Entered as second-class mail matter August 20, at the Post Office at Tryon, N. C. under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879 tUlie ilrjyott path) bulletin Vol. 5 TRYON, N.C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1932, Est. 1-31-28 NEWS is the heart and soul of the Bulletin. Every party or visitor you or your friend has helps to make this little paper sought by people in general be cause it tells about you. Telephones 174 & 124 R 4 Hats Oif at Kiwanis * 6 Hats off to a Derbg”was the spirit in which. JKiwaa iaus received Dr. J.E.Derbg's talk todag when he told of the necessity for proper diet in preeenting tooth decag. Guests: Dr. Keller, M.R. McGowan. Big Ape Draws Crowd «Tarzan, the Ape Man drew a Mg crowd last night at the opening of the Trgon Theater. 6 A good show’ sag those who saw it. Tonight is the last night. Clubs Exchange Speakers Civic clubs of WNC arc exchanging speakers to further better co-operation between the towns to our mutual benefit. Tryon Rotary will have a visitor Friday. Tryon Kiwanis wi# have next Tuesday, D. Hidden Ramsey of Asheville Citizen-Times for whom we swap J.N. Jackson who will speak before the ABC in Asheville. Boy Scouts meet tonight, 7:30 at schoolhouse. Saturday’s issue of the Tryon Daily Bulletin carried 25 news items about Tryon and Polk County. The Herald of same date carried only 25 news items about Spartanburg and the whole of Spartanburg county. This just shows you that the little Bulletin is serving its people locally as good as the larger dailies serve their com munities locally. And best of all it proves that the loyalty and thought fulness of our friends in telephoning us the news or giving it to us on the street is worth more than the services of a large paid staff of writers. The more news you send us the better acquainted we all become and the more we know of each other the better friends we become.