ENTERED AS. SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3. 1879 ®{£ (Ermnt Shilu Vol. 8 TRYON, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1935 Est. 1-31-28 Young Musicians Coming to Try on ». Ernest and Miles Mauney, twin tlons of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. 'TVlauney of Kings Mountain will be guest artists on Monday evening, April 22, at the Parish House, when they will appear at Miss Cora Lipscomb’s recital. These young pianists are only ten years rild and play compositions of Schubert, Frimil and others in a masterly manner. Golf Tournaments Two tournaments will be held this week-end at the Tryon Coun try club. The first will be held Gn Friday for the ladies. A beau tiful cup has been donated by J. C. Kimberly for the winner and it is now on display at Missildine’s. All visitors desiring to enter the \>urnament are requested to phone Zarry Brooks, the pro, and arrange for handicap. The second tournament will jbe held on Saturday for the men sfnd the attractive cup for this event has been donated by H. H. Parm alee of Tryon and New Jersey. Mr. Parmalee has also donated a cup for next week’s tournament. Good Friday Services Tomorrow will be Good Fridiay. Services will be held in the Church of the Holy Cross at 11 a. m., and at 4:30 p. m. Bishop Touret will preach the Good Friday sermon at the morning service. Court of Honor Friday Evening The Polk County Boy Scout Court of Honor will meet Friday evening at 7:30 at the Tryon high school building. The Horse Show It was a big success. Large (crowd. Beautiful horses. Good weather. A report of the Horse and Hound Shows appears in to day’s Asheville Citizen and is be ing l-eproduced in this week’s Polk County News. The Citizen also published a number of photographs of the show. Today’s Spartanburg Herald also carried a good story written by Wilton Garrison the spcrts editor. Echoes of the Horse Show will be published from time to time as they come in. The so cial affairs in connection with the show were all delightful. The events attracted people from near ly every state in the Union and some from Canada. Miss Edna Hague Heads Normal’s Student Body Miss Edna Hague, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hague of of Columbus, has been elected president of the Asheville Normal and Teachers college student body for the 1935-36 school year. Miss Hague is making an outstanding record at college. She is a leading member of the school debating team and has been making trips to other colleges in the South representing Asheville Normal.