N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE STOCKS Quotations Courtesy Post & Flagg, New York uity. Branch Office 715 Montgomery Bldg. Spartanburg. Dow-Jones Averages Industrials, 129.84 up .88 Railroads, 36.01 up .39 Utilities, 25.98 - up .35 (Closing) BII) ASK Am. Can 138% 140% Am. Radiator 17% 18 Am. Telephone 140 140% Borg Warner 47% 48 Burroughs Ad. M.— 17% 18 Consolidated Gas 28% 28% Chrysler Motors.—— 64% 65 DuPont 118 119% Gen. Electric 31% 31% Gen. Motors 44 44 % Int. Harvester 55% 56 Int. Nickel- 29 29% Montgomery Ward- 35% 35% Nat. Biscuit 28% 29 N. Y. Central - 24% 24% Penna. Railroad 28% 28% Radio —7% 7% Reynolds Tob. “B”_ 54% 55 Sears Roebuck 56% 57% Southern Railway— 9 9% Standard Brands— 13% 14 Stand. Oil of N. J— 45% 45% Texas Corp 20 20% Union Pacific 99% 99% United Aircraft 18% 18% United Gas Imp 15% 15% U. S. Steel 44% 44% Wool worth 61% 62 SPOT COTTON, 10.65; down .05 October 10.32 December 10.36 March 10.46 May 10.51 HAULING of all kinds. Sand, rock, gravel, etc. Call Ralph Hardin, telephone 56, Supreme Service Station.—Adv. 3t. PHONE JOHNSTON’S DAIRY NOW FOR orade-A-milk LOW DRUG PRICES for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY only! Coty’s Face Powder 69c Ipana Tooth Paste . . 39c Wine of CARDUI. 79c Wampole Cod Liver Oil. 79c 1 Pt. MILK OF Magnesia . . 19c Mineral Oil pt. 39c ALCOHOL Pt 18c 20 07 Nyseptol Month Wash . 49c Dr. West Tooth Brushes 39c 100 Aspirin Tablets . . 39c Fountain Syringes and Hot Water Bottles. 98c 1 Year Guarantee 15c RIT . . 11c Lots of other standard merchan dise at low prices. Visit our store Friday and Saturday and save money. You save money on your prescriptions. Bring us yours. We fill any doctor’s prescription. Compounded only by a registered druggist. Slack's PHARMACY