Continued from Page One between the aerial observers over New York and Chicago, there will also be microphones at the Har vard University observatory, on the roof of the RCA building and in the Lang observatory in Cali fornia. In the airplane over Chicago will be Dr. Justin Lee, di rector of the Dearborn observatory, and Bob Brown NBC announcer, and in the New York plane will be Dan Russel, NBC announcer and an astronomer from Colum bia university. Dr. L. S. Andrews, of Harvard will also comment on the scientific aspects of the eclipse and John B. Kennedy on the roof of the RCA building will describe ft from the layman’s viewpoint.— Asheville Citizen. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Barnette and James Miller are on an extend ed visit to Illinois and other Mid western states. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackson, Jr., leave today for a visit in South Carolina resorts. If you had a range Hotpoint ELECTRIC RANGE DUKE POWER CO. PHONE 210 Carl Suavely, son of Coach Enavely of the University of North Carolina, is registered with the Boy Scouts this week at the Pied mont Scout Camp on Lake Lanier. RADIO and REFRIGERATION SERVICE on any make. Get B. L. LANCASTER at RADIO SER VICE, Landrum, S. C.—Adv. 3t. 13, 15, 17. Peoples Insurance Agency J. B. Hester, Mgr. j ALL KINDS of INSURANCE Phone 37 ! Hester Bldg. Tryon, N.^R i . ....... * Heal Estate - Rentals i W. M. HESTER Sales Manager Gillette Estates | PHONE 37 | $5.00 DOWN 30 s MONTH? TO PAY BALANCE