Mr. and Mirs. Burwell Manning and their children, Burwell, Jr., Heath and Liela of Columbia, for merly of this city, are spending several weeks in Saluda, N. C., with Mr. Manning’s mother, Mrs. Richard I. Manning, at her sum mer cottage.—Spartanburg Herald. ** * * Mrs. Joe Whiteside is in Mary Black hospital, Spartanburg, where she had an appendix operation. ** * * Mi’, and Mrs. C. P. Rogers had as guests for dinner Sunday Sena tor and Mrs. Carl Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Blanton of Shelby. ** * * Mrs. W. A. Newell and daughter, Miss Olive, of Salisbury are oc cupying their cabin this week on Lynn road. ** * * President C. P. Rogers of the Felspar Milling Co., is attending a felspar meeting in Baltimore. The BULLETIN 51.50 a year Vanity Fair Ties New Shipment of Summer Ties Plaids, Checks, Stripes and Solids Men’s Bathing Suits Jockey, Trunks, Half Hitches, Speed and Combination Suits $1 to $3.95 The Ballenger-Jackson Co. FOR BEST PRICES Tryon young people, who are at tending the Christian Endeavor Conference at Montreat are Misses Mary Gaze, Mary Alice Buchanan, Ruby Williams, Mildi’ed Fite and Elizabeth Thackston. One quart of milk supplies about the same amount of bodily energy as 9 eggs, or 3-4 pound beefsteak, or 4-5 pound chicken, or 6 1-2 oranges, or 2 pounds potatoes, or 3 pounds string beans. All of these foods build health and are important in the diet. The com parison merely brings out the essential part that milk plays in contributing fuel or energy to thu*- diet. J PHONE JOHNSTON’S DAIRY NOW FOR GRADE -A- MILK Delivered to Your Door