Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Veeck, Chicago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Bird, while enroute to Florida. Mrs. Veeck is a sister of Mrs. Bird. Mr. Veeck is president of the Chicago Cubs. Mrs. S. Hendrie returns Thursday to Detroit after a visit with Mrs. G. L. Canfield who will accompany her to Detroit for a short visit. Mrs. John Brittan Clark was hostess to an interesting meeting of the Women’s Society ofErskine Memorial Church yesterday afternoon. The Society has donated 66 books to the folored school library. In November here will be a Hospitality evening meeting when all the church members will be invited. Dr. Charles G. Sewell will be the chief speaker. The com mittee appointed to arrange for the meeting and refreshments are: Mrs. Nellie Parker, Mrs. Nelson Jackson, Mrs. L.A.Avant, Mrs. Willis Parsons, Mrs. Seth Vining. THURSDAY October 27th The Aug. W. Smith Co. will again show a com % plete line of New Fall y ' DRESSES—COATS HATS—and TIMELY ACCESSORIES .... « iy Mountain Industries DON’T FORGET THE DATE - October 27th The Aug. I V. Smith Co. SPARTANBURG, S. C. WESTINGHOUSE Dual-Automatic y Electric Refrigerator (y/ N. B. JACKSON Telephone 149 , * SHOW ROOM AT ICE PLANT. SPECIALS No. 8 Cook Stove , $12.50 Colonial Range 27.50 Knox good Cook Range . 35.00 Hornet Laundry Heater . 5.50 Rex Coil Heater . \ 9.95 Blue Cabinet Enameled Range 49.00 Double Deck Springs , 8.00 Iron Beds . 4.95 Coil Springs . . 2,50 Mattresses . $4.00, $6.00 and 10.00 3 P. Living Room Suites S2O, $34.00 and $48,00 We Sell For Less J. C. BROWN r Silverware Beautiful Sterling and Plate. Come see it! Jones & Peeler It is good policy to patronize the public servant who serves you best. Cheaper rates, longer hours, speed, accuracy and courtesy. Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. Office Phone 162. Residence Phone 147 G. E. BELL, Manager INSURANCE , Fire, Casualty, Bonding, Automobile, Life. We never write more insurance than can be collected. Tryon Realty & Insurance Company