—■ : NESS—- : 1! NEW ERA SERVICE STATION JOHN KITTRELL, Manager GULF PRODUCTS GOODRICH TIRES ‘ ‘Courtesy — Service ’ 1 JOIN THE SILVERTOWN SAFETY LEAGUE. FREE TO EVERYBODY /. M. Brady, of Landrum, father of R, H. Brady of Tryon, is a patient at St. Lukes hospital. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY at WILLIAMS MEAT MARKET: Fresh native and western meats. Stew Meats 7 l-2c; Roast 10, 12 12, 15 and 20c: Sausage 15c; Liver 10 and 20c; Chuck Steaks 12 l-2c. Charlie Sweet, Chicago, will ar rive Sunday for a short visit with Mr. and Airs. H. J. Farnham. pj Mrs. Adelaide Kidder and daughters, Hazel and Sybil of Brookline , Mass, will visit here for a few days while enroute to California. LOST: Black and white female Pointer Dog, and two black puppies. Owner’s name on collar. Reward if returned to Kenneth Anderson, phone 181 R 5. Near Edney’s garage in the Valley, - Why Grumble and Whine About The Price? We Sell It Cheap! John B. Stetson Hats , SI,OO Men’s Peters Shoes 75c; $1.45 1.98 Boots, all leather . . 3.95 Rubber Boots . . . 1.75 President Work'Shirt Shirts . .50 Men’s Suits * 3-95 Girls Dresses .35 Men’s Union Surfs . .65 FURNITURE STOCK COMPLETE We Sell For Less J. C. BROWN LANDRUM. S. C. Real Estate - Rentals W. M. HESTER Sales Manager Gillette Estates PHONE Mr. and Mrs. R.M. McCown are visiting in Darlington, S, C, The Highway Dept, is paving Ruther fordton St. in Landrum. /S Dr. Grady held a/coroner’s inquest yesterday afternoon over the body of Richard Sander/ colored, who was killed Sunday night in an auto wreck, JThe jury was composed of W.L. Bur ner, foreman, L. F. Buchanan, B. Glover, Jno. Panther, J, B. Hester, Howard Harrison and rendered a ver dict that stated tha/ the victim came to his death by an unavoidable auto acci dent. MAGIC Garrett, magician gf'w ill de light Tryon with his mysterious magic. Friday September 30th. at 8 P.M. in the Auditorium of the Tryon School Admission 10 & 23c.