APPRECIATION Continued from Page One high in his praise off Tryon Boy Scouts who have assisted him for several years in parking cars and acting as guides at the Horse Show and other activities at Harmon Field. The Scouts have taken an active part in other civic affairs. Mr. Lynch never stopped with just words df praise; he showed his appreciation each year by having a picnic or supper of some kind for the boys and always found them just as eager to co-operate at the picnic as he did when they wei-e in line of duty. If you like to en courage this kind of spirit in the coming men of the community, give something to promote the Scout work for this year. John Walker, who recently un derwent an appendix operation, is convalescing at St. Luke’s hospi tal. Mrs. L. J. Keels has returned from Chester, S. C. Now enjoy HOT WATER Electrically at low cost. . , Electric Service bill, i -*- **.}: 1 Southern PublfcUtilities |jfc^^fld B Fri£y M - TUeSday ~ WBT M - M °"- Tryon’s Theatre Only Qumiiiiimiiiiimmiiiaiiii nnnnmu»ninuumnn,