Entered as second-class matter august 20, 1928, at the post office AT TRYQN, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 ®[£ ®rgon Vol. 8 TRYON, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1935 Tennis Results J. Lee Lavendair defeated Dud ley C. Smith in the Tryon Tennis Association tournament the other day and left only four players in the tournament. Lavendar will now play Waverly Hester and Fred McLaughlin will play Julian Hes ter. Edith Preston Will Teach at Columbus Miss Edith Preston of Tryon, who is now director of physical education at Erskine college, and one of the best basketball and tennis players in this section, has been! elected to teach in the gram mar grades of the Stearns school at Columbus where she will also coach the girls’ basketball team. Wines In* North Carolina Now that the making of wine has been legalized in North Caro lina the Fayetteville Observer thinks that a survey is in order to determine the possibilities of scuppernong grape production in thiat part of the State .... Tryon wines were achieving quite a reputation before prohibi tion put a stop to their manufac ture. It will be interesting to see whether this manufacture is now revived.—Asheville Citizen. Visit to Museum. Is Postponed The pilgrimage to the Colburn Museum in Asheville has been postponed until Tuesday afternoon on account of the weather. Any one desiring to visit this most in teresting collection of rare Indian relics, minerals and gems of Wes tern North Carolina should make reservations with Mrs. G. L. Can field at once. The entire trip will cost only $1.50. State Test Winners Are Announced The Tryon students making the highest scores in the recent state standard achievement test are as follows: Fourth grade—Dean Root, Hol land Brady, Cole Brundage. For Fifth grade John Buddy Moore, (average Bth grade, 9th month); Seth M. Vining, Jr. (av erage Bth grade, sth month); Wil liam Dobbyn, (average Bth grade, first month); Mary Moore, (aver age 7th grade, 9th month); Hope Schilletter, (average 7th grade, Bth month). For Sixth grade—Ruby Owens, Francis Chapman, Ethel Rushing. For Seventh grade—Mary Pal mer, Estelle Brownlee, Margairet Pace. Scouts Meet Tonight The Polk County Boy Scout Court of Honor will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Tryon school build ing. MJoving pictures will be a feature of the meeting. E,st. 1-31-28