Silvette Winner Os Mural Award The following extract from a Richmond (Va.) newspaper) will be of interest to friends of Mr. and Mrs. David Silvette, who spent part of the winter in Tryon and painted a number of portraits here: “Drvid Silvette, Richmond ar tist, was today declared winner in the competition for a mural group for the courtroom of the New Bern, N. G., postoffice building. Thirty-one artists, a number of whom were from Richmond, sub mitted designs, Thomas C. Park er, chairman of the committee in general charge of the competition, said today. “Mr. Silvette, who won a SI,OOO pfrize in the third W. A. Clark prize contest at the Corcoran Biennial of American Painting, has for three years exhibited at the Carnegie international exhibi tion at Pittsburg. He is repre sented in a number of permanent art collections of museums and has exhibited at various times at the Richmond academy of arts shows.” Card from Carter P. Brown states that the crops are good in Michigan and that the Inn people enjoyed The Bulletin. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Bowes and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Flynn have returned from an extended visit at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn will leave the latter part of the week for Lake Michigan and Carter Brown’s Castle Park Inn. ; When you buy from us you are , assured of the best and at reasonable prices, get the habit of coming to— SLACK’S PHARMACY Look Ahead Be Modern four Next Cook Stove Should Be A Modern ELECTRIC RANGE Hotpoint, the automatic Elec t.dic Range, provides the mod ern way to cook. It brings a new freedom to women . . . new convenience . . . new clean liness ... a new order of life. Soon electricity will take the flace of old fashioned methods of cooking just as it has in lighting, washing, sweeping, etc. Be modern.. Let your next cdok stove be an electric range. Come in now. Learn all the startling facts about this mod ern method of cookery. See the beautiful new models at our store without delay. Hotpoint ELECTRIC RANGE Tune In —IVSOC 7:30 p. m. Tuesday; WDT 9:45 a. m. Monday , Wednesday, Friday DUKE POWER Company