ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Satin Vol. 8 TRYON, N. C., THURSDAY, AUG. 1, 1935 Henry Denver, Col., July 28. Dear Folks:— Sta Arrived in Denver about 10 last 3 *ght. Woke up this morning and got s my first view of the Rockies. They are very rugged and look bare from here. Snow is on top of them. Oh, boy, is it cold out here at night. Hot in the day time. By the way, I saw Pike’s Peak al so. I will miss most of the moun tains the way I am going. Pm go ing up by Ft. Co'llins. My Ford runs like a sewing machine since I had my connecting rod bearings tightened up. Not a single knock. Tell Mr. Vining whore I am so he can put it in The Bulletin. I don’t have much time to wirite. So long. Will write again this afternoon. Henry, Jr. Pageant Tonight aaid next Thursday will be the last times local people will have the opportunity of seeing the beautiful Indian pageants presented at the Pied mont Boy Scout camp under the direction of Chief Sky Blue Eagle. Scou t Executive R .M. Schiele leaves on August 20 for Washing ton, D. C., to attend the Scout Jamboree where he will be the chief official recording the event. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 31. —Emperor Haile Selassie’s gov ernment—hoping for peace with Italy but carefully keeping its powder dry—-told the world in ringing language today Ethiopia’s indepenednce was not for sale or barter. Wood Re-Elected Head of C. of C. The annual meeting of the Tryon Chamber of Commerce was held Wednesday evening at Missildine’s Hall. Reports of the year's work were presented and showed that the business people of the community had been saved considerate money by refusing permits for freak ad vertising, prompt secretarial ser vices had been rendered during the year, lot of advertising and fold ers had been distributed, a deficit had been wiped out and a surplus of over SBO left in the treasury. A nominating comlmittee compos ed of R. S. Jackson. J. B. Hester and R. L. McNeely returned the following report which was adopt ed: President, S. T. Wood; vice president, Seth M. Vining; direc tors: B. L. Balkmger, E. E. Mis sildine, C J. Lynch, R. W. Stone, K. A. Bowen. Stone at Rotary Romaiine W Stone, well-known commercial advertising artist will give a talk on advertising on Fri day at the Rotary club which meets at Lake Lanier Inn at 1 p. m. The final program in the Moun tain Song and Dance festival at McCormick field here Saturday night will be broadcast over a nation-wide radio hook-up, it was announced yesterday by officials radio station WWNC. The broadcast will go over th > “red” network of the Nationa 1 Brcadcaisting company, and will last from 9:30 to 10 o’clock, eas tern standard time. Asheville Citizen. Est. 1-31-28