Entered as second-class mail matter August 20, at the Post Office at Tryon, N. C. under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879« Wqt %x\jan pulldin TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPT 1, 1932. Voi. 5 P.T.A. Committees I, The Committees, for the Try on P.T.A. have been appointed the coming year, with the exceptions of the Program Com imrtee which will be announced later. They are as follows; : -WAYS and MEANS: Mesdames W. C. Ward, W. Y. Wilkins, C. N. Sayre, W, W. Creasman, N. B. Jackson, Frank McFarland, MEMBERSHIP: Mesdames W.F, Little, R.H. Milliken, R. S. Jackson, Nelson Jackson, W. A- Schilletter. SOCIAL: Mesdames fCL. Shelnutt, Dick Taylor, Marvin Edwards. * LIBRARY: Mesdames C, WSfetJtell, Lois Preston and Miss Thelma Mills. PUBLICITY: Mesdames J.H. and Miss Estelle CAFETERIA; Mesdames C.>i^l r Morgan, Lois KpHBfJ.H. Rion. WELFARE: Mesdames A,, J. Jervey, J. S. Addie Daniel. Rotarij Meets Friday at 1 Oak Hall hotel. R. C. Burnett in charge of the program. J. S. Massenburg, chief speaker. * School Opened Today Trgon Graded School opened today with an en rollment of 370 pupils. The principal address was made hg Dr. Lewis H. Keller of Dagtona Beach, Fla. His daughter, Miss Fannge Keller, > rendered a selec / tion on the piano. I f ■ ■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■ " ■_ ■■ —>, The hicgcle of Henrg Shankle, Jr. up taken in front of Missildine’s Drug Store, Tues 4% between 200 and 3 o’clock. >Ve know the partij that Jicrs it. *4r Adv. ' - ‘ •* .-I*. * ■ Est. 1-31-28