. Heard on die streets of Try on: “Let me incroduceyou to~Excnse me. I forget the name.” There are others. It sounded good to me. I know bow be bit I bare new, dear good friends whose names go on a hike when I meet them. But, goodness knows I lore them and shall Jove them till Kingdom come. Miss Mary Hamilton of Lexington, Va. Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. George Blakely. Mrs. Ralph Lane retains Sunday to Canton, Ga. after a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Grayson New man. Her brother; Walter Newman will accompany her. L, A. Avant is spending the week end at Orangeburg, & G His aunt, Mrs. H. A. McDougald, accompanied him. ‘Bulletin $1.30 a Year Drink Grade A MILK JOHNSTON’S DAIRY Phone 224-R4